Mechanical Soul

Chapter 7 Changes in the Sky

In addition to paying attention to genius, the appearance of the Wing Shadow Demon God has also attracted the attention of most people. The mecha that can be put into the wheel of space is undoubtedly a huge leap in the combat ability of individual soldiers. It's just that the official said that the cost of producing this model under the current technology is 100 times, or even a thousand times the cost of producing normal mecha. There is no technical breakthrough to improve the combat ability of individual soldiers.

In the conference room of Yunlanxing Military Academy, a group of college bosses sat upright. After discussing the topics of the development of the college one by one, they quickly got results.

The dean sitting at the top is not a white beard, but a handsome man who looks only 25 years old. After all the proposals were discussed, he said, "Finally, here is a proposal about Shen Feng."

Before the young dean said anything about the proposal, an old man resolutely said, "I firmly disagree with giving the only place recommended to Shen Feng. It belongs to Tang Yu."

"I don't agree, which is very unfair to Tang Yu. In terms of strength and potential, Tang Yu may not be inferior to Shen Feng. Another old man said.

"Personally, I think Tang Yu is more capable than Shen Feng. It is said that Shen Feng fully activates the power of blood crystals when he was two or three years old, and so far it is only a four-star blood crystal power. Tang Yu cultivated the source power of the universe at the age of 13, and now has the cultivation of three stars. Moreover, Shen Feng is lazy, and his interpersonal relationship is not as good as Tang Yu. A middle-aged woman also expressed her opinion.

After the three expressed their opinions, the whole conference room was temporarily quiet, and a total of 12 people were thinking about this issue. The young dean smiled. Before he said what the proposal was, a group of people began to oppose it. It can be seen that Shen Feng did not give these leaders a good impression.

A middle-aged man held his glasses and said, "Since the quota has long been determined for Tang Yu, this quota should belong to Tang Yu."


After a while, eight leaders did not agree to give Shen Feng the only place on the recommended. It was powerless for the remaining four to express their approval, so they simply kept silent.

After a while, a young woman said, "I think Shen Feng is better than Tang Yu. Everyone should know that Shen Feng has a total of 26 assessments. Since the second assessment, Shen Feng has received a hint of serious physical overload, that is to say, Shen Feng's body has already reached the limit, but he has still completed all the assessments. Such persistence is not what ordinary people can do.

As soon as the woman's words were finished, someone stood up to object. The young dean waved his hand and motioned to calm down. Then he said, "In fact, there is no need to quarrel for Shen Feng and Tang Yu. This quota was proposed by Tang Yu to give to Shen Feng. Even if we give the quota to Tang Yu, Tang Yu will not go."

When the young dean said this, the people in the conference room were stunned. Tang Yu and Shen Feng can be said to be enemies. How can Tang Yu take the initiative to give up this place? Six years at Yunlanxing College, Tang Yu has been unconvinced with Shen Feng and doesn't know how much he has fought in private. Now that Shen Feng has finally lost, how can Tang Yu give this opportunity to Shen Feng?

The young dean smiled and said, "Tang Yu said she didn't want such a victory. She wanted to defeat Shen Feng with dignity."

"Tang Yu's girl is not interested in Shen Feng, is she? However, this is impossible. Tang Yu's behavior has always been normal. Moreover, the two have different personalities, and Tang Yu has always disliked Shen Feng because. An old man touched his beard and said to himself.

The young woman frowned and said, "But even if the quota is given to Shen Feng, Shen Feng will not go. With his character, he will definitely not accept this quota.

The young dean nodded and said, "Next is the focus of the discussion. Shen Feng will not ask for this place, nor will Tang Yu want this place, so we need to recommend another one."

"So what about Tang Yu and Shen Feng?"

"We don't need to arrange their path. All we have to do is provide them with opportunities. The road is by themselves."


A day later, on a scenic private island, Shen Feng quietly watched the tide rise and fall, with a doubt in his eyes from time to time.

After waking up, Shen Feng examined his body at the first time and found that his overall ability had been greatly improved. As for the power of the disappearing blood crystal, Shen Feng has long been prepared. The power of the universe and the power of blood crystals are generated in their own bodies at the same time, and it is a miracle that they can survive. However, what puzzled Shen Feng was that he clearly felt that the changes were more than that, but he couldn't say anything.

Ke Hou lay on the beach basking in his ribs and said with a comfortable face, "Madman, don't think about jumping into the sea to commit suicide. I don't think your blood crystal power should have disappeared."

"Your sister wants to commit suicide. I'm just thinking about how to find the new power." Shen Feng laughed and scolded.

Du Hai suddenly emerged from the sea and said, "Madman, let's talk about my future plans. I will hang out with the monkey in the future. Last night, the college released the news of the recommended quota, not you or Tang Yu, but her.

Shen Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "She is the only one... As for the plan, I think she should master the new power and then pull her sister up."

Du Hai was speechless for a while, and then asked, "Don't you want to be a soldier? I also want to see you command thousands of troops and sweep away foreign races.

Shen Feng shook his head and said, "Soldiers need to obey. With my personality, it is not suitable to join the army at all. You know, I won the award for the money.

Ke Hou suddenly got up and asked, "Madman, won't you marry Xiang Qin? Xiang Qin said that he would only marry the best young soldiers, and Yun Lanxing could be given priority.

Du Hai rowed and said, "Dead monkey, now we are talking about ideals, not women."

Kehou curled his lips and said, "The nature is the same. Women are part of the ideal."

Shen Feng looked at his two best friends, inadvertently smiled and said, "You two don't have to worry about me. I'll go home and contact me if I need anything."

Ke Hou and Du Hai nodded and did not leave Shen Feng to play on this island for a few more days. Because they are going to leave and graduate, they also have a lot of things to do.

Kehou and Du Hai looked at the rapid waves and couldn't help saying, "A madman is a madman. You don't want a boat. Hundreds of miles of sea water can swim like this."


In Shen Feng's home, Shen Yun looked tired and yawned, and her gray eyes shone brightly. Through the window, Shen Yun found that there were many luxurious maglev cars on the road outside.

"Hasn't your master come back yet?"

A man who looked like a big boss asked the robot guarding the door impatiently, and there was a trace of anger in his eyebrows. He has been waiting outside the door for more than ten hours, but he still hasn't seen Shen Feng come back. He is the boss of a resource development company and has a bad temper. However, he is entrusted with loyalty, and there is nothing he can do if he is impatient.

"Mr. Fatty, my master won't inform me if he can't come back. If the little master can't come back, I will know."

The robot guarding the door answered the question seriously, but the fat man who asked the question shook his mouth a few times, as if he was about to get angry. What is Mr. Fatty? This gatekeeper robot is really a little special. If there is a thin person, will it be called Mr. Skinny?

Shen Yun looked out of the window, shook her head, and picked up the old book and read it. After turning a few pages, Shen Yun's cute little face suddenly became panicked. Her gray eyes were hesitant, worried and scared, but more reluctant.

The sky seemed to confirm Shen Yun's panic. The originally blue sky suddenly turned red, like a burning flame, and the rolling flames tumbling like a tsunami, which made people shocked and fearful.

At this time, there was no hesitation in Shen Yun's eyes. She jumped out of the window and quietly waited for something to come. After thinking for a while, Shen Yun returned to the room, holding a pen in her small hand and writing something quickly. After writing, Shen Yun blinked her eyes, showing a gratifying smile, and then a bitter smile of parting.

The mutation of the sky came very suddenly and unfolded very quickly. Almost in a few breaths, it spread all over the whole blue star. At this time, there was a flashing electromagnetism in the red flames all over the sky, which became more and more terrible.

"Alarm! Alert! The outer layer defense system has failed, and the defense layer is rapidly disappearing!"

The red alarm is shocking and gives people a trace of fear from the bottom of their hearts. The defense system of the outer atmosphere is the strongest defense system of the whole planet, which can completely resist the main gun of the super battleship. If the outer air defense disappears, the consequences are frightening. If the outer layer defense disappears, foreign meteorites can also be smashed with powerful weapons on the ground, but once faced with alien invasion, the consequences will be uncalculable.

The sky above the whole cloud blue star is filled with horror, and the people on the planet are even more frightened. The highest red alarm is all over the planet, as if the end of the world is coming. For unknown dangers, it may be more frightening. Perhaps with the passage of time, people's consciousness has long developed to another level and will not panic because of panic. Although everyone is afraid, they still keep quiet and order.

"Alarm! Alert! The urban defense system can't work!"

is another harsh alarm, which makes people on the Cloud Blue Star even more afraid. In the military bases of major cities, few commanders can keep quiet, and the role of the sky is getting stronger and stronger. As long as there are machines with electronic systems, almost all of them are paralyzed, that is to say, Cloud Blue Star completely loses its ability to fight.

Nowadays, very few weapons are controlled by people. They are all operated by electronic systems. The electronic system is paralyzed. Not to mention the defense main guns of the base, even some fighters cannot be operated. Perhaps high-end mecha can also be operated manually.

Commanders know that their only combat effectiveness now is the warriors with blood crystal power and source power, as well as the spiritual power of very few people. But can we keep the whole city with these forces? Obviously impossible.

Without hesitation, almost all the commanders gave the same order. That is to shrink defense and bring city residents closer to military bases and military academies. Anyone who has the power of blood crystals and the source power of the universe must be unified.