Mechanical Soul

Chapter 29 Let me tell you

After browsing the Internet for a long time, Shen Feng has to admit the fact that there is no situation like himself at present, and he has mastered three forces at the same time. Switch between the three, even if you know the basic knowledge, Shen Feng doesn't know how to practice. The cultivation of the power of blood crystals is to fuse the same type of blood crystals to make the power of blood crystals stronger and purer. In addition, in battle, the power of blood crystals will unconsciously improve

What the source power needs to do is to absorb the free energy in the universe, leave the energy suitable for itself in the body, and constantly refine it to make it more pure. The way to improve is to make this energy reach the level of qualitative change through accumulation. If the source force is fully mastered, a source nucleus will be formed in the abdomen. Through continuous cultivation and accumulation, the source core will undergo its own qualitative change.

However, the source nucleus can only change to 6 stars. After 6 stars, it is necessary to combine its own will. If it does not combine its own will, the source nucleus will stagnate. Therefore, this is also a big bottleneck for source practitioners. If you can't break through your will, you will stay at the 6-star level for the rest of your life. The same is true for practitioners of the power of blood crystals. As long as the crystal nuclei in the body keep accumulating, they will also stagnate at 6 stars.

Both blood crystal and source power can be accumulated, but spiritual power cannot. Spiritual power is natural, and it is difficult to improve this power without special opportunities. It's difficult, but it doesn't mean there's nothing we can do. For example, some crazy people keep stimulating the spiritual world and longing for the improvement of spiritual power.

Leaving the computer screen, he looked at the colorful garden outside the window and gradually closed his eyes and felt the surrounding environment. After a long time, Shen Feng did not feel any energy in the air.

"Can't I cultivate the source power by myself?" Shen Feng made such doubts and suddenly found that he had ignored a very serious problem, that is, the existence of Xiaoli.

"Xiao Li..." Shen Feng meditated in his heart, trying to wake up the elf who had fallen asleep.

"What's wrong with me? I'm so sleepy..." Xiaoli appeared, rubbing her sleepy eyes and said to Shen Feng tiredly.

"How can I improve my strength?" Shen Feng looked at Xiaoli seriously and asked.

Xiaoli yawned and said, "This is not suitable for practice. It's too mixed. If you want to improve the power, you can go to what kind of environment. For example, if you want to improve the power of ice in the source, you can go to a cold place and combine yourself with cold, and the owner can feel the existence of ice power. However, it is not impossible here. Only the master of Austria is calm enough to feel it, but he will get half the result with twice the effort.

Shen Feng was speechless and said, "If you want to improve the power of fire, don't you have to go into the flames? Is this really okay?

Xiao Li nodded and said, "The master can practice any kind of power, and no force will conflict, because these forces are not in the master's body, but here in Xiaoli. The improvement of the master's strength will make Xiaoli more powerful.

Shen Feng looked at Xiaoli, who was only the size of a thumb, and suddenly asked curiously, "In that case, will Xiaoli grow up?"

Xiao Li nodded and said, "Yes, I'm only in the early stage of the master's strength. As long as the master's strength increases, Xiaoli will grow up. In addition, when the master's strength is at a certain level, Xiaoli can also use the power independently.

Listening to Xiaoli's words, Shen Feng fell into meditation and gradually understood why he could not use the source force. Although I have mastered the source power, I have not accumulated anything. It can be said that I have no source power at all now. If you want to get it, you must accumulate it.

Xiaoli thought for a moment and suddenly said seriously to Shen Feng, "Master, there is a hidden injury in your body. If you don't deal with it, the consequences will be very serious. What is 100% certain is that it will lead to the stagnation or even regression of your ability. The master's explosive power is originally an ability, but the master has not yet mastered it. At one time, it exceeded the limit of physical strength and destroyed the potential of the body.

"Dark injury? Does it mean the irregular pain? Shen Feng already knows, but he doesn't know how to treat it. If relying on advanced technology, Shen Feng feels that it can't be completely cured. The current scar is that the power beyond its own limit broke out in the first battle of Cloud Blue Star, which led to many ruptures on the surface of the body.

"Yes, the complexity of the human body can't be fully explored, and potential scars can't be cured by science. But if there are potential scars in nature, they can definitely be treated.

Shen Feng nodded and suddenly felt that understanding Xiaoli's words was a very harmful thing for brain cells. Xiaoli felt that it was nothing. She yawned again and fell asleep on Shen Feng's shoulder in an instant. Shen Feng smiled gently, slowly closed his eyes, felt everything around him, and walked to the yard full of floral fragrance.

The fragrance of flowers is the irregular movement of molecules. If the irregular molecules become regular, then the fragrance of flowers will be searched and controlled. Some practitioners are molecules that control their own breath, thus changing their breath..." Shen Fengxinzong said silently, and suddenly felt that his surroundings were full of various floral molecules. In a flash, Shen Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

"This is the same truth as what Xiaoli is saying. In what kind of environment, it is easy to feel what kind of power." Thinking like this, a devil's plan is gradually brewing in his heart.

"Brother, we're back..."

Shen Yun shouted and walked happily into the garden with big bags and small bags. Shen Feng looked at the bright light in the distance and found that the day had passed like this. Fortunately, the job has been found.

Shen Feng picked up Xiaoyun and looked at Xu Ling who came slowly from the outside with a smile. A strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart, as if he had been waiting for this moment all his life. Xu Ling was also stunned when he saw Shen Feng's smile, and his heart trembled.

Inexplicably, Shen Feng walked over, took the things in Xu Ling's hand with one hand, took Xu Ling's little hand in the other, and said softly, "Well, don't be in a daze. Hurry in quickly."

Xu Ling's body stiffened slightly and did not struggle. After returning to the hall, Shen Feng loosened Xu Ling's little hand and looked at Xu Ling's shy and lovely appearance with a smile. Xu Ling's pretty face blushed and lowered her head. Her little hands couldn't get along with the corners of her clothes, and her heart didn't know where she had gone.

Shen Yun had long hidden and secretly looked at it, and secretly encouraged in her heart, "Sister Xu Ling, my brother also likes you. The life my brother yearns for is so simple, but my brother can't determine your mentality. If you talk about feelings, your brother is more serious than anyone else. You really like your brother. Say it now.

"I went back to my room..."

Without waiting for Shen Feng to say something, Xu Ling suddenly ran away and even forgot to take the clothes he bought. Shen Feng sighed slightly and looked down at the clothes given to him. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother, when did you fall in love with Sister Xu Ling?" Shen Yun quietly jumped on Shen Feng's back and asked curiously.

Shen Feng was very honest and said, "Just now, when I saw her come back. Seeing her come back, I felt so relaxed and put everything down.

"Brother, do you want me to help you say that you like him?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

"I know my brother will definitely not say it."


Because there is a precedent. My brother used to like Xiang Qin silently, but my brother never said it. She mistakenly thought it was her brother's and then refused.

Shen Feng: "..."

was won by Shen Yun again. Shen Feng sighed again and then walked into the kitchen. Shen Yun looked at her brother's back with a fragrant cheek and suddenly thought about a very serious problem. My brother won't say that I like you or something. How can I make a shy girl say she likes you?

Half an hour later, the sound of Shen Feng came from the kitchen. Xiaoyun went to ask Sister Xu Ling for dinner. She had been busy all day and didn't eat anything.

Shen Yun answered and ran upstairs happily. Although this is the era when energy drinks are rampant, you can skip meals for a day with just one sip. However, the vast majority of people retain the habit of eating, because the warm feeling of a family eating together can never be replaced.

(PS: Singles have another Singles' Day. I hope you don't celebrate it again next year. Alas... Tomb Snow is waiting for a blind date...)