Mechanical Soul

Chapter 34 The Power of Ice

In the gloomy sky, white snowflakes flutter in the wind. In front, it is endless white, hazy and far away. On the border of the polar ice field, there is a small town, known as the polar ice town, which provides a place for adventurous practitioners to rest. The town does not belong to any country and is privately established. Although there is no law, there are certain rules. Of course, the polar ice field does not belong to any country, but to the whole human race.

The polar ice is on a planet called Nora. It is a cold planet, almost all covered with thick ice, and the polar ice is the cold center of the planet. Nora, also known as the world of ice, is a beautiful and dangerous planet full of white.

The spacecraft sent a notice that it had arrived at its destination, and Shen Feng came out of his room, looking forward to the power of ice that was about to be useful. The effect of source force on the increase of mecha is very obvious. Nowadays, almost all high-performance mecha have source force access systems. Combined with the attack of source force, it will have the characteristics of source force. For example, the power of ice in the fusion source of the lightsaber will have the nature of ice power.

When Shen Feng walked to the door of the spaceship, eleven girls in combat uniforms stood neatly in front of Shen Feng, which brightened Shen Feng's eyes and suddenly found that what he was worried about did not seem to be so serious.

The girl's name is Zimei. She turned her head and didn't look directly at Shen Feng and said, "Mr. Mu, do you think we will believe that you took us out to play? But that's it. Thank you very much for taking us out of that place. We also have a stronger heart, just..."

Shen Feng smiled gently, didn't say anything, and slowly walked off the spaceship. Facing the cold wind, Shen Feng pulled off his clothes and showed scars all over his body. In the piercing cold, Shen Feng suddenly felt that his heart was about to stop, and breathing became extremely difficult.

Behind Shen Feng, eleven girls in combat uniforms were stunned and suddenly found that they could not see through the young teacher. The polar ice is full of beauty, but they also know that it is full of danger and needs to fight. What does it mean to take off your clothes like this? Should they also take off their combat uniforms? In addition to defense capabilities, combat suits can also adapt to various environments and ensure normal power even in cold environments.

Eleven girls hesitated for a long time and still did not take off their combat uniforms. Are you kidding? This is already the periphery of the polar ice field, more than 80 degrees below zero, which will definitely be cold to death. Their teachers are so powerful, but they don't.

"Go down in a combat suit and ignore your teachers." Ice marks suddenly appeared behind the girls, as usual cold words.

When he stepped on the cold ground, Shen Feng felt that his whole body seemed to freeze, as long as the wind blew gently, it could break. At this time, even Shen Feng could not walk. Shen Feng closed his eyes and stood like an ice sculpture. At this time, Xiaoli suddenly appeared, dressed in ice-white clothes and flew into Shen Feng's abdomen.

"The body function is rapidly weakening. Is he so bold when he comes into contact with the polar ice field for the first time? Isn't he afraid of death?" Binghen muttered and couldn't understand Shen Feng's behavior.

As magical as magic, Shen Feng seemed to see countless ice-white elves flying in the air and Xiaoli in his body. At this time, Xiaoli was dressed in ice white clothes, and her little face also looked cold, like a snow fairy. With Xiaoli as the center, countless ice-white elves seem to be talking about something.

"absorption?" Such an idea flashed in Shen Feng's mind, and soon found that more and more ice and white elves were fused into his body, and the coldness could be suffocating. What Shen Feng didn't know was that his surface had already formed a thick layer of ice and really became an ice sculpture.

"It won't die, will it?" A girl asked carefully.

"No, he is trying to integrate himself with the environment." Ice marks replied.

"Break!" After a while, a low voice came from Shen Feng's throat, and the ice frozen on the surface of Shen Feng's body cracked and turned into powder and blown away. It is worth noting that the scars on Shen Feng's body seem to be much shallower and less conspicuous.

Binghen passed by Shen Feng and still said coldly, "I don't know whether I admire your courage or you are stupid. If you don't succeed, you are ready to die here."

"Real?" Shen Feng asked, saying that he didn't know. Immediately, Shen Feng looked at the eleven daughter and said, "Stay close. Although it is in Jibing Town, there may be an accident."

"Mr. Mu, how did you feel just now?" Qiu Sha walked next to Shen Feng and asked curiously.

"You'll know if you try it yourself."

"Well, when I didn't ask." Qiusha obediently closed her mouth, and she didn't want to try the feeling of near death.


In the hotel in Jibing Town, combined with everyone's opinions, Shen Feng booked a total of 7 rooms, one of which is a triple room. When I first entered the town, I naturally welcomed a lot of curious eyes, especially such a young team. However, when they saw the cold woman, their eyes showed fear and they dodged far away.

At the table, thirteen people gathered into a table, and everyone silently ate what was in front of them. The atmosphere was slightly depressing. Shen Feng stopped his chopsticks, looked at Binghen and said, "It seems that you have a good reputation in the area. They are all afraid of you."

Binghen took a look at Shen Feng, and then continued to destroy the food in front of him, indicating that Shen Feng's words were boring. Shen Feng's chin was slightly embarrassed, which made the girls laugh.

"Mr. Mu, what on earth did you take us here for? What else are you going to teach us?" Mina asked weakly.

Didn't you say that? Take you here to play and do whatever you want, as long as you pay attention to safety. Shen Feng replied,

"Really?" The girls raised such questions.

Shen Feng nodded seriously and said, "Of course it's true. I won't force anything to do what I don't like."

Teacher Mu, look! There is news about Shen Feng. A girl suddenly stood up, pressed the instrument on her wrist, and projected the screen on the dinner table. On the screen, a person who looks exactly like Shen Feng is receiving the award ceremony, and the crowd watching the ceremony are cheering.

"So handsome... He got the rank of colonel at such a young age, and he has such strong strength."

"That's not me." Shen Feng said in his heart that he no longer looked at the screen in the air and quietly wiped out the food.

"Mr. Mu, you are also so young, can you defeat Shen Feng?" Zimei suddenly asked.

"I don't know, but one day I will defeat him." Shen Feng said with a smile. It seems very difficult to defeat yourself.

Zimei nodded, but she didn't believe it, and then said, "Really? That's why Mr. Mu went to such a place to practice.


After dinner, Shen Feng returned to his room and used his spiritual energy to cover around the eleven girls' rooms for the first time to observe the movement. Since he brought people out, Shen Feng can't really ignore other people's safety.

Looking at Xiaoli on his shoulder, Shen Feng suddenly asked, "Xiao Li, the power of ice now is an entry point.

Xiao Li nodded, slipped into the palm of Shen Feng's hand and said, "Well, the master can try it."

Because it is the first time to use the source force, Shen Feng also has a trace of tension and expectation in his heart. Shen Feng slowly closed his eyes, and the ice-white fog surrounded Shen Feng's body. In Shen Feng's palm, a beautiful ice flower gradually formed.

"Because the master's ice power is still too little to fight, he can only get some gadgets at present."

Although the power of ice is not on his body, in essence, Shen Feng can still feel it on himself. After using it for a while, Shen Feng feels that it is empty, and even a flower cannot be formed.

Xiao Li sighed, "It's so troublesome when the power is too little, and it's also troublesome when the power is too strong."

"Xiao Li, do you know who saved me? Did he take the wing shadow away? Shen Feng suddenly asked.

Xiaoli shook her head and said, "How could Xiaoli know this kind of thing? As long as the master's power was completely exhausted, Xiaoli would not exist. Xiaoli didn't know it at that time."