Mechanical Soul

Chapter 36 Owner's Question

In the evening, eleven girls sat quietly in the spacious classroom, looking forward to what the young teacher could tell them. Of course, they didn't think that the young teacher would teach them some theoretical knowledge. Be strong, become stronger, and let them know that they not only have more*.

Shen Feng walked into the classroom, saw a pair of expectant eyes, and said in his heart, "I hope it's not three minutes of heat..." Shen Feng knew that the age of thirteen or fourteen was restless and curious about everything new things. If he was just curious for a moment, he would definitely not be able to stick to it. By the way, Siya didn't ask herself to teach them any abilities, but just wanted them to understand what was up to them.

"Sia seems to care too much, and they will understand these sooner or later. They seem to think too much and think that I have something to teach them. Shen Feng stepped on the podium thinking about such a problem and looked at the curious and bright eyes under the stage. He really didn't understand what he should say.

said that they wanted to change, but in fact, they had changed after leaving the repressed college. Or it is like this, just leaving that place and restoring the original character. Because of their family*, they grow up alone. I came to the college and was also isolated because of my family*. Although they have also done scary things, the real reason is the loneliness created by the family.

Because of inner loneliness, I am eager to attract the attention of others. It's just that the method is wrong. Perhaps when they realize that this method is wrong, they can no longer change anything. In the eyes of others, what is annoying is annoying, what is scary is scary.

Shen Feng thought for a while and decided to say something. It can't be said that your dean didn't entrust me to teach you anything. At first, Shen Feng wanted these girls to train with him. However, considering that everyone's abilities are different, Shen Feng gave up this idea.

"Please forgive me. I'm actually two or three years older than you. By the way, your eyes are so curious, what do you want me to teach you? Shen Feng suddenly said with a bitter face.

Eleven girls looked at each other and found that they were speechless. Finally, Zimei stood up and asked seriously, "Teacher Mu, do we also need to take off our clothes?"

"Take off your clothes? Why do you take off your clothes?" Shen Feng was slightly stunned.

"Train with the teacher. Doesn't the teacher want to tell us that the body is the foundation of ability? Without a good body, we can't have a strong ability. Since the teacher is a martial artist, he naturally teaches us the practice of martial artists.

took off his clothes. In this scene... Shen Feng did not continue to think about it, but said, "I am not a pure warrior. In order to surpass Shen Feng, I am also an all-round talent like him. I won't be very bad in firearms, organs, driving, reconnaissance, counter-investigation, command, mecha, maintenance and so on.

"Teacher Mu, I blushed, blushed for you, blowing water and not making drafts..." Qiusha said with ruby-like eyes.

"Even so, the teacher thinks that the ability of the body itself is more important. The body has no strength, and no matter how advanced mecha and firearms are, they can't exert their strength. As for the auxiliary such as organs, it is only better to attack the enemy. Irene turned her head and looked at Shen Feng and said.

"It's good to say that. I think you should be clear. It is very dangerous to train with me. You can't do it without the awareness of death. Well, that's all for today. Go back and think about it. If you think about it, let's meet at the first playground tomorrow.

After saying that, Shen Feng walked down the podium with a slightly nervous mood. Suddenly, Shen Feng stopped again and turned around and said, "Remember to put on your clothes and slowly adapt to the temperature here."


That night, Shen Feng found that he had insomnia...

The new team will undoubtedly return to pay attention to the owners of the eight training grounds, because as long as they defeat the owners, they can get the right to use the training ground for a week. Like most people, they query the owner information of the eight major trainings through the Internet. Many people found that the military training ground in the north was occupied by a field owner named Twilight, and they could be challenged in just two days. There are many people who sign up for the challenge. Even if they don't bring people to train, as long as they defeat the host, they can get the right to use it, and then sell the right to use it for a week.

"Butler, I can't wait any longer. Anyway, I have to get the position of the first challenger, so I'm bored to wait. Why don't you bring your own equipment and use theirs?" In the bustling room, a young man said impatiently.

"Young master, there are rules for the strong among the strong, which is the rule set by the Lord of Jibing. In addition, camps cannot be built in the wild for too long. It is either a fierce beast or a special climate, which is difficult to survive. The housekeeper is a middle-aged man with a high nose and a quiet face.

The young man said impatiently, "Okay, go out. Remember to get the position of the first challenger. If you don't want an ordinary site, you need a military training base. No matter which country it is, since it is a rule, they have to abide by it.


The next day, Shen Feng got up very early, and it was less than five o'clock after everything was done. Shen Feng came to the first playground and saw eleven trembling figures. Shen Feng couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Since you are ready, don't flinch. In fact, there is no need to get up so early. Adequate physical strength and full spirit are also important for training.

"Teacher, we can't sleep." Mina said weakly, her lips were purple and her whole body trembled.


"Because I thought I might take off my clothes in front of the teacher in the future." Mina's voice is lower.

Shen Feng was defeated on the spot and said helplessly, "The little girl's mind is not simple. Has she adapted to this cold now?"

"Not yet, we should get up a little earlier." Qiusha said honestly. They got up earlier than Shen Feng, so they had to adapt to this cold environment earlier.

Eleven girls wore casual clothes and stood trembling in the cold environment. Shen Feng felt pitiful when she saw it. Why does a good daughter have to suffer with herself? Of course, the current casual clothes are not only decorative, but also resistant to cold or heat.

"Start running, remember to adjust your breathing. This cold air is painful every time you breathe.

After Shen Feng finished speaking, he naturally took the lead and began to run. In order to always pay attention to the situation of the eleven girls, he jogged beside them and silently cheered for them. The runway of the playground is 1,000 meters long. When he finished a lap, Shen Feng's physical strength was exhausted, but he hadn't given up yet. Although human genes have been purified many times, the body without exercise will still be very weak.

After two laps, someone began to faint. At this time, the ice mark appeared, and it seemed that he was not so satisfied to look at Shen Feng, and then took the unconscious girl to the infirmary. After five laps, no girl can continue to be happy. Shen Feng walked into the infirmary with the last fainted girl in his arms and immediately ushered in the eyes of ice scars to kill people.

Bingchen said coldly, "They are not you. If there is an accident in such training, who will be responsible? If this is really the case, why don't you give them more time to adapt to the cold? I have seen that you are a cold person for a long time, but I didn't expect your heart to be so cold.

Shen Feng was silent for a moment, put the last fainting girl on a warm illness**, and said, "I can see that your appearance is cold and your heart is still very warm. In this case, it's up to you to teach them the power of ice.

Ice Mark shook his head and said, "It's impossible. I don't have this in my task. In addition, learn to kill them from me. I don't know why, I can feel that your heart is very big. In addition, the strength of the power of ice exceeds four stars, and it can only be used in a one-star state. It only took five days from the beginning to four stars. Don't you think you are too horrible?

Shen Feng smiled gently, looked at the ice marks and said, "When the body merges with nature, when you can completely feel this cold power, this improvement is not surprising. As a pure ice power controller, you won't be unaware of this.

(Well, you need to nag like Tang Monk. Please click, collect, red tickets!)