Mechanical Soul

Chapter 45 Unmanned

In the luxurious dean's office of the Royal Noble College, Siya covered her forehead with one hand and slowly tapped on the table with the other. An old man sat in front of Sia. The old man was silent, as if waiting for Sia to decide something.

"Dean Siya, the whereabouts of the dozen children have been revealed. Be sure to pick them up quickly. I can't believe the young man. Maybe he revealed his whereabouts. You are also afraid that you didn't tell him the reason for coming back.

Siya suddenly stood up, patted the table with both hands, and said with a calm face, "You are questioning my vision. He will definitely have a problem!" There must be something wrong internally. If you can't find out, you should retire. Also, no one doubts such a strange combination. It is likely that it was revealed by people on the polar ice field.

The old man looked at the smashed table without any fluctuation and said calmly, "If something happens to them, no one can save you. Let's consider your own problems. I'm old and should really retire, but you're still young.

Sia turned around and looked out of the window and said, "Okay, I'll ask for a month's leave to pick them up in person. It's up to you to deal with internal problems. Also, I took away the gifts prepared for them.

"I should believe you 100%, but they are too important, I'm sorry..." Siya said silently in her heart, and then walked out of the dean's office. Siya didn't tell Shen Feng the reason for bringing them back because she was afraid that Shen Feng would reveal his actions. If you tell Shen Feng the reason for bringing them back and the whereabouts revealed by Shen Feng, I don't know what will happen.


"Mr. Mu, have we gone back so early? However, this is not enough."

Shen Feng has announced the news of going back, and the girls are not very happy. Shen Feng's mood was not so good. He always felt that something was going to happen, especially Xi Ya did not explain any reason.

"Let's cheer up and be careful." Shen Feng looked at the hidden ice marks and suddenly said seriously to the girls.


There is a huge castle in the polar ice town, which is where the lord of polar ice lives. At this time, in the castle hall, the Lord of Extreme Ice was talking with a figure.

"Old friend, long time no see. Come on, what's the matter with you coming to me?" The Lord of the Extreme Ice said majestically.

"It's not a big deal. I just want to see the competition between you and the ice scar. Well, it's a request."

"If you want me to compete with Binghen, there must be some conspiracy."

"It's not a big deal. I heard that there are more than a dozen amazing people here, just want to make a little money."

"A little money? You want to catch them and empty their country's financial resources.

"Oh... I can't hide anything from my old friends. However, the ice marks are very tricky. I hope my old friends can still take action. In that case, we will be clear.

"Do you think they are that easy to deal with?"

"According to intelligence, there is only a young man named Twilight. Although I don't know what it is, he is still young. In addition, there should be some terrorists and killers of some politicians who want to create chaos.


Over the periphery of the polar ice field, an invisible warship is on standby. The people on the warship were ready to fight and fully armed.

"Report captain, you can't use hot lines to search. It may be that they have lived in a polar ice environment for a long time, and their physique has also changed accordingly."

"I know there will be such a situation. They are still in the ice field now. They must solve the problem before returning to the polar ice town."


The ice marks suddenly appeared next to Shen Feng and said with a cold face, "Mu, be careful. I feel the abnormal atmosphere."

"Hmm..." Shen Feng nodded, suddenly felt a great pressure, and then saw a middle-aged man who had appeared in front of the ice marks at some point. The middle-aged man has a diamond-shaped white mark on his forehead, which gives people a very simple feeling.

The ice scar was shocked and said, "It's you. What's the matter with you?"

"Let's compete with you, and at the same time return someone else's favor." The middle-aged man said.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Binghen's face became colder and colder.

"Well, I don't want to lie to you. An old friend wanted to catch these little girls and entrust me to contain you. If you refuse, I can try to kill one and see if that country dares to challenge my majesty.

Icing marks clenched his teeth tightly and suddenly looked at Shen Feng and said, "It's up to you. I'll go with him." Binghen knew that the Lord of Jibing dared to say and do it. If the Lord of Jibing dealt with them, she was not sure to stop them.

It seems that it has never appeared, and the ice marks and the Lord of the Polar Ice disappeared in the blink of an eye. Shen Feng could clearly feel that the situation became more and more in seconds. He immediately quietly released the moon shadow and awakened the heart and soul of war. Yueying's stealth ability is so strong that no one notices it when it comes out.

Shen Feng looked solemn and said, "Prepare to fight in place, put on your combat uniforms, and match the most suitable weapons for you."

Although they didn't know what would happen, the girls still put on their combat suits in place. Originally, there are not many clothes to wear, but their combat uniforms are not that simple. As long as they give a command, they can wear them by themselves. Seeing that the girls were ready in a moment, Shen Feng felt a little relieved.

About 15 minutes later, there was a loud noise in the depths of the polar ice, and the earth seemed to be trembling. After a while, the girls saw a few moon-like lights suddenly shoot around them, followed by a sudden explosion in front of them, and the mushroom cloud rose with thick smoke.

"The explosion of mecha, how can there be organic armor in front of it?" A girl asked in surprise.

When the girls saw that the light kept shooting from the side, but they could not see any figure, they understood that it was Mr. Mu's invisible mecha. High-end mecha can be used for intelligent combat, even ordinary mecha. I don't know how long it will take for unmanned driving technology to mature, and it doesn't need anyone to control it. But now people's ability is also very strong, and only by using people to control can they exert the real power of the mecha.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. It can shoot such a strong attack from such a long distance, and the shooting frequency is so fast, and I can't scan it even if there are 100 rounds. Such a mecha must be very expensive, Gaga..."

The girls stared at the front, and suddenly one said, "I can already see that there are a lot of mechas."

The girls were a little panicked and suddenly saw a light as gentle as the moonlight. The moon shadow has appeared, surrounded by moonlight, as beautiful as the moon. Countless silent lights suddenly ejected from the moon shadow, and all the mecha in front of them were penetrated. The roar of explosion continued, and the airflow caused by a strong wind was blowing.

In just a few seconds, the mecha in the girls' eyes had disappeared without a trace, and only the flames left by countless explosions were burning. The flame went out in a moment, leaving only smoke clouds wandering in the air.

"Mr. Mu's mecha is very scary. Is it so intelligent?" A girl muttered in her heart.

"Moon Shadow, there is a very terrible person in front of you. The miscellaneous soldiers are handed over to us to deal with, and I don't know if the remaining energy can deal with him. Shen Feng told the moon shadow like this, but the moon shadow's eyes flashed and suddenly disappeared.

This is a man in white. Seeing that the mecha troops were destroyed, he couldn't help dripping blood in his heart and said coldly, "Run up and catch them. That man can be killed."

As soon as the man in white finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and an energy sword suddenly appeared in his hand in front of him. With a bang, centered on the man in white, the pressure caused by the collision made the ice collapse suddenly. In front of the man in white, the moon shadow holds the moon arc in both hands, and the moon arc in one hand is colliding with the light sword of the man in white.

"Da Damn, the flexibility of this mecha." The man in white flew away from the attack of Yueying's other hand. Suddenly, he saw Yueying rushing up and couldn't help cursing. There is an illusion that the man in white feels that he is not fighting with the mecha, but with a person.

When Yueying fell into a fierce battle with the man in white, a group of people in white were not far from the girls. Perhaps because of capture and can't be killed, no shooting weapons are used.