Mechanical Soul

Chapter 47 Don't Give Up

Mujia, a large family with the training of bodyguards as its main industry, is very mysterious. The fat official once told Shen Feng that he could be a bodyguard at Mu's house, and then he could be Miss Tang's personal bodyguard. The personal bodyguard the young lady found cannot be a simple person, and the Mu family is an authority, so there is no reason for the Tang family to object.

"It's really a miscalculation. It's harmful to the reputation of our Mu family. Unexpectedly, the S-class warship was not expected to appear, and the S-class warship would directly attack with the main gun. If it hadn't been for the young man's quick reaction, everything would have been over. However, the defense shield has not been fully unfolded, and this mecha should be sent for repair.

In this ice-white snow, there is also a mysterious team, known as an absolute professional bodyguard. This team has just arrived, and there is no interest in showing up when the battle is almost over. Needless to say, this team was invited by Siya. After talking to Shen Feng, Siya was worried and hired the Mu family's bodyguard stationed on the planet Nora.

Moon Shadow's defense shield disperses the energy of the main gun everywhere, but after all, it has not been fully opened, and it is very difficult to resist. Just in an instant, the moonlight metal became red, and electric sparks appeared from time to time. The huge red beam is scattered in the air, turning the sky red, and the horrible energy makes the sky look horrible.

"Boom..." In the end, the red beam emitted a shocking explosion, without too many fireworks, only horrible magnetic storms raging in the air. Yueying has reached its limit after resisting the main gun of the S-class warship. After falling to the ground, there is no way to move again, with thick smoke and electric current everywhere.

Just looking at the back of the moon shadow, girls can't imagine what the front will be like. The surface metal on the front of the moon shadow was distorted, and the cockpit was also seriously damaged. Shen Feng was not in a coma. He kept coughing and bleeding, and was obviously seriously injured.

"Teacher Mu, don't die..." The girls recovered from their fear and shouted with red eyes. They know that if Mr. Mu slows down for a second, they will be finished. Under the power of modern weapons, people are very small. This is just an S-class warship. If it is a SSS-class warship, that is, a super warship, the whole planet will be destroyed with one main gun. It is said that some races are developing extreme warships, which are weapons of war beyond super warships.

S-class mecha is generally called a high-performance mecha, because the driver's ability will have a great impact on the ability of the mecha, and it is difficult to distinguish which level it is, so it is generally called a high-performance mecha. Of course, there are also SSS mechas in this world, that is, super mecha. This kind of mecha can only be described as horror. The number is extremely rare, and only three have appeared in human history. If it is Shen Feng's driving, it should be regarded as SS-class mecha.

Shen Feng jumped down from the moon shadow. Although the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he still did not fall down. Shen Feng looked at the sky, looked at the girls full of fear in their eyes, and said, "Are you desperate now? Give up? How do I usually teach you?

"Teacher Mu, we don't want to do it either. But Yueying is over. The other party is an S-class warship, and there must be an S-class mecha..."

"Even if you die, you can't let yourself have the idea of fear and giving up. Fear and giving up will make people stand still and make people die faster. If you persist for one more second, maybe the ice marks will come back. In this world, she should be invincible.

Shen Feng is slightly weak, and his speech naturally seems weak. In the face of almost desperate situations, the girls feel that it is so difficult not to give up and not to be afraid in despair. But Mr. Mu is insisting. They can see that Mr. Mu is no longer working, but Mr. Mu is still standing. Encouraged by Shen Feng, the girls cheered up and bit their red lips, stimulating themselves not to be afraid.

Just as the girls summoned up their courage, more than a dozen black spots suddenly appeared in the air, which was the mecha sent by the S-class warship above. The girls looked at Shen Feng, but they still didn't know what to do.

"Irene, give me your superionic lightsaber." Although Shen Feng said so, he had already taken the light sword in the girl's hand.

The superionic lightsaber is more than one level higher than the level of the ion lightsaber, and can completely penetrate the metal of the S-class mecha. In individual equipment, the superionic lightsaber is extremely expensive, except for special forces, and the general army does not have this configuration.

"Hey, uncle, I saved you just now. Can you do me a favor? Besides, your men are really weak, so they are so scared that they dare not move again. Shen Feng said to the head of the man in white.

The man in white knew that even he could not survive if the main gun came down. But this young man killed so many of his men and destroyed his mecha. This is all money. How can he not hate it? But if the people above kill everyone, he can't get a penny back. Moreover, he can't escape the fate of being killed.

"Mr. Mu, how can you fight when you are like this?"

This time, Shen Feng did not answer the girls' questions. Instead, he rushed to the man in white and jumped over the man in white. The man in white was slightly stunned and immediately pushed Shen Feng to a higher sky with one hand.

"Cold mechanical heart, sleeping mechanical soul, connect my power, wake up!" This time, Xiaoli read it, and his expression was many times more pious than Shen Feng.

After Xiaoli finished reading, a huge magic array suddenly appeared in the air. Of course, this magic array is simulated by data, and it seems that only Shen Feng can see it. The data flow circulated in the air and disappeared on Shen Feng's forehead in a moment. When the magic array disappeared, more than a dozen mechas in the air suddenly got out of control and fell straight from the sky and crashed into the ice. This ability has a range of influence. If Shen Feng let them down, the cannonball laser will definitely be indispensable. Only go up first and stop their intelligence from working. In this way, the impact of falling from high school may also kill the driver.

The bodyguard of the Mu family, who was ready to go out, opened his eyes wide and seemed to be haunted. At this time, the girls remembered that Mr. Mu also had this mysterious ability to make the combat robot fall, but they didn't expect that it could also make the mecha out of control. Shen Feng fell from the air and landed on the ground. Instead of shaking, Shen Feng felt that he could not see anything in front of him. Shen Feng's head was also in chaos and faintly painful. With memory, Shen Feng stabbed the super ion light sword into the cockpit of a mecha.

The girls suddenly picked up the weapons in their hands and attacked the fallen mecha. Even if the mecha is useless, there is still a driver in it. When the girls attacked all the mechas, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by five new mechas. There is a Mu character written on the shoulders of these mecha, and there is no movement.

"Don't worry, we have received the task to protect you." A cool voice came, and the girls looked at it. This is a slightly lazy young man, about 25 or 26 years old, wearing a black suit and black glasses. While talking, the man made a gesture, and five mecha immediately flew into the sky, probably trying to shoot down the S-class warships above.

The cool man suddenly turned to the man in white and said, "Uncle, do you only have money in your mind? It's wrong to kidnap and extort. By the way, let me introduce myself. We are the team of the Mu family stationed on the planet Nora. My code name is Flying Eagle.

In the warship above, a team member reported: "Captain, all 13 mechas that went down were destroyed."

"There are really a lot of means... All the secondary guns were fired, buried them, and the S-class mecha that sent to the ship must destroy them all. They died in the polar ice field. No one can be blamed, only themselves..."

As soon as the captain finished his words, he felt that the warship trembled violently, and then the first cannon and other weapons were destroyed, and the power was somewhat damaged. When he saw the five mechas and signs of the bird, he understood what was going on. At the first time, the two S-class mecha of the warship were also dispatched to fight in the air. Although the five bird-type mechas are A-class, the strength of each of them is not weaker than that of the S-class mecha, coupled with the advantages of quantity and climate adaptation, completely stops all the firepower of this warship.