Mechanical Soul

Chapter 67 The Young Man in White

In the vast universe, a shuttle ship is moving fast. Suddenly, the people on the ship saw a series of flashes, but the radar did not find anything. When the photoelectricity disappeared into the endless dark starry sky, the drivers on the shuttle ship had sweated coldly. If this suddenly attacks them, they will be doomed.

Shen Feng found that when the speed of the flash is increased to a certain extent, the acceleration is achieved by a certain distance of space jump, and each flash is a space jump. Shen Feng was shocked to be able to jump in space so frequently and had to sigh at the perversion of this SS-class mecha. Mecha is very abnormal, but it is not easy to operate. If it is in a battle, the space jump needs to grasp the accurate space position by yourself. It is not good to jump under the enemy's sword.

It only took two hours for Shen Feng to rush to the planet in the country of Westawa and transmitted directly to the capital of Westawa through the precise space on the planet. Sisiva is a neutral country that does not intervene in any war. Under the pressure of the human federation, many countries choose to be neutral and not to intervene in any war. But the relationship between human countries is complicated, and wars are common. Conflicts need to be resolved. If it is not a large-scale and devastating war, the Federation will turn a blind eye.

The reason for noting small-scale conflicts is that the official statement of the human federation is to respect national sovereignty. In fact, this is considered from a long-term perspective. If there is conflict, there will be competition, and if there is competition, there will be progress. Only when human beings continue to become stronger can they survive in this universe, and no one is sure that there will be no cosmic battles in this world.

When Shen Feng appeared in the capital of Sisiła, the receptionist couldn't help but be stunned. They never thought that the Federation would send such a young man to deal with the previous generation of leaders of Montenegro. I don't know what the real name of the leader of the previous generation of Montenegro is. The code name is Ghost Claw. He is an infinitely close to the holy level. Because he has not entered the holy level, the mysterious organization in human beings cannot take action against him. Ghost Claw has launched many terrorist attacks, each of which has killed at least tens of thousands of people. The human federation has also arrested ghost claws many times, but it has never succeeded, indicating that ghost claws are not only powerful, but also cunning.

The receptionist's suspicions were all written on his face, and Shen Feng naturally saw it. Shen Feng also read the information of Ghost Claw and knew that this was a horror-level dangerous figure, as vicious as Ghost Claw. But Shen Feng didn't understand why the Federation only sent him to such a horrible person. Although there is SS-class mecha, before the mecha approaches the ghost claws, the leaders of this country are probably finished. How to talk about rescue? This is also the reason why Shen Feng did not expose the SS-class mecha. The flash can't be put into the wheel of space, so Shen Feng has to hide the flash in the air.

The receptionist thought for a moment, and finally believed that the Federation would not send such a young man to fool them, and the young man seemed to be a little familiar. After a while, they remembered that this was Shen Feng, a popular figure a year ago. In this way, the receptionist also felt much more relieved and quickly took Shen Feng to the operational command room and handed over the collected information to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng took over the information, and his face gradually became solemn. The first thing confirmed in the data is that the ghost claws are in a big hotel in their capital, and this hotel is where the leader of the country eats, and the accompanying guard has been solved. At present, all the news is still blocked, that is to say, the people don't know that the leader of the country has been kidnapped or that there is a terrible terrorist in the city.

Shen Feng released the three-dimensional projection of the hotel and found that the place where the ghost claws were waiting could not be seen from the outside, but the action outside could be easily seen inside. Now there are only two important hostages left in the hotel. One is the leader of the country, and the other is the daughter of the leader. When Shen Feng saw that the leader's daughter was also kidnapped, his face couldn't help changing. Shen Feng did not forget the information of the eleven girls, among which Irene Clay, the princess of Sisiła.

The receptionists are also the senior officials of this country, and the military commanders and national prime ministers are all there. Seeing that Shen Feng's face is not good, their faces are even worse. If the people sent by the federal government can't do anything about it, then they have only two choices. One is to surrender to the ghost claws and provide him with arms, and the other is to re-elect a national leader. The ghost claw did not go directly to the military factory to plunder because he did not get enough firepower. The strength of the ghost claw is very strong, but he is still a person and can't withstand the high-tech firepower.

The military commander said, "Li major Feng, if you have no choice, we can only use the satellite positioning laser to forcibly destroy the hotel. Arms must not be given to ghost claws.

"It's not that there's nothing I can do, I'm just thinking about how to act safer. According to the rules of ghost claws, you will not leave a way out for yourself. Your satellite positioning laser may not kill him. Shen Feng said this because he was not sure that it was the ghost claw inside, because he could not see the inside outside.

Now the whole hotel is under satellite monitoring, and there is no movement in the hotel seen from the screen. Suddenly, Shen Feng's face changed, and he said secretly in his heart, "Is it an illusion? I seem to have just seen someone sneaking in."

At this moment, the door of the command room opened, and a lady came in with tears in her eyes. When she saw Shen Feng, she said, "Please save my daughter and husband." She also knew that it was impossible to give arms to the ghost claws, and the result was that her daughter and husband would die.

Shen Feng nodded and suddenly said to the military commander and the prime minister, "Hurry up and evacuate any personnel in the hotel, including your security personnel and army."

After saying that, Shen Feng was not explaining anything. After confirming the location of the hotel, he ran out. After running out of the combat command room, black armor appeared on Shen Feng's body in an instant and ran quickly to the hotel. Inexplicably, Shen Feng was sure that the sneaking figure was not his own illusion. If it's to save people, it's better. If it's purely because I'm curious about what happened inside...

The combat command room is about 10,000 meters away from the hotel. Shen Feng's speed and the thrust of the armor made Shen Feng arrive at the scene within a minute, and what passers-by can see is only a black win, and it disappears without a trace in a moment. After Shen Feng arrived at the scene, the men in casual clothes and the army also began to evacuate personnel.

"Bum..." The glass on the 18th floor of the hotel was suddenly broken by a heavy blow. After a while, Shen Feng saw a young man in white standing on the edge of the 18th floor, about to be knocked down.

Shen Feng didn't think much about it. He quickly walked around to the back of the hotel and climbed directly to the wall of the hotel and rushed up. Because of wearing armor, every borrowing point of Shen Feng is the wall of the hotel, but the wall is caught one hole after another. Shen Feng's speed was very fast, and he went up to the 18th floor in almost a second. After confirming the location, Shen Feng's face changed and suddenly broke through the wall, and the figure appeared in front of the two figures in an instant.

Irene was happy to have dinner with her father, because today is her father's birthday, and she wanted to surprise her father. Who knew that a horrible uncle suddenly came and killed everyone in the hotel in a short time, leaving only her and her father. It's true that she's not afraid. Irene has been praying that someone can save her. Maybe the prayer is effective, and there is really a stealth in. However, the invisibility of the visitor was seen through by this horrible uncle and was almost beaten down. Desperately, the horrible uncle turned his head, looked at her ferociously and threw out a flying knife. She was still tied and couldn't avoid it at all, so she had to close her eyes. Anyway, she closed her eyes when she was afraid. Just couldn't see it.

Next, Irene heard the sound of the wall being smashed. Is it that the teenager in white was blown down? As soon as Irene's idea appeared, she heard a tinkling sound and the sound of a flying knife falling to the ground. Irene knew that she was not dead. When she opened her eyes, she found a black figure in front of her, and dust was still floating in the air.

("Bear the red ticket, or it will blow up your house." The young man in white said with a calm face.)