Mechanical Soul

Chapter 75 Attribute Problems

In the early morning of the next day, Shen Feng was escorted by the army to the secret training base, accompanied by Xiaomo. Because it is a secret base, Shen Feng's communication tools and scope of activities are limited. Of course, Mr. Xiaomo is also subject to such restrictions. On a spacecraft that didn't know where to go, Xiaomo seemed to be a little scared and strongly requested to be in the same room with Shen Feng.

Since he was in the same room as Shen Feng, Xiaomo did not forget his identity as a tutor and clapped his little hand. Xiao Mo suddenly said to Shen Feng, "Shen Feng, it is said that your source power only began to practice later. I don't know how much you know about the attributes of source power? And the power of blood crystals in your body is also very special. Can you reveal something to the teacher?

"Cosmic source force, if attribute, that is, refers to all elements in nature, can be understood as full attribute or as non-attribute. Full attributes are generally suitable for everyone, but some people are relatively special and are innately proficient in a certain element, so they use independent attributes, which is the same as the power of ice alone, focusing on the power of ice in the source force for absorption. The seven common attributes of independent attributes are wind, fire, water, earth, electricity, light and metal, which can also show different forms. For example, ice is made from water. Shen Feng replied.

"This is the way, if you absorb a certain element, the source force will show a certain attribute. However, many people are not suitable for this kind of cultivation, because once the balance of this element is broken, the human body will not be able to withstand the source force, and then the source force cannot be cultivated. Then again, how did Shen Feng know that he was particularly suitable for practicing the power of ice? Judging from your practice, the progress is amazing. Xiaomo said.

Shen Feng really didn't know that he was more suitable for practicing the power of ice. At the beginning, Shen Feng just thought that the environment of extreme ice was very good. Moreover, what Xiaomo said is also a little different from what Xiaoli said. Xiaoli said that it is better not to focus on the two attributes, which will lead to imbalance. And Xiaomo said that practicing a wrong attribute will lead to imbalance. Generally speaking, it will lead to imbalance, but it depends on personal health.

"Bear by the way, Shen Feng, you haven't answered the question about the power of your blood crystal. I always feel that the power of your blood crystal is strange and not a normal attribute. Xiaomo said again.

"At present, there are no attributes. I don't practice enough to present attributes."

"No, the attribute has appeared, but you haven't noticed it yet. I have seen the battle between you and Liuli with my own eyes. The power of your blood crystals will double the speed and strength of your body, including the reaction speed. Ordinary blood crystal power practitioners will not have this effect on the human body itself without practicing this attribute. That is to say, people who have not practiced at home will become stronger by using the power of blood crystals, but that stronger refers to the power of blood crystals, not the human body itself.

"Teacher Xiaomo, according to what you said. The color of the power of my blood crystal should have changed. Why is it still blood-colored?

"It can be said that the original attribute of the power of your blood crystal is blood color, and the color has naturally not changed." Xiaomo said affirmatively.

The power of blood crystals comes from the fierce beast. The so-called original attribute refers to the attribute of the fierce beast. Beasts also survive in this world. When it comes to attributes, they can also be explained according to the attributes of the source force of the universe. It's just that some fierce beasts have special bodies, and their attributes will be strange. Others are basically the same as those shown by the source force of the universe.

Because the source force can increase the combat ability of mecha, people can often see mecha with attributes. For example, Tan Xiaobei's Ice Wolf King is a mecha with attributes. The weapons used are almost all ice attributes, and they are also very suitable for fighting in ice attribute environments. Without attribute mecha, in fact, the adaptive design and the design of weapons are different. Take the flash as an example, it is impossible to say that the flash is a spatial attribute because the flash can frequently jump in space.

"Teacher Xiaomo, I don't know what the power of my blood crystal is." Shen Feng said apologetically.

"I can see it." Xiaomo said helplessly that whether a person is lying or not, Xiaomo can see it at a glance.

Next, Xiaomo didn't ask any more questions. She lay boredly** and took out a lollipop and tasted it slowly. It's not a way to consume time like this. Shen Feng simply meditated and quietly felt the changes in his body. Although the stored power is not on his body, Shen Feng can now feel that the power is flowing. This is a very subtle feeling that can only be felt when you are fully committed. If the virtual world access system is not banned, Shen Feng would like to go to the arena of the virtual world to pass the time.

About two days later, Shen Feng finally heard the notice of arrival at his destination. After getting off the spacecraft, Shen Feng saw four other participants also getting off the spacecraft, which means that the five ships arrived at the same time. The place where the spacecraft landed is a militarized mechanical port with many forts and heavily guarded.

"Welcome to the federal secret training base. You can call this place an honor. The members of each World Championship go out from here. You don't have to worry that the training will be very hard. The most important thing here is to cultivate your mood and cooperation, and will not strengthen the training for you personally. The speaker is a very sweet girl, but five people can feel that this is a robot.

"What, this year is much younger than the last one. Isn't the age limit 15 to 25? Don't choose some mature ones. Those people's brains are not burned down, right?

As soon as the five people arrived on the ground, they heard a very calm voice. Looking in the direction of the sound, it was an uncle in a white military uniform with his hair standing up. He looked very personalized and easy to think of the word "angry crown". That is to say, this uncle may be easily angry. Next to the uncle, there was also a woman in the same military uniform, who looked cold and had a straight face.

"The five of you have just arrived. Let's get to know each other first. In addition, the residences of your five contestants are on this training base, and you just need to find them yourself. The other five teachers, come with us. After saying that, the uncle with his hair stood up and did not introduce himself, so he turned around and left. At the same time, the woman left.

Xiaomo glanced at Shen Feng and followed the middle-aged uncle to leave. Just after the middle-aged uncle left, the spaceship also left, and the departing spaceship disappeared in front of Shen Feng and others in the blink of an eye as if penetrating the water. At this time, the sweet-looking robot girl said, "This is a space turbulence. You can't come in without special means. Of course, you can't go out."

The five people nodded, indicating that they understood. Of these five people, three are male and two are female. Except for Shen Feng and another man dressed in black, the other three were dressed in white. In fact, the movements of the five people are similar, and they all observe the young generation with the same qualifications as themselves first.

"How are you? My name is Tuowan." The man in black clothes like Shen Feng said that it gives people a very sunny atmosphere and looks slightly mature and stable, which is estimated to be easy to make people feel safe.

"Hello, my name is Shen Feng." Shen Feng said that he also introduced himself.

"Glass." Liu Li said.

"Wu Liang." Another man in white said. However, this man's voice is not accurate, and it sounds like a dancer. Of course, Shen Feng also heard Wu Niang, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but ** slightly. Tuowan also smiled, and he heard it as unscrupulous. Obviously, the key is not that the man in white did not say the word "good" accurately, and the word "five" is not clear.

"My name is Mi Ke, please take good care of me." The last girl said. Her big smart eyes are watery, look very cute, and seem to be younger than Shen Feng.

"Well, as soon as we came, they gave us a question, neither telling us where our residence is nor whether we live in the same place." Tuowan said.

"In this case, I guess everyone's residence is distributed in different places, and it would be too easy to be together. Moreover, every residence is fixed to someone. Let's look for it separately and let us know who finds it. Wu Liang thought for a moment and said. This time, Shen Feng and others didn't hear anything wrong. I guess Wu Liang can only read his name.

(The first update is sent, ask for red tickets...)