Mechanical Soul

Chapter 90 Flashing Power

"When will you not have crazy thoughts?" Liuli wanted to ask Shen Feng like this, but she didn't. Seeing the flash disappear in the sky, she also followed. Fighting against other people's five mechas with one person's power may not even have a chance to meet the enemy. Although the flash adapts to any terrain combat, the mecha from the aquarium can be used more in the water.

Lishui, which originated from the sea. Some sea people were expelled from the sea for some reason. Where there is no water, these sea people actually survived and then evolved limbs. Since then, this part of the sea people have called themselves Lishui. After a long time, Lishui became powerful in a cruel environment and gradually became a famous race in the universe.

Looking at the endless ocean ahead, Shen Feng did not rush in directly, but waited for the sunset. Shen Feng looked at the sunset and said, "You can help me with long-range weapons, which has a greater success rate."

"I know..." Liu Li replied faintly. Liuli always has a feeling that Shen Feng doesn't want her to follow.

Hearing Liuli's answer, Shen Feng's driving flash rushed into the water in the blink of an eye, splashing waves in the sky. Driving in the water, Shen Feng obviously felt that the speed of the flash had decreased a lot. The deeper the water, the greater the pressure. However, the pressure is not a problem for the flash. The important thing is that the speed of the flash is much slower because of the obstruction of water.

In the team away from the aquarium, five mechas are surrounded by a huge bubble. Li Aqua looks very similar to people, but there is a small horn on the forehead, and the whole body is full of gray-brown fish scales. These gray-brown fish scales look dry and not good-looking.

"A group of people who think they are the overlords of the sea will withdraw from this stage of history sooner or later. Unfortunately, I didn't meet the Shanghai people here..." A Lishui muttered, which seemed to have a great hatred for the Hai people.

Sea people used to be marine life. I don't know when I got wisdom, and I don't know how such a creature as a mermaid appeared. The emergence of mermaids is explained in this way in alien races. When humans and fish combine, mermaids appear. This statement can be said to be an irony.

"There are still 35 minutes to end the first stage. Let's wait for the result quietly. The scores of all races have not changed much. They are waiting tacitly." Another Li aquarium said.

At this time, the captain of the aquarium suddenly said, "Prepare to fight! The sound of the water fluctuated greatly, and it seemed that it came directly for us.

"Is there only one mecha to die? I'm too lazy to do it." A Lishui said disdainfully.


Shen Feng's solo action and crazy thoughts were naturally known by the two human figures, both of whom acquiesced to Shen Feng's practice. They know that there are many strong people in human beings who can be called the peak race of the universe. If we win the first place in this race, human beings are also fully capable of shocking other races. And some well-informed peak races will not make trouble because of this. Every powerful race often has a small war, which is used to warn the people that if they want to survive in this universe, they must have strong strength.

"Young people are impulsive. Maybe they have been influenced by previous years, and I don't have this idea." The commander-in-chief of the human federal army touched his beard and said, and then sighed slightly.

"If we can enter the top three this time, it will represent that we human beings will reach the peak again. In that distant peak era, human beings have never fallen out of the top three in every competition. The Federal Prime Minister said with emotion.

"Well, if only there hadn't been for that rebellion..."

"Oh, what should come always comes. We can't escape, we have to deal with it with all our strength."


"What a boring provocation. Is there only one mecha left for human beings?" A Li aquarium said, and then drove a humanoid mecha to Shen Feng. In his opinion, he can solve this provocative human by himself. In the water, many mechas will be limited, but they can rely on their own ability to make the mecha play 100% of their combat power.

"Sure enough, the stronger the race, the more proud it is." Shen Feng said secretly in his heart. However, the more the other party underestimates the enemy, the more beneficial it will be for Shen Feng.

"The cold mechanical heart, the sleeping mechanical soul, connect my power, wake up!" Shen Feng meditated, and after a while, Shen Feng's forehead was imprinted with flash marks. At the same time, the shining eyes became brighter and the movements became more flexible.

The four Li aquariums in the rear seemed to have noticed something. The captain said, "Carla, be careful. This mecha is very unusual. It is called Flash, which is one of the mechas that human beings are proud of."

"Then, it's up to me to break their pride." Li Aquari, who rushed to the front, said, and the brown scales all over his body suddenly glowed. The moment the light appeared, his mecha was also covered with brown scales, which looked quite strange.

"I'll give it to you, Flash." Shen Feng said silently, and a trace of blood crystal suddenly surrounded him. At the same time, the flash is also surrounded by the power of blood crystals, which rotates and looks very fierce.

"What is that? Like me, can you add your ability to the mecha? The Li aquarium was surprised for a moment, and then shot dozens of blue beams from their limbs. These light swam around, surrounded the flash, and then concentrated on attacking a little.

It can be said that Shenfeng in the water cannot accurately jump in space for a while, but the flash can do it by itself. When the beam was about to touch the flash, the flash suddenly disappeared, and the next moment it accurately appeared behind the aquatic mecha. When it appeared, the long gun had made a thrust.

Not only Li Aquarium was surprised, but also Shen Feng himself was surprised. The shining soul seems to have a very large battle memory, which is not like a newborn at all. If Shen Feng wants to do it, he can't control the flash to such a level. Especially for space jumping, there are high requirements for time control and accurate response.

"Zizi..." The silver-white long gun quickly pierced the mecha away from the aquarium, and the broken scales and metal emitted electric sparks. However, Shen Feng could feel that this did not cause real damage to this mecha. Almost at the same time as the piercing, the long gun suddenly changed, and a silver-white beam penetrated the mecha away from the aquarium and disappeared at a distant end.

"Boom..." Shen Feng looked at the explosion in front of him in disbelief and suddenly found that he really couldn't exert his real combat effectiveness and change weapons so quickly, and Shen Feng couldn't do it. At the moment of the explosion, the flash made a space jump and observed the remaining four alien aquariums.

"Carla..." In addition, Li Aquarium shouted, which was also unbelievable. They were relieved when they received that Carla was safe and only withdrew from the field. The divine soldier took this sudden and powerful enemy seriously.

In front of the screen, the commander-in-chief of the Federal Military Department and the Prime Minister looked at each other, and there was a possible light in their eyes. If Shen Feng has this combat power, not to mention entering the top three, there should be no problem.

"It's really a madman. He actually hid his real skills before, but now it's best to burst out against opponents who underestimate the enemy." Ke Hou said excitedly.

And Liuli, who also watched Shen Feng fight, was silent. If this was Shen Feng's real combat power, she chose to admit defeat. What should she do after admitting defeat? Liuli thought for a moment and suddenly smiled with relief, with longing hidden in her eyes.

It is undoubtedly a good feeling to be valued by opponents. But for Shen Feng, this feeling is not very good. If you can make your opponent underestimate the enemy, this is the best choice. However, even Shen Feng can't believe the combat power shown by the flash, and the other party will despise the enemy.

"Haha, I think the honor of being the first person in the Cloud Blue Star will rise to the first human being." Grandpa Xiangqin said happily. This smile is very real and very satisfied. I am satisfied that my granddaughter has found such a young man.

Xiang Qin smiled bitterly and said nothing. She was thinking about how Grandpa would feel if he found out that it was just acting.

(We still need to call for a red ticket...)