Mechanical Soul

Chapter 94 Bloody Double Knife

On the ring, did the white metal life make a quack of laughter, and his eyes looked at the Tuowan who was walking on the ring. Tuo Wan walked step by step, and his eyes looked very calm. As Shen Feng said, Tuowan hides real strength. In the current situation, it is best to win three battles in a row. If five games are played, who knows what will happen.

"From your eyes, I see a kind of light called self-confidence, but I don't know if you can continue to be confident." After Tuowan stepped into the ring, the white metal life said.

Tuowan glanced at the white metal and directly ignored this sentence. It's not that he didn't want to complain, but he was ready to attack and couldn't speak. When the game was announced, the white metal life immediately took action, and the figure was like photoelectric. In an instant, it arrived in front of Tuowan. The metal arm turned into a spike and stabbed Tuowan.

And Tuowan just smiled ironically. Time seemed to be frozen. I don't know when two long blood-colored knives appeared in Tuowan's hand. The long knife in one hand stopped the metal spike at the speed of electric flint, and the long knife in the other hand cut directly to the waist of the white metal life.

When white metal life was thinking that metal substances could not cause harm to themselves, it suddenly found that the spikes were cut off, and the body was cut in two in an instant. More than that, the core of the white metal was suddenly shocked by an invisible force, and the whole body could not move. Because of this impact, Tuowan also determined the core of the white metal, and the long knife instantly cut the chest of the metal life.

When the chest of the white metal life was cut open, a white bead appeared, and the bead had the appearance of white metal. Before there was a panic sound, it had completely lost its luster. In a short moment, the game was announced to be over before some races could react.

In the camp of the metal clan, the other three players suddenly got up and looked at the blood-colored knife in Tuowan's hand. In less than a second, they found that the blood-colored knife disappeared at some point. Their bodies have almost no weapons to cut, and they especially want to know what material the long bloody knife is made of. If this long knife can easily cut their metal bodies, it will definitely be the nemesis of the metal family.

"Tuowan is so powerful that it solves the white metal life so quickly." Mike covered his little mouth and said in surprise. However, as soon as he finished saying this, Mi Ke was stunned and looked at the ring in disbelief.

At this time, Tuowan's red military uniform was stained with blood, and the red spots quickly expanded. Soon the military uniforms were soaked and slipped into the bright red blood drops. Shen Feng looked at Tuo Wan and said, "Sure enough, there is nothing so good. The stronger the power used, the greater the damage to the body."

"Let me win another victory." Tuo Wan said to Shen Feng as if nothing had happened, and he didn't mean to leave the ring.

The white metal life has been taken back by his team members. After careful examination, they found that the core of life has not really been destroyed, but has become extremely weak. In this way, they are not so hateful when they look at Tuowan. Although the metal family is very powerful, the emergence of every life is very difficult.

Soon after, the white metal life said weakly, "Those knives are very strange, as if there is a force that makes my body automatically decompose. It's not so much cut by him, but I opened it myself. In short, the power is very strange.

"That should be a knife that integrates spiritual mindfulness, as if it is not just that. If it's just a combination of mental strength, he won't get hurt. Red metal life said.

"We still have the last one. This class of human beings is surprisingly difficult to deal with. I'll play the next one." The purple metal life said, and then walked to the ring.

"Purple, poisonous metal, it seems to be a lot of trouble, and we have to solve it quickly. This kind of power has never been exposed. It seems that the success has caused hallucinations to white metal life, making him mistakenly think that he has no defense. Tuo Wan said secretly in his heart that the bloody knives appeared in his hand again, and his momentum was constantly improving. While the momentum improved, the blood under Tuowan's feet also flowed faster.

When purple metal life sees such a situation, its vigilance has increased a lot. If they lose this game, they will lose completely. The game was announced to begin, and a faint purple thick fog appeared around the purple metal life, and then a drop of purple metal ** flew to Tuomaru.

Tuowan knows that both ** and thick fog are highly toxic. As long as they are touched, there will be no good end. In a flash, Tuo Wan jumped high, swept the bloody two knives in the air, and then rotated at high speed. In a moment, a huge bloody storm formed. Before the purple metal** approached, it was involved in the invisible void and disappeared nowhere.

"Is this still a person who uses spiritual power?" Many alien races were full of doubts, and then they saw countless bloody knives pouring out from the storm, and the knives flew like light to purple metal life like lightning.

"Pervert..." Facing the bloody storm, the purple metal life had to curse secretly, because he felt that it was not only a bloody blade, but also an invisible spiritual power.

At the first time, the purple metal turned into a puddle** and spread to the whole ring. It was impossible to see that the core of life was in that place, and even the core of life should have been liquefied together. In this way, unless you attack the whole ring, you can't hurt this purple metal life at all.

"If you guess correctly, the core of life is also moving at any time, and it has long been expected that this will happen." Tuo Wan, who was in the bloody storm, said to himself, and the long knife that flew out stopped in the air. As time goes on, the long knives gradually spread throughout the ring. Blood light covered the sky over the whole ring, like the sky falling down, bombarding the ring together.

"How can it be? How can a young people control so many objects?" The purple metal life muttered, and then felt an unforgettable pain. The pain is ridiculous for the metal family, because they can't feel any pain at all for their physical reasons. However, today I feel incomparable pain, which can be remembered for a lifetime.

The ability to liquefy the whole body is already very remarkable in the metal family. Because the core of life will also liquefy together, greatly reducing the danger of life, and the scope of attack is also larger. When the pain is felt, the purple metal life also bursts. Thick metal spears rose from the ground and attacked the core of the bloody storm.

With a sound, the bloody storm stopped, and the approaching purple metal guns were all cut off. Tuowan still waved his knife, and then turned over and stopped at a higher sky. Purple metal is still all over the ring, and the result of falling is obvious.

The purple metal pandle fell on the ring and soon became **. Tuo Wan gasped violently in the air, and his face was very pale. It seemed to be so deadlocked that the purple metal life did not launch an attack, nor did it take back the ** covering the whole ring, but there was another layer of thick fog on **. The thick fog rose slowly, but it could not rise too high.

"He wants to drag him down with Tuowan. It seems that he has also suffered a lot of injuries, otherwise the poison should have spread to Tuowan." Shen Feng looked at the ring and said, faintly worried about Tuowan. Shen Feng is very clear that the stronger the power used, the more powerful the body needs to support, and he doesn't know how Tuo Wan's physical condition is now. From the blood left quickly, we know that the situation is very gloomy.

The human in front of the screen also looked at this situation worried about whether Tuowan could continue to hold on. However, they also know that the longer they persist, the more harmful it will be to the body. After all, the blood that keeps leaving behind is not a joke. And the alien race has been shocked again. There used to be a crazy Wuliang, now there is a crazy Tuomaru, and the human captain is also known as a madman.

"In this case, let's solve it thoroughly." Tuo Wan said, gradually put together the two blood-colored knives in his hand, and then threw them down and inserted them obliquely on the ground of the ring.

"Explosion!" As soon as Tuo Wan shouted, the blood-colored knife bloomed with blood-colored light. But in an instant, the bloody light shrouded the whole ring, and then countless blood lights rose from the ground, like a volcanic eruption.

The sky-high bloodlight lasted for ten seconds before it stopped, and the original high ring also turned into a huge deep pit, and the bottom could not be seen at a glance. At this time, Tuo Wan fell from the air and heard the sound of victory. When he heard that he had won, Tuo Wan looked at Shen Feng and others and showed that he was fine.

The battle with the metal clan won by 3 to 0. They have won, and Shen Feng did not intend to let Tuowan fall directly into the bottomless pit and tie Tuowan down from God. When he came into contact with Tuo Wan, Shen Feng's red military uniform was also quickly dyed red. Looking at Tuowan's pale face, Shen Feng had a shocking feeling.

"Next, it's up to you. There are five races and two competitions. I hope you won't be eliminated directly." Tuo Wan said weakly to Shen Feng, and then stood up and quickly disappeared from the sight of Shen Feng and others accompanied by medical staff.

On the edge of the ring, the purple metal breath of life was also very weak. He looked at the figure of Tuowan leaving and said, "A terrible human being, if he grows up, must be able to stand at the peak of the universe."

When the battle ended on the human side, the other four platforms were still competing cruelly. Half an hour later, all the battles in the ring were over.

"Victory of the human race!"

"Wanluo victory!"

"The Tianyuan clan won, and all members lost their ability to fight and withdrew from the following competition."

"The local royal family won, and all members lost their ability to fight and withdrew from the following competition."

"Victory of the Dark Demons."

Five consecutive announcements made Shen Feng's face more solemn. Shen Feng did not forget to promise Shen Yun to try his best to delay the end of the game. Now there are still three races continuing to compete, and two results, one is directly eliminated. The other is to fight against the Wanluo or Dark Demons. In this case, the game is not far from the end.

"One out of three is eliminated, and one-third of the probability will be eliminated. It turned out to be one-fifth. I hope it won't eliminate us directly. Mike prayed and said.

Of course, Shen Feng also prayed not to be eliminated directly. I don't know when Shen Feng also began to get nervous. Half an hour later, the eliminated race came out randomly. Shen Feng looked at the result and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was the Dark Demons who were directly eliminated. Fortunately, it was not us." Mike patted his chest and said, looking shocked.

"The opponent is the Wanluo clan. In the battle just now, they were injured more seriously, but it gave people a more terrible feeling." Liu Li said.

"There are only two opponents. Just defeat them. Are you first or me first?" Shen Feng looked at Liu Li calmly and said.

"Captain, I'll go first." Mi Ke looked at Shen Feng with anticipation and said.

"Do you want to be killed in seconds?" Shen Feng was puzzled.

"No, I came up with a way. I don't know if I can win. The captain asked me to have a try. Losing will not affect the result, as long as the captain and Sister Liuli defeat them. It will be better if you win. Mi Ke looked at Shen Feng with a smile and waited for Shen Feng's decision.

"No, this is not a joke. You have also seen the previous battle of the Wanluo people. It is a very cruel race. What if there is an accident? Shen Feng said seriously.

"Ah... I believe in the captain so much, and the captain should believe in me." Mi Ke said unwillingly.

"Let Mike have a try. Her strange rune may have a special effect." Liu Li said.

"I don't care, I'm going to try." Mi Ke ignored Shen Feng's disagreement and walked to the new ring, and then stopped at the edge of the ring.

Didn't you say no? How can you stop her?" Liu Li asked Shen Feng.

"She said she wanted to trust her." Shen Feng was silent for a while before answering.

Liuli smiled gently, and she knew that the reason was only one of them. Although I don't know what Shen Feng is thinking, Liuli did agree with Mi Ke to go up. Although Mike doesn't seem to have any fighting ability, strange runes are emerging one after another, which may really work. Liuli felt that Mikke's rune was more like a rule, and no ability could be violated. If Mike wins, there will be only one opponent left, and she will play.

The first one of the Wanluo is a black figure, full of spikes, and his arms have been bent like knives. The Wanluo clan was broken in many places, and black blood kept flowing out, and many spikes were broken.

Mike stood off the ring for a long time, and the alien race felt nothing. Standing on the aesthetics of human beings, it is really difficult to ask a beautiful and weak little girl to deal with a monster like the Wanluo clan. Mi Ke looked back at Shen Feng and Liuli, and then stepped on the ring, and Shen Feng and Liuli also came to the edge of the ring, ready to rescue at any time. Shen Feng found that there was indeed fear in Mi Ke's eyes, but when he saw Shen Feng and Liu Li beside him, he walked into the ring at ease.

After waiting quietly for a while, the game was announced to begin. At the beginning of the game, Mi Ke suddenly squatted on the ground and covered his head with his hands. As soon as the Wanluo people took the first step, their figure stopped, and then inexplicably walked down the ring.

Shen Feng looked at the Wanluo people who walked off the ring inexplicably, and his heart was full of doubts. This time, Shen Feng did not see any runes, and the Wanluo people walked off the ring and admitted defeat. When the Wanluo people walked down the ring, Mike stood up, patted his chest gently, and breathed nervously.

When Mike stood up, the Wanluo clan, who had come down from the ring, reacted, and their faces became quite ferocious. They looked at Mike fiercely, as if they were about to rush up. Now that he has won, Mi Ke didn't want to stay in the ring and quickly walked behind Shen Feng and Liuli.

The inexplicable defeat of the Wanluo people made all races wide open their eyes and couldn't believe such a fact. The cruelty of the Wanluo people is famous, and there is no sympathy for foreigners at all.

"How could this happen?" On the other side of the Wanluo clan, another player asked.

"There is something strange on the ground. It seems that something enters my body from the ground, and then my body is out of control."

"What can control you with your will?"

"It's not a spiritual attack, but a similar rule, and my will can't break this rule."

On Shen Feng's side, Mi Ke looked at Shen Feng and Liuli's doubtful eyes and had to explain: "This is the rune of the puppet. At the beginning, I set this rune in the ring, and it will be triggered at the beginning of the game. In addition, the puppet rune can't be seen, only I can see it.

Shen Feng had no choice but to take a look at Mi Ke. Obviously, he was so scared, but he still wanted to try. Is this cheating? After all, he began to take action before the game, but since it was judged to be Mikke's victory, even if he cheated when he found it, he would not change the result. Cheating is also a kind of strength. Now such a simple victory is not a good thing for Shen Feng. I don't know when, Shen Feng also had a kind of uneasiness in his heart. Shen Feng didn't know anything about this uneasiness.

"Next, I'll solve it." Liuli said directly to Shen Feng, without any intention of discussion.

Shen Feng took a serious look at Liuli and said, "No!"

Liuli directly ignored Shen Feng's impotence and looked at Shen Feng with sharp eyes, as if to say that she was stronger than Shen Feng in battle.

Shen Feng did not say anything, just smiled, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place. When Liuli realized it, Shen Feng was already standing on the ring. Shen Feng looked back at Liuli and said, "I admit your ability, but don't fight with me in this battle, okay?"