Mechanical Soul

Chapter 104 Same

The next day, the Carlo people took care of the oasis destroyed by artillery fire and replanted green plants on the black land. Last night, these villagers hid somewhere and did not appear in the Green Pearl Village. Shen Feng stood on the roof and looked at the green plants growing rapidly on the oasis from afar, showing a thoughtful look.

Because of the dark shadow, Shen Feng didn't rest for a night. However, this is nothing for Shen Feng. Tang Rou was also frightened and didn't rest for the same night, but she couldn't see any fatigue. Of course, these are all spiritual. Because of spiritual thoughts, even if you don't sleep for more than ten days, you can have no fatigue.

" Shen Mo, the village head has something to ask you. Can you come over?" This time, Shen Feng is called a young face. Shen Feng was sure that he had never seen this face. At this time, Shen Feng found that there seemed to be many fresh faces in Lvzhu Village overnight. At the same time, the volume has also become much smaller.

With a slight doubt, Shen Feng came to the village head's room. Unlike before, the largest house in the village hung a black flag. The flag fluttered with the wind, like a black flame burning and beating. After paying a slight attention to the black flag, Shen Feng also walked in. Shen Feng saw many faces in the hall, but he was not surprised.

At the signal of the patriarch of Shenfeng Carlo, he sat down and looked at the Carlo clan who were also sitting around. He didn't understand what the patriarch was planning. After coughing, the patriarch of the Carlo clan said with a straight face and seriously, "Yesterday has passed. Since we have taken such a step, it is impossible for us to turn back and have to go on firmly. If we retreat or waver, the only thing that greets us is the endless darkness and death.

After a while, the patriarch looked at the firm eyes under the stage and seemed satisfied, and then said, "The first step, we have won. But above the owner of Wolf, we still have stronger enemies. The Beiyuan Organization, the boss of the owner of Wolf City and so on want to enslave our power. We don't want war, but we must fight for our freedom!" What the old patriarch said was red and excited, and there was also hatred and anger.

After saying that, the patriarch of the Carlo clan looked at Shen Feng. Shen Feng also understood that he seemed to have promised to help before. Seeing Shen Feng nodding, the old patriarch was relieved, and then made a strange gesture. Immediately, two Carlo people came in outside the door, holding a suit of clothes in their hands. Unlike Shen Feng, which is seen here, the workmanship is very delicate and the stripes are very beautiful.

"In your human world, it should be called a combat uniform. We don't have the high technology as you human beings, but in this case, it's better than nothing. The patriarch of the Carlo clan said with a little fleshy look on his face, which was the clothes that their people spent playing with and made of special materials.

Shen Feng wanted to say that he didn't need it, but after thinking about it, he still took it. When taking over the clothes, Shen Feng could obviously feel that the clothes also had black flames. The flame flows on the surface of the clothes, which is very even. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"Pf patriarch, why give such an important thing to a human being? If we wear it for our warriors, we can give full play to his strength. I'm not convinced. I'm going to fight with him." When Shen Feng finished these two sets of clothes, a young Carlo stood up and said. Maybe Shen Feng doesn't know the value of these two clothes, but he knows it clearly. This is the flame left by generations of sages. They call it the ghost flame. In addition to strong defense, it also has many mysterious abilities.

"Longa. Don't mess around. It's the patriarch's decision. Next to the Carlo people named Longa, an elderly man said hurriedly.

Hearing that it was the patriarch's decision, Longa sat down again and looked at Shen Feng unkindly. This was originally the best warrior in the clan, but now it is in the hands of an outsider, and he can't be friendly.

Do you want to send other people's things back to others? Shen Feng felt a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, Shen Feng still put it away at ease. Maybe these two sets of clothes have little effect on themselves, but they don't mean they are useless to the people around them. Moreover, after receiving it, it can also reassure the patriarch of the Carlo clan.

"Shen Mo, I want to hear your views on our family in the future." The patriarch of the Carlo clan looked at Shen Feng and suddenly asked such a question.

Either succeed or fail. However, whether it succeeds or fails, the process needs to be paved with life, and there is no sacrificial war, unless one party has absolute power. I don't know the situation here yet, so I can't say too much. Shen Feng replied.

"So, you want us to stop." A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the old patriarch.

"It can be said, but I don't know what is appropriate and to what extent it can make you let go of your hatred." Shen Feng is calm.

"To what extent? ..." The patriarch of the Carlo clan was nervous and muttered. From the implementation of the plan to today, many ethnic groups have indeed died. If it continues, more people will definitely die. But there is nothing they can do. If they want to win the victory in their hearts, someone must sacrifice. Even he himself has long been prepared to sacrifice. For them, death is not terrible. What is terrible is to live like a puppet. They regarded themselves as a flame and knew that there would be a day when they would go out.


After going back, Shen Feng didn't think much about it. He directly handed over a suit of clothes to Tang Rou and said, "This is given to you by the village head."

When Tang Rou saw that Shen Feng had another set in his hand, she doubted it and happily took it over. After living here for so many years, it is the first time she has seen such exquisite clothes. Except for the monotonous color, the stripes on the clothes are very beautiful. After taking over the clothes, Tang Rou seemed to be unable to wait and ran back to her room with her cheeks slightly red. It took about half an hour to come out and have changed into this new dress.

Combat clothes are naturally tight. Tang Rou came out in a black combat suit, which really brightened Shen Feng's eyes. The soft temperament and a mysterious black combat suit completely showed the exquisite figure. The beautiful face is also a little more heroic. Long hair is coiled, and youth is a little lively.

"Are I the same as yours?" Tang Rou asked curiously.

"It's the same." Shen Feng replied affirmatively. Suddenly, Shen Feng looked at the wheel of space in his hand and sighed inexplicably.

Tang Rou looked at Shen Feng and sighed silently in her heart. In fact, Tang Rou also knew that Shen Feng was a very storyful person. No one fell from the twisted air for no reason, no one was still alive with any blood all over his body, and no one would shed tears for no reason. In Tang Rou's opinion, it would be good if Shen Feng could tell her the pain in his heart. However, if Shen Feng doesn't say anything, Tang Rou won't ask.

Shen Feng thought for a moment, and a layer of black armor suddenly appeared on his body, which was exactly the set given by Wing Shadow to Shen Feng. Biological Armor, such a word appeared in Shen Feng's mind. Biological armor can be completely integrated into the human body and follow the command of the brain. As long as Shen Feng thinks, the biological elements of the armor will quickly expand to form a complete set of armor. This kind of armor has many unknown capabilities and many safety problems. It is certain that if the biological armor is damaged, it will cause certain damage to the human body.

Seeing that Shen Feng suddenly changed his dress, Tang Rou showed an incredible look. Tang Rou said secretly, "For good news, I heard that human beings can change into combat equipment in an instant, otherwise they will laugh at him. However, why didn't he use it last night? Is there not enough time?

Indeed, in that case, Shen Feng can't put on armor at the first time. This armor seems to appear in an instant, but in fact it takes a few seconds. In just a few seconds, a few seconds can already do a lot of things. If she had put on the armor first, Tang Rou might not have stood here today.

Tang Rou looked carefully at Shen Mo in front of her and didn't find anything special. She felt that whether Shen Mo was wearing armor or not wearing armor, it was still a sense of security. Tang Rou was slightly puzzled. According to reason, Shen Mo, who was wearing armor, should be a little more powerful, but why did it feel the same?


"What are you talking about? Is Wolf City occupied by the Carlo people? Isn't this a big joke? What can the Carlo people of more than 100 people do? In a luxurious palace, a bat-like man answered the message exaggeratedly and then hung up, thinking that the news he received was fake.

There are also many people who don't believe that the owner of Wolf was killed, and they don't pay much attention to such a remote city. As long as they pay tribute on time, they won't care so much. Some people are skeptical and send their own people to confirm. However, even if it is true, it seems to be nothing to them.

Time goes by, and the Carlo people are not in a hurry to take the next step. Based on Wolf City, they are gradually developing their own strength. Of course, Wolf City changed its name after it was occupied by the Carlo people and called Mingyan City. Shen Feng also learned that the distribution of power in this area is very scattered. There are all kinds of large and small forces, and there seems to be no concept of a country.

Shen Feng's spiritual mind is also improving rapidly. When Shen Feng found that he could move a hill with his mind, Shen Feng himself looked surprised. The spiritual mind was undoubtedly a great aid to the battle. When the mental mind was not strong, Shen Feng used this to change the trajectory of his attack moves. If the trajectory of the beam, * and so on can be changed, it can also have great advantages in the war of mecha.