Mechanical Soul

Chapter 128 Mdora

Taking the girl who likes himself to meet the girl he likes, Shen Feng obviously didn't realize the problem, and his anxiety and worry were written on his face. The sunset was originally a driver, but now it is sitting on two people. It is definitely crowded. Feeling the breath of Shen Feng and looking at Shen Feng's worried face, Liuli had a sense of frustration. Obviously, he is beside himself, but his heart is not on himself at all.

In the same cloud blue star, Liuli knows Xiang Qin. This is a very kind woman who is three or four years older than her. In Cloud Blue Star, almost all of them are engaged in charity, so they are called the most beautiful woman in Cloud Blue Star. In terms of beauty alone, Liuli is confident that she will never be worse than Xiang Qin. Losing to Xiang Qin, Liuli has nothing to say. The relationship with Shen Feng was so rigid before that it would be strange not to lose.

"He is so anxious and worried that he must really like Xiang Qin, so what about me..." Liu Li said secretly in his heart, and his beautiful eyes were a little sad. Emotionally, her contribution to Shen Feng can be said to be the most, and also the hardest and painful. Now the misunderstanding has been solved, and you still don't get the ending you want.


In the Xiang family, almost everyone's face is sad. It is not far from the central city, and medical technology can be said to be the most developed place. If today's medical technology cannot be treated, a young life is doomed to die. Although there are still nine days left, the afterthought has begun to prepare for it.

The beautiful room is full of flowers, but it is surrounded by layers of glass. Through the glass, you can see a pale woman lying quietly, waiting for her life to disappear little by little. The woman is very beautiful, and her pale face has no effect at all, but is more pitiful.

"Sister..." Through layers of glass, Xiang Long sat on a stone chair and muttered, looking haggard. I don't know how many days he hasn't opened his eyes. Xiang Long couldn't bear to look back at the more haggard figure, recalling the bits and pieces of the past, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

"Xiang Huan, there's really nothing we can do. The virus has spread to the whole body, and the cell regeneration energy is completely suppressed and mutated. Alas... Let's deal with this as soon as possible. If the virus mutates again, such isolation is useless." On the other side, an old man in a doctor's uniform shook his head and sighed.

Xiang Huan, that is also Xiang Qin's grandfather, was silent without any words after hearing that there was no way again. Or, the only feasible way is to reshape a body, but there is no soul transfer technology.

"Child, why are you so stupid? Why did you go to that place..." Xiang Qin's mother has cried into tears, and her eyes are covered with blood. On the side, Xiang Qin's father looked heavy and gently comforted his wife.

As soon as he entered Xiang's house, Shen Feng felt an extremely heavy breath. The sunset flew over the mountains of the Xiang family, and Shen Feng quickly locked an abnormal building with his mental strength. Before the sunset completely stopped, Shen Feng jumped down from the sunset. After landing lightly, Shen Feng rushed into the hall, and the speed made the doorman unreactless.

"Sir, you can't go in." The doorman said quickly, but saw that the figure had gone up to the second floor.

On the second floor, Shen Feng's figure gradually appeared. With his spiritual strength, Shen Feng had already seen the situation of Xiang Qin. Quietly walked to the isolation glass and looked at the weak and unconscious figure. Shen Feng's memory returned to the rainy day in an instant. At that time, how helpless she was, but she came and spent the most helpless, longest and most horrible period of her life. Now, can I only go through the glass?

"It's okay, you'll be fine..." Shen Feng said secretly in his heart, standing still through layers of glass.

"Dhen Feng?" Xiang Long slowly raised his head and asked uncertainly. If it weren't for this atmosphere, it would be full of joy. The heaviness in his heart made Xiang Long unhappy. Xiang Long stood up and slowly walked towards Shen Feng, with a heavy pace.

Xiang Huan also found Shen Feng, moving the old figure and looking lonely. Xiang Huan came to Shen Feng, patted Shen Feng's shoulder extremely heavily, and sighed.

"Do you want to let her lie alone like this?" Shen Feng asked in a trembling voice.

"We will always be here... The virus has a strong ability to infect, if not..." Xiang Huan couldn't bear to go on, and his old cheeks also shed tears.

"Bum..." There was a muffled sound, and then the sound of glass falling to the ground was heard. Without any hesitation, Shen Feng came to Xiang Qin's side. Reaching out his hand and gently stroking his bloodless face, Shen Fengxin became difficult to breathe.

"No, I won't let you lie alone. Anyway, I will walk down with you..." Shen Feng muttered, then gently picked up Xiang Qin and jumped down from the second floor. When he jumped down, Shen Feng's body also put on armor in an instant. As soon as his mind moved, he quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Shen Feng, you can't do this... so that you will be infected with the virus..." Xiang Huan hurriedly shouted, but Shen Feng's figure could no longer be seen.

"How can this child be so emotional?" Xiang Huan sighed and looked a little older.

"He is not acting. He really likes his sister... This is good for her, but what about you? Do you also want to leave with your sister?" Xiang Long stopped and whispered when he looked at the disappeared figure outside the window.

Liuli walked up to the second floor and happened to see Shen Feng leave with a woman in her arms. While she was a little disappointed, she also scolded Shen Feng's impulse. Now he didn't even figure out what happened to Xiang Qin, so he took others away. If there is any accident, it may make Xiang Qin leave earlier and she will be infected.

After thinking for a while, Liuli walked to the old doctor and asked, "Doctor, can you tell me the specific situation of the patient?"

"Hurry up... Hurry up and get him back, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." The old doctor seemed to have just recovered from his dullness and said hurriedly.

"Doctor, can you answer my question just now? About the specific situation of the patient. Liuli asked again.

"Sorry, I've been hiding something before... This is a secondary mutant virus of Mdora. If it spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable. The old doctor said solemnly.

"Mdora..." Everyone was stunned and almost looked at the old doctor with a puzzled look. Mdora is only available on the ancient planet Earth and MR-2, and Xiang Qin has never been there. How can she be infected with this virus?

The old doctor sighed and explained, "Well, it is impossible not to solve the Mdorah mutant virus. The Supreme Medical College recovered the controllable Mdorah virus for research in order to find a way to eliminate the Mdorah virus. However, the result still failed... which prompted the second mutation of the Mudora virus. The day when Xiang Qin went to the poor star for financial support happened to be the day when the Mdorah virus was out of control. Now, the poor planet should have been completely blocked.

"Shen Feng, then Shen Feng will also..." The Mdora virus can no longer be described as horror, which is simply desperate.

The old doctor added: "The research has still achieved certain results. After many experiments, the threat of the second mutation of the Mdorah virus can be said to be much smaller, but it will slowly destroy the vitality of the human body, and will not turn people into Mdorah, lose any intelligence, and live as another existence. However, the infectivity is still very horrible, and as long as you touch a person infected with the virus, you will be infected. After the death of the infected person, the virus will spread into the air.

"Can you contact Shen Feng now and call him..." Xiang Huan asked Liuli.

"It can't... It's useless. As long as it's his decision, it can't be changed." Liuli shook her head and said, her eyes were full of worries. After all, it was not a joke to be infected with the Mdorah virus.

"There is no way to contact Shen Feng, so that he will be infected." Xiang Huan said, and his white lips trembled slightly.

"However, I can use the sunset to find it!" Liuli said, then ran out quickly, then jumped into the air and disappeared into the sky in the light of the sunset.


On the floating white clouds, Shen Feng just hugged Xiang Qin tightly and looked at the distant place. He felt that everything was so ethereal that only the people in his arms were real.

"Is that you?" I don't know how long it took, Xiang Qin slowly opened her eyes and asked with a weak voice after seeing that it was Shen Feng.

"It's me... Sorry, I'm late..." Shen Feng nodded gently and barely smiled.

"LET go of me, you will..." Xiang Qin wanted to tell Shen Feng that he would be infected with the virus, but before she finished speaking, her little mouth was sealed by Shen Feng's lips and she couldn't speak.

"I will never let you go and won't make you feel lonely." After kissing for a long time, Shen Feng loosened, looked at Xiang Qin's stunned eyes and whispered.

"You..." Xiang Qin looked at Shen Feng's crazy eyes and didn't know what to say.

"I have liked you for a long time... very early, I fell in love with your kindness, your quiet smile, and your elegant figure..." Shen Feng said with a smile, but his eyes were full of sadness. Shen Feng still knows Xiang Qin's current situation.

"When is it very early?" Xiang Qin didn't believe her appearance and barely squeezed out a smile.

"I forgot... I only knew that when I was very young, you left a mark in my heart. Later, I found you and looked at you silently. Unconsciously, I didn't know when I began to like you.