Mechanical Soul

Chapter 131 Black Mantis

Since knowing that her full name is Shen Mo, Xiaomo has doubted whether she has anything to do with Shen Feng. Now she has seen her mother hand over the most important things to Shen Feng, and now she is more and more sure. Xiaomo doesn't know what the relationship is. The only reasonable explanation is that Shen Feng is her brother. However, it seems that there is something wrong with the age. Xiaomo is only ten years old now, and Shen Feng is almost eighteen years old, almost eight years apart.

"Forget, don't look at him as a brother, then I will be very entangled." Xiaomo said secretly in his heart, took a breath, and his expression became normal again. For Xiaomo, she really doesn't want Shen Mo to be her brother.

Tang Rou saw Shen Feng, but she didn't run over immediately, just watched from afar. In the process of understanding the human world, Tang Rou found a lot of information about Shen Feng. Now it is a strange feeling to see Shen Feng still holding a woman in white. Tang Rou can feel that Shen Feng is very good to her, but she is just very good. But for Tang Rou, in the world with only two human beings, Shen Feng is the choice of her life, and so far. The reason why Tang Rou thinks so may not be because she has not contacted other men in the human world.

Shen Feng knew when he saw Xiaomo's reaction. Xiaomo must know what this power is. With a little joy in his heart, Shen Feng asked, "Xiao Mo, how can we use this power or transfer it to others?"

Xiaomo rubbed his temple with one hand and said, "There is no way to transfer it to others. If you want to use it, you will take the initiative to stimulate it when your life is in danger."

"Can it have an effect on others?" Shen Feng asked nervously, this is the most important point. If not, Shen Feng doesn't know whether Xiang Qin can persist until she comes back.

"It should be okay. Theoretically, as long as you are exposed to green light, you will receive the effect of treatment." Xiaomo is also not sure. Xiaomo is not completely aware of the green power in Shen Feng's body.

In this way, Shen Feng is difficult to do it. Does he have to take Xiang Qin to the planet MR-2? It is a planet full of the plague of Mdora. Shen Feng can't guarantee his own safety. How can he take Xiangqin there? Shen Feng sighed slightly. At present, he can only find a way to improve Xiang Qin's situation and then go there by himself.

Thinking that Xiaomo once said that the impact of the Mdorah virus can be minimized under the extremely cold cosmic source force, Shen Feng has never been so eager to have the power of ice. However, Shen Feng will not eliminate the idea of MR-2 planet because of the lack of ice power. If contact will be contagious, Shen Feng does not doubt that he has been infected. In this way, Shen Feng added another reason for himself to go.

If you go alone, Xiang Qin will be lonely again. If Xiangqin is taken together, the danger of the planet MR-2 makes Shen Feng uncertain. In the middle of the trouble, Shen Feng looked at Xiang Qin's quiet sleeping face, moved his heart slightly, and said silently, "I said I won't leave you alone. If we go together, even if we die, we will die together."

When the decision was made, Shen Feng also planned to leave. Although I really want to hug Xiaomo, I can't. Staying here one more point is more dangerous for Xiaomo and Tang Rou. He smiled at Xiaomo and Tang Rou. Shen Feng jumped, and a flash suddenly appeared in the air. Waving to Xiaomo, Shen Feng entered the cockpit and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Is this the way to leave?" Xiaomo was slightly speechless and didn't know what to say. Didn't Shen Feng come here to see himself? I didn't come here to see Tang Rou on reason, I just passed by. If you just pass by, is it necessary to come here with a sleeping woman?

"He's gone..." Tang Rou didn't know what she said. How could she leave like this? She didn't say anything.

Maybe Shen Feng also has something to say, but Shen Feng doesn't know what will happen after he goes to the MR-2 planet. There are still many nostalgia in his heart, which is certain. In this case, Shen Feng will try his best to live and must not die easily on the MR-2 planet.

Shortly after Shen Feng left, a fiery mecha suddenly appeared over Xiao Mo's house. Tang Yu saw Xiaomo and a girl in the yard, smiled gently and said, "You are so good. Come out and welcome me..."

Just before he finished speaking, Tang Yu was stunned, and then quickly jumped down, ran to Tang Rou's front, and looked at it carefully. And Tang Rou also looked at Tang Yu, and both of them had a very wonderful feeling.

"Xiaomo, when did you have such a bad taste? It's illegal to copy me. That's not the surprise you mentioned, is it?" Tang Yu suddenly turned around and put his hands in his waist and said to Xiao Mo.

"I won't do such a boring and dangerous thing. She said her name is Tang Rou. You should know." Xiaomo curled her lips and said, and then looked at the void, with a slight uneasiness in her heart. She always felt that Shen Feng's behavior was a little abnormal this time. First, ask about the power of green, and then leave in a hurry.

"Tang Rou?" Tang Yu read it for a moment, and his expression suddenly became exaggerated. He pointed to Tang Rou and said, "Do you think this is my sister?"

"Maybe it's your sister." Xiaomo replied and touched her chin to look at Tang Yu and Tang Rou.

"It's impossible. I must have been born first." Tang Rou whispered, then took Tang Rou's hand and said hurriedly and tremblingly, "Let's go home with me."

So he found his lost sister, Tang Yu felt that it was similar to a dream. Thinking of his mother who often cried and blamed herself, Tang Yu couldn't wait to take his sister home quickly so that there was no such a sad and depressing atmosphere at home. Every time I speak, I am careful not to let my family fall into sad memories.

"Go home?" Tang Rou suddenly had a subtle feeling, as if she believed that Tang Yu was her relative and followed Tang Yu.

"It's gone again. It's quiet now." Xiaomo looked at the fiery mecha also disappeared, and then trotted into her room, lying on ** and didn't know what she was thinking. She held her chin and thought slightly.


Near the planet MR-2, the dark universe suddenly appeared to distort, and then an instant formed a whirlpool. The whirlpool rotated quickly, emitting white light in the dark, which was very dazzling. After about a moment, the core of the whirlpool was like an explosion, bursting out bright white light, illuminating the universe.

After the white light, a dark mecha appeared from the dark universe, which was countless. These mechas are made of the same black metal, which is slightly rough, and the arms are two machetes, which are no different from mantis. The difference is that this is a standing mantis. The blade of the right hand has rows of serrated teeth, while the left hand does not.

"Is this the human MR-2 planet..." Among these black mantis mechas, a mecha with the captain's seal looked at the MR-2 planet not far away and said, shining green eyes.

MR-2, a planet shrouded in plague, can be seen from the universe. This is a black planet full of death and plague. The plague particles floated around the planet and could be seen with the naked eye. What's more strange is that you can hear the beating sound of the heart here, which makes people feel irritable.

"There must be horror." The captain's mecha made a gloomy sound, and then his green eyes shone fiercely. He turned around and said in an ordered tone, "Action now. Human surveillance here is the weakest, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't. It must be detonated within 15 minutes!"

If someone sees these black mantis mechas going to detonate the planet MR-2, they will definitely think that these driving mechas are crazy. If it explodes, the plague will spread rapidly. At that time, not only will the human world become a world of plague, but the whole universe will slowly become a plague universe.

After receiving the order, these dark mechas moved and flew to the planet MR-2 in rows, looking like a group of wasps from a distance. The number of mantis mecha is very large, and I am not afraid that there is a planet full of plague ahead. They were going to destroy the planet and then let the plague spread the whole universe. How could they be afraid if their minds were so crazy?

In a human combat command room, the red warning has been repeated many times. A huge three-dimensional screen shows that a black mantis mecha is flying to the planet MR-2. The MR-2 planet is extremely dangerous and it is impossible not to monitor it. Because of the plague, the monitoring point is located far away from the planet. In addition, everyone knows that approaching the planet MR-2 is equivalent to death, even more terrible than death. There are no troops stationed nearby, and it is not necessary. However, on another planet far away, there is a special army guarding it in case of terrorist chaos. At the time of the initial formation of the plague, some terrorists thought about using long-range powerful weapons to blow up the planet MR-2.

"What's going on?" In this combat command room, a cold female officer suddenly came in, said seriously, and then looked at the three-dimensional screen, and her face suddenly became solemn.

"The situation is not clear... I can't know where they appeared in an instant. Can we send troops there in this way? Another officer in the command room, who seemed to have a good position, answered and then asked cautiously.

"Do you think it's too late? What will happen if soldiers come into contact with the Mdorah plague? The cold woman asked, with a frost on her face.

"This must be stopped, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. It must have been planned for a long time to appear directly around the planet MR-2, and there must be a huge conspiracy. Then, a woman with glasses suddenly came in and said with a solemn face.

"It is reported that a high-energy reaction is approaching the planet MR-2. Due to the speed, the garrison could not intercept it in time." A garrison soldier reported to the combat command room in a cold sweat.

"What, didn't intercept it in time? What are you doing..." The cold woman was really angry, but she was stunned for a moment.