Mechanical Soul

Chapter 135 Superfen jie pao

The flash of wisdom and the awakening of the soul undoubtedly relieves the pressure of Shen Feng. There is no need to concentrate on manipulating, just concentrate on freezing the black mantis mecha. Of course, while freezing the black mantis mecha, Shen Feng's hand also tapped fast on the keyboard.

Xiang Qin looked at Shen Feng's paler and paler, and also saw a black mantis mecha frozen into ice sculpture outside. How horrible these black mantis mechas were after the explosion. She has seen and understood what Shen Feng is doing now. She looked quietly and motionless, for fear of affecting Shen Feng.

"Report, the flash sends data coordinates, requiring us to be ready to launch the super decomposition gun, and also transmit the launch coordinates and data of the super decomposition gun."

"These coordinates are... why are you still stunned? Why don't you send the coordinates and data?" After getting the coordinates, the cold woman instantly displayed it on the computer. Then he saw a group of people in the communication stunned and said coldly.

"This is the coordinates of some black mantis mecha that have not been frozen 30 seconds later. Is his strength not enough? There are as many as 30,000, how can his power be? The woman with glasses said, aware of the seriousness of the matter. The flash can't freeze all the black mantis mecha, which is handed over to them.

However, both the woman with eyes and the cold woman are very puzzled. There are only two super decomposition guns in this base, and one is still a backup. How can it attack so many black mantis mecha? It can be said that if so, they will not be able to complete this task.

After getting the coordinates and super decomposition gun data from the combat command room, Shen Feng frowned. Shen Feng also knew that there could not be many super decomposition guns. He just wanted to add a beam discrete device to the launch port to turn the super decomposition cannon into a scattered beam to attack. This greatly weakened the power of the super decomposition gun. After hitting the black mantis mecha, the remaining power is not enough to continue to decompose anything. If it is not hit, it cannot cause substantial damage to the planet MR-2.

The super decomposition gun has the same effect as that of the decomposition bomb, but the super decomposition cannon is many times more powerful than the decomposition bomb. It is attacked through a beam, that is, a planet can be directly decomposed. Through the beam, the speed and scope of the attack are greatly increased.

"Can you hear it? Now install a discrete device on the super decomposition gun immediately, and I will send out the data of the specific location. Shen Feng said to the combat command room and then transmitted the data.

Aside by, Xiaoli looked at Shen Feng, and his figure also became pale. With the huge consumption of Shen Feng's spiritual power and ice power, Xiaoli's figure also became transparent.

"Master..." Xiaoli muttered softly and looked at a large area of black mantis mecha, and her eyes were full of worry.

"Xiao Li, is there any other way to stop these mantis?" Shen Feng asked, and his voice was a little weak.

"Cough..." Xiang Qin coughed and immediately covered her mouth with her hand. She looked weaker and sleepy. However, Xiang Qin knew that she could no longer sleep and might not be able to sleep.

Listening to Xiang Qin's cough, Shen Feng's heart was entangled and looked at the black mantis still landing in the air. He just clenched his teeth tightly and wanted to use the power of ice again, but found that the rest could not completely freeze the black mantis mecha.

"Master, her blood is broken. If it goes on like this, she will soon die." Xiaoli said on Shen Feng's shoulder and wondered why Shen Feng took a sick woman on the mecha.

Hearing Xiaoli say this, Shen Feng was slightly stunned, but he did not show any panicked expression. The more chaotic the heart is, the more Shen Feng will calm himself down. With almost no hesitation, Shen Feng cut his wrist and controlled the slow flow of blood. At the same time, Shen Feng also cut the wrists of Xiang Qin's hands. Looking at Shen Feng cutting his wrists, Xiang Qin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something and completely silent.

Under the control of mental strength, Shen Feng's blood slowly flowed from Xiang Qin's right wrist. At the same time, Shen Feng also used mental strength to control the bad blood from Xiang Qin's body to flow out of his left hand. After coming out, it soon froze into ice. Although it looks like ice, there is no cold at all.

"In this way, will you die?" Xiang Qin asked worriedly, and there was already a different light in her eyes.

"No, even if there is no blood all over my body, I won't die." Shen Feng answered with a smile.

"For good, the master killed the captain of the black mantis mecha first. These stupid Zerg will only carry out their own orders and see their companions frozen, and the others are still carrying out their own orders." Xiaoli was a little puzzled by Shen Feng's behavior and looked outside and said softly.

While Shen Feng was manually changing blood for Xiang Qin, the army stationed closest to MR-2 was also quickly installing discrete devices on the super-type decomposition gun.

"Can it really be installed?" On a crystal transparent cannon, a technician said in disbelief and slowly put a disk full of small holes on the crystal muzzle. The disk is also made of dreamy crystal, which looks shiny and very beautiful.

"Be careful and carefully check whether there is any deviation in the position of the installation. If there is a deviation, the consequences will be very serious." Next to the super decomposition gun, another technician couldn't help reminding him when he saw that the installation had been completed.

"There are still five seconds left, and the super decomposition gun will be fired. Please leave quickly." It was at this time that a synthetic sound came. The launch is left to the robot. No one can guarantee that there will be no problem with the time difference after pressing the confirmation button.

"Enter the spatial coordinates and confirm the coordinate points!"

"Energy detection is stable... Energy filling... Energy filling is completed..."

On the side, many federal mecha stand in the air, maintaining absolute caution. They have received orders from their superiors that the Zerg are very likely to attack here. If the super decomposition gun is destroyed, the seriousness of the matter will further deepen.

"Queen, you have detected extremely unstable factors. If you use dimensional space jump at this time, it is likely that the whole army will be involved in space turbulence." In an unknown universe, countless Zerg armies have been assembled. In front of the Zerg army, a rotating white aperture is very dazzling. In the middle of the aperture is endless darkness, emitting mysterious colors.

"Then wait until it is stable and die in the space turbulence, which is of no value." The queen of the Zerg is a very beautiful butterfly. Her colorful wings shake, and her half-fruit humanoid body looks very enchanting.


"The countdown to the launch!" When the crystal-like super decomposition cannon completely lit up, the launch countdown also began. It's just that the countdown to this launch has not been read, because there is only one second of countdown time. People look at the front of the micro screen for a second, and the rapid change decreases. When it reaches zero, a huge beam of light shoots into the universe without any sign, extremely fast.

In various human planets, I was stunned for almost a moment to see that the super decomposition cannon was actually fired. Flash is obviously still working hard, and so many mantis mecha has been frozen. Why do you want to launch the super decomposition gun? Do you want to decompose the flash and Shen Feng together? The senior management was also shocked by the sudden light. After all, many people did not approve of launching this.

When leaving the planet's atmosphere, the beams were cut and gradually separated into tens of thousands of small beams to move towards the MR-2 planet. As time goes by, the distance of each beam is changing, as if controlled by someone. When people saw the beam become like this, they breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't understand what this meant, it was by no means launched against the planet MR-2.

With the flow of blood, Shen Feng's face was as pale as paper. Seeing that the super decomposition gun was fired, Shen Feng separated a little spirit and used the flash to observe whether the trajectory of tens of thousands of beams was consistent with the coordinates he calculated. Just after a while, the conclusion came out, which made Shen Feng involuted to take a cold breath.

"Wrong, if it goes on like this, two thousand beams will inevitably rejointegrate." Shen Feng muttered that he could already see that part of the separated beam was gradually approaching. Although it is only 2,000 beams, the power is still incalculable.

"How could this happen? There must be a deviation in the position of the discrete device..." Just when Shen Feng found that there was a deviation, the cold woman also found it and looked at the three-dimensional screen coldly.

"It's terrible, because the position of the discrete device has changed a little due to the decomposition of the beam level." In front of the super decomposition gun, a technician looked at the system that was correcting its position by itself and said.

Looking at the approaching decomposition beam, Shen Feng's fist clenched tightly and struggled violently in his heart. Now, Shen Feng still has a little power to use spiritual power to control the trajectory of the decomposed beam to make the trajectory of the beam correct. But in this way, we can't continue to help Xiang Qin complete the blood exchange. To control the trajectory of 2,000 decomposing beams, Shen Feng must devote himself wholeheartedly, otherwise he will only fail.

"That's what you have to do, don't worry about me. Before I die, I can still see a person who cares about me so much. I'm satisfied. Even when Shen Feng cut his wrist, Xiang Qin had nothing. Now seeing Shen Feng clenching his fist tightly, Xiang Qin seemed to guess Shen Feng's mind and said to Shen Feng in a weak voice.

"I won't do this. It's still a little short. Now the situation has been greatly controlled, and it can be handed over to them to complete. If I were to make such a choice, I would rather die with you. Shen Feng said very plainly. After a moment, he was suddenly stunned, with a slight smile on his face, and his mind directly gave Flash an order.