Mechanical Soul

Chapter 151 Chain Mecha

"In the analysis of abnormal situations... abnormal energy has been found... Space location is loading... Targets are found..."

"In the target analysis... Insufficient database, analysis failed... The target model is loaded, and the database is successfully entered..."

In less than three seconds, Zhitian Fortress found the enemy. This is also a huge meteorite, with colored energy on the surface sublimating and approaching here at a very fast speed. Zhitian Fortress is not in the human field, but in the border area. It is an offensive and defensive strategic fortress.

"In the analysis of the attack situation... the energy is separated by multiple stages, and the coverage rate reaches 99%..."

"Report the captain is not an attack that concentrates energy, but a covering attack that disperses multiple stages of energy. That is to say, 99% of the area of the energy rain cover will be attacked at the same time. A female soldier reported to Liuli.

"Except for the range point of B350, all other attack energy is converted into defensive energy. Major Hilo, you go and start the ultimate weapon of the fortress. After that, I will enter the instructions. Liu Li said. Seeing that the situation in the fortress was not chaotic, all the personnel did a good job in their posts in an orderly manner, so that Liuli could go out safely.

" reconfirm, launch!"

Another unknown fortress, a huge launch port, and an energy soared to the sky, which soon distorted the space of the universe and then disappeared without a trace. Almost at the same time, over the universe of Zhitian Fortress, the space rotated, and a huge colorful beam of light projected down, and then exploded into countless light rain. Every trace of light and rain contains terrible energy. Some fall in a straight line and some arcs, which spread to the fortress in a short time and then burst down.

Outside the fortress, the orange light flashed a little, and then the sunset appeared next to the flash. Looking at the colorful light rain full of terrible energy in the sky, I sighed the magnificence of the light rain, and also lamented the horror of this attack technology. It can disperse energy to this extent, and such an attack can be carried out at such a long distance. The general ability defense shield can switch power and concentrate on which point of attack. If the whole defense shield is attacked at the same time, the energy of this defense shield will consume extremely horrible.

"Boom..." At the moment when the rain approached quickly, a layer of transparent energy intercepted all the light rain. Almost at the same time, all the light rain exploded, making the whole meteorite a sea of flame. The flash outside and the sunset were attacked at the same time, but the beam attack was destined to be restrained by the mirror water and could not get close to the space around the sun breeze.

"Wind, below us is the launch port of the ultimate weapon of the fortress, and now the energy defense shield in this area is extremely fragile." Liu Li said, seeing that Shen Feng easily intercepted all the attacks, he couldn't help looking at the water-blue gun in the flashing hand. If I remember correctly, this water-blue long gun is not equipped with flash.

"Well, this time it's scattered. Next time it may be a concentrated attack. Can this level of attack be defended?" Shen Feng said, and then the love school has detected the enemy's location according to the flash.

"There should be no problem, at most the power of the SS-class warship main gun, and the energy hood can also be defended." Liuli replied, and then considered whether to rush to suppress the opponent's firepower.

"Glass, send me there. With the shining space jump performance, it should be able to reach that distance. Shen Feng said, and then controlled the flash behind the sunset. The silver-white gun rotated and contracted, and when combined to the right hand, it had become a long muzzle, flashing silver luster.

"I understand..." Glass nodded, then opened the cosmic map, calculated the location of the enemy's movement speed and the time required in the past, and then launched an attack-like space transmission. This was originally a weapon for transmitting energy attacks, but now it transmits flashes to space.

After a while, there was a slight distortion behind the sunset, and then the flash disappeared without a trace. It seems that after a long time, in fact it was just a few seconds, and the flash appeared in front of a huge meteorite, just behind the meteorite.

"Team Ming, there is a target in our rear, and the risk factor is extremely high." An alien with sharp horns on his head said, and then turned on the automatic defense system. This fortress is relatively small, mainly moving speed and full attack. All weapons and other controls are intelligent control and do not require many personnel. Without many people, there is no need to add much place to live, all of which are used for energy storage or firepower.

"What a horrible jumping ability. According to the flash data, it should not be able to do this." The arrogant alien twisted his neck left and right, and then slowly walked out, looking to welcome the arrival of the flash. In less than a few seconds after appearing behind the enemy's fortress, Shen Feng ushered in intensive firepower.

Shen Feng is sure that this fortress should be almost all weapons except for power devices and energy. Heavy cannons, lasers, various attribute bombs, all kinds of * dense pouring down, as if there is no money. If Shen Feng came, it would definitely not be such a waste. There is only one enemy. It is purely wasteful to use such dense firepower. You should know that a bullet is very expensive. What's more, it is impossible to hit a general attack against a highly mobile mecha such as Flash. If you want to type, you should also use a tracking *.

"Is it intelligently controlled?" Just in an instant, Shen Feng thought of this possibility. When he controlled the flash to jump frequently to avoid all kinds of attacks, he also confirmed that there were only five lives in this fortress. There are only five lives, and all the weapons attack are intelligent. During the frequent jump, the flash was about to approach the meteorite, and the attack of the right hand was already ready to send out a silvery beam.

The speed of the silver-white beam is not fast. When it touches a faint light curtain, it stops moving forward. After the beam stops, it forms a strange fluctuation and spreads all over the light curtain. As the fluctuation dispersed, the faint light curtain began to fade, and a great opening appeared.

"If you want to go in, don't you ask me if you agree?" Just as the flash was about to jump in, a black chain suddenly penetrated from the front. A diamond-shaped metal of the black chain, shining with a black luster, looked very unusual. And the flash also hinted at the danger. The flash gently turned sideways and dodged, as if it knew that the black chain would turn, and then disappeared in place.

"It's worthy of flash. It is said that it can only be suppressed by speed to deal with flash. I don't know if it's true?"

A slightly arrogant voice came into Shen Feng's ears, and then Shen Feng saw countless black chains across the universe, as if blocking a space. The dark iron chain is full of strange inscriptions, and the black smell slowly surrounds the chain. When Shen Feng wanted to control the flash for space jump, he decisively found that there was no response.

How's it going? Are you at a loss if you lose space to jump? The arrogant voice reappeared in Shen Feng's ears, but then there was still no mecha. Hearing this sound, Shen Feng was really a little annoying and looked self-righteous. Indeed, since the appearance of the flash, the frequent space jump has caused a headache for almost any mecha. Space jump is one of the biggest combat abilities of the flash.

"You have to force me..." Shen Feng muttered, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red, shining faintly like a ruby. Under the slight red light, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of the flash. This shadow is a bat-like mecha, surrounded by dark chains, with a black smell, and looks very strange.

The appearance of the shadow immediately attacked, and waved his hand to pull the flash with a chain. Shen Fengshuilan's long gun shook and did not use any defense. He locked the eyes of the bat mecha and stabbed it. Perhaps this arrogant man still thinks that Shen Feng did not find him, so direct attack is undoubtedly the most effective defense. If the bat mecha knows that it has been found, it is still the best defense. Once the chain is attacked, it is very likely to be entangled underneath. While the water blue grows, the shining right-hand weapon also turns back into a silver-white long gun, emitting a sharp edge, waiting for the next action of the bat mecha.

"Hon..." I don't know when the bat mecha took back the chain and blocked the attack of the water-blue long gun in front of him. At this moment, the iron chain wrapped around the body of the bat mecha is full of power, and ten dark chains are wrapped around the flash at the same time, majestic, like a snake.

"Losing the ability to jump in space, your flash is not the material for close combat at all." The arrogant voice was surprised at how Shen Feng found himself, but he still said arrogantly to Shen Feng, imposing.

"Indeed, the greatest action ability of the flash is space jump, which has great defects in real speed. However, the flash still has me!" Shen Feng said to himself, surrounded by a bloody breath. At the same time, the space around the flash was also completely frozen, and the ten iron chains that were about to approach were frozen in the space and stagnant. And the bat mecha was also frozen tightly, becoming a wonderful and somewhat ferocious and terrible ice sculpture.

"Sneer..." After the black chain was frozen, the bloody breath suddenly turned into a bloody blade and flew messyly to the black mecha. And the black mecha also activated the strange inscription on the iron face, and it was about to break through the ice in an instant.

"Would you like to hide? I don't know that my mental strength is also very strong. Shen Feng smiled, and the strong spiritual pressure spread around with himself as the center.

"You..." suddenly felt great pressure, and the ice-breaking action of the bat mecha suddenly stopped, and the bloody blade fell into the bat mecha.

(I don't know how long it has been silent. I saw the comments in the book review area, and the tomb snow seemed to be very excited... It felt like it was purple, calm.)