Mechanical Soul

Chapter 156 It's Wrong

Seeing Xiang Qin's side, Xiang Huan smiled happily and said to Xiang Qin's father, "Your father has always done things properly. Is Xiang Qin your daughter or my granddaughter? How can I not think about her?"

"Father, don't talk so much about yourself. If Shen Feng doesn't come, let's see how you step down." Xiang Qin's father said speechlessly. Maybe he understood his father's intention to do this, but he didn't have to let his daughter suffer such grievances. This wedding is just a ceremony. As long as Shen Feng has Xiang Qin in mind, the family will change, and Shen Feng will still support Xiang Qin without reservation.

In front of the priest, the wedding march had stopped, and Shen Feng and Xiang Qin were a little nervous, waiting for the sacred next moment. During this period, Xiang Qin approached Shen Feng's ear and asked in a low voice, "Don't you have a ring?"

"This, no diamond..." Shen Feng said, then held Xiang Qin's soft hand and handed the prepared ring to Xiang Qin's palm. When the ring was handed over to Xiang Qin, an unspeakable guilt flashed in his eyes. Feeling the warmth on the palm of her hand, Xiang Qin was very curious, but she couldn't help watching it.

The priest looked at Shen Feng and Xiang Qin solemnly and said, "I am here to bless you by the order of God of love." After the priest finished speaking, a sacred golden light lit up behind him. After the golden sacred light, it slowly turned pink, and the sweet and happy color dyed the sky.

The priest held the sacred manual in his hand and asked Shen Feng, "Would you like to marry this woman?" Love her and be loyal to her, whether she is poor, sick or disabled, until death. Would you like to?"

"I do!" Shen Feng nodded and replied affirmatively.

The priest looked at Xiang Qin again and asked, "Are you willing to marry this man?" Love him and be loyal to him, whether he is poor, sick or disabled, until his death. Would you like to?"

"I do!" Xiang Qin looked at Shen Feng and then answered affirmatively.

"I would like him or her to become my husband (wife) and have each other and support each other from today. Whether it is good or bad, wealth or poverty, illness or health, love and cherish each other until death can separate us." Shen Feng and Xiang Qin took a sacred oath at the same time and looked at each other sincerely.

After taking the oath, the stage became lively again, and the applause continued. Under such applause, Tang Yu and Tang Rou were obviously not happy, with a reluctant smile on their faces. However, at this time, the wedding was completed, and they only had blessings.

Under the applause of the crowd and the sign of the priest, Xiang Qin gradually took out the ring that Shen Feng put in the palm of her hand. When she saw the ring, Xiang Qin was slightly shocked. This is a ruby ring, which seems to have blood flowing. Although it is not a diamond, it has a special meaning.

"Three-life Stone Ring?" Someone raised such doubts and looked at the ring in Xiang Qin's hand with an incredible look.

Three-life stone, fate is determined by three-life. Although I don't know if there is reincarnation, all the lovers with Sansheng stone rings have lived a happy life. The three-life stone ring contains mysterious power, which makes people unable to see through at all, but proves everything with the best ending. The Sansheng stone ring is destined to be a pair. If you wear it, you can't take it off. When the wearer's life reaches the end, it will turn into dust and blow away in the air with the wind.

"Wind, where did this come from?" Xiang Qin asked in a trembling voice, and she couldn't believe the surprise.

Shen Feng smiled and didn't say anything. Suddenly, there was an unspeakable pain in his heart. Did I do something wrong? Shen Feng asked himself in his heart, but found that there was no room for this matter to retreat.

...The memory goes back to this morning...

"Early in the morning, are you in such a hurry to leave?" Liuli stood in front of Shen Feng, a little reluctant and said a little lost.

"I don't want to see her wedding alone..."

"I know, this belongs to you, take it..."

"This is... where did you get it?" |

"There are two rings in the power you gave me."

"This is very unfair to you..."

"I will support what you want..."


I don't know when he had put a wedding ring on Xiangqin and lifted Xiangqin's veil in a daze. Shen Feng suddenly found that he had an impulse to escape. Shen Feng didn't listen to a word of the priest's blessing. Shen Feng knew that at this moment, she was crying silently in a corner.

I don't know when the wedding ceremony will be finished, and the people don't know when Shen Feng will leave. At the dinner party, people did not see Shen Feng, but it was no longer important to most people. They just came to the scene. But for those who care about Shen Feng, all this seems unusual. Especially for ** people, it is easy to find that the more Shen Feng goes to the back, the more wrong it is.

"I left in such a hurry... Forget it, it's not my concern, and I don't know if he found me." After drinking the last sip of wine, he also left the wedding scene. It was he who brought Shen Feng into that mysterious place. Now that he sees that Shen Feng is really fine, he will not feel guilty.

"Tuowan, you are good at mental strength. Have you found that the captain's mental fluctuation is very wrong?" Mi Ke asked, feeling that there must be something wrong with Shen Feng's heart. There is still a bridal chamber. Why did Shen Feng leave?

"Yes, but this is his own business, and we can't help anything. Sansheng Shijie, this kind of thing has been found by him. It's really rare. Tuo Wan nodded and said, "I really don't know what Shen Feng is thinking.

"I also want to find a pair of Sansheng stone rings, and I also want to ask where Shen Feng came from. Who knows that he suddenly left." Wu Liang said depressedly. The three-life stone ring can be said to be the wish of every couple. The wedding with the three-life stone ring is the most perfect.

"Qin'er, what did he seem to say to you before he left? Is there something urgent?" Xiang Qin's mother asked aside and didn't feel anything wrong. Shen Feng took the Sansheng Stone Ring to Xiang Qin, so he will definitely live up to Xiang Qin.

"Well, he has something very important..." Xiang Qin nodded and replied, with a trace of understanding and tolerance in her eyes. After today, no matter what Shen Feng is, she is Shen Feng's wife, which is an unchangeable fact.


"Xiao Li, I'm wrong..." In the flash, Shen Feng muttered to himself and looked forward in a distracted way, and his mind was full of glazed figures.

"Master, it's over..." Xiaoli sighed, sat on Shen Feng's shoulder and shook her little feet, looking ahead with Shen Feng.

"I've always liked glazed, haven't I? It's just that I have been unwilling to admit it, thinking that I hate her and that I like another girl. When I didn't hate it, when I found out, it was already..." Shen Feng said to himself and clenched his fist tightly.

"Xiao Li understands that according to the current situation, when she got the hostess Xiang Qin, the master found that this was not the happiness she wanted." Xiaoli also muttered and struggled with Shen Feng.

"I'm so stupid... I really deserve to die..." Shen Feng sat weakly and looked up, but he couldn't dissipate the haze in his heart.

"Liuli is so great. That ring should have belonged to her..." Xiaoli said to herself, and then her head tilted, as if she felt that it was better not to say this at this time.

"Master, it has happened and you need to face it. Whether it's glaze or Xiangqin, it's best for the master to collect it together, so as not to struggle. After saying that, Xiaoli suddenly covered her little mouth and felt that she was wrong, and then looked at Shen Feng aggrievedly. Xiaoli understands that it is better not to make such a joke at this time, at least until Shen Feng agrees with this idea.

Shaking his head slightly, Shen Feng controlled himself not to think about this. Now it's too late to say anything, and we have to take one step at a time. Unconsciously, three days have passed. During these three days, Shen Feng occasionally talked to Xiaoli, and then put his time on the information of the ancient planet.

Earth, the highest birthplace of human beings in this universe, has too many unsolved mysteries. To this day, people can't figure out what kind of planet it is. At present, there are no human beings living on the earth, only powerful mutants. For example, the poison of the plague can be said to scare the races of the whole universe. Judging from the information sent, the most powerful creatures on earth are not Mdora, and it is not clear that those are the most powerful. They can survive together. Maybe no one has the same strength, and no one can do anything about it.

When Shen Feng could see the earth from afar, he found that the space in front of him was full of dense ancient runes, some of which looked like seal bodies, and the rest were incomprehensible. These runes are connected one by one, blocking the space of the universe and surrounding the earth.

It is said that the earth was a water-blue and extremely beautiful planet. What I see now is not far from the same feeling. Shen Feng looked at the water-blue planet from afar and found that it was much different from what he thought. Shen Feng thought that the earth might be a planet like MR-2. With the existence of Mdorah, it must be full of the smell of plague. However, when he saw it with his own eyes, the water was blue and clean, and there was a beautiful halo.

Before reaching this rune, Shen Feng encountered layers of obstruction. Shen Feng knew that these runes were dangerous and could not touch them, so he stopped the flash and quietly waited for the mysterious strong man to appear. This can be the last layer of protection on the earth, and the person who handles it is definitely not a simple person.

"Child, are you finally here? Go in now." In the endless universe, an old voice sounded in Shen Feng's ear. This sound seems to be very powerful, and just listening to it will produce a violent dizziness. In the violent dizziness, Shen Feng found himself dazzled and suddenly saw some runes out of the way.