Mechanical Soul

Chapter 162 Shall we go together

"This crystal can change the energy of the flash, whether to turn the penetration attribute into an explosion or fuse the two attributes." Shen Feng was secretly surprised and looked at the wound of the giant fish. Intuitively told Shen Feng that this attack was not as simple as he thought.

"Master, the power is so small that it only exploded a little bit of scales. If it goes on like this, are we going to run away again? Xiaoli said that the little hand kept changing its hand shape, which seemed to be a knot and prepared some powerful killing move.

"No, this is beyond the calculation of flash. At the moment of the attack, the flash indicates that this attack is likely to be ineffective. The creatures here are not simple. If you want to kill it, it will take a little effort. Shen Feng said, looking at the giant fish collected by the flash.

The frame of the giant fish is quickly formed in the screen of the flash computer. Various data show that the attack of the flash in this environment is not very powerful and cannot cause damage to the giant fish at all. But now the scales of the giant fish have been blown up, making Shen Feng have to pay attention to the shining crystal. Although it is only the size of a fist, it contains unknown power. In addition, the light of the crystal is very similar to the shining light, and perhaps the surface of the shining is made of this crystal energy.

"Maybe it's not the time to fight. There are so many things in Flash's hand. Maybe the value of some things is incalculable. You'd better save them first." Shen Feng said to himself, change the long gun and quickly put out a field.

The power of Jingshui did not disappoint Shen Feng. As soon as the field unfolded, the speed of the flash increased a lot in an instant. If the speed of the flash before was a turtle, now it is an airplane, at a completely different level. Just as Shen Feng unfolded the field of mirror water, Xinglan, lying quietly on the beach, suddenly stood up and looked at the depths of the ocean, revealing a thoughtful light.

"The owner seems to want to study the power of that crystal." Seeing Shen Feng take out the mirror water, Xiaoli knew that she was not ready to fight, but got rid of the giant fish first. Xiaoli breathed between her hands, and the mirror water space kept freezing down and soon froze on the giant fish.

"Master, you can go." Xiaoli said that she was still very confident in herself. Although this giant fish is powerful, it does not make Xiaoli feel any danger. It is purely a guy used to practice his hands. The previous whale was terrible, and Xiaoli couldn't see through it at all. Xiaoli is formed by power, and it is very clear how much strength the giant fish has.

"When it comes out, is that a weapon that can get rid of my field?" Xinglan looked at the flash coming out, and fell into the mirror water in the flash's hand as soon as possible, and then strangely looked at the flash and the other hand was full of waste garbage.

"Where did you get this weapon?" Xing Lan asked directly and wanted to take a look empty-handed, but found that there was no effect at all. With her strength, she could not hold the flash in her hand.

"A very strange space, time and space are disorderly and very chaotic. It is a gray space with a strange toxin." Shen Feng did not hide it and told Xing Lan. Shen Feng doesn't know whether that space still exists now.

"Time and space are out of order, very chaotic." Hearing Shen Feng's answer, Xing Lan was surprised, as if she didn't believe that there would be such a space. If it's just space chaos, it's easy to understand. Even time is chaotic, which is obviously not simple. What surprised Xinglan even more was that Shen Feng could enter that kind of space.

"Can you show me the weapon in your hand?" Xing Lan said that she was not interested in the garbage in the other hand. In my impression, Xinglan seems to have seen the description of such weapons.

Shen Feng nodded, jumped out of the flash, turned the mirror water into a reduced appearance, and handed it to Xing Lan. Seeing that Shen Feng loosened the mirror water, Xing Lan was ready to withstand the pressure. If this spiritual weapon is not taken by the owner, it will encounter great resistance, and it is not clear how big it is.


"Liuli, do you hate him?" At Xiang's house, Liuli and Xiang Qin stood together and walked among the bamboo forests. After walking for a while, Xiang Qin suddenly asked.

"Hate? I have hated enough, and hatred will only add pain to myself. So, why should I hate? I just don't understand something." Liu Li said calmly, and then stopped and looked at Xiang Qin.

"No matter what happened to me and him..." Xiang Qin said, with a slight bitterness at the corners of her mouth. After marriage, Shen Feng left without any information. If she hadn't known that Shen Feng was on the ancient star earth, Xiang Qin would have really thought she had been abandoned. Anyway, I am also Shen Feng's wife who just passed by the door. How can I not even make a phone call?

"What hasn't happened yet?" Liuli didn't know whether she should cry or laugh, but was silent. Seeing the ring in Xiang Qin's hand, Liuli really wanted to scold herself for being stupid. How could she give this kind of thing to Shen Feng and let him wear it on another woman's hand?

"Liuli, don't you understand what I want to say?" Xiang Qin asked, looking at Liuli without saying anything. Up to now, how could she not know that Shen Feng had been living with Liuli before she got married? If there is no Shen Feng between Liuli and Shen Feng, this piano is the first to believe it. Shen Feng was fettered by some feelings, and Xiang Qin had already guessed.

"How can I not understand, but does it make sense to say this now? You are already his wife. Liuli replied, her face was calm, but her heart trembled.

"Would you like to work together?" Xiang Qin asked again, feeling that he had made it clear. Although Xiang Qin didn't believe such words, she did say it. Shen Feng has paid a lot for her, and she doesn't want to see a tragic ending.

"What did you say?" Liu Li was slightly stunned for a while before she understood the meaning of Xiang Qin's words. She asked in disbelief and felt a little ridiculous.


"Strange, why do you feel so ordinary in my hands?" Xing Lan looked at the water-blue gun that had become ordinary in her hand and said, and then her eyes were covered with a hazy light and studied it carefully.

And Shen Feng also took out the shining crystal and carefully observed the same points compared with the light of the shining surface. After a while, Shen Feng jumped to the flash's abdomen and ordered the flash to open the external energy entrance and put the crystal in.

"Strange, is it that I'm wrong? Why is there no response?" After waiting for a while, Shen Feng found that there was no response to the flash and couldn't help asking such a question. Logically, this crystal should be similar to a kind of energy. Since it can change the attack of flashing weapons, it should react to the external energy port.

"The owner will try to drive again to see what's different." Xiaoli said, walked around Shen Feng, and then entered the shining cockpit first

Shen Feng also thought of Xiaoli's proposal. After entering the cockpit, he turned the shining long gun into a beam weapon and fired a silver-white beam through the sky.

Looking at the beam data analyzed by the flash, Shen Feng couldn't help but be stunned, and then showed a surprising light. This crystal is similar to what you think. It can indeed change the essence of energy and make energy more solid.

"Master, the data shows that the power has increased by 510%, more than five times. It feels a little exaggerated." Xiaoli looked at the data displayed and sighed, and then wanted to ask Shen Feng to try other weapons.

Shen Feng nodded and turned the weapon into a solid light sword. He found that the improvement in the data was not so great, only 480%. However, as soon as it waved, the value rose to 600%. Next, Shen Feng tried other types of weapons and found a common point that the increase in power will rise to the maximum when attacking.

"Master, haven't you improved the jump and speed of space?" Xiaoli asked curiously, thinking that speed and space jumping ability should also be improved.

"I'll try it." Seeing that the strength of the flash had been improved, Shen Feng was also slightly happy in his heart. He flew the flash in the air, and then suddenly disappeared into the void, and then saw a series of light spots flashing in the sky. After a while, Shen Feng stopped, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the effect brought by the crystal.

The simple movement speed itself is a disadvantage of flash. Now it has increased the speed a little, but it has also doubled the ability to jump in the flash space. This double means that the maximum space jump distance is doubled, and the minimum space jump distance is reduced by a cup, which can almost reach the level of arbitrary jump in one space. Moreover, the speed of jumping is faster, and the time that can be stagnated in space turbulence has also increased. In addition, there is still no change in the situation of Crystal. It seems that this change is not promoted by him, and there seems to be no loss at all.

There is a minimum jump distance, which is unfavorable to the flash. If the minimum jump distance is five meters, and the enemy is only two meters away from himself, he will not be able to get close to the enemy after jumping with space, but will be farther away from the enemy. Now double the minimum space jump distance, which is more conducive to the flash battle.

"What have you done to the flash? I know its information, and it is impossible to do it to this extent. As soon as he recovered from the mirror water gun, Xing Lan saw Shen Feng's flashing in the air and showing his heroic posture, showing surprise again. After Shen Feng stopped, he asked with a little curiosity. She is a learner, and she doesn't think it's okay to ask such a question.

"I picked up a crystal that can increase the flash ability, and I installed it in the external energy port. In fact, it seems to be the same in my hand, but my hands are for weapons, and the external energy port is relatively safe. Shen Feng replied.