jue mai

Chapter 32 Auction 3

Chapter 32 Auction (3) [Second Update]

"750 original crystals."

A person began to bid, and he also wanted to bump into luck. No one knew what the scrap iron was of any use. Who would pay so much attention to it?

"Eight Chinese original crystals."

Lin Feng began to raise the price. After Lin Feng shouted, everyone's eyes condensed in Jisi Pavilion, and suddenly an idea came up, "This is a treasure!"

No wonder the VIP area has begun to bid, which shows that this is really a treasure.

"Nine hundred original crystals."

One person began to bid.

"A thousand Chinese original crystals." Anyway, if there is a cold space to pay him, Lin Feng will raise the price without hesitation.

Lin Feng's price increase made Han Kong very confused. He said that he would buy what he wanted for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng's unhesitating price increase made him begin to suspect that it was a treasure.

"One hundred Chinese original crystals."

Another person came to bump into luck. Karohir King saw this unpopular scrap iron. At this time, because Lin Feng's price increase began to be robbed by many people, he naturally heard that the sound of shouting the price from his pavilion belonged to Lin Feng, but he didn't understand why the cold sky did not shout for a price. Is it mean that the cold sky He didn't see what the effect of this scrap iron was, but his apprentice Lin Feng could see it?

As he expected, the cold sky did not know what the dark scrap iron would do at all. When Karohir King Kong took it out, he released his energy to explore, but nothing was found.

"1,200 medium-sized original crystals."

Lin Feng shouted the price again without any hesitation. It seems that he is bound to get this item.

No one has increased the price in the scattered area below this. 1,200 medium-quality original crystals is not a small number.

Soon the auction house fell silent again, and Karohir King was slightly disappointed, but the auction was stopped three times according to the rules.

"1,200 original crystals for the first time."

No one increased the price, and the disappointment on Karohir King's face was a little stronger.

"1,200 Chinese original crystals for the second time."

There is still no one to raise the price, and Karo Hill has no hope at this time. 1,200 Zhongpin Yuanjing also made him money.

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he heard that no one had increased the price at this time.

"1,200..." When Karohir King was about to shout for the third time, someone suddenly made a sound.

"1,500 Chinese original crystals." At this time, he asked you to shout a price again. Lin Feng quickly looked in the direction of the sound. He was from Jiachen Pavilion.

Lin Feng suddenly felt a little angry, but he continued to shout, "1700 Zhongpin Yuanjing."

Two hundred original crystals have been added at once. Although it is not many, everyone understands that this price is not the bottom line of Lin Feng.

Jiachen Pavilion's bid immediately made Karohir Jin happy, and Lin Feng's price increase also made him realize that this scrap iron could still rise.

"1,800 Chinese original crystals." Xinzi Pavilion also began to join in the fun.

"One thousand and nine hundred original crystals." Yiyou Pavilion also revealed its own price.

Lin Feng was even more angry when he heard the price increase of these two people, but immediately he had a better way.

"Two thousand Chinese original crystals." Lin Feng's tone gave people the feeling that this little money was a small amount for that scrap iron.


This time, the whole auction house became lively.

"Two hundred Chinese original crystals." Several other distinguished guests also did not hesitate at all. It must be a good thing that can make Ji Sige pay so much attention to.

"2,500 Chinese original crystals." Lin Feng increased the price again, prompting the price to 400 original crystals.

Hankong whispered to Lin Feng, "Is this scrap iron worth so much money?"

"I'm bound to get this thing, but I don't know if it's worth this price, but they like to join in the fun so much, so let them make up enough."

Lin Feng's words made Hankong understand immediately. Lin Feng just wanted to raise the price at this time, and Hankong began to sigh for a wrongdoer.

"Two thousand six hundred original crystals." The man from Xinchou Pavilion took action again. The natural milk crystal white tower was shot away with 1,500 medium-sized original crystals, and then he came to touch this thing again.

Lin Feng sneered slightly, "If you love it, let you do enough."

"Two thousand and eight hundred original crystals."

Lin Feng made an offer.


The auction was suddenly booed, and everyone began to speculate about the identity of the people in the pavilion and what kind of treasure the black-looking scrap iron was.

"Two thousand and nine hundred original crystals." This quotation in Xinchou Pavilion suppressed the price of Lin Feng.

But will Lin Feng stop? No, "Three thousand Zhongpin original crystals."

"3200 Zhongpin Original Crystals."

"3,500 Chinese original crystals."

"3600 Chinese original crystals."

"3,8 hundred Chinese original crystals."

At this time, the man began to be silent, and Karohir King was even more happy at this time. A seemingly useless scrap iron actually shot 3,8 hundred Chinese original crystals, and Karohir King was still looking forward to others to take action.

But no one has increased the price at one time.

"3, 800 Zhongpin original crystal for the first time." Karohir King began to stop shooting.

"3, 800 Zhongpin original crystals for the second time."

After this time, the cold sky was a little worried about Lin Feng, and nearly 4,000 Zhongpin original crystals were drawn in plain, which was indeed a little too much.

The whole auction house is quiet, and if a needle falls down, you can hear it.

Lin Feng said softly, "Well, fortunately, they didn't raise the price. This treasure is mine."

The voice was very low, and everyone would still hear it at that time. Even the cold sky looked at Lin Feng at this time as if it were looking at a monster. You said you would get it and deliberately said it.

Finally, the man of Xinchou Pavilion couldn't help saying, "Four thousand Zhongpin Original Crystal."


The auction house was shocked again.

Everyone was waiting for Lin Feng's price increase, but Lin Feng did not increase the price, but asked the man of Xin Chou Pavilion in the cold sky.

The man of Xinchou Pavilion did not hear Lin Feng's price increase at this time, and immediately understood that Bai Linfeng waved a vicious look at Ji Si Pavilion.

"Four thousand Zhongpin original crystals for the first time."

"Four thousand Chinese original crystals for the second time."

"Four thousand Zhongpin original crystals for the third time."

"Congratulations on this friend of Xinchou Pavilion for getting the treasure again."

Karohir King was so happy that he took out the third treasure and began to auction, but Lin Feng did not participate.

"Senior, what is the power of the man in Xin Chou Pavilion?" Lin Feng asked in the cold air.

"These 60 VIP pavilions are arranged according to heaven and earth. For example, our Jisi Pavilion ranks relatively high and ranks sixth. According to strength, the first is Jiazi and then Yichou and Bingyin, which continues. Xin Chou Pavilion ranks 38th. Hankong understood what Lin Feng was going to do, but still asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Senior, I said, I'm bound to get that thing." Lin Feng's eyes looking at Xin Chou Pavilion were full of desire and hope.


After Lin Feng's bid, the following things were not very hot. At this time, he saw Karohir King taking out another thing.

"This is a Warcraft crystal nucleus, which belongs to the third-level Warcraft. The third-level Warcraft is equivalent to the first stage of our vein refining. There is a mysterious power in the Warcraft crystal nucleus, which can not only be used to refine the weapon, but also to refine medicine. It is said that it can also be directly used to practice, so it is still very good for pulse cultivation. The starting price is 3,000 Chinese original crystals.

Carhill King still explained enthusiastically to everyone.

"Three hundred Chinese original crystals."

Lin Feng took the lead in issuing the price. Karohir King was immediately happy to see Lin Feng's bid. He knew that as long as Lin Feng participated, the auction competition would be very lively.

"Lin Feng, do you want to get this Warcraft crystal core?" Hankong saw that Linfeng Guilong suddenly took action against this Warcraft crystal nucleus, but he still couldn't understand.

"Senior, I want them to compete, and then I will have more time to buy what I want." Lin Feng explained to the cold sky.

Hankong finally understood Lin Feng's intention, and his eyes looking at Lin Feng were a little different.

"3200 Chinese original crystals." Lin Feng's bid really drove other people.

"3,500 Chinese original crystals." Lin Feng directly raised the price by 300 original crystals.

"3600 Chinese original crystals."

These people are a little hateful of Lin Feng at this time. Every time he stirs up and raises the price very high.

The man in Xinchou Pavilion thought that Lin Feng wanted to raise the price of the Warcraft crystal nucleus immediately this time, "3700 Zhongpin original crystal."

Lin Feng immediately found that it was the person in Xinchou Pavilion who made an offer, and suddenly he was secretly happy, "3,9 hundred Zhongpin Original Crystal."

"Four thousand Zhongpin original crystals." The man gritted his teeth and shouted out again.

Lin Feng suddenly didn't raise the price and said, "It's just a Warcraft crystal core. Since you want it, I won't add it."

Suddenly, the man had a feeling of spitting blood. Originally, he wanted to force Lin Feng to pay a higher price to the Warcraft crystal nucleus, but he was fooled by him.

At this time, everyone couldn't guess that Lin Feng's price increase was true, so every time Lin Feng's price increase would be cold. Lin Feng also got the Beast Elis at a very low price. When he got the Beast Elis, Lin Feng said again, "It's strange that you don't add what I want. I don't want it. I have to raise the price. It's really strange. Weird."

Suddenly, everyone wanted to step on Lin Feng's feet to vent their anger.

The auction went smoothly and soon reached the last one.

"Lin Feng, this last piece is the finale. You don't want so many things, so I'll take down the last one for you." Hankong said to Lin Feng.

Karohir King also took out the last item at the urging of everyone. It was a ring, covered with rust and looked very clumsy.

"You are too terruffing. This broken ring is also auctioned."

"Yes. Change one."

At this time, everyone was a little dissatisfied. At this time, Karohir King said, "Quiet, this ring looks very clumsy and covered with rust. This ring was found by our family members in a relic, but this ring was brought back together with other treasures. This ring It seems very bad, but after the research of our elders, it has been found that this ring can devour spiritual power, and your spiritual power will be swallowed up by it. As for the others, it is not easy to disclose. Well, the starting price is 4,000 medium-grade original crystals.

Lin Feng always felt a little familiar and intimate when looking at this ring, but he couldn't remember why. Lin Feng's appearance fell into the cold sky's eyes. Knowing that this ring might be useful to Lin Feng, he immediately shouted out, "4500 Zhongpin original crystal."

When everyone heard that someone increased the price, they immediately followed the sound and found that it was actually from Ji Si Pavilion. Suddenly, they didn't understand why the two bids were not alone, but the people in the VIP area fell silent at this time, and they could hear who the voice was.

"I'm the owner of the Demon Hunting Inn. I want this ring. For the face of Han, don't compete for it." Flowers in the cold sky are more like a threat.

Hearing the cold sky's words, the scattered people suddenly quarreled. Everyone here knows that his master has come out to ask for this ring. Who dares to fight?

"Since Brother Han wants it, I won't argue." A voice came from Ding Mao Pavilion.

"I will also sell it to Brother Han for face." There are also people talking in Yichou Pavilion.

For a while, the people in the VIP area did not compete for the ring. They all knew that the power of the cold sky might not be as good as them, but a master of the middle-level pulse refining had to attract their attention. At this time, they could give up a ring that they didn't know what purpose to make a middle-level master, which was more It is valuable.

After a while, the ring was sent by Karohir King to Hankong's hand. Hankong looked at Lin Feng, who was still in a daze at this time, spected the ring in his hand, and shook his head.

PS: Who can guess what this ring has to do with Lin Feng? The auction is over, and Lin Feng is about to help Hankong. What's the matter? If you want to know what will happen in the future, please listen to the next breakdown.

Finally, I'm asking for collections and tickets, or the same sentence, every time 30 collections or 100 red tickets are added on the same day, the shadow will be updated with one chapter. Come on, for the fourth update, smash all the ticket collections.