jue mai

Chapter 70 thieves capture the king first

Chapter 70 capture the thief and capture the king first [second update]

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan went out and happened to meet the six ghosts, who were still waiting outside the door.

"Lin Feng, what did you say when you went in just now?" Reggae was very anxious. When he saw Lin Feng coming out, he quickly asked.

Lin Feng took a look at Reggae and just said faintly, "It's nothing."

Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan left. The six ghosts looked at the two who seemed to be a little disappointed and did not ask.

" boss, what did you think Lin Feng asked the adult just now?" The dark ghost approached the reggae and said.

Legre glanced at Lin Feng's figure and said to the dark ghost, "I don't know. Why don't you ask Lin Feng, or you can ask the adult?"

The dark ghost fought a cold war in an instant, "I still don't want it. Looking at Lin Feng's disappointed appearance, I don't want to scold him, let alone the adults. If the shadow ghost doesn't come back, I don't care. Now that pervert is in it, I dare not go in. Looking at him, I will be depressed."

"Is it so horrible?" Suddenly, a figure appeared beside the ghost and said.

As soon as the dark ghost looked back and saw that it was the shadow ghost, he suddenly jumped up in horror and looked at the shadow ghost and said slowly, "How come? You must have heard it wrong. You are the most amiable one among our seven ghosts."

"Oh? Is that right? You said I heard it wrong. What did I hear wrong? The ghost looked at the dark ghost with a trace of joking and said.

"Ah... Er... Oh... Boss, I won't stay!" The dark ghost looked at the ghost and really didn't know what to say, and finally ran away.

The appearance of the dark ghost suddenly attracted the laughter of several other people.

"Well, don't laugh. Your excellency will have a banquet tonight. Go and invite Lin and Long Beiwei over." The ghost said blankly, and then left with his hands behind his back.

Lei, Yu, Feng, Han and Yan, the five ghosts looked at the shadow ghost's figure, stopped laughing abruptly, and looked at the place where Lin Feng left. For a moment, they didn't know what was going on.

Besides, Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan, Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan did not expect that Ji Duzheng did not admit his rigid relationship with the evil alliance at this time, so they had no choice but to go back.

"Lin Feng, what do you think we should do now?" Long Ruoxuan is still angry about Ji Duzheng's appearance just now.

Lin Feng turned around and looked at Long Ruoxuan, smiled and said, "Ruoxuan, if there is really nothing I can do, I will accompany you. We will kill Zhuang Yongxin and kill Zhuang Yongxin. If we can't kill it, we will run away."

Long Ruoxuan listened to Lin Feng's words and was almost moved to tears.

"Lin Feng, what do you think Ji Duzheng thinks?" Long Ruoxuan said to Lin Feng as he walked. Up to now, he has not figured out what Ji Duzheng was thinking.

Lin Feng stopped and began to think, "Ruoxuan, I feel something is wrong."

Huh? Something is wrong?" Long Ruoxuan also stopped and looked at Lin Feng doubtfully.

Ruoxuan, just now, when Ji Du was talking about dealing with the evil cultivation alliance, he was stunned first, and then did not admit it. That is to say, as Zhuang Yongxin said, the relationship between the city lord's mansion and the evil cultivation alliance has reached a very rigid level, but why didn't Ji Duzheng admit it in front of us? I think there is only one possibility. He suspects that we are the spy inserted by Zhuang Yongxin. He is testing us. Did you find the shadow ghost's expression just now? Lin Feng said what was in his mind.

Long Ruoxuan shook his head, "I didn't pay attention. Is there anything strange?"

"Well, the shadow ghost's expression has not changed from beginning to end, as if he knows all this." Lin Feng said to Long Ruoxuan that Lin Feng felt very strange about the appearance of the shadow ghost at that time.

"What's so strange about this? He is Ji Duzheng's confidant. Naturally, he knows the relationship between the city lord's mansion and the evil alliance. It's normal that nothing has changed." Long Ruoxuan didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

"No, that's not the point. I mean, when I talked about dealing with the evil alliance, he didn't change at all. He seemed to know our intentions very well." Lin Feng told Long Ruoxuan the key.

Long Ruoxuan suddenly understood that his subordinates had not changed when they heard this matter. How could Ji Duzheng, as the master, have such a big reaction?

"Lin Feng, do you mean that Ji Duzheng deliberately showed a shocked look just now?" Long Ruoxuan was also a little confused. Lin Feng's words made him seem to see what was hidden in the thick fog.

"Well, if I guess correctly, Ji Du will definitely come tonight to invite us to discuss the big plan together!" Lin Feng suddenly raised his head and said affirmatively.

Long Ruoxuan also began to think. He has always been with Lin Feng, and Lin Feng has thought about everything, so he never thought about these things. He is not a stupid person. He also understood what Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng stopped talking. He was gambling that the governor would send someone.

Sure enough, soon after Lin Feng and Long Ruoxuan returned, the reggae came, and he was not the only one who came. Except for the shadow ghost and the dark ghost, the other five ghosts came.

"Lin Feng, we are ordered by you to go there." Reggae said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng made the right bet this time and said to Reggae, "Okay, let's go now."

Long Ruoxuan admired Lin Feng at this time. Lin Feng guessed from some details that Ji Du would send someone here, which Long Ruoxuan could not do.

A group of seven soon came to the backyard. Ji Du had already set up a banquet, and the ghost was also here.

Ji Du saw that Reggae had invited Lin Feng and said to Lin Feng, "Come on, sit down first and eat some wine and vegetables."

Lin Feng and others did not shirk, so they sat down.

Lin Feng said to Ji Duzheng, "Your Excellency, have you made a mind?"

Jidu was hearing Lin Feng's flower and knew that Lin Feng was still a little dissatisfied with his failure to admit the rigid relationship between the city lord's mansion and the evil alliance today. Then he laughed and said, "Lin Feng, I hope you don't mind today. This time I specially invited you to come to discuss the matter of dealing with the evil alliance."

Lin Feng heard that Ji Du was bypassing his meaning, so he stopped saying anything. He still wanted to save some face for Ji Duzheng here. "Your Excellency, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

"Well, then I made it clear that the strength of the evil alliance is still very strong. Their leader Zhuang Yongxin is the middle level of the refining vein, and his strength is still very strong. Then the deputy leader of the alliance yeming refines the vein in the first stage, and then comes down to the fog hidden seven knives. No, now it is six knives. Without the heavenly knife, their strength will be weakened. Many, as for the rest, there is nothing to be afraid of. They are just some people. In addition to me and the shadow ghost in the vein refining period, and eight of you are the peak of the sacrificial vein. Relatively speaking, we still have an advantage in the number of people. Ji Du is telling the strength of both sides.

After listening to this, Lin Feng guessed that Ji Du was afraid he had some ideas in his heart and asked, "Your Excellency, what are you going to do?"

"The shadow ghost and I can contain Zhuang Yongxin and change to Gongyeming. The eight of you will first solve the fog hidden six knives, and then we will attack the two of them together!" Zhuang Yongxin said to the crowd.

For a while, everyone felt that Zhuang Yongxin's method was feasible and nodded and agreed. Only Lin Feng and Shadow Ghost did not nod, and both of them were thinking.

"Lin Feng, do you have any questions?" Ji Du was a little puzzled when he saw that Lin Feng did not agree with his idea. The ghost has never agreed with anyone's idea. So why is Lin Feng?

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the shadow ghost opposite. Seeing the shadow ghost nodded, he said to Ji Duzheng, "Your Excellency, who is stronger than Zhuang Yongxin?"

Ji Du is a little strange how Lin Feng asked this question. Even if he can't kill Zhuang Yongxin, Zhuang Yongxin can't help himself, but he still replied, "In terms of strength, Zhuang Yongxin is better than me, and no one can do anything."

After listening to Ji Duzheng's words, Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "If Zhuang Yongxin wants to escape, can you stop him?"

"Impossible! People like Zhuang Yongxin disdain to escape. Ji Du immediately said.

Lin Feng still saw that Ji Du was reacting so much, which was a little strange, "Why did you say that?"

"Masters in the refining period are proud of themselves and disdain to escape." Ji Du said affirmatively.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly and said, "Your Excellency, I mean, if Zhuang Yongxin wants to leave, can you stop him?"

"To be honest, it's a little difficult." Ji Du didn't want to say these things, but he still said it for the sake of planning.

"Your Excellency, if you can't stop Zhuang Yongxin and he kills us, do you think the six ghosts without shadow ghosts can stop Zhuang Yongxin's anger? He will definitely get rid of us first, and then come to surround you and the ghost. Lin Feng said the problems in Zhuang Yongxin's plan.

At this time, Ji Du thought that if he had according to what Lin Feng said, he might have been destroyed by then.

"What do you think we should do?" Ji Du was tentatively asking Lin Feng whether Lin Feng could come up with a better way. Ji Duzheng didn't have much hope.

Lin Feng looked at Ji Duzheng, and then looked around the crowd and found that everyone was waiting for his answer, "Captain the thief and capture the king first!"

PS: The second update and the third bigger date is at 19 o'clock. Please wait patiently.