jue mai

Chapter 106 Fire Crystal Beast

Lin Feng stood on the 93rd floor of stone steps and looked at Hua Xiong who fell down, but there was no relaxation in his heart after avenging Zhou Ru. Instead, he had some sadness, sighed slightly, and then walked to the 98th floor of prohibition and began to crack it together. Because it has been cracked once, so this The ban was soon cracked. Lin Feng raised his foot and stepped into the 99th floor and looked back at the hundred steps. He stepped on the way. He not only killed two people, but also killed Zhou Ru. Lin Feng sat quietly on the stone steps on the 99th floor and did not crack the prohibition on this layer. Instead, he calmed down.

Lin Feng's mind has always been around Zhou Ru's shadow. The girl who lies on the ground and rests and gets close to her, she will blush. Lin Feng's face actually showed a smile. If Long Ruoxuan is still by Lin Feng's side, he will be shocked. Lin Feng's smile has never appeared except when facing himself. At this time, he actually smiled when recalling Zhou Ru.

Entering the Death Island, in just four months, Lin Feng and Zhou Ru walked together. At that time, they were very happy. Looking at Zhou Ru and wanted to protect her, Lin Feng thought that the vow he had said had not been fulfilled, and Zhou Ru had been buried in the endless abyss. Lin Feng's eyes slipped out of tears. "Zhou Ru, don't worry, I I will definitely find you. You are still alive, and I will accompany you for the rest of my life. If you die, I will pull you back!"

Lin Feng roared at himself. At this time, he knew that he had fallen in love with this not very beautiful but cute girl. Lin Feng stood up, then resolutely walked to the prohibition on the 99th floor and began to crack it. In order to find Zhou Ru, Lin Feng must first pass through the hundred steps. He had to go down to the bottom of the endless abysss. Go find Zhou Ru's figure, for that oath!


After Zhou Ru was hit out of the stone steps by Hua Xiong's palm, her body fell down. Originally, practitioners in the vein refining period could fly in the air, but over the endless abyss, Zhou Ru found that she could not fly and suddenly became nervous. Zhou Ru turned her head and looked under her. It was dark and there was no light. Zhou Ru was very scared. At this time, she hoped that Lin Feng could suddenly appear and pull herself up, but as her body fell faster and faster, Zhou Ru closed her eyes tightly and waited...


A loud noise woke Zhou Ru. Zhou Ru found herself lying on a towering giant tree at this time and wanted to get up, but if it was not surprisingly painful, she could not move at all.

Zhou Ru lay quietly on the tree and mobilized her pulse to repair her body. A day or two... Eight days later, Zhou Ru's body could finally move. Zhou Ru quickly turned over and looked at the surrounding environment. Looking up, a huge sun shone down. Zhou Ru quickly lowered her head and thought. When she fell down, there was no light in the endless abyss. Why did a sun appear above her head at this time? Zhou Ru looked down from the top of the tree. The tree was at least a hundred feet high. Zhou Ru quickly stepped up in the air and slowly fell down. After standing firmly, she looked around. They were all the same towering giant trees. The trunk is very thick, and Zhou Ru stands under this tree with no sense of existence.

"What the hell is this place? Didn't I fall into the endless abyss?" Zhou Ru muttered and walked up to check in this mysterious place.

Zhou Ru has nothing but towering giant trees in front of her. These towering giant trees cover the sky and cover the sky, but strangely, the light here can still shine in. Zhou Ru walks randomly here and can't tell the direction at all. She can only walk around at will and find the way out.


When Zhou Ru was resting under a towering giant tree, suddenly there was a beast roar. The roar was full of endless sadness. Zhou Ru thought about it and ran in the direction of the roar.

A dark amethyst tiger stood under a huge tree and roared in front of it, with anger in its voice. Looking carefully, the dark amethyst tiger was bleeding, as if it had been scratched by another beast.

And opposite the dark amethyst tiger lies a fiery crystal beast. The fiery crystal beast's body is full of wounds, lying on the ground, roaring in pain. Behind it lies a small fiery crystal beast, which seems to be its child. The ground is flowing with fiery blood. This is the wound of the fiery crystal beast. Flowing out.

The fire flame crystal eye beast is also an ancient alien beast. It has wings on its back and can fly. It is sharp. Under one grasp, heaven and earth must bear the power of this claw. It is rumored that it is the mount of the fire god, burning flames all over its body, and its blood is not listed. Its blood is the favorite thing of ancient Xiu in ancient times. Drink its blood Liquid can burn their own blood, thus stimulating their potential, greatly improving their cultivation, and it also has a great effect on quenching the body, and will also increase a certain resistance to fire. At that time, almost everyone should have one ancient cultivation to improve their cultivation.

The dark amethyst tiger is different. It is the pet of Gu Xiu's sworn enemy and demon. The magic spirit on its body can erode a normal person into an irrational demon, but the dark amethyst tiger will not have magic spirit before reaching level 7. Only the devil can detect the existence of the dark amethyst tiger. In.

You can actually meet ancient beasts here, and there are still two. The most important thing is a pair of sworn enemies. Looking at the current situation, the dark amethyt tiger has an advantage, but it is hurt by a few small mouths by the fire-eyed beast, and the situation of the fire-fire crystal beast is not very good. There are wounds everywhere, and there are also this in the wounds. The magic gas is eroding. If it hadn't been for the fire in the blood of the fire crystal beast that could resist the magic gas, I'm afraid it would have died at this time.

"I said, Lao Huo, you have been defeated. For the sake of us having been here for so many years, I won't let you die, okay?" The dark amethyst tiger was able to speak at this time, which subverted people's perception. And the old fire in his mouth must be the fiery crystal beast lying on the ground.

The fire crystal beast slowly stood up and forced his body. "Huh, black wind, if you want to touch my child, there is no door. Unless I die, I won't let my child be hurt."

After hearing the words of the fire crystal beast, the dark amethyst tiger roared, "Old fire, since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

With a roar, the dark amethyst tiger suddenly remembered and grabbed the fire crystal beast, but this ordinary claw changed the color of heaven and earth. In the roar of the dark amethyst tiger, the air of heaven and earth solidified in an instant, and only the dark amethyst tiger's claws slowly When it fell, this claw seemed to be very slow, but it was actually very fast. Although the space was a little solidified, the tiger claw still grabbed it quickly.

When this claw came, the fire crystal beast suddenly burst out, and a pillar of fire spewed out of its mouth and sprayed into the position of the dark amethyst tiger.

The temperature of the fire was very high, and the place where it passed by burned the ground. The fire sprayed towards the dark amethyst tiger, transformed into a flame-eyed beast in the air, and roared to the dark amethyt tiger.

When the dark amethyst tiger saw the fire crystal beast in the air, it was immediately shocked and quickly jumped to the side. It narrowly dodged the blow of the fire crystal beast and roared, "Old fire, how did you even spit out your original fire?"

The dark amethyst tiger looked at the fire crystal beast in shock. He did not expect that the fire flame crystal beast was so desperate at this time. The original fire was produced when the fire flame crystal beast cultivated to a certain level. It can be said to be his companion, which can be said to be related to his cultivation. At this time, it is actually used to attack him. If it is fire If the original fire of the Yanjing beast is traumatized, the cultivation of the fire Jingjing beast will also directly drop several layers.

The fire crystal beast heard the words of the dark amethyst tiger and shook its body in front of the little fire crystal beast behind it. "If you dare to hit my child's attention again, I will definitely burn you completely with the original fire!"

The dark amethyst tiger roared, "Old Fire, are you threatening me? How long have you lived with the fire of the source!"

"Hmm, so what? As long as my child can grow up, it doesn't matter if I die!" The fire crystal beast looked at the little fire crystal beast behind him with love.

Then the fiery crystal beast turned to the dark amethyst tiger, roared, and rushed up.

Zhou Ru came early. Everything she saw in her eyes made her speechless at this time. A warcraft could actually speak, and the casual claws of these two warcrafts made her feel the freezing of space, which made her feel difficult to breathe.

This has subverted her cognition. Zhou Ru's identity has never been told to Lin Feng. This experience was also agreed by the elders of the family in order to let her accept the whole family in the future. Compared with Lin Feng, her family is heaven, and Lin Feng is the earth, and it is an ant on the earth, which can be ignored. Even she had never heard that Warcraft could speak. Zhou Ru was stunned at this time and stayed there motionless, with only two warcrafts biting each other in her eyes.

When the dark amethyst tiger approached, the tiger's tail waved and hit the fire-eyed beast. The swing of the tiger's tail and the hissing roar came from the speed was incredible. It was just a flash and hit the body of the fire-eyed beast in an instant. The fire-eyed beast was instantly hit by the dark amethy crystal tiger. The tiger tail flew out, and such a big body was actually blown away by a tail, and flew out and hit a towering giant tree before stopping. It directly penetrated the towering giant tree and hit five towering trees in a row before stopping.

The dark amethyst tiger raised its tail and walked to the small fire crystal beast on the ground. It came to it, took a big bite and was about to bite it down.

Suddenly, the fiery crystal beast came out, and the wings on its back shook and immediately flew over. The claws grabbed the dark amethyst tiger. The dark amethyst tiger's consciousness could not avoid it. It was caught by this claw. Suddenly, its body was brought up by the fiery crystal beast. Suddenly, some white fire appeared on the fierycetic beast, which made the dark amethyst tiger and itself. The package burned slowly in it.

"You are crazy to use the fire of the source, so that you will also disappear!" The dark amethyst tiger roared angrily at the fire crystal beast. His strength is very strong, but it can't resist the fire of the fire crystal beast.

"As long as my child is fine, I will die with you!" The fire crystal beast firmly grabbed the dark amethyst tiger, and its wings shook and flew up to the sky. Then its wings came back and wrapped the dark amethyst tiger firmly. The original fire burned on their bodies to their heart's content. Only a big fireball fell from the sky, but the color of the fireball was white. .


The roar of the dark amethyst tiger came from the air. The power of the original fire was so great that he could not stop it at all. He could only resist desperately, but it was still useless.

Zhou Ru looked at the falling fireball in the air and admired the fire crystal beast. In order to protect her children, she would rather die with the dark amethyst tiger.

"I hope you can take care of my child until he grows up, please!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Zhou Ru's ear. Zhou Ru looked around in surprise, but did not find anyone's figure. Zhou Ru suddenly thought of it and raised her head. Just in time to see the eager eyes of the fire flame crystal beast. Zhou Ru ran out and shouted at the fire flame crystal beast, "Don't worry! I will definitely take care of your child!"

After hearing Zhou Ru's voice, his eyes were full of gratitude. The fire on his body was getting stronger and stronger. Before he and the dark amethyst tiger fell down, it burned into ashes and there was nothing left.

Zhou Ru walked to the side of the small fiery crystal beast. This little guy, the size of a cat, was still sleeping at this time. Zhou Ru smiled, held her in her arms, looked up at the sky, and said silently in her heart, "I will help you take care of this little guy."

PS: It's too late today. There are only three update. I will upload one update later. I'm really sorry, but the shadow will make up for it.

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Link: http://book.zongheng.com/book/133476.html