jue mai

Chapter 137 Escape 1


The long gun in Huajin's hand stabbed the light screen, and the magic dragon devoured the sky gun suddenly shot a black light, mixed with a vast white fog. In an instant, it stabbed the light screen and suddenly burst out of light.

Huajin's shot just stabbed a shadow on the light screen. The head of the gun was stained with blood and flowed down in an instant.


There was a howl in the early array, and the shadow on the light screen suddenly moved much faster, and it became much darker in an instant.

Lin Feng's body flashed and stood in front of Hua Jin, and the Qingyue dagger in his hand stabbed forward, "Huajin, be careful!"

The Qingyue dagger hit the front of Huajin, and a hook of oblique moon flew out in an instant, hovering around Lin Feng's waist, spreading a trace of coldness.

Hua Jin heard Lin Feng's shouting and suddenly retreated, and the magic dragon-eating gun in his hand kept waving beside him.


Suddenly, a laughter came from the twelve-day demon array. Lin Feng held the Qingyue dagger in his hand and looked around cautiously. There was nothing empty. He suddenly raised his head and looked up in the sky, and a dark shadow suddenly pressed down.

"It's on top!"

Lin Feng shouted and controlled the oblique moon to attack the shadow in an instant.


The moonlight was scattered on the ground, white, and a chill suddenly enveloped the whole array. At this time, the oblique moon in the sky rotated rapidly and turned to the sudden dark shadow.

Lin Feng jumped up and wanted to rush up, but he didn't move. He was shocked. When he looked down, a dark shadow wrapped around his feet and fixed him firmly on the ground.

Lin Feng's worry, the blood knife was buried in Huajin's fight. The soul of the knife was traumatized, and the strength was less than one-tenth of the previous one, but the hook oblique moon had attacked the dark shadow in the air. Lin Feng gritted his teeth and suddenly inserted the Qingyue dagger down.

When Lin Feng shouted out, Hua Jin suddenly looked up and saw a dark shadow pressing down in an instant. He was stunned for a moment. Fortunately, the hook slanted the moon quickly and intercepted the shadow.

Hua Jin suddenly came to his senses, roared, and soared into the air. The magic dragon in his hand shook forward. The head of the gun was like a long dragon, rowing in the air, suddenly inserted along the gap of the oblique moon, and stabbed the dark shadow.

The shadow is very fast. When Huajin comes up, it turns into a streamer, integrates into the light screen, moves rapidly in the light screen, and instantly comes behind Huajin.

The black shadow grabbed Hua Jin with its teeth and claws.

Hua Jin snorted coldly, and the magic dragon devoured the sky gun in his hand and waved it backwards.

Where the magic dragon-eating gun passed, a black light was drawn. The dark shadow did not seem to expect Hua Jin's reaction so quickly. His body paused for a moment, and the magic dragon-eating gun hit the shadow in an instant.


After hitting the shadow, Huajin stepped down in the air. The magic dragon devoured the sky gun into the air, stretched out his hands and grabbed the shadow and fixed it firmly.

The shadow struggled desperately, but did not break free from Huajin's hands. The magic dragon-eating gun above his head fell down and suddenly penetrated from the head of the shadow and inserted it into the ground, shaking the ground a little.

Hua Jin shook the shadow in front of him. After confirming that the shadow was dead, his body fell down, picked up the magic dragon-eating gun in one hand, held his hands tightly, shook the long gun, and took a few steps forward. The long gun stabbed Lin Feng.

The moon dagger was inserted with all its strength in Lin Feng, deeply inserted into the surface, and suddenly blood flowed out, making Lin Feng's feet turn red.

Lin Feng's feet were empty. Suddenly, he heard the roar of wind in his ear and suddenly turned around, and a dark shadow rushed towards him.


A long gun penetrated in front of Lin Feng, and then suddenly picked it up. The dark shadow was picked away by this gun, reprinted on the light screen, and then motionless.

When Lin Feng saw this long gun, he knew it was Hua Jin, nodded to Hua Jin, then picked up the Qingyue dagger and leaned towards Hua Jin.


As soon as Zhou Ru turned around, a dark shadow rushed up. In a hurry, Zhou Ru rolled over to the side with the small fire flame crystal beast. The shadow flew over Zhou Ru's head when Zhou Ru fell down.

He stood up quickly. Zhou Ru put the fire and crystal beast aside, clenched the dagger, and looked around cautiously.

Ji Jie!

A strange cry resounded in Zhou Ru's ears, accompanied by the sound of the wind.

Zhou Ru looked carefully at the front and looked around. The three fork had completely disappeared at this time, leaving only one way. Zhou Ru pretended to be bold and shouted at the air, "Who is pretending to be a ghost? Come out quickly."

No one answered Zhou Ru, only her voice echoed on the road.

The road could not see the end or the source. Zhou Ru appeared in the middle like this, and a gust of breeze blew, with a trace of strangeness. Zhou Ru clearly felt the gloomy atmosphere in the breeze.

Holding the dagger tightly, suddenly the little fire crystal beast behind him roared at Zhou Ru's right side. Zhou Ru was stunned first, and then stabbed the dagger in her hand to the right.


The dagger crossed through the air, as if it had been stabbed something, but it was empty in front of Zhou Ru. She knew that the little guy behind her could feel the existence of that thing. It was she who suddenly thought of this and took action decisively. Although she didn't see it, she must have been stabbed it just now.


A gust of wind blew, and Zhou Ru suddenly turned around and suddenly stood a dark shadow in front of her. Her whole body was black. She couldn't see what it was. Only two eyes were extremely bright. At this time, sticking to Zhou Ru in front of Zhou Ru, Zhou Ru could clearly hear its breathing.


Very quiet!

Zhou Ru was stunned by this sudden flash. The dagger in her hand stopped in mid-air and did not fall for a long time. Her face instantly turned pale. A pair of beautiful eyes suddenly stared wide, staring at those bright eyes, and her mind stopped thinking.


The little fire flame crystal beast roared at the dark shadow, poking its teeth, and wanted to rush up and tear the shadow to pieces.

Zhou Ru was distracted by the roar of the fire crystal beast. Looking at the dark shadow in front of her, she suddenly roared in horror, and the dagger in her hand stabbed down. When she was frightened, Zhou Ru instinctively stabbed the dagger down.


The dark shadow suddenly raised its hand and immediately rolled up a cloudy wind wrapped around Zhou Ru's body. The dagger that was about to stab down stopped strangely in the air. The dark shadow's bright eyes stared at Zhou Ru, and his body suddenly retreated back, screamed at Zhou Ru, and then suddenly raised his hand. The dark wind swept Zhou Ru and threw it out. .


Zhou Ru's body was thrown beside the small fire crystal beast. Zhou Ru's trembling hands pressed on the ground and leaned against the fire crystal beast, and her body kept trembling.

The shadow screamed strangely, kept spinning in the air, and then looked at Zhou Ru and flew over.


The little fire crystal beast suddenly jumped in front of Zhou Ru, roaring at the dark shadow, teething, half narrowing his eyes, his eyes were full of hatred, and a cold murderous intention came from his body.

Zhou Ru looked at the little fire crystal beast in surprise. She didn't understand how the little guy found the existence of the shadow, and looking at its current appearance, she seemed to hate the shadow.

When the dark shadow flying to Zhou Ru heard the roar of the little fire crystal beast, his body stopped and looked at the little fire crystal beast. There was a trace of fear in his eyes, a strange cry, but it did not come forward.

When Zhou Ru saw this scene and confirmed it, the dark shadow was a little afraid of the fire crystal beast, so she calmed down and picked up the dagger that fell to the side. At this time, when she looked at the dark shadow, there was not so much fear. Just now, just because of the sudden appearance of the dark shadow, her instinctive panic occupied her body. At this time, looking at the shadow, naturally there is no such fear.

The black shadow hovered in the air and did not want to leave for a long time. Zhou Ru instantly understood the truth. It must be that the fire crystal beast had something that made the shadow afraid and dared not come over, but because the little guy was really small and it did not want to leave, so it hovered in the air.

Zhou Ru suddenly felt sure that her body rushed over in an instant, put the little fire crystal beast in her arms, and ran along the road.

The shadow didn't seem to think of Zhou Ru's sudden surprise, stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily and quickly caught up.

The shadow is only five steps away from Zhou Ru!

PS: Please collect it. I hope you can support the shadow.