jue mai

Chapter 158 Forbidden Eyes!

The portal suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng took a deep breath, looked at the portal, and said in his heart, "Zhou Ru, I will definitely find you!"

"Kad, this portal won't wait for you. Go in quickly!" The ghost lay in a rocking chair in Lin Feng's sea of knowledge, shaking his head slightly, as if he had no opinion on Lin Feng's behavior.

Lin Feng nodded heavily and stepped into the door.


Lin Feng was instantly transmitted to a brand-new place and looked around. There was no danger here. Lin Feng glanced behind him, and the portal had disappeared. Lin Feng was a little surprised, but he still paid attention to his current location.

The three dangerous places were connected to each other. Lin Feng saw that there were no towers here and immediately understood that he came to the Magic Moon Valley!

"Ghost, we have come to the wrong place!" Lin Feng shouted angrily to the ghost. What he wanted to go to was the burial tower, but as a result, he came to the Magic Moon Valley. In this way, he was far away from Zhou Ru again. Lin Feng was extremely angry.

"Oh? Did you come wrong? I don't know. All I know is that there is a portal. I don't know where it is!" The ghost didn't seem to care about himself, and it was true. The ghost just speculated that a portal would appear. How could he know where it would be transmitted if he had never stayed here?

"Well, that's it. Think about how to get out of here. By the way, this place is called Magic Moon Valley, and the magic array is famous." Lin Feng said to the ghost angrily, and then looked around warily, because it was too quiet here.

The so-called extreme must be reversed. If it is too quiet, the hidden danger will be greater. Although Magic Moon Valley is at the bottom of the three dangerous places, it is also one of the dangerous places. You must not relax your vigilance.

Lin Feng carefully walked forward and walked slowly. He let his consciousness go out and explored everything around him.

At the same time, the ghost also released his consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes and said to Lin Feng, "Go to the right, there is this good thing there!"

"Hmm?" Lin Feng, who was checking, suddenly heard the ghost saying, and was stunned for a moment, and then thought of a good thing. The ghost said it was a good thing, which was absolutely effective for him!

"What?" Lin Feng quickly asked the ghost.

The ghost did not answer Lin Feng immediately, but thought for a moment, and then said, "You will know when you go!"

The ghost's pause was so short that Lin Feng didn't notice it. It felt like the ghost answered immediately. He stopped asking and flew to the right.

Along the way, Lin Feng looked at the terrain of the Magic Moon Valley while carefully looking around. As its name suggests, this Magic Moon Valley is a valley, like a half moon, which is very considerate with its name, but Lin Feng did not find out where the danger is.

But Lin Feng knew in his heart that no danger would be shown, and only the hidden one was the most deadly, so Lin Feng did not relax his vigilance.

The speed of flying is getting faster and faster, and the Taoist power in Lin Feng's body is much stronger than before. Ordinary people fly for more than one hour at most to consume the power in their bodies, while Lin Feng only consumes a little bit at this time. Compared with others, Lin Feng's strongest point is the strength of Taoist power.

"You can stop a hundred miles ahead!" The ghost suddenly said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked carefully at the front, and a hundred miles away was just a matter between several breaths for him.


Lin Feng's body fell down and stood on the ground smoothly. His cold eyes looked forward. There was nothing flat in front of him. There were only some vegetation and nothing else. Lin Feng was a little strange. How can there be good things here? He shook his head gently, and then said to the ghost, "Ghost, there is nothing here?"

"Kid, since you know that this place is called Magic Moon Valley, don't you understand?" The ghost sneered and then said.

When the ghost said this, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that there were the most fantasy worlds in the Magic Moon Valley. Looking at the front, his heart thumped, "Is it true that all I see are just illusions?"

Lin Feng subconsciously walked forward, but the ghost suddenly stopped Lin Feng, "Kid, are you desperate? It's just a magic array. How can you come out after you walk in!"

Lin Feng fought a cold war, his hands trembling, took them back, and looked at the front. He knew that it was an illusion array, and there was this treasure in the illusion array, but he could only stand outside and watch. Lin Feng's heart was aggrieved.

"What do you think we should do?" Lin Feng still asked the ghost. After all, he has existed for so long that he has never seen any illusion.

Through Lin Feng's eyes, the ghost and old gods looked at the illusion outside, then thought for a moment and said, "The illusion here is not artificially arranged, but more like a natural existence. You can rest here now. I will observe this illusion."

"Isn't it just a magic array? You are well-informed, are you afraid of this?" After listening to the ghost old man's words, Lin Feng said subconsciously. As soon as he spoke, he suddenly felt bad. Didn't he belittle the ghost old man by saying that? Didn't he even say that the ghost old man could do a fantasy array?

Sure enough, the old ghost was unhappy in an instant and snorted coldly, "What do you know? The artificial illusion array can detect its eyes and destroy it. The naturally formed illusion array itself has no eyes, but slowly formed through the wind and sun. This kind of illusion Integration with heaven and earth is not so easy to find. Even if you find it, do you think you can destroy it? Humph!"

Lin Feng quietly stopped talking and knew that he had made the ghost angry. In case the ghost was uncomfortable, his consequences would not be good. After all, he lived in his own sea of knowledge!

Lin Feng sat down, meditating and practicing the use of Taoist force while looking at the illusion in front of him.

This phantom array is also an array. Lin Feng sat there and observed, and suddenly found that there was also some light in the phantom array, and there were many. Lin Feng was shocked and quickly stood up and walked forward.

"Huh? This light..." Lin Feng looked at the array in front of him with some surprise. He couldn't see the array, but he saw some light swimming around, which was somewhat similar to the prohibition he had seen on the hundred steps before.

"What's the matter, boy?" When the ghost saw Lin Feng walking over, he asked.

Lin Feng heard the ghost's question and came to his senses. He stood in front of the ghost and said doubtfully, "I can't see any illusions, but I see some light swimming around. Ghost, don't you think it's strange?"

"What? Do you think you see some light moving? The ghost was shocked by Lin Feng's words and quickly asked.

Lin Feng was more puzzled at this time, but he still nodded and said, "Yes, I can see that when I encountered the prohibition before, I also saw those lights to break the prohibition, and I also learned to prohibit it."

Gemon Lao was even more shocked. Hearing Lin Feng say that he broke the ban when he only saw the lights and learned how to ban it by the way. The ghost old man felt that he had encountered a demon and suddenly thought of something, so he began to meditate.

Lin Feng saw the ghost old man's solemn appearance and did not dare to disturb him. Knowing that the ghost old man must have thought of something important, he quietly stood next to the old ghost and waited.

"Legend has it that there is a class of people who can see through the array by nature. All the arrays are useless in front of them. They can always see through everything in the array." The ghost said solemnly.

Lin Feng looked at the ghost with some surprise, "Why can they see through those formations?"

"Eyes!" The ghost said heavily.

Lin Feng heard for the first time that his eyes were so powerful that he didn't believe it, so he casually said, "Eyes?"

"Yes, their eyes are different from others. Their eyes are called forbidden eyes!" The ghost nodded heavily, and then looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt a little uncomfortable when he was looked at by the ghost old man. Then he thought of something, looked at the old man and said in surprise, "Gemon old man, you mean..."

"Forbid eyes!"

PS: I hope you like this book, and finally ask for collection and red tickets!