jue pin killing god

Chapter 160 Auction 4

"Next is the final items of this auction, a total of six pieces." Li Hao walked to the booth and said loudly.

With Li Hao's words, dozens of martial artists began to become a little excited. Why didn't they come thousands of miles to Qingzhou this time for these elixirs? At this moment, these elixirs are finally going to be sold.

"The first auction item is an elixir with the effect of restoring true qi, which can restore the true qi of warriors below the beginning of the level. The starting price is five million." With Li Hao's words, a beautiful woman walked to the booth with a transparent glass box with a jade bottle in it.

"Elixir? Really angry?" At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded, and it was the young man who had taken a lot of pictures before.

The rise of the Sun family is just a matter of recent years. Although the family is not small, there are no warriors in the family. For young people, these things are undoubtedly something that only exist in movies. Suddenly, he is not surprised to hear that someone actually auctions these things. In fact, not only him, but also some other ordinary people are puzzled, but they are not as arrogant as young people.

Li Hao's face on the booth changed slightly. He had prepared a lot of time for this auction. The young man of the Sun family opened his mouth like this and completely hit him in the face.

"Sun Peng, are you doubting the integrity of our Huaqing Auction House?" Li Hao was also a little angry.

Hearing this, the arrogant young man's face changed slightly. Huaqing auction house is so simple on the surface. Behind it stands the three major families of Qingzhou, and none of them is the existence that their Sun family can provoke.

"Manager Li is just talking fast for a while." Sun Peng said hurriedly.

Although Li Hao is just a sideline of the Li family that is not very popular, he is definitely not able to provoke him. Publicly questioning the integrity of Huaqing Auction House is undoubtedly provoking the three major families in Qingzhou, not to mention Sun Peng, even if his father is here, he dares not say so.

"Humph..." Li Hao snorted and continued to introduce, "Because this elixir is of high value, we just took some simple tests. As for the real effect, it can only be judged by yourself."

Listening to Li Hao's words, many martial artists nodded. In today's martial arts, any elixir is extremely precious, and the movement is millions of dollars. That is still a valuable thing. Who would be willing to take an elixir to verify its effectiveness? That thing is a life-saving thing. The people present also understood this point.

With Li Hao's signal, the beautiful woman opened the jade bottle, and suddenly a strange fragrance spread.

"This is Danxiang!" An old man became excited.

Not only him, but also some warriors who have seen the elixir have become excited. The warrior's memory is very strong, especially the elixir of this elixir. As long as you smell it once, it is difficult to forget it. Moreover, the elixir is also an important means to judge the elixir. First of all, the fragrance can only be produced by elixir. This taste is completely different from the taste of medicinal herbs. Different elixir fragrances are also different. It is a real alchemist and dare not say that he knows every elixir, but the efficacy of the elixir can make some judgments through the elixir.

"Each price increase is not less than 500,000, and now we will start bidding." Li Hao motioned the beautiful woman to close the jade and continued.

Looking at the jade bottle, a trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of many martial artists. The elixir is also a kind of medicine. Although it is not as good as the elixir itself, it also has a weak effect. It is said that some powerful elixir can make people break through as long as they smell the elixir. Although the elixir in front of them is far from reaching that level, it can It's enough to restore the truth, but everyone has no objection, it's just a matter of how much to recover.

"6 million." An old man said with a smile.

The importance of elixir that can quickly restore true qi for martial artists is self-evident.

"seven million." As soon as the old man's voice fell, another warrior shouted.

"10 million!" At this moment, an arrogant voice suddenly remembered that it was Sun Peng.

Hearing this sound, many people frowned, and even Ye Xiu was no exception. The elixir that restores true qi is different from other elixirs. This elixir only works for warriors with true qi, even if the strong people of foreign kung fu buy it.

"It smells good, and it should taste good." Sun Peng said lightly.

At first, he didn't like the elixir, but after smelling the strange elixir, he found that the elixir was definitely a good thing and suddenly got involved in it.

Hearing this, the faces of all the warriors present have changed greatly. Sun Peng's words are undoubtedly provoking all the warriors. Many people present are strong men who have reached the ground level. Martial arts is all they. It can be said that they regard martial arts more important than their own lives. Unexpectedly, Sun Peng despises martial artists so much. This undoubtedly ignited the dynamite barrel.

"That boy is going to be unlucky." Xiaobai gloated a little.

Ye Xiu just smiled. Sun Peng's hatred was really good. First, he provoked Mr. Zhang, and then provoked himself. Now, he actually offended all the warriors. I'm afraid that as soon as today's auction is over, the Sun family will be completely over.

"Nima, you son of a bitch, you specialize in bothering me, don't you?" Li Hao's face also became extremely difficult at this moment. At first, Sun Peng provoked Zhang Lao, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Zhang Lao couldn't deal with the Li family. Then this guy provoked Ye Xiu and was directly blacklisted by him and listed as a person who no longer contacted him. Fortunately, he actually provoked all the martial artists. Even the Li family can't afford to provoke.

"One million!" Mr. Zhang said.

Other things are fine. If the elixir, a thing that is very helpful to martial arts, falls into the hands of an ordinary person, I'm afraid that the martial artists present today will immediately become the laughingstock of the martial arts. Although these old people usually only know how to practice, they care about their own cheeks. After all, they have inherited hundreds of them. Thousands of years of family, the majesty is not tolerated by others.

"12 million!"

"15 million."


The price of elixir rose steadily to about 23 million, and the bidding began to drop, and finally it was auctioned by an old man at a price of 25.5 million.

"Sun Peng, you have not been listed as an unwelcome person in this auction house. Please leave now." Li Hao on the booth suddenly looked at Sun Peng at the venue.

Hearing this, Sun Peng's face changed and he wanted to get angry, but he seemed to think of Li Hao's * and finally put up with it.

"Manager Li is so majestic!" Sun Peng sneered and even got up and left the venue.

Looking at Sun Peng who left and Li Hao on the booth, many people looked puzzled. Although the Sun family is not as good as the Li family, Sun Peng's status in the Sun family is not low, and Li Hao is just a collateral faction. If they really fight, it is not certain who loses and who wins.

"Gentlemen, if you want to leave, please." After Sun Peng's incident, Li Hao also understood that it was a little miscalculation to arrange warriors and ordinary people in an auction house.

Hearing this, many people's faces changed slightly. Several people hesitated for a moment and finally left. They were not interested in the next auction, but there were still many people who stayed to watch and continued to watch. Obviously, they were also extremely curious. The elixir could be auctioned for more than 20 million. You should know, this is still bad. It's just the sixth auction, and I'm afraid the price of the next auction will be higher.