Peerless Fairy

Chapter 2 The order cannot be violated

After flying away from the pear garden for a long time, Canglan saw the temple from afar. The power of cloud evil was so deep that he had already stepped into the temple first.

The temple is among the five palaces. In addition to the Shuiyue Palace and Yunxie Tianmu Palace, the other three palaces are Jinyang Palace, Xinghuo Palace and Tuyun Palace. In fact, these five palaces guard the five elements of heaven and earth, gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Although the five palaces are far apart, they live with each other and maintain the order of heaven and earth. The temple looks like nothing, but it is the most sacred palace between heaven and earth.

When Canglan entered the hall, the other three people had already arrived except Yun Xie, and Tianzun was sitting on the golden chair in front of the hall. Because the light in the hall is very dark, it is difficult to see Tianzun's appearance at this time, but with the fierce eyes sprinkled on his body, he must be angry.

Towards Tianzun, Cang Lan bowed and bowed a salute, thinking that he was the youngest senior among the five palaces, but today he was at least late, and his heart was both worried and embarrassed. However, Tianzun didn't say anything, but only signaled Canglan to retreat to one side. Canglan's hanging heart was gradually relieved.

In an instant, the quiet breathing of the whole hall can be heard. Cang Lan glanced at the Tianzun, and he also opened his mouth at this time. The thick and low voice made the originally empty hall more awe-inspiring.

Tianzun slowly said, "Presumably, except for Canglan, the other four people should have known why I called you here."

Cang Lan was suspicious, but the meaning of Tianzun's words was very clear. All four people except themselves knew why, but they didn't know it. Could it be related to them? The other three responded respectfully. On the contrary, Yun Xie still shakes the folding fan faintly, looking like it has nothing to do with it. Aware of the doubtful eyes projected on himself, Yun Xie returned with a faint smile, as if to appease the uneasiness of Canglan.

Tianzun said again, "Do you know what day it is today?"

Tianzun's two words are inseparable from himself, and there seems to be nothing good. This is what Canglan guessed at this moment. But since Tianzun asked, she had to think about it carefully, but she still couldn't remember what was special today, and then returned, "Return to Tianzun, I don't know."

"The owner of Canglan Palace has forgotten that 700 years ago, that is, today, Tianzun brought the palace owner back from hell." It was Nanxuan, the owner of Jinyang Palace, who was wearing a blue gown at this time. Nanxuan has been more than 5,000 years old, and his Taoism is comparable to the heaven and evil. This man is gentle, calm and introd, and he is also an unforgettable man. Hearing his words, Canglan remembered that 700 years ago, he was saved by Tianzun in the Wangchuan River and brought back to Li Hentian.

Tianzun was obviously a little disappointed, "Canglan, time has passed, and it has been 700 years in a blink of an eye. I just said something that everyone knows except you. Why don't you ask what it is?

Cang Lan turned to Tianzun and lowered his eyebrows. "Cang Lan dare not."

Canglan really dares not. There are too many things she can't ask. She never dares to participate in other things except for being in charge of the Shuiyue Palace and concentrates on cultivation. This is also what Yun Xie reminded Canglan several times. In Li Hate Tian, you can never know too many things. Even the former owner of the Shuiyue Palace is who is, and the girls in the palace don't know it. Later, Yuqiong, the owner of Tuyun Palace, told Cang Lan that it was erased by Tianzun and became an eternal secret of hatred. In the past 700 years, Canglan has seen not only the cold environment, but also mysterious and unpredictable people. Canglan often thinks alone about what the Heaven is and how many secrets are really hidden in these thirty-three heavens.

Tianzun listened to Cang Lan's words and seemed a little surprised. In his heart, a person who can experience 300 years of life and death in the Wangchuan River, what else can he dare not do? When she first came to Li Hate Tian, she had never been afraid. The people who hated the sky were cold to Cang Lan, and she just smiled at it. Tianzun threw it into the cold Tianchi Pool to rebuild her bones and became an adult again, and she also endured the pain. Or at that time, it was just because Wangchuanhe's heart was already numb and he was not afraid to die. What else would he dare?

In the hundreds of years after regaining the human body, Canglan continued to practice and forced himself to improve his cultivation. After rebuilding bones in Tianchi and with the help of Tianzun, the speed of cultivation improvement is beyond everyone's imagination. In just 400 years, she was as good as Yuqiong. By the time she ascended the owner of the Shuiyue Palace, everyone who hated her no longer dared to bully her at will as usual, arrogant and indifferent, and rejected people thousands of miles away, which was what she finally wanted.

Cang Lan never knew why Tianzun wanted to save himself, and also asked Yun Xie. At that time, he just gently said that he was destined. What is the so-called fate and destiny?

"Ten days later, it will be the 20,000th birthday of the Heavenly Emperor. I decided to send Xingbo and Canglan to go to the heaven to celebrate the birthday of the Heavenly Emperor. Can the other three have any objections?" Tianzun's words instantly pulled Canglan back from his thoughts and listened to Tianzun's words.

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of the other four people in the hall fell on Canglan. Xingfang beside Yun Xie just looked at Canglan with a smile and did not answer. Nan Xuan was the oldest of several people. He was silent for a moment and replied, "Disciples obeyed the master's orders." Then Yuqiong Xiangu said something, but when it came to Yun Xie, he hesitated for a moment. In a moment, he nodded slightly to show his obedience. Canglan collided with Xingbo's eyes, and what he saw was still a pair of cold eyes.

When everyone had no objection, Tianzun said, "I have prepared a birthday gift for the Emperor of Heaven. A few days later, you two will come to the temple to pick it up, and I will order the fairy boy to wait. You two remember that this gift is very important. If it is lost, you can't exchange it for it with your life. Do you hear it clearly?

Cang Lan and Xing Zhuan replied with a courtesy, "Disciples remember the teacher's teachings."

Tianzun hummed in a low voice, and then said, "I'm going to sleep for years, and I don't know when I will wake up. Everything from the Heaven will be handled by Yun Xie Nanxuan, and the temple will be closed the next day. If you have nothing to do, you can go back to the palace." The voice sounds a little tired, but it is still an indisputable tone.

If Tianzun is asleep, it took 300 years to sleep last time, and I don't know how many years it has been this time.

Everyone knew that Tianzun's order could not be disobeyed. After salute, the five naturally withdrew from the hall together. As soon as I walked out of the door, the door of the hall automatically closed. In an instant, I saw that the whole palace gradually disappeared in the gray sky. Looking at it, there was no shadow of the temple.

"Canglan." The gentle and elegant voice knew that it was a jade sky fairy. Hearing her name, Cang Lan, who had been thinking hard alone, slowly looked at her and said, "What's wrong with Sister Yuqiong?"

A purple shirt is noble and elegant, and her beautiful face can be called peerless. Her skin is better than snow and frost. Her lips are like cherry teeth like shellfish, especially those eyes are full of eyes, like autumn water ripples, and the willow eyebrows are very charming. This woman is not only beautiful, powerful, but also very intelligent. She is dealing with anyone in the five palaces. In addition to resounding in the two worlds of immortals, there are many characters in the demon world who are obsessed with it.

I think so. She is such a beautiful woman, capable of literature and martial arts. There is any man in the world who is not moved. If she is not moved, I'm afraid that she will make people feel that she must be close to women, just like a person in Buddhism.

The jade fairy stopped beside Canglan and looked at her fixedly. Her clear eyes seemed to look into Canglan's heart.

"Canglan Palace mainly left the heaven, and Yuqiong has nothing to say. There is only one word to tell the palace owner." Yuqiong said softly, and his eyes were very sincere.

Canglan didn't know why Yuqiong was suddenly so serious, so he nodded and smiled and said, "Lord of the palace, please speak."

When the fairy girl was about to talk about it, but her eyes changed and seemed to remember something. The words that had just reached the corners of her mouth were swallowed back. Seeing that Canglan was still waiting, she had to casually prevaricate, "Canglan Palace mainly take care of yourself. When you come back, you can tell Yuqiong about the birthday of the emperor on this trip."

Hearing this, Cang Lan was so confused that he looked at the jade dome puzzledly. The jade dome just looked at Cang Lan carefully, as if he wanted Cang Lan to remember it deeply. Then her body floated gently, the purple shirt flew, and the ribbon fluttered, which was very beautiful. Canglan looked at the gradually leaving posture of the jade dome, and she was quite puzzled about what she just said. He turned around and wanted to go back to the Water Moon Palace, but he didn't know that there were two stars and clouds standing behind him.

Yun Xie stood with his hands on his back, dressed in white and dancing without wind, elegant, handsome and calm without any expression. Instead, the star Mao stood there indifferently at this time. Coupled with the figure that was more enchanting than a woman, the red gown made it more evil. Such a cold and handsome prince, but the phoenix eyes were full of loneliness and alienation that others dared not approach.

Xing Zhuan looked at the vicissitudes for a while, and his indifferent face always showed some unspeakable meanings. Seeing Canglan looking at himself, he also smiled coldly, glanced faintly and said nothing.

With a cold look and a faint smile, although there is indeed a fragrance that fascinates all sentient beings, in Canglan's eyes, it is disdainful. It is not that the appearance of Xing Subaru is not enough, but that the feelings between the two two for 700 years are colder than Xingsiao's eyes. Today, there is no quarrel with each other. The scripture is excellent.

Yun Xie did not speak aside and slanted at Xingbo. His eyes were still indifferent, but not as cold as Xingsma. He turned around and whispered to Canglan, "I'm about to leave Li Hate Heaven. It's better to go back and prepare first. If anything happens, come to Tianmu Palace to find me." Looking at Xing Zhuo from the side, he smiled faintly and said, "The chess game of Zuifengting 300 years ago has not been decided. Since we are going to leave the next day, how about a decisive battle today?"

Star Suba was silent for a moment, nodded slightly and agreed. Between her eyebrows, she was only indifferent. Looking sideways at Canglan, the man turned around and flew in the direction of Zuifeng Pavilion, followed by Yun Xie. The two have been growing up for thousands of years. Looking at the gradually disappearing figure of the two of them, Canglan lowered her eyes and her heart was full of mixed feelings.