Peerless Fairy

Chapter 49 Rebirth

Canglan's heart has long lost her confidence. She has never dared to speak to Lan Ge in this tone. Whether it was thousands of years ago or thousands of years later, she was so careful.

"Many things are doomed. You should always know what you should know. What you shouldn't know, how can you not know." Canglan smiled bitterly, and he would never know the bitterness and hatred he had experienced for him. He raised his eyes, took a deep breath, and threw away the sadness in his eyes in the night. "The immortal is respected by the world, the darling of heaven and earth. How can he know the suffering that he can't ask for?"

Lang Ge stared quietly at Cang Lan, but reluctantly smiled, "The palace master's words are serious. The palace owner is noble and hates the owner of Tianshui Moon Palace. How can his identity be expected by Lan Ge?"

Canglan smiled and said no. It turned out that the identity identified from the first sight of heaven had always been in each other's hearts. After straightening out his mind, he raised his hand to smooth the wind blowing hair, opened his lips and said indifferently, "It's too late. Let's not delay any more, Xianzun still has something to deal with."

After saying that, his eyes had turned to Lan Ge, waiting for him to give her a clear road, a way back to her.

Lan Ge nodded and agreed, and the person also made a gesture to Cang Lan in his right direction, signaling her to go first. Only then did Cang Lan see that she really went wrong.

He nodded slightly and saluted, and Canglan said, "Master, please first."

Lan Ge was slightly stunned, and there was a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth. Then Lan Ge is not polite." After saying that, the man has stepped forward.

Canglan looked at the back that was gradually submerged by the night. How many times in his dreams, he gradually disappeared like this. No matter how he shouted, he did not look back. With a smile in his heart, he followed.

In this way, in the night, the two white figures are like lilies blooming at night, and the night is three thousand, which is difficult to hide the elegance. However, the distance between them is a gap that is difficult to cross.

is also deeper and the fog is thicker.

The two finally walked back to the corridor, and they probably knew how to go back to Canglan.

Both of them were very quiet along the way, and no one had a few words. They walked quietly in the world of pear blossoms. The scene of holding hands a thousand years ago echoed in Canlan's mind, but his heart was never warm. Instead, the more he looked at the scene at this moment, the more desolate he felt.

Things are wrong, and the old feelings are difficult to exist. Once before the flowers and the moon came down to today, and the love and hate are intertwined together, and the heart is so sad that there is no more.

The bright lights reflected the two clearly, and the distant breeze small building gradually appeared in front of her, but Lan Ge's steps were getting faster and faster. Her frowns were hiding something. Canglan thought he had something urgent, so she wanted to ask him to go first, but it was only in her hesitation that Qingfeng Xiaozhu had already stood in front of her.

Langge never turned around, but said lightly with his back to Canglan, "Langge has something else to do. Let's say goodbye first."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Looking at the figure, Canglan's unspeakable feeling was to see something he originally wanted to have gradually going away, but there was nothing he could do to retain it.

It was not until Lan Ge's figure could no longer be seen that Cang Lan withdrew his eyes and thought about the purpose of staying now, so he didn't think much else and turned back to Qingfeng Xiaozhu.

The night is deep and the garden is very quiet. Canglan's footsteps are very light. She is afraid of disturbing the sleeping nine tones in the room, let alone see Xing Zhuo at this moment. But it seems that the more you don't want to do it, the faster it will happen.

The red figure looked so ghostly in the night. The light emitted by the lantern hanging in front of the house reflected his posture. The pure white pear blossoms swayed, and the crimson gown danced lightly in the wind.

He seems to be looking at the scenery, but his eyes are lax and he doesn't look seriously. It also seems to be thinking about something, but it looks indifferent and not involved. Cang Lan stopped and looked at Xing Fang and wanted to say something, but the words were swallowed back to the corners of his mouth. Perhaps at this moment, silence is the best choice. The dispute just now is the most serious one since they met.

Xing Zhuan looked back at Cang Lan indifferently, with cold eyes and a trace of vague anger. For a moment, he withdrew his eyes, stared at the swaying pear blossoms on the branches, and went back to his room without saying anything.

The door was hit by the inner force of Xingma, and the clear sound shook the bottom of Canglan's heart, as if something was pressing him out of breath.

Xing Wei's character has always been like this, and Canglan has long been used to it, but why is tonight's heart not as indifferent as usual?

The scene in the pavilion in the lake echoed in my mind again. At this moment, I was not so angry, but felt that I was too much. She has always opposed Xing Subaru for various reasons and chose not to agree with everything he did. For some reason, Cang Lan himself has not reflected on it. At this moment, think about it, in fact, can't he really get along well with Xing Zhuo?

Still said that he had set him in the position that he couldn't get along with, so he deliberately made him angry and made him angry. But if it weren't for Jiuyin, Xing Fang wouldn't have stayed, would he?

With a deep sigh, Canglan felt that she was becoming more and more mediocre. Thinking that Jiuyin was still in the room, he went in.

Jiuyin was still asleep and did not open the general. Canglan recalled the matter of the man in ink robe. In order to be afraid that he would hurt Jiuyin again, he decided to guard Jiuyin tonight, and there were many things to consider.

Sitting against the table, Cang Lan lay her hands on the table with pillows and cast her eyes on the flame on the candlestick. She didn't know whether to tell Jiuyin about the man in ink robe, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was better not to let Jiuyin be involved in this matter.

Thinking about it, her body's fatigue came, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and her consciousness gradually blurred. Until later, she didn't know anything.


The night gradually disappeared in silence. A touch of light in the sky cut through the darkness, thus replacing the night again. The light once again reflects the deep valley isolated from the world, as if it had given a rebirth.

Today's fog is not thick, but the wind is still a little cool, especially in the morning. Snow-white pear blossoms are falling forever, the wind is blowing all the time, and the Buddha wants to wait until the end of the world. In front of Jingxu Hall, the square was full of people, and pear blossoms fell on their heads, as if it were snowing. At a brief look, there were at least thousands of people. At this time, all the disciples of Xuanyue Valley stood there upright, with serious faces and looked ahead, as if waiting for something to be announced. Nangong Chenxuan, Mu Qiuning, Qin Fei and Mo Yun are also among them. Looking at Mo Yun's pale face and the pain he endured, his body is probably not yet good.

At this time, on the steps, Xuan Ningzi and the elders looked solemn and their eyes were cold. Lan Ge's face was cold, standing with his hands on his hands, and his slightly restrained eyebrows seemed to fall into meditation.

The disciples under the stage stood in a regular manner, and thousands of pairs of eyes stared at Xuan Ningzi and others in awe, as if they only needed the elder's words. Although they are not energetic, they also look quite energetic.

This is the daily morning exercise of Xuanyue Valley, which is also a rule that has not changed in Xuanyue Valley for 700 years. Xuanyue Valley believes that the plan of a day lies in the morning. In a day, only the morning time is the most precious. Therefore, the disciples of the disciples will gather here at this time to practice with each other, practice Taoism, and learn from each other.

When the sun rises every day, all disciples must gather in front of the Jingxu Hall. But today, looking at the serious and rigorous appearance of these people at this time, it should not only be for morning exercise. Besides, morning exercises on weekdays. The owner of the valley rarely appeared, and today, not only the elders gathered together, but also the Lange Xianzun, so it has to be doubtful.

The reason for this is that someone hung a two-foot-long war letter on the Jingxu Hall in the valley last night, and it was the demon clan. There are two sentences written on it with blood, "Dish all the Xuanyue and kill all the heavenly people." In addition, it was said that he would attack Xuanyue Valley five days later. This morning, the disciples in the valley reported this matter to Xuan Ningzi, and Xuan Ningzi came with Lan Ge. After all, this is the first time in 700 years that Xuanyue Valley dares to provoke anyone like this.

Xuan Ningzi looked at the disciples under the stage, with endless solemnity between his eyebrows. He looked at the disciples and glanced at an elder beside him and motioned him to speak.

There is a little ** under the stage, but there is no big movement.

I saw a middle-aged man about 40 slowly walk to the front of the steps. The man was kind and looked at a sense of peace and intimacy. His name was Yunsheng, and he was one of the five elders of Xuanyue Valley, and Qin Fei was his sitting disciple. He was gentle and he was not as strict as Gu Tiantong's disciples, so he was also It is extremely popular. However, no one knows how profound his cultivation is. Because he has always tolerated his disciples and always paid attention to talent and voluntariness in teaching, there are few disciples who can be called famous. Only Qin Fei can barely keep a place among the disciples.

I saw Yung's old man walk to the steps, looked at the disciples in front of him, and asked, "Which disciples were patrolling last night and stand up."

When the disciples heard this, several of them stood up respectfully and looked at each other in con'spect. In fact, they didn't know what had happened.

Yun Chang always looked at those people and asked, "Have you been patrolling last night?"

"Yes." Those disciples all replied respectfully with their fists.

Yunsheng asked again, "Did anyone find this war book last night?" Or some strange events?"

Those people were stunned, and the disciples under the stage were talking about it. The demon clan suddenly killed the order. This early morning has made the whole Xuanyue Valley turbulent. In addition, the elders look solemn, and it can be imagine that Xuanyue Valley will inevitably suffer a disaster. Nangong Chenxuan and Mu Qiu stared at each other and watched Yun grow old in puzzledly. One of the disciples came forward and said, "Last night, my brothers and I carefully explored and patrolled. They were peaceful all night, and nothing strange happened, and no outsiders came into the valley."

"Oh?" Yun Chang always looked back at Xuan Ningzi thoughtfully. Unexpectedly, Xuan Ningzi also frowned at this moment and looked at the disciples under the stage puzzled and discussed. He also shook his head faintly, and then said, "The sudden provocation of the demon clan has yet to be found out. According to the terrain of Xuanyue Valley, the demon clan is also difficult to enter. But just in case, from today on, strengthen the guard of Xuanyue Valley, and other disciples practice diligently. If the demon clan really dares to invade after five days, it is bound to destroy it in one fell swoop and let the demon clan completely disappear from the three worlds.

The strong voice sounded and resounded throughout the Xuanyue Valley. Xuan Ningzi carried out these words with true energy, like thunder and shaking his heart. The heart-shocking words heard by the disciples were all awe-inspily respected. The owner of Xuanyue Valley is the most profound person among all Taoist sects today. So far, the elders have never really used spells, so they have always been unpredictable. Coupled with the origin of Xuanyue Valley and the heavenly world, his little demon clan, if he can really come, will also keep him back.

All the disciples thought so. At the beginning, they came to Xuanyue Valley because the strength of Xuanyue Valley also deterred the world and shocked the world. What an honor it would be to eliminate the demons that have been endangering the world. Everyone has their own thoughts, but in any case, the demon clan dares to openly say that "destroy the Xuanyue and kill the heavenly people", which really makes the people of Xuanyue Valley extremely angry. Hearing Xuan Ningzi's words, the disciples also bowed, "We will do our best to eradicate demons and protect the world."

The neat voice, from the depths of the heart, was impassioned and echoed in the Xuanyue Valley for a long time. The birds in the forest were also shocked by the sound, and the fish wandering in the clear water in the valley suddenly dodged. The wind blew sharply, and the pear blossoms fell more and more urgently.