Peerless Fairy

Chapter 73 What is God's will

The night is silent.

The wind is cool and refreshing.

Tonight is another difficult night to calm down. Tomorrow is the period of agreement between the demon clan and Xuanyue Valley. Originally, with the strength of the demon clan, Xuanyue Valley did not need to worry much, but what happened these two nights was too sudden and too unbelievable.

Therefore, Xuanyue Valley believed that the demons must be capable and confident this time.

The lights are bright, half more than yesterday, and half more patrol disciples than yesterday. The atmosphere is extremely tense.

Jiuyin sat on a pear tree in the pear garden, with a leisurely and scattered look. He happened to see the Taixu Pavilion at a glance, and he could also see the movement of the Taixu Pavilion at the first time.

Canglan walked alone in the corridor. For some reason, her eyes were always far away intentionally or unintentionally. In the night, she seemed to be waiting for something.

Time, like running water, quietly passes away.

Xuanyue Valley was still quiet, and Xuan Ningzi and others were also tense and waiting for the matter to happen, but until the early morning, there was nothing strange.

Is tonight a peaceful night? Canglan asked in her heart that she wanted that person to come, and she didn't want him to come. Because if it comes, it can prove the innocence of Xingbo, but it will hurt the people of Xuanyue Valley again. If he doesn't come, then there will be no excuse for Xingbo's charges.

Waiting like this, Xuanyue Valley is still terriblely quiet.

Leaning on the stone pillar behind him and looking at the Taixu Pavilion, which was still quiet in the distance, Canglan's heart also began to nervous. She was really afraid that the truth would be as Xuan Ningzi and others said, and Xing Fang would be the murderer. If Xing Fang had given her a reason or explanation, she might have been relieved, but the man didn't say anything, not even a word to refute herself.

What on earth is he for?

Maybe he was so deeply meditated that Cang Lan had never noticed the people coming slowly in the distance. When she felt it, she had subconsciously cast spells on the man.

"Did I scare you?" The person came with a gentle smile, warm as the morning sun.

Cang Lan was about to hit the person in the chest, but stopped only half an inch away. If he hadn't seen his face and stop quickly, he would have been seriously injured.

Withdrawing his hand, Cang Lan just looked at him indifferently and said indifferently, "Why is Xianzun here?"

Lange smiled indifferently: "Just after explaining the matter, I saw a man wandering here, so I came to have a look and disturb Zun."

Canglan moved to the edge of the corridor, "Is Xianzun for tomorrow's demon clan?"

Looking at the figure, it looked too thin at night, like a waterfall hanging down, but it could not warm her like silk. Instead, it felt cold because of the wind blowing.

Lan Ge did not walk past, and the distance between them was no longer close to each other.

"There is nothing too worried about the demon clan." Lan Ge said lightly.

"What is the fairy worried about?"

"The same thing that the honor is worried about."

Canglan's figure was slightly stunned, and his tone was a little uncertain, "Will Xianzun also worry about this?"

She still treats him as an enemy like that, and always feels that the people behind her can't believe in Star Subaru. When trust is lost once, it is difficult to find it again.

The unconcealed bitterness at the corners of his mouth can only be drowned in the night. "After all, Xingbo Zun is the palace owner who hates the sky, and this matter is not small. Lan Ge naturally needs to be explored." After a pause, Lan Ge asked again, "Your Honor, you don't want to rest so late. Presumably, it's also to find the real murderer and give Xing Zhuan an innocent person."

Cang Lan was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled lightly, "Since Xianzun knows this, why do you need to ask again?"

Lange still smiled, "Zun Shang did not hesitate to guarantee his life in order to save the star, which is really admirable to Lan Ge. Today, I went to visit Xingbo Zun. Although he has fallen like that, he must be gratified that Cang Lan Zun has paid so much for him.

Cang Lan looked back at Lan Ge, "Have you looked for him?"

Cang Lan was so surprised because she was afraid that Xing Fang would tell Lan Ge the past of Lan Ge now. You know that Lan Ge has now lost his memory, so if Xing Fang tells this matter, the consequences will only be unimaginable.

But in Lan Ge's eyes, Canglan's surprise was deeply covered with another meaning by him.

"Yes, I've seen it." Lan Ge said softly and looked deeply at Cang Lan, "I'm just going to ask about last night?"

"Did the star Suba say anything?" Cang Lan asked eagerly.

Lange shook his head with a wry smile, "What do you think Star Subaru can say?"

"Speaking of the matter between you and Yun Xie? Or is it your love for life and death?" Lan Ge asked this sentence in his heart.

Cang Lan never saw Lan Ge's abnormality tonight. Although he knew that there was something wrong with Lan Ge, he couldn't find anything wrong. Did Xing Fang's words stimulate him?

What's wrong with that look? Why is there a feeling of heartache and loss? Isn't Lan Ge so noble and indifferent? Why is he so sad at this moment? Although there was a faint smile on his face, it made him more painful.

However, Cang Lan was very worried that Xing Fang would say something to make Lan Ge think he was the murderer. The man always spoke unobstructed. Although he was not afraid, would he understand that he would restrain himself at this moment?

"Immortal." Canglan can only call him like this, because they can only call each other in this way. This is the relationship and identity that Lan Ge has identified when he first met in heaven. If Xianzun hears something from Xingzhu or says something that he shouldn't say, Xianzun doesn't have to pay attention to it. He is like this. He always speaks with a little thorns and doesn't like others to force him. Although Xing Zhuan is very cold, he is very open and bright. I also hope that Xuanyue Valley's disciples are killed. Xianzun can deal with it carefully.

Cang Lan never pleaded for mercy. Even in the face of what happened last night, she used the most extreme way to guarantee Xing Subaru. But at this moment, she actually pleaded for mercy in order to reduce Lan Ge's suspicion of Xingbo. I can't tell whether it was for Xingbo or Lan Ge.

Lang Ge has been quietly looking at Canglan, listening to her talking, watching her put down for the man. Everything is so real.

"I will consider this matter. You don't have to worry about it. It's just that tonight's incident determines whether Xing Subaru's true innocence. If the murderer doesn't come back, then Lan Ge can't do anything." Lan Ge said.

"What if the real murderer doesn't come deliberately?"

"That can only prove that God's will is so."

Cang Lan was speechless. Lan Ge looked at her face and raised a helpless smile at the corners of his mouth. "If nothing happens, I'll go first. Respect yourself, be more careful."

After saying that, he left without looking back. His white clothes restrained the glory of the night and also restrained the worries of the vicissitudes.

"Wait." Cang Lan suddenly opened his mouth to call Lan Ge.

Lan Ge was slightly surprised and turned around. He only heard Canglan say, "If Xianzun is okay, you can go to the Fantasy Sydney Sea. Maybe there will be clues of the murderer there."

Her eyes were very serious, and Lan Ge was puzzled, but it seemed that Cang Lan had no intention to go on, so he had to smile indifferently and nodded slightly to signal that he knew.

Turn around and keep walking. Until Lan Ge walked far away, Cang Lan still stood there in a daze. After a long time, she looked back at the lights in the distance, looking sad and her lips were slightly white.

"I'm sorry."

The lights in the distance were blurred, and her heart struggled. The reason why she let Lange go to the Sydney Sea was because she was worried that the man in the ink robe would appear there.

What exactly is that deal?

She is waiting for the arrival of the mysterious man.

But on this quiet night, will the mysterious man really come?

In the lock soul array in the distance, Xingbo stood alone in front of the window of the house, and the dim candlelight swayed in the wind, as if it would go out without paying attention.

He stared at the pear blossoms floating faintly outside the house. His expression was very indifferent, his eyes were calm, and there was no emotion or thought.

The night is deep.

At this time two days ago, Xuanyue Valley is already at peace, but tonight Xuanyue Valley is like a sleepy person, which is peaceful.

not far from the Taixu Pavilion, Jiuyin did not know when he had come to Canglan. The two stood side by side and looked at the Taixu Pavilion so quietly, but their eyes were extremely disappointed.

"Master, it's almost dawn." Jiuyin said softly.

Cang Lan hummed softly and stopped answering.

Jiuyin looked tired, "If the murderer didn't come tonight, isn't it really the murderer?"

Cang Lan shook his head, "You can't jump to a conclusion without the end."

Jiuyin was silent for a moment, and then affirmed, "I won't give up. The hateful murderer must be afraid to come. If he dares to come, don't fall into my hands, otherwise I will definitely not let him go.

Jiuyin said angrily, but Canglan did not answer. Jiuyin looked at Canglan in surprise, but saw that she was full of anxiety at this time.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Jiuyin asked tentatively, wondering why she suddenly did so.

Canglan's eyes have been looking at Taixu Pavilion, and Jiuyin's words are also heard in his ears. Looking back quietly at Jiuyin and facing his suspicious eyes, Cang Lan asked seriously, "Jiuyin, if I do something very selfish one day, will Jiuyin blame me?"

"Hmm?" Jiuyin was confused, "Why did the master suddenly say this?"

"Answer me?"

She just wanted to know the answer, with serious eyes and desire.

Jiuyin was surprised, but when he met Canglan's deep eyes, he did not think about the reason, because there was only the answer in her eyes.

"No matter what the owner does, Jiuyin will not blame you. I only believe in the master, only follow the master, and no matter whether the master does is right or not, I won't blame you. Jiuyin gave the answer seriously. In fact, for Jiuyin, this answer does not need to be asked at all.