Peerless Fairy

Chapter 124 The Last Warmth

The last few words echoed in Da'a Mountain for a long time.

Feng Ran was so painful that he was desperate. Obviously, he wanted to explain so much, but he couldn't say a word.

But his father's silence has become the most ruthless failure in Xiao Qianye's eyes. At this moment, how can he believe that his most respected father would be such a cold person? Moji's words echoed in his ears, and Xiao Qianye smiled sarcastically in his heart, "It turns out that I think the happiest things are all lies."

The fear and fear were gradually replaced by indifference. Watching their mother persist alone and helplessly in the crowd, Xiao Qianye only had one idea to protect her and take her away. They didn't look at any stars, nor did they want their father, so they would never come out with their mother for the rest of their lives.

But everything about him is fantasy. As Moji said, it is impossible for her to leave here alive from the moment she set foot on Da'a Mountain.

Knowing that she is an existence of nothingness, Canglan still hopes to give Xiao Qianye a little support. At this moment, her heart is also very sad. Because of Moji's experience, has she never had it?

and Lan Ge, the same thing at that time, once thought that happiness eventually turned into an empty dream, and later watched a tragedy appear in front of him. Later, she knew better than anyone how much she was. She can feel the pain of Moji, and she can also understand it. If she really exists, Canglan will protect the mother and son at all costs.

But is that Fengran really so ruthless?

Canglan can't see through or understand it, because all she can understand is only what is in Xingma's memory. Xingmao has a deep attachment to Moji, so all Canglan can see is the good of Moji, and Xingma can only hate Fengran and the whole Da'ashan, so what Canglan can see is only the ruthlessness and cruelty of Da'shan and others. .

Moji can't tell what to say, because Xingbo's memory doesn't have those things. The only thing that only remembers Feng Lang said, "If you are a demon, you will always be a demon, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth. Even if you marry Fengran, you still can't change your magic."

That sentence is deeply branded in Qianye's heart and will never be forgotten.

Moji smiled crazily and hysterically. She looked coldly at the people in front of her and said coldly again, "In this case, let's make a thorough decision, but the people with this qualification are not you."

Her eyes slowly fell on Fengran, and the corners of her eyes were full of disappointment and regret. "Fengran, I'm here for you. Today, should we have a break?"

Fenglang and Fengyu looked at each other and looked at Fengran with a straight face, but Fengran stepped forward two steps in front of them.

Looking at Feng Ran's every move to protect his clan, Moji's heart, he was desperate again.

There has been a strong internal strength around her, and the demon girl, who has completely given up, no longer wants to talk more to these people. She just hopes to understand everything as soon as possible.

The wind shook the sword tightly, and the knuckles made a crisp sound. There was already a layer of white fog on the sword body. He was also secretly carrying the true spirit, and his eyes were tightly locked in the eyes of the magic girl. He always hoped that she could see something from her eyes, but the magic girl, who had been completely blinded by hatred, could not understand what was in his eyes. Begging and longing.

Moji looked at the person in front of her, and tears had already rolled in her eyes. Closing his eyes, tears fell, taking a deep breath, and throwing away all the thoughts he shouldn't have. Then he looked at Fengran, and a sneered at the corners of his mouth, "Fengran, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

In the words, the Moji man has flashed to Fengran like a ghost, with a sharp palm wind across Fengran's chest, and Fengran naturally resisted the horizontal sword, but did not use the sword, but blocked the Moji's move with the sword face.

That's how the two fought against each other again. Fenglang and Fengyu stood aside and watched the change. The other disciples were surrounded ten feet away and did not give Moji any chance to escape.

Looking at all that, Qianye refused to believe it in his dream, but he had to accept this fact. He had not figured out why his mother and father killed each other, and the ending had been shown in front of him, and the picture of his parents killing each other was so vividly imprinted in his mind and engraved in his memory.

Xiao Qianye doesn't know what the different ways of gods and demons, and he doesn't know who is right and who is wrong. As long as his mother and father are together, it is enough. Just like an ordinary child, the family is happy together.

But now, his simple wish can never be realized again.

Getting up, he slowly walked to the two people who were still fighting. Maybe this picture stunned the waiter, or felt that it was the best way to escape at this moment. In short, the waiter still secretly hid behind the stone pier and watched Xiao Qianye step into the center of the square step by step.

Canglan called the child countless times, but he couldn't hear anything. He just walked forward in a daze and walked towards his mother step by step. Cang Lan has never been so helpless. She doesn't know how to stop Qianye from moving forward, let alone how to stop all this.

Is it a dream? Canglan thought countless times, or all this was a sad dream. After waking up, there was nothing left, no Qianye, no Moji, and nothing happened today. She won't come here either.

However, even if all this really happened in a dream, she still had to watch everything happen and there was nothing she could do.

Cang Lan accompanied Xiao Qianye step by step, because she needed to accompany him, but at that time, Xiao Qianye was not as tall as Cang Lan's shoulder.

If Xiao Qianye could feel someone around him at this moment, wouldn't his heart be so cold?

The two are still dueling on the field, and Fenglang and Fengyu are also waiting for the opportunity to subdue Moji, but Fengran and Moji are both people with good cultivation. The power triggered by each move is enough to destroy everything around them, so Feng Yu and others are watching silently from far away.

But it seems that they still don't really want to end each other's lives with a sword.


The childish child's voice resounds in this hateful and evil square, which is so crisp and innocent.

Moji and Fengran were stunned, and at the same time withdrew their movements in their hands and looked back at Qianye. Moji was stunned, but Fengran was unbelievable. Fenglang and Fengyu's eyes gradually became indifferent, and even those Da Ashan disciples were surprised when Xiao Qianye came here.

But at this moment, Qianye's clear eyes could not see any conflict between good and evil, and his father's worried face. When his eyes passed the wind, he was full of hatred and indifference. He went straight to his mother, rushed into Moji's arms, and said lightly, "Mom, let's go back. Go ahead, Ye'er doesn't want his father, mother. Shall we go back to the devil?

Moji was stunned. She asked in a trembling voice, "Yeer, how did you come here? Who brought you here?"

Although Qianye snuggled in the arms of Moji, his eyes fell on Fengran's face, disappointed and afraid. Finally, he gradually turned into resentment and answered Moji's words, "It's Ye'er who wants to come by herself, mother, shall we go back now?"

Moji frowned tightly and hugged Qianye tightly in her arms. When she left the demon world, she had already told the people of the demon world not to let Qianye leave the demon world half a step, just afraid of meeting the people of Da'ashan. But now Qianye has come to Da'ashan by himself. How could he come without leading the way?

Moji's heart suddenly tightened. When her eyes passed Feng Yu and the two, she saw their hostile faces. She let the Buddha understand something. She subconsciously looked at Fengran and asked incredulously, "Qianye was brought here by you?"

But Fengran himself is stunned at this moment, and he doesn't know that Qianye will come here at all. Suddenly, he thought about it and looked at Feng Yu with regret, "Didn't you say that you would let the child go? Why do you..."

However, before Feng Ran finished his words, he only felt that he was pushed forward by a powerful force behind him, and the sword in his hand also stabbed the front, and it was Moji mother and son standing in front of him.

Looking at this scene, Cang Lan subconsciously stopped Feng Ran, but Feng Ran still went straight through her body and stabbed straight at the two demons.

Those eyes reflected the figure of the person flying in front of him. Every tear was his face. Qianye held Moji tightly and never let go.

He is willing to die with his mother.

But when the wind's sword gradually approached, Qianye only felt that his hand was tightly held in the palm of his hand by another pair of warm and soft hands. That warm, so reluctant, that kind of desire to never let go.

But once it is released, it will never come back.

Moji pulled Xiao Qianye behind her, and the sword also pierced Moji's body at the same time. The cold sword was really cold, cold to the bone.

Moji only felt that her whole body was shaken, including every meridians and every drop of blood, and the Buddha was crushed by something. The whole body forgot where the pain was because of the pain.

Fengran's sword pierced Moji's body in this way, unbiased, and the most accurate position of the heart.

Behind Moji, Xiao Qianye looked at the half of the sword pierced from his mother's body. His whole body was completely numb in an instant, and his petite body kept trembling, and he let Buddha see the most horrible thing in the world.

His mother was pierced in the chest by his father's sword in front of him.

This fact is placed in front of Xiao Qianye's eyes, so cruel that it is inhumane.

The hands holding the sword were trembling, Fengran's face was as pale as paper, and tears rolled around his eyes, "Why, why don't you hide?"

"I said I want to make you regret it for the rest of your life." Moji opened her mouth and laughed, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, black blood.

"Aji." Feng Ran called so lightly that there was no previous indifference in his eyes, but Moji's next palm interrupted all his words, and he had no chance to explain.

The sword was pulled out by Fengran because of Moji's palm, and Fengran was also knocked back several steps away by that palm at the same time. Maybe it was because his physical energy was consumed too much, or because Fengran's body was already very weak. Moran's palm used her last strength, so Fengran was directly stunned by Moji. .

In an instant, all the disciples present gathered around Moji mother and son in it. Feng Yu ordered people to take Feng Ran down, and he and Fenglang walked to the mother and son of Moji.