Peerless Fairy

Chapter 280 Thousand Night's Wife

At the same time, many ministers in the demon world will rush to the demon temple immediately after receiving the call of Qianye. After leaving Qingran, Lan Mei took a team of bodyguards to patrol the magic palace. On the way back to her place, she was stopped by the waiter and told that she needed to go to the magic hall immediately. She was extremely surprised when she got this order. She was even more surprised to learn from the waiter that Qingran had been released back to heaven for thousands of nights. . He hurried to the Devil's Hall, but he was still the last one to arrive.

The lights in the hall are very bright, which makes the usual cold and dark magic hall more warmth, and the ministers of the demon world stand side by side by side. These people have never appeared in the devil's hall except for the last time they discussed how to deal with heaven. Lan Mei entered the hall from the door and approached step by step with an uneasy mood.

"If it's too late, please punish me." Lan Mei knelt down on one knee and bowed, and his words and deeds were very cautious.

Thousand nights looked down at the person kneeling on the ground with an extremely calm expression, "Something happened suddenly, I will give you innocence. Get up."

Lan Mei lowered her head and said, "Xie Shaozun." He also stood up and returned to his position.

As soon as Lan Mei stood there, the person at the top had already said, "Today, I summon you to wait to come. The first is to discuss one thing, and the second is to announce one thing." After deliberately pause for a moment, Qianye continued, "I decided to attack the heaven on the day of Lan Ge and Feng Shaoli's marriage three days later. I don't know if you veterans of the demon world have any ideas?"

As soon as these words came out, the temple was silent. Everyone, look at me and I look at you, but I dare not make a sound.

Qianye smiled and moved slightly and said indifferently, "You can discuss it later. At least there must be a result."

Forced to do so, everyone had to gather together to discuss with each other. This is the historical rule of the demon world. The big thing is to be discussed in front of the Lord, and also to adend in front of the Lord. As for whether to adopt it or not, it is decided by the Lord. The demon world is not as one of the major immortal mountains as the heavenly world, and its power is scattered. Everything in the demon world is only centered on the lord of the demon world. Except for the lord, all people are just generals and ministers. They can only obey and obey the lord of the demon world. They are qualified to discuss or make opinions, but they have no right to make decisions. Of course, if you act recklessly behind the back of the lord of the demon world, once it is discovered, the consequences will also be very serious.

Lan Mei stood there quietly listening to the words of the people. Naturally, Qianye did not open his mouth, and even his expression did not change at all. He waited patiently for the discussion of those people in the hall.

For a long time, the discussion gradually subsided. Those ministers silently returned to their previous positions and still stood there respectfully with a serious face.

"How was the discussion?" Qianye put one hand on the armrest of the chair, gently tapped with five fingers, and kept looking at the people in the hall.

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the hall said in one voice, "I am willing to die for the demon world."

"Oh?" The tapping fingers stopped, and the ministers' voices were loud and powerful, and they sounded very comfortable, but Qianye still wanted to ask, "Why are you looking for this opportunity?"

One of the generals with silver helmets came forward and said, "The marriage of Changliu Mountain and Da'ashan is a sensational event in the wilderness of the three worlds. There are bound to countless people who will go to the heavenly world to attend the wedding banquet, and the mountains of heaven will also go. Although the forces of the heavenly world are combined here, the demon world can also take this opportunity to completely disintegrate the heavenly world, plus the big The plan has already been made in the wilderness. The two realms of the devil and famine will be attacked. At that time, it is bound to destroy the heaven.

"Exactly." Another person came forward and looked at the undulating chest and abdomen to know that he was very excited at this moment, and the way he spoke was also very passionate. "The demon world has been resting for too long for this day. The battle 700 years ago could not exert the strength of my demon world at all, and it is even more difficult to vent my hatred. The blood debt owed by the heavenly world needs to be repaid twice. Young master, ministers and others, please. The attack on the heavenly world must not be delayed. Tens of millions of soldiers in the demon world have already been ready for this day.

"This hatred has been accumulated for 1,500 years. From the battle 1,500 years ago to this day, I am waiting for this day all the time. Young master, please allow us to avenge the Lord, and let us give our own duty to the demon world. An old minister had knelt on the ground excitedly, followed by other generals, and a strong but neat voice resounded throughout the demon hall.

"The great cause of the demon world is immortal.

For the demon clan, I will die." Over and over again, like the thunder, it penetrated the palace wall and jumped into every part of the magic palace, and the sound was louder than over and over again. When Canglan was about to insert the hairpin into his bun, he didn't know why the hairpin suddenly fell off the palm of his hand. Canglan wanted to bend down to pick it up. Unexpectedly, his forehead accidentally touched the corner of the dressing table, and the pain suddenly came.

Picked up the hairpin and got up, Cang Lan covered her forehead and looked at herself in the mirror, listened to the sound from a distance, and fell into her thoughts again...

The magnificent momentum shocked the magic capital, and even the demon temple was trembling for it. The voiced oath, the accumulated resentment and waiting for thousands of years, completely broke out at this moment. Very few ministers in the demon world will survive the battle a thousand years ago, but the hostility between the two worlds of heaven and demons does not need to be experienced by themselves is also deeply hated by the latter.

This is nature, the nature of demons. Just like immortals have always been quick to get rid of demons, never asking for reasons, just because of their identity and position.

And for this day, not only those demon veterans have waited for thousands of years, but also thousands of nights. Every year, he is planning and planning. Every day, he is thinking about how to achieve his goal as soon as possible. If he doesn't let those people taste the pain and suffering, how can he be worthy of himself who survived?

"With this determination, I have no worries. Since you have no objection to this attack on heaven, the next thing you need to do is to discuss the battle plan. This time, the demon world attacked the heaven with all its strength, and the success or failure was in this move, so you can think about it well. Qianye said in a low voice, and his eyes were cold. His eyes deliberately glanced past the blue charm, but did not stop.

"We will do our best to ensure the prosperity of the demon world." The old minister said loudly, and everyone else praised it, and the whole magic hall trembled again by the magnificent momentum.

Qianye got up and looked down at the people under the stage. "This attack on the heavens needs to be planned in advance with the wilderness. The battle between heaven and demons is the best if it does not involve the mortal world. After all, those ordinary people are not the object of our hatred. At that time, if the order goes on, the people in the demon world must not hurt the lives of mortals.

"This..." The old minister said with some difficulty: "The war between the two worlds is very implicated. If the world is not implicated, it is too small. If you want to take care of mortal human beings, I'm afraid it will hinder me so that I can't fight wholeheartedly. Please think twice about this matter."

Lan Mei, who had been silent, suddenly said, "What Rong Hufa said is that war is ruthless, and naturally innocent people will die. The heavenly world is self-respecting to guard the saints of the mortal world. Those mortals who have no power to bind chickens should find a way to take care of them, not the demon world.

Qianye stared at Lan Mei and was a little unhappy with her opposition. "The battle between the two worlds of heaven and demons, the generals and soldiers of the demon world are the fate of heaven, and the heavenly world is a circle of cause and effect. I don't want too many innocent people to suffer this disaster. Do you understand?"

Facing that look, Lan Mei couldn't help but be stunned and bowed his hand in some panic: "Young master's kindness does not want to implicate the world, and his subordinates dare not disove. At that time, he will order him to go down and minimize the damage to the mortal world."

That said, Lan Mei still doesn't agree with Qianye's practice. The whole world of the demon world went to fight this time, and the success or failure of this battle. Although the world is innocent, if the demon world soldiers have scruples because of them, Lan Mei only feels that it is really not worth it.

Knowing that the blue charm was just obedient, Qianye was no longer forced. His eyes looked back at everyone and continued, "In addition, the clans connected by the silver soul that day were not within the scope of my plan. You can exclude them. In addition, unless those clans who have cooperated with the demon world for many years, other clans No more negotiations."

"Is Shao Zun worried that after the silver soul returns to heaven, he will tell the people of the heaven our plan, so that the heaven will be defensive?" Blue charm frowned and asked.

Qianye did not answer, only looked at Lan Mei indifferently, and then looked at everyone: "In three days, it will be Lan Ge's wedding. These days, the generals of the demon world must practice hard and not be neglected, but from tomorrow on, I will absorb the power of Tianyuanpan, and the affairs of the demon world will be temporarily represented by Lan Hufa. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"My subordinates are obeding." The generals still answered in a neat and orderly manner and dared not be ambiguous at all.

Naturally, those people didn't dare to say anything. When Qianye was away, they were originally dealing with big and small things in the demon world. Even if the prince Su later assisted him, the latter was powerless because of his weakness. Coupled with Qianye's trust in Lan Mei, they have already accepted that Lan Mei is the second lord of the demon world.

Qianye's obedience to Lan Mei seems to be much higher than she expected, and she doesn't know how she feels. Lan Mei, a woman, has indeed demonstrated her ability in governing the demon world, and Qianye does trust and value her. If Lan Mei only wants the current position, Qianye will not say anything. But Qianye also understands that Lan Mei's purpose of doing this has never been just for the demon world.

Lan Mei has been lowering her head, allowing Qianye's staring eyes to fall on her, and her mind turns thousands of times. In fact, she knows very well that Shao Zun has always believed in herself unconditionally and never questioned herself, but these are not what Lan Mei wants. Maybe in Qianye's heart, she is just a subordinate or a minister, but in Lan Mei's heart, Qianye is not just a young master.

After restraining his mind, Qianye found that there were some doubts in the eyes of the people below. His silence did last for a long time.

"In addition to discussing the attack on heaven, I have another thing to announce today." Qianye said lightly and looked up at the drip in the corner of the hall. He thought about the time in his heart. After guessing for a moment, he said to one of the waiters, "Go Wuya and invite Canglan."

The waiter retreated immediately after receiving the order. Everyone in the hall looked at each other and didn't understand what Qianye was going to do. They all looked at Lan Mei, but Lan Mei stood there firmly, his eyes firmly locked on Qianye, and his expression was slightly sad.

Qianye ignored the sad look of the man and just looked around the crowd and said lightly: "Since my mother died 1,500 years ago, the demon world has not had the position of master. Even if I returned to the leader of the demon world later, I still ordered you to call me a young master, because I have always felt that only my mother can have the status of the Lord. This qualification."

Step by step, I stepped down from that step, "Now I still believe in this persistence. Before the heaven is overturned, there is still no Lord in the demon world, and I am still the young master of the demon world for thousands of nights. But today..." The man has walked to the gate of the hall. Those ministers listened to the words of Qianye while holding their breath and letting the Buddha say something important.

Stop and stand at the door to see the sky of the demon world. The red clouds are becoming more and more beautiful under the red light. The scenery of the demon world has always been like this, depicting an amazing scene between strangeness and magnificence. Qianye has always loved this.

Looking back at the pair of eyes staring at me, Qianye suddenly smiled, and his handsome face became more and more enchanting because of the reflection of the red clouds. "Today, I have to do something as the master of the demon world. Naturally, this matter is not only about the demon world, but also involves the hatred of the sky. Of course, since I said the announcement, there is no possibility of manoeuvre and negotiation.

At this point, three figures suddenly appeared outside the hall. In addition to the waiter, there was also a witch and another person. Those who looked back at Qianye's eyes were instantly taken away by the figure, and for a moment, the whole magic hall fell into silence again.

Fee the surprised eyes of everyone, Qianye also slowly turned around and looked out of the hall. At this glance, it was eternal.

A big red brocade long skirt, the embroidered pattern on it is white pear, but painted with gold wire. The clothesman walks lightly and looks particularly beautiful and graceful. There is a light bundle of red silk around the waist, which is even more unsistible under the brocade. The slender hands naturally supported each other in front of each other and were as white as green onions in the red sleeves. The beautiful neck and clearly visible collarbone are like cutting. The ice skin is as delicate as fat, and the eyebrows are low and gentle. Although there is not too much pink decoration, the pear blossom white jade hairpin on the simple and tied hair bun is unique and elegant, and the long green silk like ink pours down like a waterfall, which is as eye-catching as a picture scroll.

The man was dressed in red makeup, step by step, and his eyes fell on Qianye's emotional complex face, with a little uneasiness.

With just one glance, I can no longer move it. In my memory, this person has always only been dressed in white and has always been elegant and cold, but this big red wedding robe on her is actually another grace. There is no longer a lonely and indifferent person who hates the owner of Tiancanglan Palace, but a woman in a wedding dress.

Those past memories between mood fluctuations poured into his mind at this moment. From the first sight of hatred 700 years ago to the little bits and pieces later, even some trivial memories can be put together and complete. How many times have you watched her come towards you, and how many times have you had different thoughts? Up to now, a red wedding dress is finally worn for him.

The hall was very quiet for a long time, and then there was a gradual discussion. Lan Mei looked at the slow-moving man in the farthest place, and his hands were unconsciously clenched into fists.

Cang Lan walked to Qianye and stopped, and the witch also retreated to the side at this moment. Seeing Qianye looking at Canglan, he opened his mouth softly and said, "Young Master, Canglan will bring it to you."

Qianye suddenly recovered and turned his eyes to ease his fluctuating mood. He completely ignored the comments of the generals behind him. He turned around and stared deeply at the woman in front of him, but Cang Lan subconsciously lowered his eyebrows.

Qianye suddenly opened his mouth and whispered, "You look better than Li Hate Tian."

Cang Lan was stunned and looked up at Qianye. Unexpectedly, Qianye stretched out his hand and put it in front of him. In a trance, Canglan remembered what had happened before in Wuya and couldn't help frowning slightly. After hesitating for a long time, he stretched out his hand with some hesitation. Qianye held the soft and boneless hand in the palm of his hand and pulled Canglan up the steps in everyone's surprised eyes.

The two figures walking side by side, the Xuanpao and the wedding clothes make a harmonious and beautiful picture. The two walked up the steps together and turned back together. From the beginning to the end, there was a faint arc hanging at the corners of their mouths. The hand holding the man unconsciously held more tightly.

Canglan stared at Qianye from the side, and his eyes just fell on his smiling face. His originally nervous and restrained heart suddenly relaxed.

"Today, as the lord of the demon world, I announced that Canglan will be the wife of Qianye from today. All people in the demon world must not be disrespectful, otherwise they will be regarded as disrespectful to Qianye, and I will never forgive them." With a sound, Qianye looked down at the people under the stage and announced it majestically and carefully, word by word.

Cang Lan looked at the person around him, and the heart lake was shocked by this words. Unconsciously, his eyes gradually warmed slightly, and the trembling eyelashes tried to resist the fluctuations in his heart, just in order not to shed another tear in front of him.

The young master of the demon world announced that she was his wife in front of his people today.

Earlier, when Wuya witch put on Canglan's wedding dress, the witch looked around Canglan twice, and then stood in front of Canglan and said with a smile, "This wedding dress is like a tailor-made fit, and I don't know when Shao Zun prepared it." After a pause, the witch seemed to suddenly remember something: "I remember that decades ago, Shaozun asked for silk from a fairy and brought it back to the demon world. At that time, the prince was still curious about why Shaozun was interested in this thing, but Shaozun did not answer at that time, and we forgot it. Now looking at this silk, Qing'er can guess what the silk was for that day.

At that time, Canglan remembered that when he was in a trance, when he was away from the sky, there was a time when the five palace owners chatted together in the pear garden. Xing Mao looked back and forth around her several times for some reason. At that time, Canglan also asked Xing Mao with a sneering smile: "Isn't it be dazzled if the owner of Xing Mao's palace owner to walk back and forth like this?"

After looking around again, he said lurely, "The figure of the owner of Canglan Palace makes people want to see flowers."

With a glance of Canglan's cold eyes, Xingbo said again, "This perpetual white clothes are better than snow, and it may be impossible to change to another color. about red?"

How about red? Looking at this big red wedding dress, does it match the sentence of that year... How about red?

Red, an extremely enchanting color, can be as warm as fire or as deadly as blood. It may be a beautiful bloom like Manzhu Shahua, or it may be a contract between the hand of a son and the son. A red makeup is the guardian of a lifetime.

What happened later was like a dream in Canglan's memory. I only remember that after Qianye announced the incident, the generals were very quiet, but no one objected. Then Qianye ordered people to hold a banquet. After a cup of light, the generals all left. During this period, many people toasted Canglan and Qianye. Qianye didn't know how they were dealing with this matter. In the face of those who toasted, they did not refuse, and they were already quite drunk several times.

Canglan did not drink wine, and he could not drink wine without fully recovering from the throat injury. Those generals were stared back by Qianye when they first came to toast, and then those people did not dare to come back. But in the end, in the face of the cup handed over by Lan Mei, Qianye let her drink it.

This glass of wine is bitter wine, blue charming bitter wine. She sat in the corner and poured a glass of wine into her throat. The corners of her eyes always looked at Qianye and Canglan. Every time she looked at them, she sneered, and the corners of her mouth twitched and frowned. The witch sitting next to her wanted to persuade her but couldn't persuade her. Every time she pressed the jade pot, she greeted a cold cry from Lan Mei. The witch had no choice but to follow her. It was not until Lan Mei was drunk that she forcibly sent Lan Mei back.

Today, everyone is more indulgent. It seems that the Buddha wants to drink all the wine that has been stored in the demon world for many years. In addition to the two most noble people in the demon world, they are also saying some words that they have not usually said to each other, as if they are saying goodbye and wishing each other.

But even so, they still remain firm and determined in their eyes. After a few times, I was still drunk.

The drunk returned by himself, and the drunk was sent back. After those generals left one by one, the whole hall calmed down, and Qianye didn't know how many days he was drunk.