Peerless Fairy

Chapter 289 White Emperor

A figure in white fell awe-inspiringly to Xuanyue Valley, and the tired birds around were also scared away by the sudden arrival. The mist shrouded the whole waste site in illusion, and there was a smell of tide in the air. The endless ruins and walls were even more desolate.

The man came to the ruins of the Jingxu Hall and was devastated and came into sight again. Although I didn't see the two people mentioned by Mr. Bai, it was obvious that there were traces of fighting here. In addition, there was a pool of blood on the rock.

The hand gently brushed the pool of blood, and the fingertips were not stained with any bright red, and the dry blood had no temperature, just like there was no smell of that person in the air. There was nothing else but to add many more marks in this desolate deep valley.

Closing his eyes, Lan Ge explored every corner of the whole Xuanyue Valley with his divine knowledge, and even under the flying stream. But in the end, they all ended fruitlessly, and the two people said by Mr. Bai had already ended their fight.

"Where have you been?" After all, he was still worried about that person, but in the face of this fragment, that worry will become a sin. The more he wants to find the trace of Canlan, the more obvious the guilt will be.

Looking at the pool of blood on the rock, he smiled bitterly and didn't hesitate to come to Xuanyue Valley for what. He didn't think about it himself. When he heard Bai Lao said that Canglan was here, his only thought was to find her. Whether it's the punishment, or the reason for questioning the incident that day, or taking Lingyuan back to deal with Qianye, these are all the reasons why he wants to find her.

But at that moment, these reasons did not exist in my mind.

The hand placed on his side has unconsciously gathered a dark energy. His eyes are as bright as stars, but they are stained with endless sadness and loneliness. The dark palm in his hand hit the rock. After the explosion, the rock broke into powder, and even the blood stains turned into smoke and dust and floated around. Looking at the flying smoke and dust, the hurried person finally turned around and left.

Lan Ge, who left glan, did not know that the scene was completely seen by the two people.

The destroyed fantasy Sydney Sea, Canglan withdrew her eyes on the illusion and didn't know how to describe her mood at this moment.

It's ridiculous. A person who used to be so persistent, a person who has been waiting for a thousand years, doesn't even dare to see him now. At first, it was not like this, but it let the end come to such a point that you and I can't tolerate it.

Is it fate to play tricks on people, or is people's hearts changeable? If you have tried to save and bear it, will the end become another kind?

Just think about Qianye, what happens in the demon world, and what is coming, which may become meaningless. She is Qianye's wife, and no matter what, she can't change the fact.

After taking a deep breath and trying to calm down the fluctuating mood, after removing those miscellaneous thoughts, Canglan looked at the figure in a silver and white robe in front of him and said respectfully, "Canglan, thank God for saving my life."

The man still turned his back to Canglan, slightly raised his hand to take back the illusion, and raised his hands and feet calmly. Even if he stood quietly, he was still domineering. The silver and white robe was twirling to the ground, and his head of green silk were only tied high by the jade crown, and he hung down his back like a waterfall. But this back dares not look much, and the natural breath of the gods has been exerted to the extreme without any action or words.

"You haven't seen me, how do you know it's me?" The man spoke faintly and said in a peaceful tone.

Canglan has been standing still. For the doubts of the visitors, she replied with a faint smile: "Lang Ge has described the face of the god in front of Canglan countless times, and has also been lucky to see it in Lan Ge's paintings. Just then, she accidentally saw the true face of the god, so she recognized the god of the White Emperor at a glance."

The White Emperor God, the legendary figure of the world, the White Emperor God who should have slept on the ends of the world, appears mysteriously today.

The standing man suddenly smiled, and the laughter was very bright and kind. "For more than a thousand years, it's rare for you to remember."

Cang Lan smiled lightly, "Cang Lan is not a forgetful person."

"Is it for those things you don't want to forget?"

"God...yes." Without too many explanations, sometimes yes and no have already summarized everything. And for the character who has always existed in the story of Lan Ge, Canglan can only be in awe. What he respects is the supreme power of this person's ability, and what he fears is that Lange destroyed the pear valley in those years, all from him.

The White Emperor still didn't look back, and it could be seen that he had no intention of looking back. After a moment of silence, he said, "Why didn't you ask me why I saved you?"

"God wants to save Canglan. In addition to the spiritual element that the heaven wants, Canglan can't think of any other reason."

"It's not necessarily a good thing to see things too extreme."

"The most terrible thing for people is that they can't see the facts clearly. Isn't the situation extreme now?"

When the White Emperor heard the words, he actually laughed. The wind blew the falling green silk, and the mist lingered around, making the figure more and more illusory. "In the past thousand years, you have indeed grown a lot. From the ignorant little pear demon at the beginning to the owner of the Shuiyue Palace, who later left the hatred of the sky, and then to the wife of the Lord of the Demon World, Canglan, haven't you thought about whether it's a fateful opportunity along the way?

The opportunity? Hearing these two words, Canglan felt quite interesting. Many things in the world, whether good or bad, success or failure, some people are using the word opportunity to end, but who knows how many of those opportunities are human actions?

With a smile, Cang Lan said indifferently, "Is it also an opportunity for God to bring Lan Ge back to heaven to hide his identity and make him an enemy of Qianye?"

With the cold wind blowing, Cang Lan did not feel cold at all. The injury left by the old man Tianji in her body is still there. She needs time to adjust, but she can't miss a chance for the sudden arrival of the big man in front of her.

White Emperor stood still and smiled, "The so-called opportunity is sometimes a kind of helplessness to succumb to fate." Turning back slightly, the White Emperor said lightly, "Aren't you also on this road now?"

"Fate?" Cang Lan shook his head, "This road is my own choice. If this is fate, I will admit it. But Lan Ge and Qianye are not fate at all, and they are not destined enemies. They are blood-linked relatives.

couldn't help stepping forward and staring at the majestic back figure. Cang Lan frowned and asked eagerly, "Cang Lan just didn't understand that the purpose of saving Lan Ge was just to make their two brothers fight against each other?"

"Of course not." The answer was decisive, without any hesitation.

"Since it's not, why did God let Lan Ge take this road step by step? Every enemy of the two worlds of immortals and demons for more than a thousand years has aggravated their hatred for each other. Lan Ge once said that demons can't be left, so is the person who told him this sentence the god you?

"Are you questioning me?" Although the words were not fast, the tone did not become cold.

"Canglan naturally dares not question God, but just wants to know the answer."

Silence, long silence. The god stood there, unwavering like a statue, and Cang Lan was not afraid to wait, but wanted to know the answer.

"You asked me why I saved Lan Ge at the beginning?" Bai Di smiled and said, "Maybe it's really just a moment of weakness. When Mr. Xue Ji came to Changliu Mountain and begged me to help the Fengran family avoid this disaster, I didn't agree. However, after the prince Xueji left, he went to the city of fantasy. After saving Lan Ge, I gave him to a mortal family for a period of time to raise him. The purpose was to make him ordinary. After all... he does not belong to the heavenly world.

Recalling the past, the White Emperor's tone was more gentle. "At that time, Lan Ge was still in the pain of losing his family, and also wanted to find his parents and brother many times. In order to stop him, the mortal was hurt by Lan Ge's natural divine power several times. Later, once, I went down to see him. When I saw him sitting alone under the begonia and crying for my mother, I was really soft-hearted for a moment. Thinking about his power of gods and demons, if it is not easy to teach, I'm afraid he will go the wrong way.

sighed, and Bai Di continued: "In fact, what really determines his future is not the reason why I saved him, but the reason why I brought him back to Changliu Mountain. At the beginning, he hoped to lead him to the right path of immortality, but immortals and demons have always been unconsided, which is his position that he needs to keep in mind as the pillar of the heavenly world.

"The God was unintentional at first, but later he did what he thought. Is it fair for Lan Ge to decide the future of Lan Ge from your standpoint?" Cang Lan asked seriously, "I only remember that Lan Ge said that everything he had given him was given by his master, so he never wanted to and dared not go against his master's will, let alone disappoint the Emperor of Heaven, but... what would happen if he knew his identity one day? Did God think about it again?"

The wind brushed the top of the hair, with a slight sense of coolness.

The silent White Emperor looked up at the mist floating in the air: "That's why I saved you today."

Cang Lan frowned and said, "Your spiritual element is important to the heavenly world, but your life is more important than Lingyuan for some people. I save you not for your spiritual element, but for some things you can do." Looking back slightly, he couldn't see clearly. Bai Di continued to say, "Let Lange stay for a thousand nights. This is my compensation for Lan Ge and a retreat for Qianye and Lan Ge. And you... If you really want to stop them, the only way now is to save Feng Ran from Da'ashan and let his father and son meet to resolve the hatred of more than a thousand years. Why does Qianye hate the heaven? I believe you don't need me to explain more.

"Does the God really let Lan Ge not kill Qianye?" Canglan was very surprised. She didn't expect that the White Emperor had already made plans, and it was difficult to understand why the White Emperor would not deal with Qianye with the heaven, but tried to stop it as much as possible.

"I don't want Lan Ge to experience the lost regret again." With a somewhat helpless tone, Baidi said that he walked forward step by step. The silver robe slipped away in the fog, and his reminder came from the air, "Fengran is in a cave in the back mountain of Da'a, and there is a begonia in front of the cave. As for what it looks like in the cave, I don't know. Da'a Mountain is heavily guarded. Be careful. As for what you see today, just think of it as a fantasy dream and can't be mentioned again.

When the words were finished, there were only the remnants of pear trees everywhere in the empty valley, and the wind blew the branches, which looked even more desolate.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the White Emperor, Cang Lan remembered that sentence, and the resentment against the White Emperor seemed to have disappeared because of this matter. From Bai Di's words, it can also be heard that he does not want Lan Ge to live and die with Qian Ye. So if he saves Feng Ran and explains the misunderstanding of that year, can Qianye's long-existing hatred for his father be resolved? As long as he doesn't hate it so much, as long as he puts it down, everything can turn around, right?

Canglan understood why Qianye attacked the heavens.

Thinking of this, she stopped more and turned to the direction of Da'a Mountain.

Qianye, if you can let go of the past, everything will be fine.

At the back mountain, a figure in blue was charming, passing through layers of obstacles, avoiding the guards of the patrolling disciples, and slowly approaching the entrance of the mysterious cave step by step.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, the prince Xueji subconsciously glanced at the begonia tree. The flowers on the tree are bright and look particularly beautiful in the sun. The begonias that have been blooming all year round are very bright today. Surrounded by piles of flowers, the Buddha wants to gather their bright red into the most beautiful colors. The petals falling with the wind drew a beautiful arc in the air and finally settled the dust.

With a faint smile, the prince Xueji couldn't wait to let the person inside see the outside world earlier. Even if it was human, it was better than nothing to see or touch anything.

While withdrawing his eyes, the prince Xue Jiren has dodged into the cave.

Lan Ge, who left Xuanyue Valley, originally wanted to return to heaven. On the way, he met someone from Da'a Mountain to invite him. Originally, Lan Ge did not plan to go, but later he thought about it and agreed. Last time Fengran asked Shaoli to come to find him, but he didn't show up after going there. Lan Ge was very curious about Fengran's intention. I want to find out the reason why I suddenly appeared in the back mountain that day.

What is there in the vague memory? Is it a forgotten past? Or the unknown future?

He also wants to know how Feng Ran will deal with Qianye's hatred? Father and son, family affection, and hatred, who is more important in the face of the battle between the two worlds?

In those years, he could hurt his wife for Da Ashan's face. Thousands of years later, his son made the same mistake. Will he be as ruthless as a thousand years ago?

The more he thinks about it, the more depressed Lan Ge feels. Fengran is a mysterious existence, and Lan Ge has no expectation for Fengran's final choice, but feels that it will be a tragedy.

In this battle of heaven and demons, who is the most injured person?

The nine gods can't give an answer, and Lan Ge can't find the answer himself.