Peerless Immortal

Chapter 32 Middle Court

"What kind of place is the middle court?"

Fang Rui doesn't remember how many times he has asked such a question, but he has never been answered.

Princess Qingfeng shook her head, and the quiet other party said wisely, "I don't know the specific situation... But what I heard is that the middle court is more pure and refined than the outer courtyard, which is a place that can make the strength of monks grow rapidly."

"Is it growing rapidly?" Fang Rui thought about it, but it was really in line with the style of Jixia College - in the first three years, the outer court allowed the children of both civilians and the family to act alone and cultivate their foundation. When they arrived at the middle court, they began to grow their strength rapidly. When they arrived at the inner court, they could basically take sides alone...

It's just a mystery why they can quickly grow their strength in the mid court.

Only when you enter the middle court can you understand the mystery.

The outer courtyard of Jixia College covers a very large area, and the whole south, including the beautiful land, is within the scope of the outer courtyard. Compared with the middle courtyard, it is neither as vast as the outer courtyard nor the 101 peaks of the inner courtyard, which is as magnificent as its own.

When Fang Rui and Princess Qingfeng, as well as other colleges that were normally promoted from the outer court to the middle court, left the outer court and came to the north of the college where the middle court was located, they had only one feeling - that is, darkness.

The gloomy gate, the gloomy sky, and the gloomy middle-aged man standing at the gate of the inner courtyard.

Although Jixia College is a college, it is not shrouded by any walls. The natural landscape makes Jixia College have natural barriers in all directions, such as the mountains in the north, the dense forests in the south, and the long rivers in the east. Although it is a plain in the west, it is the garrison of the shadow guard of the college's private forces, and there is no need for anyone to come in quietly.

The peak of the inner courtyard has formed a large array of its own, and no one can easily sneak in.

However, the middle court is surrounded by a wall as high as ten feet in the north of the college. There is only one gate to enter and exit, and the sky is also densely full of prohibitions. Even if monks fly through the air, they will not know what the situation is in the middle courtyard.

And the gloomy middle-aged man who greeted them at the gate at this time was the president of the midwon, the nine-grade monk of the earth system, and the people of Twilight Mountain.

Unlike listening to the rain, the people on Mushan are not tall and thin. It seems that a gust of wind can blow him down. From the outside, they don't look like a monk who has the best defense of the five elements.

When the people on the twilight mountain opened their mouths, Fang Rui found that the three deans of the college were a little strange. Hearing that the rain man looked like a pig killer, they spoke softly; the evil moon man had a red face and a baby face, but his voice was extremely sharp, while the people on the twilight mountain looked so thin, but his mouth was like Thunder rolled across the sky.

"There are 1,097 students who have entered the Intermediate People's Court this year. Is there anyone who hasn't arrived?"

Every year, there are almost 3,000 to 4,000 novice students in the outer court of Jixia College. In the end, there are often only more than 1,000 people who can successfully enter the middle court. If they can't reach the grand period in three years, they will be eliminated. This is an iron rule, and only a cruel elimination mechanism can ensure the final exit from the inner court. The students who went out are all the pillars of the Eastern Qi Kingdom!

After sweeping his eyes in the college group, the people on Twilight Mountain nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, I'm not late... Come with me."

There was no welcome ceremony and no other nonsense. The people on Twilight Mountain waited for them alone at the gate of the middle courtyard, clicked on the number of people, and let them in...

All colleges didn't expect that the middle court, which looked so mysterious, looked like such a child's play...

Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng looked at each other, but at the same time they were wary.

Fang Rui's feeling has always been very keen, and Ji Qingfeng's perception of water power is very ** because of his natural water vein constitution. At the same time, they feel that they can hardly feel a trace of water power in the middle courtyard.

This feeling made Ji Qingfeng very uncomfortable.

When they officially stepped into the range of the midorate, Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng knew why they could hardly feel the power of water.

The sky here is dark, just like the sky of More in The Lord of the Rings that Fang Rui had seen in his previous life. The dark red light covered the whole sky. The ground is dry and strong. When you step on the ground, you can faintly feel the dry heat of the ground.

The whole middle courtyard occupies ten miles of the area, but there are no other buildings, but in the middle of the middle courtyard, there is a suddenly towering into the clouds, standing in the middle courtyard.

There is a hundred-foot-high tower, which can't be seen at all from the outside of the central courtyard - this is a blindfold set by the * force.

The closer to the tower, the more hot it feels, but this heat does not hurt people.

There is only one person in the whole middle court, not even any other middle court students...

"This rhythm feels terrible..." Fang Rui muttered, and then whispered to Ji Qingfeng, "It's terrible. The previous seniors won't have been eaten by the president of the Intermediate People's Court..."

Ji Qingfeng didn't want to talk to him, but she still couldn't help laughing.

Fang Rui spoke very low, and other students also whispered because of the abnormal situation in the middle courtyard. However, the people on the evening mountain seemed to hear Fang Rui's muttering, and then he laughed: "I'm not a magic practice... Other students are not here for other reasons."

After saying this sentence, the people on Twilight Mountain did not explain, but waved their sleeves: "Now... look at that tower."

Everyone looked up at the tower. Under their gaze, at the top of the tower, a white mirror appeared, slowly expanding and hanging in front of their eyes.

It's another mirror of void, but compared with the mirror of void in the outer courtyard, this mirror of void is much bigger!

Then, rows of names began to appear on the void mirror, with a string of numbers behind each name. The larger the number behind the top name, the smaller the bottom...

In the name, Fang Rui saw Tian Xingjian's name. His score was 263, ranking in the middle and lower reaches.

"Now the names of all the students of the Intermediate People's Court are on it, of course, not including you... In addition to the students who graduated this year, there are still 2,467 students in the Intermediate People's Court! According to their strength and contribution, such points are discharged! Now that you have joined in, the number of students in the whole middle court is 3,554!

Hearing the words of the people on Twilight Mountain, some of the students asked, "So, dean, how are the points determined?"

"According to the strength and the contribution of the month, this is what I will explain next. Now, listen to me!"

The words of the people on the twilight mountain rolled through everyone's eardrums like thunder, and all the students closed their mouths - at this time, it was wise to listen to the speech of the dean, who looked weak but obviously had a bad temper.

"You are all in the road period, the cultivation of the first grade, so the initial points are 100 points, two hundred points for the second grade, 300 points for the third grade, and so on. In the outer court, if you reach Yipin, you can come to the middle court to study in advance. However, the middle court is not like this. You can only leave the middle court after staying for three years, so don't think that among the students in the middle court, the students of the third grade are the best... In fact, the highest record in the history of the middle court was 500 years ago, Created by the sons of the famous Dongqi royal family, when he left the middle court, his strength reached the peak of the sixth grade, only one step away from the free period! You should be very clear about this person, that is Ji Changwei, the king of the Eastern Qi Kingdom!"

There was a sound of breathing in the group of students. For all the students, they are naturally extremely familiar with Ji Changwei. This monarch who ascended the throne 500 years ago can be called the wisest monarch of the Eastern Qi Kingdom in nearly 5,000 years. Under his leadership, the Eastern Qi Kingdom faces the sea and has a large range of influence. The sea has expanded thousands of miles away, and the rich sea has also enhanced the national strength of Eastern Qi.

Such an existence that makes the monks of the whole Eastern Qi look up to go out after the middle court set the best record?

After hearing this, Fang Rui saw Ji Qingfeng around him clenching his fist - she was Ji Changwei's youngest daughter and the first daughter to show outstanding talent among Ji Changwei's children. Although it was difficult for monks to have children, Ji Changwei was an exception. In the past 500 years, Ji Changwei had more than 30 sons and 20 Many daughters are not bad, but among such a group of children, Ji Qingfeng is still the most eye-catching one.

The proud and stubborn Ji Qingfeng wants to break the record set by his father.

"You can't see your seniors because they are fighting for points outside... Points are cleared once a month, and then in the next month, you will have 28 days to go out to fight for contributions. According to the degree of contribution, you can find out your points and high points. Naturally, there will be It's good."

"If you feel that you don't have enough points after returning, you still have one day to get points in the ring challenge, and each student must accept three challenges! The winner gets points and the loser loses points, which is a fair rule.

"Of course, if you challenge students who are worse than yourself, you will get very few points, and losers will not be deducted points! Only by challenging students in the same realm or even higher level can you get points after winning! The number of challenges is relatively limited, so you should use them carefully.

"Today, it is the end of the month... Your seniors are practicing according to the level of points in this 'Jiaoyuan Tower'. As a newcomer, the preferential treatment for you is that you don't need to pay anything, you can run your power around the Jiaoyuan Tower and polish your own yuan. Qi, feel the benefits!"

The people on the twilight mountain laughed, then waved their hands, and walked with the students to the 100-foot-high Jiaoyuan Tower in the middle of the middle courtyard.

Outside the Jiaoyuan Tower, the students found that there were deep pits around the Jiaoyuan Tower. The pits were not big, which could probably accommodate one person to sit cross-legged, from the inside to the outside, dense...

Fang Rui found a pit and jumped down at will. Ji Qingfeng frowned and looked at the dirty pit, then looked at his spotless skirt, gritted his teeth, and jumped down.

People on the Twilight Mountain asked them to jump into the pit, and they had to jump.