Peerless Immortal

Chapter 34 Mysterious Space

Because the speed of absorbing the fire power is too fast, it is almost sucked by him as soon as the fire power is produced, so Fang Rui also has time to think slowly and pay attention to where the vitality in the body goes every time he absorbs the power...

Although every time the Yuanli is about to be absorbed, the vitality in his body is slightly withdrawn, which is insignificant compared with the huge number of true qi in Fang Rui's own body - after all, he is also a good hand in the heavenly realm. At the speed of the vitality he absorbs now, if the vitality in his body If it is all consumed, it will take at least ten years to meditize to absorb it back, not to mention the natural energy that needs to be naturally consumed every day.

So for the monks of the Flying Fairy Continent, if they can't get a salary every month, that is, the spiritual stone at all levels, then they will live a miserable life. It is not a blessed place. The aura of heaven and earth is relatively thin. Those monks who run a single-help absorb the quality of the aura, and there is no supplement of the spirit stone. Every day A little vitality that has been painstakingly cultivated and polished has been absorbed by the natural consumption of the body. That day was also miserable.

It is also because of this that all the monks sharpened their heads and drilled into the colleges, royal families and other families. After all, in such a place, they can have fixed spiritual stones every month to replenish their vitality, and the heaven and earth that can be absorbed when practicing is more abundant.

By the way, it is precisely because even if Fang Rui absorbs the local gas fast, the natural gas absorbed every time is only a small part of the natural gas in his body, so it is difficult for him to detect where the vitality has gone every time he collects a little bit of vitality in his body.

However, although it is not detected, Fang Rui can infer something.

The space that allowed him to inherit entered his body after he got the inheritance without any movement. However, it was after this space entered the body that the vitality in his body was continuous and never exhausted. It was with the help of this feature that he finally won the first place and came to the middle court. !

Since that space can constantly provide vitality for itself... Will the excess vitality absorbed by yourself also enter that space?

Fang Rui is a little excited when he thinks of this. If it is really the same as he imagined... Then this focal source tower, which seems to be useful to the monks in the world, but is useless to himself, will also have a great effect on himself!

The speed of practicing here is much faster than in other places. The natural and local energy absorbed by yourself can enter that space to store, and will continue to supply yourself when you need to use it. In this way, you will naturally have an advantage in fighting with other monks!

Like two people with the same income, one person must spend all the money before the next money comes in. If you don't spend it, you have to throw it away, while the other person can save the extra money. After a period of time, even if the income is the same, the person who can save the money will be much richer than the other person. !

This space will become Fang Rui's "bank"!

You know, the monks of the Avenue period claim to have endless vitality in their bodies, but what about them? It is because there is also a place similar to "bank" in their body, that is their golden elixir. However, for Yipin monks, their golden elixir can only accommodate the heaven and earth that is similar to the original vitality in his body, which is at most double the time they can support in battle.

The higher the grade, the more natural and local qi can usually be stored, but after all, it is also limited - unlike Fang Rui's space, how many times has Fang Rui emptied the true qi in his body in the previous few wars? He can't count himself, but the space is filled with the true energy in his body again and again, which allows him to use some spells that are more lethal but consume a lot of vitality without worry!

Thinking of this, Fang Rui began to concentrate his consciousness near the space that seemed to be only a little bit - he knew that this space was vast, but in his body, it was an existence that could not even be found by the monk's consciousness in the free period - you know, he showed a different search in the big comparison. With constant endurance, those free monks of Jixia College have scanned Fang Rui's body more than once and want to know why he can last so long-lasting - after all, if such skills are mastered by every monk in the Eastern Qi Kingdom, their realm has not changed, but their combat effectiveness, but It's more than 30% higher than usual!

However, they could not find any abnormality, including the listener at the peak of Jiupin. In the end, they can only blame Fang Rui's wonderful physique.

He is a miracle, but it can't be promoted.

Fang Rui's own consciousness can't detect the specific location of that space, but after all, that space is in his body. He can't detect it, but he can feel the existence of that space.

Just above his Dantian gas sea, a small and imperceptible black spot is where the space is located - all the things he robbed before were thrown into that space.

Now, Fang Rui's consciousness is concentrated near this black spot, carefully observing whether there is any change in the atmosphere of heaven and earth nearby.

In Fang Rui's next breath, when he absorbed a large amount of earth and earth gas, Fang Rui's consciousness began to feel that when the turbulent fire power in the outside world was about to approach his skin, outside that space, near the black spot, the whole "sea of knowledge" showed signs of slight bending!

You should know that there is no sea in Fang Rui's body. The so-called "Dantian" and "sea of Qi", those waves, lightning and thunder are caused by the excitement of Fang Rui's true spirit. Those things are just existing in Fang Rui's consciousness. Even if Fang Rui is pulled back to the earth now and then pulled to dissect him, it is not Maybe when you cut his stomach, you will see a sea in his stomach...

It can be said that every monk's body is a different space, which is closely connected to the body but is not real.

Such a strange space is naturally extremely stable. As long as Fang Rui's consciousness is immortal, this strange space will always be in an extremely stable situation.

But now, the alien space has been slightly bent. Although there is no harm to the other party, it is enough to prove that at that moment, the suction caused by the "space" almost broke through a small world in the monk's body!

As long as there is the world, there is the power of law. Although the monk's strength is high and low, in their own small world, they are the only ones who can make decisions. Therefore, in this world, it is impossible for monks to break through other people's bodies to fight and fight in other people's home fields, even if they are free. The divine consciousness of the monk may also be beaten to death in the body of a congenital little monk!

Even if it is a demon cultivation, there is only the method of "taking away", which is also the external force shock first. After destroying the monk's consciousness from the outside, and then using his own divine consciousness to the body of the other party that has been empty, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest.

When Fang Rui's whole sea of knowledge began to bend slightly, part of the heaven and earth in Fang Rui's body was quickly put into the black spot, and then Fang Rui felt that the vitality in his body was "received" a little!

"Sure enough, it's here!"

Fang Rui smiled slightly. He didn't feel that his things had been robbed. After all, the previous space had added a lot of heaven and earth spirit. Now the heaven and earth spirit he absorbed entered that space in turn, which is also a kind of feedback.

Besides, heaven and earth are angry in that space, can't they always supplement themselves at any time? With such a golden finger, Fang Rui began to feel that he was really the protagonist of the world, otherwise how could there be so many peculiarities?

However, what makes Fang Rui a little depressed is that the black spot, that is, that space, can't even penetrate his own consciousness now, that is to say, he can't take out the treasures and spiritual stones he robbed Guan Yun before...

Thinking of this, Fang Rui hesitates a little. Now he still has 100 top-grade spiritual stones given by the Dongqi King's Room and 110 medium-grade spiritual stones he won by Tian Xingjian's bet. Do you want to throw them into that space? I threw it in. What if I can't take it out?

But after thinking about it, Fang Rui still decided to put all the spiritual stones in his hand in that space - the so-called spiritual stone is an object condensed by heaven and earth. In fact, it is equivalent to an object that seals the vitality. The spiritual stone itself is worthless and will make the monks flock to it, because it can The direct absorption of aura is much faster than usual. After all, every spiritual stone is a small piece of aura that is so strong that it has become a solid world, which is faster than any blessed cultivation.

Since they are all collections of aura, others will not absorb all the spiritual stones at one time because they can't fit them, and Fang Rui doesn't have this problem... He also wants to see how much natural and earth energy can be accommodated in that space!

So Fang Rui put the storage bag containing all the spiritual stones into that space again - in fact, he didn't put it in. It was like this last time. As soon as the storage bag approached that space, it immediately disappeared...

Last time, it was nothing more than more than 100 medium-grade spiritual stones and other natural treasures. After that space was absorbed, it didn't even burp, and this time, 100 top-grade spiritual stones! Ten thousand pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, such a quantity, for a monk in the great period to absorb, is enough for his consumption for ten years!

But such a huge absorption did not make the space have any shock. It was really like a bottomless hole. After absorption, the space was still silent and was still absorbing the extra heaven and earth atmosphere in Fang Rui's body...

"Good boy, this guy's appetite is not ordinary." Fang Rui was shocked, but when you think about the evolution of the universe shown in that space before, you will know how wonderful that space is. However, no matter how big the space is, there is always a limit. Anyway, when Fang Rui has not made a breakthrough now, he can't improve himself by absorbing more atmosphere, so he simply keeps giving That space provides the atmosphere of heaven and earth. Let's see what will happen to this space at that time!

Energy is eternal and matter is immortal - Fang Rui can be said to understand this truth more than any monk in the Feixian Continent. He knows that whether it is heaven and earth or anything else, it is just a kind of energy. There is no change in this space now. Maybe it is just that the absorbed energy is not enough, and it has been absorbed for many years. If you go down, there will always be a full day. By that day, maybe you will be able to witness the real mystery of this space!

He is afraid of having no goal, and now Fang Rui has a new goal - which makes him full of more fighting spirit.