Peerless Immortal

Chapter 41 She Qiubo

When the huge body of the licking golden beast fell to the ground and there was no more breath, Tian Xingjian made two strange giggles in his throat and fell back relaxedly.

The fat man's arms were fractured, and his whole body was also injured as a conductor of electric current... But anyway, it was his desperate efforts that made this team successfully kill a three-grade golden-licking beast!

Fang Rui took a long breath, helped the fat man to let him fall to the ground slowly, and then put his hand on the fat man's back to explore the situation in his body.

"It's okay, it's all trauma."

Fang Rui looked up and smiled. Although his arm was fractured, he had to rest for at least a few months for ordinary people, but it was nothing for the monks. What's more, Tian Xingjian had condensed the strength of sharp gold in his arms before, which also resisted some strength. As long as he connected it, someone would help heal the injury and could be cured in a short time.

"I'll help him heal his wounds... Princess Qingfeng, are you going to take care of this monster?"

Fang Rui hesitated to ask Ji Qingfeng. You should know that there are many things that can be used on the body of the three monsters, such as horns, teeth, fur... Everything can be exchanged for rich points, but Fang Rui also feels that such a cold and dusty girl like Ji Qingfeng will do this kind of skin and tooth extraction. I'm a little embarrassed to speak.

Ji Qingfeng didn't say anything. Although she is also good at treatment, she is a woody Yuanli, which is not helpful to the fat man's injury. Other injuries are okay. The fat man's arms are fractured, and it can't be cured immediately with woody Yuanli. Only by using the fire power to help the fat man reconnect the arm bone can the injury be healed quickly.

So only Fang Rui can help the fat man heal his wounds and clean up the battlefield. The task is to rely on Ji Qingfeng.

Fang Rui began to move the vitality into Tian Xingjian's body. When Zhenqi ran to Tian Xingjian's arms, it began to transform into fire power, constantly burning the broken part of Tian Xingjian's arm bones.

The fat man's forehead was covered with sweat, but if he wanted to recover quickly, he could only use this method - to melt the broken arm bones with fire, then connect them, and then the fat man reorganized his arm bones with golden power.

You should know that the monks in the Dao period have re-mineered their bones as early as the long as the long life period. Now they are equivalent to remelting the already extremely strong bones and welding them together. This process can be imagined how painful it is...

There are many ways not to hurt, but it takes a long time to recuperate. At this time, they can't afford to waste such time.

"No wonder the students of the Intermediate People's Court have progressed so fast... Every month, 28 days of brave fighting, one day of confrontation, and one day of brave progress. Such cruel training, not making rapid progress is damn it!"

The middle court provides all ways and motivation for the students to train themselves crazily. In this way, the trained students, whether it is combat experience, willpower and survival ability in various complex situations, must be the best choice. No wonder major families and royal families will send a large number of children to the college for training. Because of this, the Eastern Qi Dynasty has been standing on the Feixian Continent!

After a cup of tea, the fat man's arms are healed. As for the other injuries caused by the passage of electric current in the body, they are all pediatrics. Under the operation of true qi, it is also easy to get better.

Ji Qingfeng also completed his task - one horn, eight teeth, one skin, these things can exchange a full 22 points, plus 10 points obtained by fighting three monsters, 32 points, although tired, it is also worth it!

Tian Xingjian still had traces of injury on his body, Ji Qingfeng, who was stained with blood on his face and hands, and Fang Rui, the three of them laughed happily at the same time!

It's so good to work hard to be rewarded!

With the experience of fighting three monsters, Fang Rui and others began to become more comfortable on the second floor of the Golden Cave.

At the peak of the third grade, this is the highest strength that the monsters on the second floor of the Golden Grotto can achieve. When they break through to the fourth grade, the monsters will enter the third and last layer of the Golden Grotto, because there is a stronger golden power, which can provide their strength to grow again.

In the next time, Fang Rui and others began to look for monsters. After a series of fights, their points also began to grow steadily every day. Although the price was not small, the 49 abacus beads on Tian Xingjian's original magic weapon had been swallowed up by eleven golden beasts in the continuous consumption. However, compared with the points obtained, it is worth it.

Twenty days later, Fang Rui and others have killed 23 three-grade monsters and 372 two-grade monsters on the second floor of the Golden Cave, and have harvested countless.

The first floor of the Golden Grotto.

Zuo Qiusang, Yu Qiulie and She Qiubo are fighting with a wave of more than ten gold-eating ants. Zuo Qiusang is entangled all the gold-eating ants. Yu Qiulie constantly summons the fire to burn the golden ants in a relatively safe place. She Qiubo is constantly treating Zuo Qiusang and constantly for Yu Qiu Liejia Holding the spell makes his spell more powerful.

An hour later, all 16 golden ants were burned to no residue. The three breathed a sigh of relief and began to meditrate.

They can basically kill more than 100 golden ants a day. In 20 days, they have got more than 2,4 hundred points. Although in terms of strength, they are not the top in the middle court, the three of them cooperate tacitly, and their attributes can make up for each other. They can get enough points every time, almost Each time, the ranking of three people is within 800, which is higher than that of many students who are not worse than them.

Shechubo was responsible for treatment and blessing, so he also recovered the earliest. When he saw that both brothers were still adjusting his interest, he took up the guard, and then casually exchanged a small void mirror and began to explore the points obtained by others.

Each team will have such an automatically recorded void mirror. Every time they kill a monster, the corresponding points will be added. Now the points of the three of them have reached 3,000 points, and the ranking continues to be in the top 800, which is also a position they can often reach.

In normal times, She Qiubo will look at the points of several teams with similar strength around him and estimate the position where he may be ranked next, but this time, he will pull down directly to see Fang Rui's points...

114 points - this is the points of Fang Rui's team.

The mirror of the Void only shows the points you get after killing the monster. The materials do not count. Fang Rui and others killed 23 three-pin gold-licking beasts, one 10 points to get 230 points, 372 two-pin gold-licking beasts, one two points to get 743 points, plus the initial 2:40, their points are only 1,14 points, and only a little more than one-third of Zuo Qiusang's points!

After seeing this, She Qiubo, who had always felt something was wrong, was completely relieved. He scored more than 1,200 points in 20 days and 2,000 points in 28 days. He was not their opponent at all!

What She Qiubo doesn't know is that the materials at hand by Fang Rui are enough to exchange 1,200 points, which add up to nearly 2,500 points - although there is still a certain gap between the points between them, such a gap is not irreparable.

When Zuo Qiusang and Yu Qiulie woke up from the adjustment, She Qiubo smiled and gave Fang Rui's points to the two people. Zuo Qiusang and Yu Qiulie also laughed - it's really good to get such points, but compared with them, it's far worse!

"They are such idiots! How dare you make such a bet with us. You deserve to lose!" Yu Qiulie laughed loudly.

She Qiubo shook his head: "I think they are very smart now... You know, if they don't make this bet with us, we will follow them and keep making trouble with them. With our overwhelming strength, we can completely take away all the monsters they want to fight, and they will also fight. However, I can't run far. In the end, I can't get any points in a month. In fact, we planned to do this from the beginning.

Zuo Qiu Sang nodded, and he also understood: "And after making this bet, they can get at least 2,000 points in 28 days. Even if they lose 30% of us, they can also keep more than 1,000 points and distribute them equally. Each person can have the remaining four or five hundred points. Such points Although it is not enough for them to enter the top 1,000 and enter the Jiaoyuan Tower to practice, it is also enough for them to find a pretty good position on the periphery of Jiaoyuan Tower! You should know that even Tian Xingjian, the strongest among them, can only practice outside the tower. The current position is already very good for them!"

"So... have we been fooled?" Yu Qiulie asked confusedly.

"It's kind of being fooled, but it's good for us to be fooled like this."

She Qiubo smiled and said, "If we keep messing with them according to the established practice, then our momentum of grabbing points will also be affected. You know, even if they are at the bottom, there will be a place to practice on the periphery, and what about us? The competition is very fierce, and we have been able to enter the top 800 with the strength of the second grade because we have been able to cooperate wholeheartedly to grab points! If we are not careful, our points may fall to 1,000 yuan. At that time, we will even lose our position in the tower. What's the benefit of us?

"But that's the task arranged by the Hong family and the Qiao family. Can we not listen?" Yu Qiulie muttered.

"Yes, we have to listen... However, in this situation, we bet with them that if we win, we can grab 30% of the points from them. Such credit will be more specific and bigger." She Qiubo smiled and said, "And what about us? There are many benefits. First, we can still grab enough points as usual. Second, we can also win some points from them, which not only completes the task, but also makes our points invisible hundreds. With these hundreds, we may be able to enter the top 500. At that time, we will practice The speed will be faster!"


Yu Qiulie finally understood. He patted She Qiubo on the shoulder: "Lao San, it's worthy of being the smartest among us! Now, our benefits are too great!"

"I was worried about whether they had a conspiracy. After seeing this score, I was relieved. It was normal for them to eliminate the golden ants with all their strength and get this point, which shows that they don't have any other actions. We just need to continue to maintain the huge point advantage for them. They The more points we grab, the more points we will win in the end!" She Qiubo said confidently, "This month, we are going to be in the top 500!"