Peerless Immortal

Chapter 47 Golden Skeleton! Dangerous breakthrough!

Half an hour later, Fang Rui opened his eyes.

To heal injuries, in addition to the wood system, of course, the water power is more suitable. Just now, Fang Rui transformed all the power in the body into the water power. In addition, with Ji Qingfeng's skin, the two are compatible with each other, and Fang Rui's injury also recovered quickly.

Ji Qingfeng recovered faster. Her injury itself was lighter than Fang Rui and Tian Xingjian, mainly because her vitality was damaged, so in less than a quarter of an hour, she had fully recovered. The next time, she was looking at Fang Rui's sleeping face...

This is an ordinary face, far from the warmth of Tian Rufeng, nor the spirit of red maple. The legitimate sons of the Dongqi King's Room, who have been in contact with Ji Qingfeng before, are basically incomparable...

But such an ordinary face made Ji Qingfeng look away - Ji Qingfeng has never convinced anyone and loves her father, but she also has the idea of breaking her father's record. She is competing with Tian Rufeng. She wants to defeat this guy who is called herself and other young people of the royal family and major families. People never pretend to be colored, but this ordinary guy...

When the big comparison was defeated by Fang Rui, who was one level lower than himself, Ji Qingfeng was not convinced and thought that he was careless for a moment. However, just now, Ji Qingfeng knew that this Fang Rui was indeed too excellent - he was just a monk in heaven, but when he was dealing with a four-grade monster with two second-grade monks. Wait, I made the greatest effort...

She and Tian Xingjian both knew that in the confrontation just now, from beginning to end, she and Tian Xingjian only played a role in containment. It was Fang Rui who really caused the greatest damage to the golden beast!

He is just a monk who is connected to heaven!

Ji Qingfeng has not convinced anyone so far in her life, but now the other party is indeed convinced, so she put away the girl's self-esteem and pride and is willing to let such an ordinary man lean against her thigh and rest for such a long time.

Just when Ji Qingfeng was stunned, Fang Rui opened his eyes.

Ji Qingfeng's heart jumped and immediately looked away, but a trace of crimson flashed on his face inadvertently.

Fang Rui is funny. Although from the age of Feixian mainland, he is now just a 17-year-old teenager, only two years older than Ji Qingfeng, but in his previous life, he is also a middle-aged man of about 30 or 40 years old. Although decades are nothing for monks, he also He knows more about the world than Ji Qingfeng.

So he stretched out an extremely comfortable waist as if he had not seen Ji Qingfeng and naturally stood up.

"Ah, the healing is over and the state is restored. It's really comfortable!"

Fang Rui first sighed, and then smiled at Ji Qingfeng and said, "Princess Qingfeng, let's go and see our harvest together."

Ji Qingfeng also regained his cold and compostatement and nodded slightly.

Tian Xingjian's loud laughter came over: "What, are you awake? Our harvest this time is really great!"

Then, Tian Xingjian came over with a large ball of fragments.

"Look, I have peeled off the skin of this golden beast - this skin alone can be exchanged for 200 points! And its tail vertebrae, which is a material that can be used as a gold magic weapon, which is another 200 points! In addition, the materials on this golden beast alone can make us get 600 points! Now we won, let's go, hahaha!"

Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng looked at each other and smiled. After a hard battle, they did get a rich harvest. One of the most common four-grade gold-licking beast, the materials on their bodies are enough for 400 points, not to mention this natural golden beast? Six hundred points may still be a conservative statement.

"There are still some fragments, needless to say. Anyway, they can be exchanged for points. It's not convenient for me to put them away first and hold such a bunch of things."

Tian Xingjian nagged while putting things into his storage bag. First, he naturally put the skin and tail vertebrae of the golden beast, and then all kinds of fragments.

"Wait a minute!" When Fang Rui's eyes inadvertently scanned the pile of fragments, he saw an unusual color and immediately shouted.

"What's wrong?" Tian Xingjian stopped in surprise. Fang Rui came over and began to pull the pile of fragments in the same way.

"Oh, Fang Rui, let's put it away quickly, otherwise when the time comes, we will fly back directly. If we can't take things away, it's not counted as points..."

Tian Xingjian didn't know why and persuaded him, but Ji Qingfeng waved his hand - since Fang Rui has such a move, he will definitely have his reason...

After a while, Fang Rui pinched an object shining with golden light, laughed, and then waved to Tian Xingjian, "Take it quickly, put away everything else, except this thing... Hahahaha, it's really good to live up to me!"

Tian Xingjian put away everything slowly, and Ji Qingfeng's beautiful eyes stared at Fang Rui's hand. After a while, he hesitated and said, "Is this... golden skeleton?"

"Yes, it's the golden skeleton!"

Fang Rui's mood at this moment is extremely happy - the five elements skeleton, the only golden skeleton left, has reached his hand! Now, he can finally break through the innate period and enter the road period to become a real, graded monk!

After several times of escape from death and several hard fights, Fang Rui finally gathered the five elements of bones. How could he not be excited and unhappy!

"What the hell is going on?" Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng asked at the same time.

Although the bones of the five elements are rare, everyone knows that this thing is useless. This is something that all the smart refiners, pharmacists and highly cultivated monks on the Feixian continent have agreed for tens of thousands of years. After all, in the past so long, no one has been able to use the bones of the five elements to do anything... ...

But now Fang Rui grabs this golden skeleton that makes all monks look like me and smiles so happily.

"Do you know why I have been stagnant in the gas gathering for nearly three years, but began to make continuous breakthroughs during this period?"

Fang Rui smiled.

His real breakthrough was actually what happened in that month. In that month, he rockets generally broke through from the gathering atmosphere to the sky, and rose four levels in a month in a row. This speed is terrible enough, but with the bottom of his previous genius performance, plus he has been stagnant for such a long time. The overall entry is actually not as good as some ordinary students, so everyone feels that it is not too strange. Instead, they are surprised that he is far beyond the combat effectiveness of monks in the same realm.

Even top monks like Yu Shangren will naturally think that Fang Rui, a nine-veinless monk, may be like this. After accumulating enough experience, he will continue to break through. Although such a situation is rare, it is not without.

Now, Fang Rui asked Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng a question, that is, he is not going to keep this secret anymore. After all, he has now obtained all the five elements of bones. Even if he is known, it doesn't matter.

There are few stupid people who can practice to such a point. Tian Xingjian and Ji Qingfeng looked at each other and said with one voice, "Is it because you have gained a lot of five elements bones during this period?"

"It's like this... water skeleton, wood skeleton, earth skeleton, fire skeleton, now I only need one golden skeleton to break through the congenital period, enter the road period, and become a real monk!"

Fang Rui laughed happily: "It's really good for me. Here, after a hard battle, we not only got enough points, but also got such a golden skeleton that can break through!"

"It's more than that... In the golden cave, I successfully broke through to the second grade, Brother Tian... It seems that there has also been a certain breakthrough, and now you can break through again. This month, we have really gained a lot!" Ji Qingfeng also laughed.

Tian Xingjian smiled shyly: "The blood of the golden spirit beast stimulated the operation of the true qi in my body and made me rise from the second grade to the second grade, but it was still a little far from the cultivation of the third grade, otherwise I would have been able to kill the golden beast just now."

"Yes, I also broke through, and you have also increased your strength. Now Fang Rui also wants to break through... This time we all have to thank Fang Rui. If he hadn't insisted on coming here to try, I'm afraid you and I can't break through so quickly, right?" Ji Qingfeng smiled.

"Of course, so if Fang Rui can break through, then I, Lao Tian, am happy from the bottom of my heart... Next, we can enter a higher level of danger and get more points, right?" Tian Xingjian laughed.

"Then please protect the law for me... just a little time."

Fang Rui is no longer polite. Both of them are already friends of life and death, and their character is trustworthy, not to mention that with his experience, each breakthrough is only a short time.

The fat man lit up with golden light, and the long vine on Ji Qingfeng's body began to fly. The two protected Fang Rui and waited for his breakthrough.

Fang Rui held the golden skeleton, silently carried the Yuan power, and began to carry the work.

When the true qi wrapped around the gold skeleton, the gold skeleton began to gradually melt, and in the process of melting, countless sharp gold forces began to rush along Fang Rui's limbs and hundreds of bones towards Fang Rui's Dantian gas sea!

Gold is the hardest and sharpest thing among the five elements. When the previous four elements were absorbed by Fang Rui, they were extremely tame. They gently entered Fang Rui's body and transformed his sea of qi, meridians, skin and brain, making him a monk in heaven, but this time he absorbed The golden skeleton was extremely violent. When it entered Fang Rui's body, it destroyed the extremely tough meridians in Fang Rui's body!

Fang Rui snorted, his whole body cracked, and his whole body suddenly turned into a bloody man!

Such a scene made Ji Qingfeng and Tian Xingjian scared their souls away, but they did not dare to touch Fang Rui - the monks in the breakthrough were the most taboo for others to disturb. Wan Yifangrui himself had nothing to do. What if they touched them randomly and had a counterproductive effect?

Tian Xingjian was stunned and didn't know what to say. Ji Qingfeng was anxious and angry - she saw a lot of monks from the innate breakthrough to the road period. Even she herself only broke through from innate to the road a month ago. Although it was difficult, she was not as scary as Fang Rui!

Monks cultivate their lives and build avenues. Although it is very difficult to break through this kind of thing, there will be no life danger. Otherwise, people are afraid of death. If every time they break through the next realm is accompanied by life danger, I'm afraid that most monks will not choose to break through, but at the end of Shouyuan. I will bet!

But now, Fang Rui seems to be about to explode, and the next moment his soul will be scattered...

"He...what the hell is wrong with him!" Ji Qingfeng's voice was already crying.