Peerless Immortal

Chapter 157 without beating

"Class medicinal materials and ores are both deep into the ground. It is not easy to find and not easy to dig. These scattered rangers have worked hard to find the same thing. Before they can get them, they are forcibly taken away. The medicinal materials with a good heart and value of a medium-grade spiritual stone are exchanged for ten pieces of low-grade spiritual stones. If you have that bad intentions, they will give them directly to you directly. Grab it and say that this thing is a private property of a certain family. If there is resistance, it will be a violent beating. You still haven't reasoned.

Ji Qingfeng walked while walking, and the other party was a little annoyed.

"It's true. The Qiao family is too powerful here, as well as the three medium-sized families of Zuoqiu, Yuqiu and Sheqiu. I'm afraid that rangers and Sanxiu can only survive in the cracks. There are still so many rangers to take risks, because Penglai County occupies a vast area. No matter how powerful these families are, they can't monopolize. The production of the whole Penglai County. Fang Rui nodded.

"Hateful, there are few counterattacks. If we see it, we can help people come out." Ji Qingfeng gritted his teeth.

"These monks come to take risks for money, not to be angry and robbed. If they continue, they will lose their own time. It's better to look for another one. It's understandable not to resist - the key is that even if they want to resist, their lonely rangers can't be organized. Family confrontation, although those guys may not act collectively, they will definitely come out of the small ones and the old ones. Naturally, they will retreat for fear of trouble. Fang Rui understands those monks who do not resist very well.

"We haven't found anything good. If someone comes to grab a good thing, I will overturn them." Ji Qingfeng said viciously.

Fang Rui showed a smile: "Are you here to smash the scene?"

"It looks annoying! Big families in other places are not so domineering! The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It seems that Hongling and Qiao Liu framed you so at that time, and there is also a family inheritance!"

"It also has something to do with the absence of enemies on this side. Without pressure, it will naturally gradually increase, and the energy of the Eastern Qi royal family is focused on the other three borders, so the control of the east is naturally much less."

"It's really...unhappy."

Ji Qingfeng walked angrily and kicked a stone in front of him at will.


Next, the two shouted in surprise at the same time. After the stone was kicked out, a breath made them notice it at the same time.

"There seems to be something good down here." Ji Qingfeng's face shines. Anyway, she is now dressed as a short and fat man. Naturally, she doesn't care about any image. She squatted down and dug down along the traces under the stone.

Fang Rui did not dig, but stood aside and looked around leisurely - he also wanted to see how big the power of these families is, whether they will also steal the accidentally discovered ore and medicinal materials like them in time...

Ji Qingfeng quickly dug directly into the depths, and then a piece of yellow ore was picked up by her.

"Good thing, it's actually a three-grade yellow crystal! For the three-grade local monks, this can be used for their own cultivation, increase breakthrough opportunities, and melt magic weapons. Fang Rui praised.

At that time, what Fang Rui gave to Zhao Wushuang was something similar to this Huang Jing, but what Fang Rui gave to Zhao Wushuang was the essence of gold refined by fire power, and this time it was just a natural yellow crystal.

Although Ji Qingfeng has seen a lot of good things, this was discovered by herself. She held it in her hand and couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

Just as Ji Qingfeng removed all the soil around Huang Jing and was ready to put it in his storage bag for a while, there was a shout from the sky.

"This Taoist friend, this thing belongs to my Zuoqiu family. Why did you secretly take it away?"

Hearing this, Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng were overjoyed at the same time - ouch, finally a robber came!

Ji Qingfeng was not in a hurry to put this Huangjing in his storage bag, but held it in his hand and pretended to be angry: "This is obviously from the ground. Why did it become yours!"

Zuo Qiudan and Zuo Qiuyang were originally very depressed.

Today, they went out for a walk and did not find anything good, which made them a little impatient. As three-grade monks, Zuo Qiudan and Zuo Qiuyang have reached the peak of the third grade, but because of their qualifications, they can't break through to the fourth grade.

If you don't enter immortality, it will be a piece of nothingness after all. With their qualifications, it is already lucky to reach the three-grade cultivation. It is extremely difficult to break through to the immortality period, especially if they are only foreign children and have not reached the direct line. They are not young, and the family can't exert too much effort to cultivate them. .

However, there has been a turning point recently. If they can make enough contributions, they will have the opportunity to get family training. Therefore, during this period, they desperately wander around Penglai County, hoping to get more good things to increase their contribution.

This is also the reason why the children of these families in Penglai County have begun to rob those rangers like robbers - they have needs.

However, today, Zuo Qiudan and Zuo Qiuyang were not very lucky. They walked around and didn't find anything better to increase their contribution to the family - this also went too far with the Qiao family, Zuoqiu family, Yuqiu family and Sheqiu family recently, and many rangers have left Penglai County.

Many medicinal herbs and ores, not only do you have the ability to find them, but you have to take a chance and need to search carefully. When a large number of rangers and Sanxiu leave because they can't stand the robbery of these families, they can only try their luck by themselves.

Zuo Qiudan and Zuo Qiuyang are two people with bad luck.

After looking around, there was nothing to gain. When the two of them were about to find materials by themselves, they saw a short fat man holding a yellow crystal with a smile.

Then their eyes lit up at the same time and immediately flew over.

When Zuo Qiudan spoke loudly, he was still worried that the fat man would quickly stuff Huang Jing into his storage bag - in this way, it would not be appropriate to grab it again. In fact, although the children of these families robbed a lot of things recently, they all robbed them immediately after the other party found it, without waiting for others to dig it out. The reason for robbing again.

However, what made the two happy at the same time was that the short fat man did not put Huang Jing away for the first time, but turned around and defended - it seemed that it was the first time to come to Penglai County...

"Taoist friends don't know anything."

Zuo Qiuyang said with a smile, "This is the mineral of my Zuoqiu family. All the minerals here, whether on the ground or underground, belong to my Zuoqiu family."

Zuo Qiudan answered, "But it's hard for Taoist friends to dig. I have a piece of low-grade spiritual stone here. Just take it as the hard work of Taoist friends."

Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng looked at each other - it's really generous. Even if this Huangjing is in the official market, there is no problem with changing a medium-grade spiritual stone. Now the value has been reduced by 90% in one sentence. No wonder there are fewer and fewer random repairs in Penglai County.

"It's no problem for you, but please change that to an upper word." Ji Qingfeng said in a rough voice.

"Ky, don't toast and don't eat punishment!" Zuo Qiudan roared.

Fang Rui dug his ears and said, "It's really a vulgar line... I said, aren't you two afraid of losing your status if you are still young and still do this tycoerious business?"

Zuo Qiudan and Zuo Qiuyang are not well-qualified monks. Their three-grade cultivation has been honed little by little over the years. Now both of them are in their 100s and have a handful of beards. As soon as Fang Rui said this, their faces were immediately a little unbearable.

It's not that these two monks can't calm down, but that they are used to the resistance of those scattered practitioners. In addition, they see that Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng are not young and their cultivation is not strong. Since the threat is useless, they have to take action.

"At a young age, your mouth is so tricky. It seems that you can't teach him a lesson!"

Zuo Qiudan shouted, then jumped down, slapped him face to face, and hit Ji Qingfeng - Huang Jing was in the hands of this short fat man, and of course he attacked him first.

Zuo Qiudan thought about a series of movements and made a palm enough to beat the young monk out. If he could not hold it steadily, Huang Jing would naturally fall into his hand. Even if he held it firmly, Zuo Qiudan would quickly jump on it until he got Huang Jing.

When Zuo Qiudan moved, Zuo Qiuyang also moved. He stopped Fang Rui and prevented the young man from rescuing his partner.

"It's okay if you don't do it!"

Zuo Qiuyang shouted at Fang Rui, and then he saw Fang Rui directly reaching out and grabbing him.

At this time, there was no posture, just like a rural bitch fighting. Zuo Qiuyang sneered in his heart and instantly put on a posture of Yuanyang Yuezhi. The action was a unique skill handed down from the Zuoqiu family.

However, the seemingly impeccable posture did not play any role. The next second, Zuo Qiuyang felt that his scalp was tight and his hair had been caught by Fang Rui. Then his whole body couldn't help flying up and was thrown out by Fang Rui!

When Zuo Qiuyang fell out, Zuo Qiudan had already slapped Ji Qingfeng - to be precise, before he touched Ji Qingfeng's hand, he had been directly knocked out by the true air emitted from Ji Qingfeng's palm!

Just as soon as they raised their hands, Zuo Qiudan and Zuo Qiuyang were blown out at the same time!

Zuo Qiudan was fine. Although he was shaken back by Ji Qingfeng, he did not look embarrassed. Zuo Qiuyang was miserable and was directly thrown to a big tree by Fang Rui. How strong the body of the Sanpin monk was, he immediately smashed the big tree and broke it!

The gray-faced Zuo Qiuyang stood up and roared. A long knife appeared in his palm, and then he chopped at Fang Rui!

Zuo Qiudan also showed his own magic weapon at the same time. It was a long stick, with heavy soil power, and smashed Ji Qingfeng in the face - they felt that they had just been careless, and now they have their own magic weapon to fight together and tried their best. How can it be invincible?

However, what happened next continued to make them feel unbelievable. The two young monks did not even use their own magic weapons, but jumped up directly and shook their magic weapons with bare hands!

Zuo Qiuyang's long knife was slapped on Fang Rui's body and immediately swinged aside. Then Fang Rui appeared in front of him like a ghost, exhaled and beat Zuo Qiuyang's true body protection with one slap!

Zuo Qiudan didn't get any better. Ji Qingfeng kicked away his long stick, and then kicked him straight out!

Fang Rui slapped and shook his head.

"These two guys look arrogant, but they don't fight very much."