Peerless Immortal

Chapter 172 Beast

Walking, Fang Rui asked the herdsman as he walked. The herdsman was happy to report his name - this is a very ordinary name, Xian Yuping.

"Our group of people are all herdsmen, so we have no fixed places... This is a beautiful place of water and grass, so I have been grazing here recently."

After listening to Xian Yuping's words, Fang Rui nodded. The herdsmen lived by water and grass, but this is very rare in the Feixian Continent, where there are rich products and rich water and grass everywhere, so there is no need to move all day long.

Talking about it, Fang Rui deliberately asked some very detailed questions, and found out why he called himself a "great god" from Xian Yuping.

This is not the ignorant people who regard themselves as immortals, but the residents here to call the monks...

"What kind of place is that big pit?"

"Why don't you know? It is said that the big pit did not exist before, but it suddenly appeared there ten thousand years ago... There are many great gods who have explored that those middle gods and little gods can enter, but after entering, they disappear and can't come back. The great gods, just like you, will be bounced back at the mouth of the cave and can't get in at all. I I didn't know you were a god until I saw that you didn't get in. Xian Yuping replied.

"That's what happened..."

Fang Rui nodded slightly, which was a little unexpected, but it's normal to think about it. Like the fierce wind and lightning attack he encountered before, the monks under the seventh grade may have been smashed to pieces long ago. After all, every blow is as powerful as the five-grade monk's full blow, even the sixth-grade monk , will also die under a continuous and large number of attacks.

When it comes to the seventh grade, the attack there will not kill them. They are also the cultivation of the sixth grade. After the breakthrough, they are sent out - it is estimated that how many attacks can be resisted before they are sent out...

Such a technique is still so familiar. Isn't it the same as the prohibition that I fell into when I got the inheritance of the Almighty Immortal King before? It's just that in that ban, you only need to resist nine different spells, but this time, you have to accept the washing of countless wind and thunder.

Talking all the way, Xian Yuping happily brought Fang Rui to his residence. Fang Rui originally thought it was just a wandering residence for hundreds of thousands of people, but when he got to the place, he saw an endless camp. This was actually a residence of tens of thousands of people!

"If it were placed on the ancient earth, such a residence would be regarded as a quite strong tribe among the nomads..." Fang Rui thought in his heart.

All the way outside the camp, Xian Yuping shouted a few words loudly, and immediately hundreds of people poured out.

"This is a great god! God! I saw with my own eyes that he wanted to rush into the abyss of destruction, but he couldn't rush in!"

Xian Yuping shouted loudly, and the people in front of him also showed surprise and worship. Fang Rui's eyes were so sharp that he glanced and found that most of the hundreds of people here were women, children and the elderly. They didn't see much young and strong. It seemed that most of them went out to graze.

A tall herdsman came out. Although he didn't look old, he was weather-beaten, with wrinkles on his face and messy hair and beard.

He came forward and gave the same five-body salute as before, and said loudly, "It's really our blessing to meet the great god... The little old man Xian Yuxiong has seen the great god."

"Don't be polite." Fang Rui said lightly that these herdsmen here are not used to such a big gift. After all, although the monks are high on the Feixian mainland, they will not be worshipped by civilians.

Xian Yuxiong stood up respectfully and invited Fang Rui into the camp. Soon, countless long cases were moved out of the camp by the herdsmen, asked Fang Rui to sit on the upper seat, and then began to raise a bonfire.

Soon, all kinds of drinks and ingredients were delivered to Fang Rui. Although Fang Rui is a monk, he does not like to eat fireworks in the world. After all, the habits brought by his previous life will not affect him even if he has never eaten anything, but he is also more fond of food.

Looking at Fang Rui chewing on the case, a group of herdsmen showed a happy look, as if the other party was willing to eat their food and were very happy.

Although Fang Rui was bowing his head and eating, his consciousness observed all the expressions of this group of herdsmen. He was originally wondering whether this group of seemingly simple villagers hid their evil intentions and poisoned his food. As a result, under his exploration, the food was normal, although the food and Other places are different, but the food eaten by the herdsmen themselves is no different from the food given to Fang Rui.

So Fang Rui began to enjoy delicious food at ease - he would not feel that he had taken advantage of the other party. This group of herdsmen looked nothing more than mortals. The large number of physical fitness pills he carried with them was enough to compensate for the meal.

After Fang Rui ate for a while, Xian Yuxiong came to toast respectfully: "Great god, humble people ask you for help. We have only found this beautiful land of water and grass for a few months, but there are always fierce beasts coming to disturb and harm the people of our clan. We can't dispel the fierce beasts. I hope the god can help us. !"

Fang Rui suddenly understood - it turned out that he wanted him, but such a thing would hardly happen on the Feixian mainland. The monks of various countries have a tight defense line, so that those monsters can only face the attack of monks, not civilians, and here, does it still rely on civilians to resist monsters? Even if there are tens of thousands of people here, it is not enough for a monster to attack.

At this moment, a sad horn suddenly came from the distance.

Xian Yuxiong's face tightened and shouted, "It's Xianyu brothers!" Have you been entangled by the fierce beast?"

"Yes, patriarch! This is a warning from the brothers! Let's prepare in advance!" Xian Yuping stumbled over and shouted loudly.

Without waiting for Xian Yuxiong to issue an order, the herdsmen in the camp had begun to move. More than 10,000 women and children ran into their tents one after another, and then carried out one piece of equipment and began to assemble.

And hundreds of younger herdsmen, led by Xian Yuxiong, walked to the west of the camp, and a strong momentum emerged from them.

Fang Rui looked at these herdsmen in surprise. Originally, these herdsmen gave him the impression that they were ordinary people, similar to those acquired civilians on the Feixian Continent. However, at this time, they showed the momentum of innate monks!

At the same time, Fang Rui noticed that this group of herdsmen did not form a dense formation, but stood very open...

Next, Xian Yuxiong roared at the sky, and then a big bear shadow faintly appeared behind him, and his momentum rose again to the level of a monk in the heavenly realm!

With the roar of Xian Yuxiong, hundreds of herdsmen also roared at the same time, and the virtual shadows of various beasts appeared behind them, and their momentum has also been raised to the level of innate and mid-term cultivation!

"No wonder, I said that since this group of herdsmen were harassed by fierce beasts, how could they live such a happy life? It seems that they still have a certain power to protect themselves."

Fang Rui nodded secretly, then looked up and looked at the west.

A small group of herdsmen are jumping and besieving a monster with a strength of about second grade not far from the west. This team of herdsmen are flying like flying, and there are all kinds of beasts behind them. With the strength of innate strength, they are struggling against the attack of this monster, although there are more than a dozen monsters every time they wave their claws. The herdsman was shot out from afar, but no one escaped and was still fighting hard.

"Brother Xianyu, bring this man here!"

Xian Yuxiong roared.

A strong herdsman in the siege, with a big eagle shadow behind him answered, and then deftly jumped back and slowly moved back with his men. In the process, many herdsmen were hit, and more than a dozen were obviously seriously injured, but they still struggled to lift their bodies, thinking Go and pester that monster.

Fang Rui shook his head. This place seems to have a strong civil style and has a completely different way of survival from the Flying Fairy Continent. He can see that these herdsmen are usually ordinary people, but he doesn't know what secret methods to use to use the soul of the beast to improve their combat effectiveness, but even so, he has to resist any one. Demons with high-grade heads will pay a heavy price!

Since he ate other people's food, Fang Rui will naturally not sit idly by. He didn't take action before to observe it, but now that some of herdsmen may die under the pursuit of monsters. No matter what Fang Rui does, he can't sit still.

He picked up the wine on the table and took another sip, and then Fang Rui's body disappeared as a whole.

When he appeared the next moment, he had already appeared in front of the monster.

The monster just waved its claws at a group of fallen herdsmen, and Fang Rui appeared before its claws!

The next moment, the monster suddenly found that his whole body could no longer have any movement!

Fang Rui took another sip of wine, and then smiled, "You... you'd better go. You'll be born in the next life."

After saying that, Fang Rui's left hand stretched out a finger and gently touched the monster's forehead.

The ferocious face of the monster suddenly stagnated, and then shattered into flying ash in the stunned eyes of the herdsmen!

The power of this finger destroyed the whole monster, and even its blood, under the power of this finger, turned into ashes!

At the moment when the monster died, a trace of blood emerged between heaven and earth, and the next moment, it was thrown into Fang Rui's body.

After entering Fang Rui's body, this trace of blood gas was quickly transformed into heaven and earth power, and then mixed with other vitality in Fang Rui's body and was no longer separated from each other.

"How can there be such a benefit? Is this how the monks here practice? After all, there is no spiritual power between heaven and earth.

Without spiritual power, you can't practice. However, after killing this monster, a wisp of blood light enters the body and turns into the vitality in the body. Although for Fang Rui now, this vitality is insignificant, if it is only a second-grade monk, this trace of vitality is enough to cultivate in the Feixian continent. Refining for a day!

Fang Rui held the bowl and then fell down. The herdsmen around him looked at Fang Rui in amazement, and then the big man surnamed Xianyu took the lead in kneeling down to Fang Rui, taking all the herdsmen and kowtowed deeply with him.

"Don't be too formal!"

Fang Rui waved his hand and said leisurely, "Go back first. I haven't finished my meal yet."