Peerless Immortal

Chapter 222 Prepare the bride price

Cold field, extremely cold field.

So many princes and nobles and top masters present were trying to listen to what Fang Rui would say about the current war situation. As a result, Fang Rui was proposing!

Well, even as a monk country, there are almost no families. If the monks look at each other and pull the double cultivation, no one will come out to criticize, but now it seems to be a critical juncture!

After a long time, Ji Changwei coughed: "Fang Rui... This, I... I have always known that you and Qingfeng are in love, but Qingfeng has lost contact with us for two years, and she is not here. Although Qingfeng is my daughter, she still needs her own consent to make decisions for her.

"Oh, I'm in a hurry."

Fang Rui straightened up: "I forgot that you don't know... Fang Rui had an adventure before and got the Qingxu Cave Sky in the top ten caves. The civilians and monks collected along the way are all in the Qingxu Cave Sky, including Qingfeng."

is another big bomb.

Qingxu Cave, one of the top ten caves!

Ten caves, thirty-six small caves, and seventy-two blessed places, these are the most magical 118 places on the Flying Fairy Continent.

The reason why foreign countries can have nine-grade monks is that they all have blessed land and can cultivate nine-grade monks.

And the semi-immortal is basically cultivated by thirty-six small caves.

As for the big cave, it is a place specially used to cultivate earth immortals!

There are ten caves and 36 small caves, and there are eight caves and thirty small caves in the central Celestial Empire, drifting in the outer world, with only two large caves and six small caves.

And Fang Rui actually has a big hole!

Thinking of this, it seems understandable that Fang Rui can be promoted to a semi-immortal...

After all, it is the best cave in the whole flying fairy continent that can cultivate immortals!

"They... are all in your cave now?"

Ji Changwei asked tremblingly.

You know, when the rebels launched, there were a large number of troops and clan children fighting alone on the coast of the East China Sea, but the main force of the Eastern Qi Kingdom was restrained by the national war. Even if Ji Changwei felt sorry for Ji Qingfeng and other clan children, he could only focus on the overall situation!

As a king, sometimes you have to sacrifice something.

Including Ji Ning and other clan children, Ji Changwei sometimes thinks, are they waiting for rescue, or have they been killed by the rebels?

After all, under such circumstances, the children of various clans who are responsible for defending the land can only fight to the death.

"Yes." Fang Rui nodded.

"Quick, hurry, let them out! I haven't seen them for a long time!" Ji Changwei said with trembling lips.

"Here? This place is too small... I have brought at least tens of thousands of border troops and tens of millions of civilians!" Fang Rui looked around and said hesitantly.

"Oh... then go to the pass center!"

As the most important pass on the Western Line, Dingtian Pass is not a narrow pass.

You should know that even the ordinary pass of Yanmen Pass is enough for millions of merchants, monks and border troops to be stationed in it. There is no pressure to station tens of millions of troops in the pass of the size of Dingtian Pass.

In the center of Dingtian Pass, a steady stream of troops and civilians appeared in the pass.

Ji Ning and another leader, with the remaining more than 50,000 border troops, knelt down to Ji Changwei.

"King, I'm so incompetent that I can't defend Penglai. I deserve to die!"

"Just come back, just come back, if it's not a crime of war, what are you guilty of?"

Ji Changwei personally helped Ji Ning and another leader up. He did not pretend, but did not feel that they had committed any crime. The troops formed in a hurry still guarded Penglai County for two years, effectively restraining the rebels. Such achievements are nothing more than that.

What's more, the remaining 50,000 border troops are the rest of their lives. As long as they have a good rest, they will be a strong iron army!

After appeasing the border army and tens of millions of people, Ji Changwei came to Ji Qingfeng.

When Ji Qingfeng and the children of the Fang family came out of Qingxu Cave, she felt a little strange.

Because the people around her looked at her with a smile, especially Zhao Wushuang and Yan Hui, that look was very strange...

This made Ji Qingfeng a little confused.

Ji Changwei finally appeased the retreated soldiers and civilians, and then walked to Ji Qingfeng.

This is his beloved daughter and the person he is going to stay and take over his shift.

The natural wooden spirit body, such a qualification is better than Ji Changwei himself. Ji Changwei knew that when he was at Ji Qingfeng's age, he did not reach the free period, and even the sixth grade cultivation was only barely achieved.

"Daughter, in the past two years, I want to die."

Ji Changwei stroked Ji Qingfeng's hair and sighed.

"My daughter is unfilial and can't serve by her side." Ji Qingfeng's eyes were also slightly red. In the past two years, she has guarded the Fang family alone. In addition to missing Fang Rui, she has never missed her father.

"That's the same sentence, just come back."

Ji Changwei said cautiously, and then waved to call Fang Rui over.

Ji Qingfeng looked at Fang Rui with a smiling face and didn't know why.

Ji Changwei said, "Qingfeng, Fang Rui just proposed to me and wanted to marry you... Do you agree?"

Ji Qingfeng was stunned, and then her whole white jade-like face turned red all the way to her ears.

"You... are going to die. Why did you suddenly propose marriage to my father?"

Ji Qingfeng quietly said to the other party.

Although it was said quietly, no one present was a powerful person, and almost everyone had a strange smile on his face for a moment...

Listening to the people laughing happily, the people on the Twilight Mountain shook their heads.

The children of the Fang family squinted and smiled one by one. In their opinion, Ji Qingfeng, who has been guarding the Fang family for so long during the absence of Fang Rui, is already their mistress.

In addition to Ji Qingfeng, who else can be worthy of the superior?

In addition to Fang Rui, who else is worthy of Ji Qingfeng?

"I stayed in the God Land for two years and thought of you for two years. When I was in the Divine Continent, I once thought, would I never have a chance to return to the Feixian Continent? At that time, there were many people and affairs I missed. I missed the Fang family, Jixia College, and Dongqi, but I missed you the most.

Fang Rui took Ji Qingfeng's hand and said softly, "At that time, I knew that I could never live without you in my life. If I lost you, even if I would have endless life and a long time, what's the use? No matter how endless life is, no matter how long the time is, it will only be spent in missing and pain. It's better not to have such days. I will never leave you again, because... I love you."

Ji Qingfeng's hand was held by Fang Rui's hand, which made her feel infinite warmth.

The first man to open her heart has not faded, but has become clearer in the past two years.

When we first met, Ji Qingfeng was high, the proud daughter of heaven, cold and unparalleled, like a plum blossom on the cliff, and no one could approach.

At that time, Fang Rui, dressed in coarse linen, was so ordinary that people couldn't remember it.

But next, Fang Rui defeated Ji Qingfeng, which was the first time Ji Qingfeng lost to a man of the same age.

At that time, Fang Rui only left an impression in Ji Qingfeng's heart, and Ji Qingfeng was just a cold and stubborn woman in Fang Rui's heart. Even if she lost, she was still cold and stubborn.

It's just that in the middle court, the two fought side by side, and in the East China Sea, the two exposed the rebel conspiracy together.

Although the time is not long, the accumulation of emotions cannot be weighed in time.

The longer someone gets along with each other, the lighter their feelings will be.

Some people spend a short time together, but it is extremely profound.

Monks, self-cultivation is as important as self-cultivation.

Especially the two close monks can feel each other's heart without hindrance.

So among monks, there are many lovers and few resentful couples.

Love is vigorous love, unreserved love, and also feel the unreserved love of the other party.

This is the love of monks.

Looking at Fang Rui's eyes, Ji Qingfeng's eyes gradually showed joy.

Without pretentiousness and pretending to be shy, Ji Qingfeng took Fang Rui's hand and said softly, "I agree."

"I would like to marry you and become your wife. It's a long way to cultivate immortality. If I can be with you, I won't feel lonely anymore."


The enemy and Tian Xingjian slapped and screamed at the same time, and it was the students of Fangzi Camp who began to coax with them.

They know Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng best. When they were in the Fangzi Camp, it was the leadership of Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng that made them at a disadvantage. It was just a square character camp composed of civilian monks, which swept the whole middle court and firmly occupied the best practice position.

First Fang Rui, and after Fang Rui left, it was Ji Qingfeng. The two leaders of Fangzi Camp made Fangzi Camp a legend in the whole middle court.

Now, the two want to get married is what they want to see most.

Fang Chang touched his beard with a smile, and Fang Ding patted Fang Chang on the shoulder. At the same time, he laughed with Fang Chang so much that his eyes could not see.

Princess! This is a princess! From ancient times to the present, when can a disciple marry a princess?

This boy became the first monk in Fangjia Village and brought the whole Fangjia Village into the world of monks. It seems that Fangjia Village has been able to produce such a strange person as Fang Rui!

When everyone whistled and coaxed, Fang Rui and Ji Qingfeng looked at each other and smiled.

"Mr. Fang, I'm an orphan. Gaotang on my side, please work with Uncle Fang Ding!" Fang Rui turned his head and smiled.

"That's natural!" Fang Changfang must smile so much that he can't close his mouth. Are they proud of Fang Rui? This is great. You should know that the other party's high hall is the lord of Dongqi, and he is also in-laws with the king of Dongqi, right?

"President Xieyue, President Mushan, Dean Tingyu, big media, please three presidents."

The fat evil moon man, the cold Twilight mountain man, and the rough listener to the rain man. At this moment, he smiled and nodded at the same time.

It is unprecedented for the three deans of Jixia College to mediate together.

"Next, I'm going to find a way to get some bride price."

Fang Rui smiled and said, "I don't know if this bride price is enough to take the head of the demon Lord Hongye as a bride price?"

The head of the demon lord Hongye is used as the bride price. This bride price is extremely heavy.

This is to take the future of the monks in the whole Eastern Qi Dynasty and even the whole Feixian continent as a bride price.

"Well, nothing is more satisfying than such a bride price!"

Ji Changwei laughed and said, "But the virtuous son-in-law, the demon Lord Hongye, but the semi-immortal cultivation, we can't help you. You should be careful all the way."

Fang Rui nodded: "I understand... After all, I still have to keep myself and come back to marry Qingfeng. I will be careful."