Peerless Immortal

Chapter 233 Peace

This battle lasted for a month, which can be called a reversal.

In the first ten days, the two sides were basically evenly matched. In the next ten days, Hongye had the upper hand, but Fang Rui supported it, but in the last ten days, Fang Rui completely had the upper hand!

The power of life in Qingxu Cave is getting stronger and stronger, Shang Yang's body is getting clearer and clearer, and Fang Rui's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

However, the strength of Hongye began to become weaker and weaker.

The blood obtained from the nine demon kings has been basically exhausted at this moment, and there is no way for Hongye to get any supplement, and Fang Rui's power every swing will be a little bigger than before, and the disadvantage of Hongye begins to become bigger and bigger.

She kept tearing the cracks in the space and would rather be hit by the chaotic air mass and find new monks to absorb them. However, Fang Rui firmly locked her surrounding space, so that no matter how conflicted, she could not escape her control.

And Fang Rui is grinding the true spirit of the red leaves little by little with endless power.

Even if the red leaf is a magic cultivation, it is also a branch of the monk. The true qi in the body is the most important for a monk. Whether it is Jindan or Yuanying, the primary responsibility is to accumulate more true qi for the monk. When the true qi is exhausted, the monk and ordinary people are not much different.

Magic cultivation can't escape such consequences.

Now it is Fang Rui's turn to hit with incomparable power, forcing Hongye to fight a war of attrition. Each blow covers Hongye's body, so that she can only fight hard with herself.

Now Fang Rui is like a grinding disc, grinding away the mana and true qi in the red leaf body little by little.

Even if the amount of mana in the red leaf body is as towering as a mountain, it can't stand the continuous digging of Fang Rui, a heavy excavator.

Hongye was constantly looking for opportunities to escape, but Fang Rui never took the risk. With his own advantage inmana, he suppressed Hongye, and then kept killing her power.

Hongye used everything she could, but she couldn't find a way to escape, and her body began to become weaker and weaker.

Fang Rui is like a top chess player, laying layers of chess pieces. Although the red leaves rush left and right, they are endless and are always entangled by Fang Rui.

Fang Rui's consciousness enveloped the red leaf, making her unable to escape at all. Even a wisp of soul released by the red leaf by secret method was destroyed by Fang Rui at the first time!

"Whether it's your soul, your blood or any part of your body, I won't let it go! I don't know how many secrets you have. I will only destroy all of you!"

Fang Rui's words echoed across the Feixian continent, which made Hongye feel more desperate.

However, even if she wants to fight hard, she doesn't seem to be able to win. In the battle, Fang Rui's strength showed more and more terrible, so that even if she wants to fight hard, she can't hurt Fang Rui!

She knew that Fang Rui would not have any pity for her. When she killed those monks and demon kings, she had never had any pity. Fang Rui was not like a stupid monk who could not find a way out without relying on himself.

But the red leaves have not found any way.

When she is getting weaker and weaker, her mana is also worn less and less by Fang Rui.

This is an advantage of trade-off.

Finally, under the condition of being unable to avoid it, the return seal of Fang Rui's palm was accurately pasted on the forehead of the red leaf!

Red Leaf let out a painful roar, but at this moment, she had no power to resist!

Through the return seal, the true qi in Fang Rui's body is continuously extracted from the clear virtual cave, and then quickly transformed into the power of pure yang, the power of true fire and the power of thunder, constantly destroying the body of red leaves wrapped in magic!

Unlike Huang Ping, Hongye has always been a magic practice. Her whole body has become a demon body, extremely strong, and it takes more effort to refine.

It's just a little less refined.

This is the demon body that Hongye didn't know how many monks he killed and cultivated for how many years!

Looking at the reduction of his body little by little, the red leaves trembled and finally felt fear.

She shed tears, but tears were quickly turned into ashes by the real fire pure sun thunderbolt.

"Are you afraid? I won't sympathize with you."

Fang Rui's face is extremely calm: "The murderer will be killed. In ancient times, there were officials who restrained officials. When they saw that their officials were incompetent, they dismissed them. Some people persuaded them and said, 'This public made the whole family cry.' The answer was: 'How can a family cry all the way?' That's the truth today. If I let go because you cry alone, the next thing to cry will be the whole flying fairy continent!"

Fang Rui said this not only to Hongye, but also to himself.

The magic cultivation method can be said to be invisible. At this moment, although Fang Rui has the upper hand, the crying state of the red leaf, if he can't firmly believe, even if he kills the red leaf, it will have a huge obstacle to his future cultivation path.

Except the evil.

Although I seem to have killed a lot of people recently - in the God Man Continent, there are five and a half immortals, dozens of free monks, and other low-level monks can't be counted. After returning to the Feixian Continent, there were hundreds of monks of the Huang family, and then Huang Ping...

Although these monks have their own way to die, and Fang Rui has always understood that punishing evil is promoting good, after all, he has never killed so many monks, which has also caused a huge impact on his psychology.

Especially the death of hundreds of thousands of rebels, which caused a huge impact on him - there were enough people to die!

That's why I must not have any pity for the red leaves!

Fang Rui misses the previous Feixian Continent, which was such a peaceful Feixian Continent, which made him feel that he had not yet traveled, but was still in the relatively peaceful society.

Although killing is indispensable, on the whole, the Feixian Continent is still quite peaceful.

Fight the mess!

Red leaves are the source of chaos.

After such a struggle, Fang Rui's heart became firmer. He began to pester the red leaf more calmly, eliminating the magic spirit on the red leaf little by little, and destroying the body of the red leaf little by little.

Endless real fire, burning the body of the red leaves, the infinite power of pure yang, covering the whole world, leaving the red leaves nowhere to escape, and the ubiquitous power of thunder is constantly falling from the sky, and every blow shatters the resistance of the red leaves!

The red leaves are finally desperate.

In the face of such a calm opponent who gradually eliminates his body, what else can Hongye do to deal with it?

Infinite, endless, invincible.

No one can save the red leaves in the whole flying fairy continent.

When the real fire devoured the whole body of the red leaf, the red leaf finally let out a scream, and the whole person turned into a ball of nothingness - yes, nothingness, even ashes, there is nothing left.

Even her soul was turned into ashes by such a real fire of yang, and there was no drop left.

When the red leaves disappeared between heaven and earth, countless souls were cheering, which were the souls of monks devoured by the red leaves, cheering for the rebirth.

Nine particularly powerful souls worship each other wisely in the air, which is the soul of the nine demon kings.

There are many souls rescued when Huang Ping was not killed this time, but in terms of quality, it is much higher.

The gratitude of countless monks almost condensed into substance in the air. Fang Rui felt such gratitude, but it seemed that... nothing had changed.

Fang Rui did not relax and swept the whole continent with his divine consciousness. He didn't know if there was any remnant soul left by the red leaves.

After killing the red leaves, Fang Rui felt that his strength had improved again.

At this moment, his mind was released, vast, and almost instantly swept across the four continents of the outer region.

Although Magic Xiu is the best to hide, the breath of red leaves has been firmly remembered by Fang Rui. As long as there are remnants, Fang Rui will definitely be able to find it!

After carefully searching back and forth with divine thoughts for a whole day, Fang Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the red leaves have indeed been truly destroyed.

There may be remnants of magic cultivation, but if it hadn't been for the recent coincidence of various situations, I'm afraid there would not have been such a catastrophe.

After this battle, not only Dongqi, but also foreign countries will have sufficient vigilance that the family that holds a certain place may be penetrated by magic cultivation for a long time.

East Qi has long wanted to change the situation where the eight major families have absolute control somewhere. With this opportunity, shrewd and capable national lords such as Ji Changwei will definitely change this situation.

Fang Rui has done what he can do, and now he just wants to have a good rest.

Outside Dingtian Pass, the messenger breathed a long breath.

"Congratulations on finally being killed."

"After a rest for half a month, and then the national war will start again... I will also want to talk to him about the half-immortal of the Eastern Qi Kingdom."

The messenger smiled.

And at this moment, in Linzi, the army of Eastern Qi monks greeted Fang Rui with the most solemn etiquette.

"This is a worldless achievement!" Ji Changwei held Fang Rui's hand and smiled extremely happily.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to have a good rest for a few days." Fang Rui did not say anything hypocritically, but said bluntly.

Although the true qi in the body can be continuously replenished from the Qingxu Cave, the battle that lasted for a whole month also made Fang Rui physically and mentally exhausted.

"The messenger of the Central Dynasty sent the news. Three days later, there was a meeting under Dingtian Pass. He hoped that you could also attend." Ji Changwei Road.

" problem."

Fang Rui was a little dissatisfied. He beat the red leaves and killed him. The Central Heavenly Dynasty did not say that there were one or two masters to help him. Didn't he say that there were countless immortals in the Central Heavenly Dynasty? Why are you watching yourself alone to eliminate the red leaves?

However, although he was dissatisfied, Fang Rui did not feel that he was at a loss - after all, killing Hongye was also a contribution to the Eastern Qi Kingdom and even the whole foreign country, and it was not because of any order of the Central Celestial Empire.

And Fang Rui is still very interested in the legendary Central Dynasty.

And now that he is here, he can't let the Western Qin unify the eastern continent - perhaps unification is a good thing for the whole foreign land. However, for Fang Rui, since he was born in the Eastern Qi, he will not watch the Eastern Qi be annexed by other countries.

Isn't it good for countries to do their own in the past? Why did you call back and there? It's really boring. After unification, can there really be more top monks? This is not necessarily true. I'm afraid that the contradictions of the descendants of various countries after forced unification will only make all kinds of struggles more complicated.

With this idea, Fang Rui fell into a deep sleep.

People in Qingxu Cave are still living happily.