Peerless Immortal

Chapter 296 The three-headed dog should be in hell.

The Wolf Griffin.

An ordinary wolf in the divine world.

Because by chance, he realized the power of devouring, and in a short time, he devoured millions of civilians, even slaves, on a planet in the divine world, and quickly grew to the level of a servant.

The divine court was furious and sent several divine envoys to lead the army of divine servants to kill the demon wolf. However, the cunning Griffin came and went like the wind on the reckless snowfield of his hometown, constantly attacking, annihilating several top divine envoys and hundreds of thousands of divine servants!

When the divine court sent a middle god, he was stunned to find that the demon wolf had grown to the point of the lower god.

According to the rules of the divine world, all gods who become the next gods will be protected by the divine court.

Although the magic wolf Griffin has devoured more than a hundred thousand servants, slaves and ordinary gods, the divine world is originally a very strict place. No matter how many slaves the gods kill, what's the problem?

As a result, Griffin was incorporated into the divine court and became part of the divine court.

Although he is only the lowest level among the gods, all the gods know that with Griffin's devouring instinct, he may grow to a very terrible level in the future.

It is said that even the supreme god himself is very optimistic about the magic wolf Griffin, believing that his devouring ability that he does not know where to come from will bring the evolution of the divine world to a new direction.

After receiving the attention of the supreme god, Griffin grew very fast, and he is now one of the upper gods in the divine world.

So Griffin's status in the divine world is also very special.

The three-headed dog under his command is also very special.

There is a large army under Griffin, which is transformed by Griffin and has its own devouring ability.

There will be many failures in such a transformation process, but success has added one new god after another to the divine court.

The number of gods in the divine world cannot increase naturally, and it cannot be achieved through cultivation. The gods marry each other and give birth to new gods, but this process will seem very long.

At the same time, when the god is born, the ability has basically been fixed. The lower god is the lower god, the middle god is the middle god, and the upper god is the upper god - these will not change.

Griffin's ability to grow through devouring provides a new evolutionary path for the gods.

And the monsters he transformed can add more combat power to the divine court.

The three-headed dog is one of them.

Although it can only be regarded as a failure, it still has part of Griffin's ability. In the continuous battle, the three-headed dog was not as strong as the god slave from the beginning, and quickly grew to the current level of divine envoy.

When he grows up again, there will be one more god in the divine court, which is almost a test of expectations.

If the divine world wants to fight outside, naturally it can't risk the precious lives of the gods, and such gods that can grow and create become the best object of war.

Now, this three-headed dog is going to trouble Fang Rui.

The three-headed dog is looking forward to this.

Devouring all energy is the only way for Griffin's "demon god" to advance. The reason why it is called a demon god is to distinguish it from those orthodox gods.

However, the strength of swallowing those monsters in the place of origin is limited.

In particular, the three-headed dog is now at the level of divine envoy, and it will be very difficult to increase its strength.

But if you can devour a fairy of the same level as yourself... you must be promoted to the position of the next god, right?

At that time, you can go to a higher-level battlefield to fight, devour more powerful opponents, and upgrade yourself to a stronger level!

So when I saw Fang Rui, the three-headed dog's eyes turned red.

Fang Rui looked at the strong man in front of him and asked strangely, "What are you sad about when you see me? My eyes are red, which is pitiful.

The three-headed dog is very angry.

How dare you say that the great three-headed dog, the greatest follower of His Majesty Griffin, is "poor"? The fairyland is really full of arrogant guys!

It roared up to the sky, and then the prototype appeared.

"Wow, three heads! The legendary hell three-headed dog?

Fang Rui looked at the three-headed dog with great interest and remembered the legendary three-headed dog guarding the gate of hell.

"What is hell? But you have heard of the prestige of my three-headed dog, which is quite insightful! Since you know the prestige of my three-headed dog, you should be swallowed up by me, so that you won't be too painful!"


Fang Rui grabbed his head and thought that he was the first to embark on the real road of cultivation by devouring the bones of the five elements. Now there is such a three-headed dog to devour himself. Is this the legendary causal cycle?

"Why did you devour me?" Fang Rui asked very seriously.

"There is no reason why devouring a fairy can make my strength stronger! That's the reason!" The three-headed dog roared.

"That is to say, if I killed you, I don't anger the divine world, right? After all, you have to eat me first." Fang Rui nodded thoughtfully.

The three-headed dog no longer talked nonsense. One of its heads in the middle opened its mouth wide, and then a chill came out of its mouth directly and sprayed on Fang Rui.

That's the cold air that can almost freeze everything.

The overwhelming cold air enveloped Fang Rui at the moment the three-headed dog opened its mouth.

The moisture in the air was quickly frozen into ice, and Fang Rui was surrounded by layers of ice, which trapped Fang Rui in the ice in an instant.

The three-headed dog looked up to the sky with a proud laugh, and then opened its mouth again.

This time, Zhang Da is the two heads on its left and right.

This time, it's not jetting anything, but taking a deep breath inward.

Fang Rui, who was frozen, flew towards the three-headed dog with thick ice.

The head in the middle of the three-headed dog opened its mouth wide and waited for the next delicious food.

Fang Rui, who was frozen, flew to the front of the three-headed dog.

Waiting for the delicious three-headed dog's six eyes to open at the same time, a fire as hot as the sun, through the whole ice, and then instantly covered the whole body of the three-headed dog!

The three-headed dog screamed, and then the air temperature around it dropped rapidly, and even the flames covering its body were frozen by such a temperature!

The ice burst, and the splashed ice dregs flew out, being swept by an invisible force, like a rain of arrows all over the sky, flying three dogs.

The three-headed dog rolled on the ground, with a strong divine light all over its body, turning all the ice residue into ashes.

Fang Rui stood, and the three-headed dog stood.

"Interesting means, but with this, it can't hurt me."

Fang Rui said lightly that this kind of ice attack is nothing more than a kind of water attack, but for Fang Rui, it is easy to resolve.

The pure divine light emerging from the three-headed dog made Fang Rui a little curious.

That seems to be not part of any of the nine systems of the fairyland.

A pure energy.

The three-headed dog did not answer again, but opened its three mouths again.

Fang Rui condensed, but did not see anything spewing from the mouth of the three-headed dog. Instead, he suddenly felt that the air around him was tight, and his whole body seemed to be bound by invisible bondage and could not move.

"Human... You may be very powerful, but at the level of God, I am invincible! Do you know why? Because I have three heads! The spiritual attack of three hairs is three times that of ordinary gods! Even the golden immortals of your fairyland, no one can escape my spiritual shackles!"

The three mouths were still wide open, and the three-headed dog conveyed this sentence with divine consciousness.

Then it came over step by step.

Now the distance between it and Fang Rui is three feet.

As long as it approaches Fang Rui, even if it can't close its mouth, it can still use its claws to give Fang Rui a fatal blow.

Fang Rui still couldn't move. It was not until the three-headed dog advanced in front of him and was about to raise his front paws that Fang Rui returned to a divine consciousness.

"This kind of bondage can only bind my body."

"It's enough to tie your body. Even if you have divine consciousness, you will not have the same spiritual attack as us. There is almost no spiritual attack in the fairy world."

"Yes, I won't mentally attack, but you seem to have forgotten one thing."

The three-headed dog was stunned.

Just as it was about to remember something, the extremely heavy return seal had quietly come to the top of the three-headed dog's head, and then before it had any reaction, it hit one of the three-headed dogs's head fiercely!

The three-headed dog screamed.

Then its mouth closed involuntarily.

Fang Rui's whole body relaxed.

Then, he punched.

This punch hit the belly of the three-headed dog.

The power of this punch is not very great, but it has caused great damage to the three-headed dog.

Because between this punch, dozens of chaotic air masses roared and hit the three-headed dog. At the moment of collision, they quickly transformed into nine different mana, and then collided together!

The whole huge body of the three-headed dog was directly blown away hundreds of feet, and it was golden blood that flew all the way.

Fang Rui rose up and flew lightly in front of the three-headed dog.

The three-headed dog has horrible wounds.

Although its muscles are wriggling and want to recover its body with powerful magic, such a miserable wound will not be so easy to recover.

"Can you build your own body with magic?"

Fang Rui stared at it and then asked the three-headed dog.

How can the three-headed dog answer at this time?

It is trying to repair its body with magic. Although this will greatly damage its vitality, for the three-headed dog with the art of devouring, as long as it can recover and the divine power consumed, it can naturally make up for it.

For other gods in the divine world, if the almost perfect god body is damaged, it will consume a lot of power and take a long time to repair it.

Just like the secret hall of the temple, where there are thousands of gods who destroyed part of their bodies in the war with the fairyland and restored their bodies little by little.

Griffin's gods have a better performance.

"Although it can restore the body, it will take a long time."

Fang Rui sighed, looked at the frightened expression on the three-headed dog's face, and then said, "I want to know if you destroy all your bodies with the power of the fairyland, can you still recover?"

"You can't kill me! I am the general under the command of the great Wolf Griffin! If you kill me, Griffin won't let you go!"

"If it was me who lost today, you wouldn't let me go, would you? So, why should I be stupid enough to let you go? Three-headed dog, I think you'd better go to hell. That's where you end up.

After saying this, Fang Rui raised his right hand and then bombarded it with one slap.