Peerless Immortal

Chapter 308 Waiting

Between the divine world and the fairyland, there is a planet.

All walks of life is composed of countless planets, and outside the world, in the endless unknown starry sky, there are also countless planets, planets, which are not special objects.

However, this planet is very special.

This is the venue for the decisive battle.

There is such a planet among all walks of life for the members of both sides to fight occasionally. On such a planet, there is the fairest environment. Whether it is a fairy or a god, it is impossible to get supplement from the air.

Only their own powerful power can be used.

Although such an environment is fair, in fact, it is not fair to the immortals.

Gods are born with powerful power, which comes from themselves.

And immortals are more likely to mobilize their strength to fight against each other. Naturally, they are at a disadvantage in this regard.

However, people in the fairyland proudly ignore such a weakness.

All immortals who surpass the next three levels have such confidence that in a war at the same level, no matter what the environment, they can defeat opponents in other world.

This is the confidence of the fairyland to sweep the eight wilderness.

However, this time, the bosses of the fairyland do not have much confidence.

Because this is an asymmetric war.

When Fang Rui accepted the challenge, he was only at the level of a golden fairy, and Griffin has maintained the strength of the lower god for many years.

It is said that he has reached the peak of the lower god, only one step away from entering the middle god.

At the same time, Griffin is also a minority in the divine world, who can really fight.

In the view of the fairyland, the gods in the divine world are a group of uncivilized barbarians who have no other abilities. They will only foolishly use their own divine power to smash people. No matter how powerful they are, they are just a group of bulls.

It's just that among the gods, there are also gods who can really fight.

For example, the legendary God of War.

And Griffin is also the kind of god who is good at fighting, because its growth is the process of relying on battle step by step to capture the divine power of other gods to make himself powerful.

This is an opponent who has experienced many battles.

Can Fang Rui really win against such an opponent?

If Fang Rui loses, the fairyland will pay a great price. Even if such a price does not hurt the fundamentals of the fairyland, it will make the bosses of the fairyland lose face.

For the bosses of the fairyland, losing face once will make them very angry.

It is precisely because of this that the patriarch of the charm, who has always been in a detached position, personally took action and taught Fang Rui Fudao to improve his strength as much as possible.

But after Fang Rui entered the unknown starry sky two years ago, he has never had any news. If he can't appear at that time, more will be lost in the fairyland!

Only immortals who die generously, and there are no immortals who escape from the battle.

If Fang Rui really becomes such a fairy who escapes from the battle, the face of the whole fairyland will be completely lost.

They will become the object of ridicule from all walks of life.

So although this is just a confrontation between the next gods, both the fairyland and the divine world are very concerned.

Even other sectors are very concerned.

When the day of the decisive battle came, countless powerful beings had appeared in the starry sky outside the battlefield.

A superior god came to the divine world, who is Admeters of the God of War. This is also a powerful god who is good at war, and there are countless subordinate gods below.

Naturally, the fairyland will not suffer losses in this regard. In addition to the leaders and elites of dozens of high-class immortals and sects nearby, a total of dozens of real people and thousands of ancient immortals, there are also the suzerains of the giant Xianmen Qinglei sect responsible for this area, who have surpassed the strength of real people and come to suppress the powerful Qinglei masters. Array.

Dammun is the highest among the three immortals. The monks in the whole fairyland who can be stronger than Dauneng are nothing more than the patriarchs of 3,000 supreme religions, the patriarchs of ten top sects and the four immortal kings, which is already extremely horrible.

Although the fairyland, the holy world and even the spiritual world did not send people here, there are also countless strong beings who are paying attention to this decisive battle.

Countless powerful beings around the planet, the momentum released by them is enough to destroy countless starry sky.

However, there is no damage to the battlefield planet.

Everyone is waiting silently, waiting for the appearance of both sides of the decisive battle.

Abruptly, an extremely huge giant wolf with snow-white fur appeared in the battlefield.

The next moment, it turned into a big man.

A well-proportioned man with endless flood and wild atmosphere.

He has long hair and a shawl, ** wearing his upper body, showing great strength.

The Wolf Griffin has arrived.

When Griffin arrived, Admeterus, who had been standing quietly in front of the gods of the divine world, suddenly opened his mouth.

The extremely majestic voice sounded through the whole starry sky.

"Griffen has arrived... Where are the opponents in the fairyland?"

The powerful breath swept the starry sky in an instant, making the powerful real people and ancient immortals in the fairyland feel a little unable to breathe.

The upper gods that can be comparable to great power are really not those who can fight against real people and ancient immortals!

The iron dragon raised his hand, and a rusty barrier protected the ancient immortals who cut the iron gate behind him, but his face also began to become extremely ugly.

At this time, the thin and small man who had been closing his eyes and nourishing opened his eyes.

There was infinite lightning flashing in his eyes.

There are two people above his head who are exactly the same as him but have completely different temperaments.

There are only two corpses left, indicating that the superiors of Qinglei have killed their own corpses. When the remaining two gen gods disappear, it is when he breaks through the realm of power and enters the upper level of the three immortals.

His voice sounded like thunder.

"The date of the duel is today, and I didn't say when it is today... Why worry?"

When he spoke, the infinite divine power seemed to be suppressed by him, forming a delicate balance between the two gangs.

"However, we can't wait like this in the end." Admeterus was silent for a moment, and then said.

"That's nature."

Qinglei said faintly, and then waved his hand, and an hourglass appeared in the starry sky.

"There are still nine hours left on this day. If Fang Rui doesn't have time after four hours, he will lose my fairyland."

Admeterus nodded: "Ok."

The conversation between the strongest existence of the two sides did not affect Griffin, who was standing there quietly, as if everything happened at the scene had nothing to do with him.

The gods and immortals began to wait quietly.

Four hours is just a moment for their long life.

The sound of sand and the leak in the starry sky means that time is passing slowly.

The iron dragon looked at the hourglass and thought thoughtfully.

He doesn't believe that Fang Rui will escape from the battle. What he is more worried about is that Fang Rui is in danger.

However, he can't do anything now. He can only wait here, hoping that Fang Rui can appear in time.

On the Central Thai Star, Ji Qingfeng looked pale and looked at the endless starry sky.

At this moment, her body is full of golden light, and she has obviously broken through the level of immortals and began to move forward quickly in the golden fairy stage.

Such strength is enough to make her a master of a medium-sized fairy.

However, in today's scene, she still can't do anything.

She can only pray here.

"I can feel that Fang Rui did not die, but his strength has been greatly improved."

Shang Yang said lightly, but his words made the disciples of the infinite faction full of confidence.

Since Shang Yang said so, Fang Rui must still be alive, but why didn't he appear? Or, what danger did he encounter?

Shang Yang stood there with his hands on his hand and looked at the starry sky.

There is a looming flower on top of his head.

The disciples of the infinite faction are also looking at the starry sky. This duel is a duel that has not appeared for a long time, so there is such a night on all planets in the fairyland, projecting the scene near the battlefield so that all the fairyland sects can see it.

The disciples of the Imless School are now looking at the hourglass and silently praying that Fang Rui can appear before the hourglass light.

They firmly believe that Fang Rui is not the kind of person who escapes from the battle, and as long as Fang Rui appears outside the unknown starry sky, he can reach the battlefield in an instant.

The powers of the fairyland have such ability.

But they can't feel Fang Rui's breath outside the unknown starry sky, which proves that Fang Rui is still in the unknown starry sky.

What kind of trouble did he encounter? Or... remember the wrong day?

Otherwise, it is impossible for Fang Rui not to appear!

As time went by minute and second, the disciples of the infinite faction also began to worry.

If Fang Rui fails to appear in time, it will not cause any damage to the infinite faction. There is no habit in the fairyland, but Fang Rui himself will no longer have a foothold in the fairyland.

The fairies are proud, and naturally they can't tolerate those who escape from the battle.

Fang Rui can die in battle and can't escape.

"Three hours have passed."

Admeters suddenly said.

"There is one more hour."

Qinglei said with a blank face.

"Then let's wait another hour." Admeters said with a smile, and the gods behind him also smiled sarcasticly.

"He won't fail to appear. If he dares not to appear, I will expel him from the teacher."

Among the disciples of the Imless School, a tall and powerful disciple with a soft voice said.

"If he doesn't come out, I won't recognize him as my son-in-law."

Listening to Yu Shangren and Ji Changwei said such words at the same time.

In the past few years, the six monks of the Eastern Qi who lurked in the Central Celestial Dynasty have successfully ascended into the fairyland, and they have also come to the infinite faction and become the core force of the infinite faction.

When they were in the Feixian mainland, they were nine-level peak monks, almost invincible. After the ascension of immortals, they also had the strength of immortals and the power to select sects, so they came to the infinite faction.

With their potential and qualifications, they have greatly filled the shortcomings of the infinite high-level strength.

But now, they can only wait for Fang Rui to appear.

There is only a little sand left in the hourglass.

A clearly sarcastic smile appeared on Admetos' face.

At this time, Qinglei smiled.

All capable immortals began to feel that Fang Rui's breath appeared in the recent place of origin!

Fang Rui passed through the unknown starry sky and arrived at the last moment!

The whole fairyland breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Anyway, as long as it appears.

The next moment, Fang Rui broke through the void and came to the battlefield.

Then there was a huge sound wave in the whole fairyland again.

That's a surprising sound.