Peerless Immortal

Chapter 310 Desperation

And cook snow wolves with a big tripod to comfort my hunger.

The rune that Fang Rui is now drawing is the big tripod.

enveloped the whole planet, and when it was launched, Griffin was boiled.

The blood he shed at this moment is the firewood under the tripod.

The more you sprinkle, the more powerful it will be.

Griffin showed his ability to fight. Although Fang Rui's body became more and more unpredictable after integrating part of Cain's breath, Griffin could accurately find Fang Rui's body every time, and then leave traces on Fang Rui's body with his own attack.

Fang Rui even felt that if he was playing against Cain now, his speed would be useless to Griffin. Instead, he would shed his blood under Griffin's crazy attack without any chance of winning.

No wonder Cain chose to absorb Fang Rui's blood first, enhance his strength, and then find a way to deal with Griffin.

He probably knows that he is not Griffin's opponent.

And Griffin is much simpler and more direct. He directly challenged Fang Rui to promote his further evolution with the flesh and blood of Fang Rui, the legendary son of immortality.

In fact, he had challenged Yin and Maitreya before, but Cain hid at that time and did not appear. Maitreya avoided fighting.

Griffin, the son of the three major changes, is the strongest, which is the understanding of the world.

The power of all walks of life also wanted to kill Griffin, but the supreme god protected Griffin.

Now, he wants to kill Fang Rui to reach a higher level.

Griffin has also stayed at the peak of the lower god for a long time, and he also needs an opportunity to improve his strength.

Fang Rui's blood was almost scattered all over the planet.

Even if there is immortal power, the injury can continue to recover, but when the injury recovers, the damage of immortal power cannot be changed.

The immortals who are concerned about this decisive battle are very worried.

Because Fang Rui is at an absolute disadvantage on the scene.

Ji Changwei looked at the mirror in the sky like frost and said in a low voice, "Griffen must die."

"The divine world must die." Listening to the rain, the man's face is also gloomy.

Although they are only the cultivation of the immortals now, as the power of a country on the Feixian continent, at this moment, they are moving the idea of destroying the whole divine world.

They have such a character and also have excellent organizational ability. After coming to the Imless faction, although their personal strength has not improved much, it has made the whole Imless faction orderly and develop faster.

At this point, neither Fang Rui nor Ji Qingfeng can compare with Ji Changwei, Ji Shaowei, Ji Sen, Xieyue Shangren, Twilight Mountain and Tingyu Shangren.

Even if these six people have just ascended to the fairyland, the strength of Tianxian's subordinate products is like ants in the fairyland... They still have such confidence.

In the Feixian Continent, they can rule such a huge country as Dongqi and lead such a powerful college as Jixia College, so they are confident that they will also create such a great power in the fairyland.

At least, they have the ability to get enough voice in the fairyland.

At that time, he will swing his army into the divine world and bury Fang Rui with the whole divine world.

"I'm going to retreat."

The evil moon shook his sleeve and didn't want to look any further.

The three deans of Jixia College left the mirror at the same time and chose to retreat.

They are all geniuses. It took only decades to reach the peak of nine grades in the Flying Fairyland, and in the Central Celestial Empire, it took only decades to reach the cultivation of earth immortals and successfully promote to the fairyland.

As long as there is enough time, they are confident to upgrade themselves to a stronger level.

The three deans left, but the three elders of the Ji family did not leave.

They are accompanying Ji Qingfeng and the princess they love the most in the royal family.

Ji Qingfeng calmed down at this moment.

She looked at Fang Rui on the mirror and seemed to write down all his faces carefully.

In the depths of the fairy world, the core of the charm sect, the suzerain of the charm sect, slowly opened his eyes.

"I should have taught him more charms." The patriarch sighed.

The middle-aged man around him was stunned for a moment: "Master, Fang Rui uses himself as a knife and blood as a pen. The array drawn will soon take shape. Victory is in front of you. What do you mean?"

The suzerain shook his head and didn't say anything.

Fang Rui felt that he had touched the edge of victory.

His run array is still short of the last two strokes to complete.

The first one.

Fang Rui flew over a frozen lake. In the middle of the journey, his body sank and seemed to be a little weak. He fell down. After his right toe clicked on the ice on the surface of the lake, the whole person crossed the lake.

It was this stop. Griffin's tail was fiercely slapped on Fang Rui's back, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Blood dripped from Fang Rui's back and fell into the lake, integrating with ice and snow.

There is one left.

Fang Rui took a deep breath. So far, he has been fighting with the chaotic qi in his body, and the chaotic qi in Qingxu Cave is useless at all.

This is to show the enemy's weakness, and at the same time, it is also used in the most critical place to clear the chaotic atmosphere in the cave.

The last stroke is on a crater.

Fang Rui flew towards the crater.

Griffin's body followed closely and did not give Fang Rui any chance to breathe.

When he reached the highest point, Fang Rui shook his body, turned over a somersault on the crater, and then passed.

When crossing the middle of the crater, Fang Rui's right hand patted down.

This is the last one.

Griffin let out a long roar behind him.

Fang Rui trembled all over and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood fell into the crater and soon melted into an aerosol by the high temperature.

Fang Rui landed.

Griffen also landed.

At this time, Fang Rui seemed more embarrassed than when he just appeared.

Griffin's attack is more ferocious and fierce than Cain.

He still persisted, although he was more seriously injured.

"I didn't run away." Griffin's wolf hair burst into laughter.

"You all like to talk nonsense."

Fang Rui shook his head and then raised his hands.

The flower above the head is bright.

Fang Rui raised his hands vaguely, as if a pen and a knife appeared in his hands.

"Fu array, get up!"

The rune matrix has no name, and the rune matrix is the rune matrix.

An array composed of symbols.

This rune does not have a particularly lethality, but it has a strong binding ability.

With Fang Rui's current cultivation, even Cain will not be able to move for a period of time, so that he was smashed by Fang Rui.

Even Griffin will be bound by him.

A powerful force surged from all directions and trapped Griffin.

Griffin's turned giant wolf can no longer move.

The infinite power of heaven and earth has surged from all around. Although there is no heaven and earth spirit or even chaotic spirit on the battlefield planet, the power of Rune is such magic that it can abruptly produce "there" from "nothing"!

"What kind of power is this?" Griffin's face changed for the first time. He showed a human figure, much smaller than the giant wolf, but the power of bondage then shrank and continued to bind him firmly in place.

"This is... the power of Run Dao and the power of my second flower."

The flower of chaos is Fang Rui's first flower of life, which is most effective in group warfare.

And the flower of runes is to trap the opponent with the power of heaven and earth in the face of opponents who are stronger than themselves.

Fang Rui raised his hand and Gui Yiyin appeared in his palm.

Then he jumped up, held the seal in his hand, and patted Griffin directly on the head like a hooligan!

The situation reversed, Fang Rui trapped Griffin with the power of runes, and the next moment he would smash Griffin with the power of the seal itself!

The disciples of the Imless School cheered.

However, in the spell sect in the distance, the patriarch of the spell sighed.

Fang Rui's speed is very fast, but Griffin seems to be faster.

When Fang Rui jumped up, he laughed.

Then in a short moment, he returned to the shape of the giant wolf and the human form. At that moment, he changed hundreds of times!

The binding power of the rune array is constantly expanded and then reduced. In this process, it shatters little by little!

Griffin relied on his powerful divine power and his own physical strength. At that moment, he abruptly tore up the bondage of the rune array!

Fang Rui, who was in the air, changed his face greatly.

Then Griffin raised her hand and flew Fang Rui far away!

The biggest wound so far appeared on Fang Rui's body.

This is still in a hurry. Fang Rui blocked the result with a return. If it is not extremely strong and blocks most of Griffin's strength, Fang Rui will break his whole body under this blow!

But even so, Fang Rui made noise all over in the process of flying out, and I don't know how many bones were broken.

After a long period of cultivation, the extremely strong fairy body shattered countless roots at this moment!

When Fang Rui fell to the ground, countless blood came out of his body, turning him into a blood man.

If it hadn't been for the chaotic spirit in the Qingxu Cave, it would have emerged at that moment and quickly filled Fang Rui with vitality, Fang Rui would no longer have any ability to fight.

Griffin looked at Fang Rui in surprise.

"You still have such a hand... No wonder I don't think you should be so weak."

Looking at Fang Rui, who struggled to get up from the ground, Griffin shook his head and said.

Then he sneered: "Unfortunately, you still don't understand that only real power can win... In the face of absolute power, those little tricks are useless."

Fang Rui sighed.

The repair just now has cleaned up the chaotic atmosphere in the empty cave.

He has no backhand now.

The rune array can't trap the more powerful Griffin.

gui yi yin, because of the protection just now, there is a huge crack, which can no longer be used, otherwise it will be broken forever.

The flowers and chaotic atmosphere above the head have become dim.

The immortal power in his body is one in nine, especially a headache. Although his physical injury is much better, the loss of vitality caused by the injury is not so easy to make up for.

After all, the immortals are not so good that they are not against the sky. They are injured and need time to recuperate.

Unfortunately, Griffin will not give Fang Rui such time.

He walked towards Fang Rui step by step, and golden light appeared all over his body. The vast divine power gushed out of him and locked Fang Rui in place.

Even if he wants to run, he can't run away.

When he slowly walks this distance and approaches Fang Rui, it will be Fang Rui's death.

Fang Rui was really forced to a dead end.