Peerless Immortal

Chapter 316 Bottom of the Fairyland

When Fang Rui came out of the transmission array, the empty cicada was no longer by his side.

What appeared in front of him was a bustling market.

I took a deep breath and came to the fairyland for nearly 40 years. What I saw was either the family station, the edge battlefield, or the unknown starry sky.

The people he saw were either immortals, gods, or bald heads. This was the first time he had seen such a prosperous and lively market.

On both sides of the road, which is ten feet wide, there are all kinds of vendors and restaurants, and the hawkers' hawking is full of the whole street, full of fresh atmosphere.

Fang Rui likes this environment very much.

But the next moment, when Fang Rui walked into the street, he found that the atmosphere of the whole street had changed - people began to look at him with awe, and even the sound of hawking was much smaller.

"I don't know that the immortals have arrived, and I have lost a long way to welcome them. I deserve to die!"

I don't know when a middle-aged man in a purple robe hurried over from a distance, and then crawled in front of Fang Rui, trembling.

Before Fang Rui answered, hundreds of men in bodyguard uniform hurriedly followed from behind and knelt down behind the middle-aged man, motionless.

Fang Rui frowned: "Who are you? It's not a sin not to greet me."

The man trembled and said, "I was the governor of this city... I couldn't wait next to the transmission array, not to be a dereliction of duty, but my wife was about to give birth. I was worried and went home to wait. I didn't expect that Shangxian would come through the transmission array at this time... It's really a crime to die!"

"Oh, this is the road of humanlun, what is the crime?" Fang Rui waved his sleeve and said, "Get up."

The middle-aged man didn't expect this immortal to be so talkative. He stood up in surprise and suddenly seemed to think of something again. He knelt down again with a bang: "I dare not!"

Fang Rui frowned. Originally, he thought it was the man's wife who had a difficult delivery or something. He had to let herself help with such a big gift, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Why is he afraid of this? The immortals in the fairy court... Are these places so frightening?

This feeling makes Fang Rui a little unpleasonable.

He was born in the Feixian Continent. A little further forward, he came from a relatively stable and equal country. In the Feixian Continent, although there is a far difference between monks and civilians, there are strict rules. Monks must not bully civilians, but will exchange food with civilians with various elixir. Even if civilians will envy the power of monks, they will not be so servile.

I didn't expect that the immortals in the fairyland would be afraid that the immortals would be afraid of this.

He waved his sleeves and said, "Get up. I don't blame you. Don't be so afraid."

The middle-aged man stood up trembling and still seemed to be very scared.

"I just came here to rest and am about to leave... What's the name of this city? Are there any other cities nearby? Fang Rui asked.

"This city is called Ancheng... As for the nearby city... I don't know."

Fang Rui was speechless.

A city guard doesn't even know what the nearby city looks like, which is also tightly closed.

Without saying anything else, Fang Rui turned around and left the local area, leaving only this uneasy city guard. I don't know if he has angered Shangxian...

Fang Rui's consciousness spread out and knew the way out of the city. He walked out of the gate in the eyes of the immortals in awe, and then disappeared.

The next moment, he changed his official uniform and returned to his habitual coarse linen clothes. At the same time, his breath restrained, just like the most ordinary fairy.

This matter is a little weird.

I went to the fairy court to report. As a result, I just knew that I was coming to this planet. There was no specific mission. The immortals on the planet were so closed and so afraid of the immortals... With Fang Rui's personality, I had to figure out these things before I said.

Entering Ancheng again, Fang Rui began to walk around.

Ancheng is very big - of course, this is also very lively in the vision of the previous world. The lively flow of people, doing their own things, doing small businesses, opening shops, woodcutter outside the city cut down dry wood and went into the city to sell, and the endless trailer transported rice grain to the city for sale...

They live a comfortable life.

Fang Rui began to wander around like a rich man in the countryside who went to the city. Soon he found that the residents here did not have the habit of using money. They were bartered for things, but it seems that the products on the planet are quite rich, so such exchanges are often given according to their mood, and basically they can be exchanged for themselves. What you want.

Fang Rui didn't want to eat white food. After walking to a remote corner, his consciousness was released. He immediately caught a few wild rabbits and pheasants in the nearby wilderness. He carried them on his shoulder and went to a restaurant.

sent two rabbits to the restaurant owner, and then asked the restaurant owner to make two dime wine and cook two dishes. Fang Rui sat down and began to drink by himself.

He needs to integrate into the city to understand what kind of life the people in the city live.

"A few days ago, the forest was closed outside the mountain. It is said that something good happened. Several factions of immortals went to fight for it, and we were not allowed to enter."

"If you don't go in, don't go in. If the fairy fights, we will just die."

"But how many people live in the forest? Damn it, the wild animals in the forest can't be hit. What do the people outside the city eat?

"Yes, even we haven't eaten wild food outside the city for days."

"Huh, boss, is there a rabbit today? Isn't Lin Zi sealed?"

The boss pointed to Fang Rui: "This guest officer sent it."

Two diners who were chatting immediately moved the stool over.

"Brother, can you hit the hare? Has the forest outside the city been unblocked? Have those fairies left?

As soon as Fang Ruiwei felt it, he noticed that there were six miles to the east of the city. There was a fluctuation of the breath of immortals in the mountain forest. At that moment, he shook his head and laughed, "No, I came from the west. There are no immortals fighting in the forest over there."

"So that's it... Dude, the journey is fast enough, but the forest in the west is dozens of miles away!"

"Country people are used to walking, and I don't think so." Fang Rui said with a smile.

"It's fate to meet each other. I'm new here, and I don't know what Ancheng looks like. Can you have a drink with me?"

These two seemed to be familiar, and now they raised the cup to Fang Rui.

"I have lived in Ancheng for so many years, and I don't know what other cities there are. Since I can come to Ancheng, it means that there are other cities not far to the west." The first diners.

"Yes, I live near the forest in the west of Ancheng, but I really don't know what cities there are there. It's the first time I've come to Ancheng." Fang Rui said with a smile.

"What's there to go? Isn't it the same everywhere? We can't get good things. If we have a city with good things, it may not be a good thing. The fairies will come to look for them and make our cultivated fields messy. If the fairies want to earn money and the immortals fight, it will be our turn to suffer. If the house is damaged, we have to repair it ourselves!"

The second diner seemed to be very resentful. After drinking a cup, he began to scold.

"Forget it, it's okay for us to live in the city. At least the immortals in the city don't come much, and there will be no danger." The first diner advised.

"Isn't living in the city the same? There are immortals who want to come down and don't care about coming down. Isn't it just like those immortals to compete for resources everywhere? Some even grab it directly! The old Chen family in the east of the city has been honest all his life, but he went out to play and picked up a broken stone, which caused trouble! The broken stone said that it was some kind of immortal object. He robbed it before he finished saying a word, and even beat people! Our city guard is useless. The immortals are coming, and he dares not say these words to the immortals!"

"Don't blame the city guard, doesn't he want to say it? But what's the use of saying that? The immortals and those scattered immortals are basically colluding. When the immortals come here, the scattered immortals will be quiet for a few days. When the immortals leave, won't they be bullied? The city guard didn't say anything. As a result, as soon as the fairy left, the whole family was hung on the tower and beaten. Fortunately, he still had a life!"

The more they talked, the more annoyed they became. They turned their heads and saw Fang Rui and began to comfort them: "Don't worry, this man. As long as you don't pick some strange things in the forest, those immortals won't come to bully you... As long as you don't touch something you don't know, that's right!"

"Well... because those things are useful resources for immortals?" Fang Rui asked thoughtfully.

"No! Except for the official mining, they want to take other things. Who can stop it? The immortals above only care about whether the official mining is enough. They don't care about other things!"

Fang Rui laughed.

It turns out to be like this.

Any planet has rich products, especially where there is no fairy gate. Many products are very rich. The fairyland official collects these products through these secular immortals, but outside the official, it has become the world of scattered immortals.

The scattered immortals refer to those immortals who do not continue to stay in the sect, but are too lazy to create their own sects, so they live freely in such a place. Anyway, with their strength, the immortals have no ability to deal with them at all.

There are also such scattered practices in the Feixian Continent, but the scattered practitioners dare not grab anything from civilians, so they can only honestly search for those ownerless things.

However, the scattered immortals in the fairyland are different.

The scattered immortals are basically from major immortals, and there are certain backers behind them. In addition, their personal strength is relatively excellent, and they can't improve their strength for the time being, so they should be more scattered in their mood.

When the immortals with powerful power begin to spread, even if they do not deliberately deal with ordinary immortals, it is extremely easy to bring disaster to the immortals.

As these two said, the two immortals fight for something. They can't die from each other, but the breath emitted during the fight makes these ordinary immortals suffer?

Immortals should help the immortals, but the immortals only care about the resources they can get in office, and they don't care about others.

Even the immortal officials above were indifferent to this. Fang Rui was sent to Qiaohua Star without any arrangements. It seemed that he only needed to sit in the city owner's mansion and wait to count the extracted resources sent by Ancheng, that's all.

"The administrative organization ability of these guys in the fairyland... is really weak." Fang Rui sighed in his heart.

In Fang Rui's view, in such a situation, the confusion is the bottom of the whole fairyland.

Although the fairyland still has the most powerful force, many resources have been wasted in this way.

The immortals are not very happy.

It is better to be an ordinary civilian in the fairyland than to be an ordinary citizen in the fairyland.

"Really, disappointed..." Fang Rui drank a glass of wine and sighed.