Peerless Immortal

Chapter 384 Wealth in Private Space

The divine world is indeed very large.

At the foot of Mount Olympus, there are all the gods in the divine world.

On the surface, the scope of this area is not very large, but with the power of the divine world, countless spaces overlap around Mount Olympus.

An ordinary civilian only needs to walk not far away to reach the foot of Mount Olympus from where they live, but there are countless spaces between them.

belongs to the space of each god.

After all, not every god wants to be neighbors with others. They prefer to dominate and dominate their own world.

These spaces are stacked around Mount Olympus. Every year, the newly added planets in the divine world are integrated into these spaces to maintain the divine capacity in these spaces.

When Fang Rui and his 100,000 gods entered this space, they began their happy life.

became a part of the divine world, and the people gained eternal life. Next, they will live in this space until Fang Rui, a new god, falls.

Generally, only when fighting will the gods fall, and the people who follow them will basically die.

However, even so, it is much better than becoming an ordinary god, not to mention that if they make contributions to the war, they may also become gods.

This space is also a world of ice and snow, but beyond everyone's imagination, there is no obvious difference between the boundaries of the four seasons here. In the world of ice and snow, you can still make fire, hunt and farm...

In the middle of this vast space, there stands a palace.

That is the palace left by the former Prometheus and the current residence of Fang Rui.

Fang Rui lived in this way, and in the palace, a thousand people are responsible for cleaning and sending all kinds of food and wine to the palace to worship Fang Rui. Fang Rui only needs to live an extremely depraved life.

The gods are emperors in their own space.

Because the war has just ended and the Titans have not joined the pursuit of Griffin, Fang Rui is now very idle and has no one to disturb him.

However, an order was sent to him.

"If you meet Griffin, tell him that the Titans are kind to him, and we can even help him."

This order is known to all Titans, so although Zeus did not think that the new guy could meet Griffin, he still sent him such a one.

Zeus is not afraid of angering the supreme god. In fact, all the god kings are not too afraid of the supreme god. The supreme god only has the supreme power in the divine world, but does not have the corresponding status. Zeus and other god kings are more inaudible to the supreme god.

When he received the news, Fang Rui was stunned for a moment, and then laughed alone in his palace.

So that's it... It seems that inside the divine world, I really hope to see Griffin grow up quickly. At that time, whether he wins or the supreme god wins, the divine world will usher in an opportunity to change the way of survival.

Gods are very eager to practice, but they can't practice - this is not enough to grab a few cultivation secrets from the fairyland. The power structure and body structure are completely different. How can they learn? In the past, there was a god who tried to get the cultivation secrets of the fairyland, but the consequences...

The conflict between fairy power and divine power immediately made this powerful god who had reached the upper god and was about to step into the divine master class fly away, and the whole body could not stay...

After that, the gods of the divine world died.

Think about it, so many sects in the fairyland, so many secret books for cultivating immortals, and even many secrets can be purchased directly in the sect stores. It is not too difficult for other worlds to get some cultivation methods, but why do all worlds use their own way to survive? It's because the cultivation methods of the fairyland are useless to them...

And this time, Griffin is part of the divine world. He has the ability to constantly improve his strength. So can his ability be replicated? All the gods expect this very much.

However, Griffin, who has the power of the future, even if the whole divine world goes out, can't find his trace. If he is too cruel, if he hides far away in the unknown space, the divine world will not be able to find him.

So instead of letting him hide, it is better for him to practice well. When he becomes an existence that can fight against the supreme god, it will be beneficial to the whole divine world.

Even the Supreme God himself thinks so - although this will make him dangerous, the Supreme God is still confident that he can defeat Griffin.

So although the Thor army is still patrolling around looking for Griffin's trace, in fact, the whole divine world is tight and loose, so Griffin can stay so peacefully in the divine world.

Time? The gods don't care about time, no matter how long they wait. Anyway, no matter how powerful the fairyland is, it is difficult to destroy the divine world.

Day by day, very comfortable days, but Fang Rui felt a little bored.

After having all the divine power of Prometheus, Fang Rui quickly understood the composition of the divine power and how to extract the divine power from the chaotic qi for his own use. He has understood the characteristics of the divine power to destroy everything and make the body stronger, and it seems meaningless to stay in the divine world.

The huge power at the peak of the middle god... Fang Rui needs to know the origin of divine power. Now after understanding, as long as his body reaches the point that he can withstand it, he can re-cultivate it.

It seems a little boring to stay any longer.

However, he can't leave. It is very troublesome for the gods in the divine world to want to leave. After all, they all live near Mount Olympus. No matter who wants to leave, if there is no sufficient reason, it will also attract the attention of people.

"Griffen, you bastard, why are you hiding so well? I'm good for you here."

Fang Rui thought silently in his heart.

Now this body... seems to have no need for it, including the divine power contained in it.

If Griffin can be found now, it seems to give him a benefit.

If the divine power of a middle god devoured him all, it can also make his power stronger, right?

And if Griffin can fake himself, he can quietly leave the divine world without shocking the high-level of the divine world.

After the divine world is the Buddhist world. If you can successfully experience the three worlds, when you return to the fairyland, you can have greater confidence in the war of promotion to the giant fairy gate!

Although the superior fairy gate is already a very important part of the fairyland, it is still very different from the giant fairy gate.

The giant fairy gate has the power to unite and compete with the supreme. Such a force is a pivotal force for the whole fairy world. Only after becoming a giant fairy gate can the infinite forces really stand firm.

Although 36500 giant immortals have their own top supreme religion and Zhenshi Immortal Sect, and even the supreme great religion can't be alone. However, at the level of giant immortals, if you defect to one party, you can be regarded as an ally of one party. Even Zhenshi Xianzong, you will not easily shout at the giant immortals. .

At the same time, after becoming a giant fairy sect, the lower fairy sect formed by those infinite disciples can also become a part of the subordinate sect of the infinite sect. The superior immortal sect does not have such qualifications.

If you do it better, you can dig up some of the medium-class immortals and superior immortals that are not reused by subordinates of other sects - this is also allowed in the fairyland, as long as some resources are compensated for the original fairy families.

And there infinitely poor resources? Are you kidding!

The private space of the gods is a huge treasure house!

The space left by Fang Rui now owned by Prometheus is almost as large as the whole flying fairy continent, which can reach the ordinary planets of ten fairyland, and most importantly, except for a small amount of ores taken by Prometheus to build artifacts to arm his followers. , all other resources have not been moved!

Prometheus has survived for a long time. Although he is not one of the first Titan gods, he is also very early. He has this private space for countless years and has accumulated so many years...

The herbs that Fang Rui can see are tens of thousands of years old. After maturity, they are automatically covered with ice and snow, retaining the original medicinal properties.

The whole mountain can be seen is a mineral vein. If you randomly pick a stone from the mountain, it is a good ore!

And these things now belong to Fang Rui and can be asked for.

So during this period, Fang Rui restrained his men to just live around the temple where he lived. These men were also rookies, and it was not strange.

And every day, Fang Rui is collecting resources, ores and medicinal materials in private space...

After collecting, it is continuously transferred to the edge of the divine world through its own future space, and then the division commander transports the resources from the edge of the divine world. The immortals send the resources to the inside of the fairy world, and the leader is responsible for receiving them.

They have been doing this kind of thing for many years, and the senior management of the immeasurable faction have been used to having a large amount of resources recorded from time to time. However, the resources delivered in recent years still surprised the immeasurable faction!

"Where did the leader rob the fat sheep from?"

Lin Hai is full of enthusiasm. As a horse thief, he still retains part of the habit of horse thief.

"How can you rob fat sheep every day? You must have found some treasure house." Tian Xingjian sneered.

"What treasure house can't afford to be transported like this! According to me, the leader must have hooked up with the concubine of some other boss from all walks of life and emptied the boss's private hiding little by little..."

As soon as Guan Yun said this, he immediately screamed and was beaten out by Ji Qingfeng!

Others made a burst of laughter.

Ji Qingfeng snorted, but she also felt strange. Can she get so many resources by taking risks in the unknown starry sky? However, it's hard to say. After all, Fang Rui hasn't sent anything back for four or five years, but now he has sent resources that are enough to double the original assets of the whole infinite faction every day. It's really like he finally found a huge treasure after a long time of preparation!

"There are still 20 years left, which is the time for the selection of giant fairymen. You must work hard."

Ji Qingfeng sighed and thought to himself.