Peerless Immortal

Chapter 396 Infinite Show

The strength shown by the infinite faction is indeed unable to find an opponent in the superior Xianmen.

This does not mean that the overall strength of the infinite faction has such a great advantage. In fact, in addition to Jinxian-level disciples and real-life masters, the advantage occupied by the infinite faction is not so great at the backbone level.

There are more than 1,000 ancient immortal-level masters such as the Meteorect, which is no worse than the infinite school, and even stronger. This is also the limit of the general upper-class immortals to cultivate disciples.

Disciples with better qualifications will be provided to the giant fairy sect. This does not mean that these sects only have so many core disciples at the ancient immortal level from beginning to end, but better disciples who have gone to a higher level of fairy sect.

The infinite faction only went in and out, and only got such a large batch of combat power in a short period of time, and there were quite a few highly qualified monsters in the high-level, coupled with the peak power of the scattered immortals, which had an overwhelming advantage in the high-level and low-level forces.

So in the next competition, although those superior immortals have been prepared, the previous battles have damaged a lot of them, and there is no way to resist the infinite party.

The tactics of the infinite faction are very simple. Several real people work together to advance, and the brigade carefully push forward behind and never divide the troops. When the masters find the other party's brigade, they will entangled the other party, and then the army of the infinite faction will swing in to concentrate on annihilate the other party.

If the other party divides troops, then if the strength is weak, it will be directly annihilated by the real-life masters of the infinite faction. There are only a few of them, and they move very fast. The top masters of the other party are not their opponents. They can't catch up with their concentrated military strength to destroy them. Naturally, they will suffer incomparable losses.

After defeating three sects in a row, the infinite faction entered the finals of the Eastern Conference.

Along the way, the Imless faction set a record - that is, after five rounds and four battles, not a single disciple was kicked out of the battlefield! It all came to the end!

However, their opponent Meteor Religion also set a record, that is, they did not lose any of their disciples except for two battles!

They adopted the same way of fighting as the infinite faction. In the semi-finals, they fought against their opponents all the way, leaving only 30% of their strength. They were completely defeated in a short time by the masters of meteorism.

"Tomorrow is the last battle of the divisional battle... Meteor Education has now retained all its strength. Although it is still a little worse than us, they will not be as easy to deal with the opponents in front of them."

Ji Qingfeng said with a serious expression. Although the Meteor Sect only appeared twice, their strength is also obvious - two real masters, one of whom is said to be the best disciple of the Meteor Sect who was about to go to a giant fairy gate as a disciple in the past 100 years, but because he participated in this time The selection has been retained for the time being, and there are two real people, more than 1,000 ancient immortals and more than 30,000 golden immortals!

Compared with the strength shown by the infinite faction, they still have some advantages at the level of ancient immortals. There are also two real people at the peak, that is, there are a few fewer real people, and the number of Jinxian disciples is several times less.

For the infinite faction, it is not too difficult to defeat them. However, if their disciples suffer heavy losses, they can only participate in the challenge of the giant fairy gate with 70% or 80% of their strength, which is a failure.

"The key is the real-level master... Even if the master of the leader and the leader also go out together, it is not so easy for us to drag them all with the power of the real person, and if the army goes forward together, the speed will be slow. I'm afraid the strategy we used before can no longer be used."

Ji Sen frowned and said that he was originally the leader of the border army of the Eastern Qi Kingdom and was extremely familiar with the method of fighting. The previous bold strategy came from his handwriting.

That completely gives full play to the characteristics of the large number of real-level masters of the infinite faction, and completely uses Yangmou. No matter how many methods the other party wants, he can't crack it because of his lack of strength.

Now that meteorism has one more real person, the situation is completely different.

They already have the power to kill a large number of disciples of the infinite faction.

"In this case, we have to change our strategy." Fang Rui smiled.

"We can make the ancient immortals join hands to fight against the real air fortress. We can't use it at will now. Otherwise, we will have no killers when facing the giant fairy gate!" Lin Hai hurriedly reminded.

"Of course I didn't use that... But have you forgotten my empty cave? Although it is impossible to move with your group of masters for a long time, there is no problem to take you to move for a while in such a special environment. Fang Rui laughed.

The high-level officials of the infinite faction were stunned first, and then cheered.

It's true - because after coming to the fairyland, moving in the starry sky, Qingxu Dongtian can't bear so many masters hiding in it. However, on such a fixed battlefield, with Fang Rui's current ability, it is not a problem to move around with the disciples of the infinite faction. After all, it is a short-distance Move.

During the selection and scuffle of the lower fairy sect, Fang Rui relied on Qingxu Dongtian to catch all the sects off guard. In the end, under the condition that his strength was not particularly advantageous, he abruptly annihilated all his opponents and obtained the place in the inferior Xianmen, and the infinite faction also began to leap from then!

However, the next situation encountered by the infinite faction requires a long journey in the starry sky. Naturally, the Qingxu Cave Sky is not effective, so that they all forget the existence of the Qingxu Cave Sky.

Now that Fang Rui's old things are mentioned again, they can naturally realize that in this way, the Irration faction can continue to maintain such an advantage.

"That's easy to do!"

Ji Sen laughed and said, "Take a few of us as bait to attract them to concentrate on us, and then surround them and completely annihilate them!"

Up to now, the most attractive part of this selection competition is the infinite faction, which participated in the selection competition for the first time.

Their performance far surpasses those old-class immortals, and their practice of suppressing people, dragging the other party's army with the help of a few elites, and then the whole army surges up to annihilate the enemy, which is also in line with the appetite of the immortals of immortals.

Because this is what the fairyland did when fighting outside - first break through the other side with its own high-level strength, and then tear open the other side's defense line. Although this will cause some losses in the early stage, it can Enough to create extremely brilliant results!

In the previous world war, whether it was Lizong, Fazong or Jianzong, they all took the lead with powerful masters. After tearing apart the defense of the three worlds, other real ancient immortals and golden immortals rushed up and instantly destroyed the strongest defense point of the other party, and then entered the interior of the three worlds and began to rage.

The fairyland can do this because whether it is a conventional war or a war with high-level forces, their strongest power has to overwhelm the three worlds, and there is no doubt that the infinite faction has such an advantage that they will adopt this tactic that all immortals in the fairyland like to see. !

After the four wars, although there was a gap in the middle of the war, there is no doubt that this magical performance of the infinite faction has left a deep mark in the hearts of a large number of fairyland immortals.

The selection of the giant fairyland is live, but it is broadcast to the whole fairyland - not only the fairies are watching, but also those ordinary civilians.

Showing their strength in such a scene can leave an extremely deep impression in the minds of ordinary people, making countless teenagers expect themselves to become a member of this sect, including the subordinate sect of this sect, which will also become the sect they want to join crazily, and once they join, they will live and die. Unswerving!

This is a show, which is a show for all the superior immortals.

This is an extremely important show - every 100 years, there is an extremely fierce competition for 100 places of high-class immortal sects participating in the selection, because in such a hundred sects, the more sects they belong to, the more attractive their sects will be.

The more attractive it is, the more well-qualified young disciples will invest in their own sect and make the sect stronger.

At least on the surface, the four immortal sects are in the same spirit, and they will not face each other on the surface. However, in private, the competition in this regard is extremely fierce for the interests of the sect.

Compared with them, the charm sect, refinery sect and elixir sect in the top ten supreme religion are indeed much more detached. Immortals who are qualified and aspire to learn runes, refiners and alchemy will devote themselves to their door. Naturally, they do not need to have a sense of existence in such an environment.

In the past days, the most powerful superior immortals under the Immortal Sect of the four major towns showed their strength in such a show, attracting countless qualified teenagers to enter their subordinate sects for the Immortal Sect of the four major towns, and then rose to the first level under careful training, and finally became the four major towns. The backbone of the Immortal Sect.

This is the way to cultivate talents in the fairyland. Although it is not as convenient as other walks of life, it is more likely and includes a wide range of talents!

Now, the infinite faction, which has been established for less than a hundred years, has shown its best side in this show belonging to the four major immortal sects.

It has only been established for a hundred years, and has been upgraded at a miraculous speed all the way. There are legendary leaders and a collective attack that triggered the war of all worlds...

In addition, their excellent performance in this selection overshadowed the glory of all sects.

In the division final, no one was lost!

Although the meteor religion has also created such a miracle this time, it can be seen by the well-sighted people. How can the achievements of the meteor religion be infinitely high?

In particular, the infinite faction participated in the first round of competition - the first round is often the most difficult round, because all the sects participating in the selection are the strongest time. Under such circumstances, it is a miracle that they can eliminate their opponents without hurting anyone.

Meteor Education encounters opponents who have gone through cruel confrontation and great damage in strength along the way. In this way, it is naturally a judgment!

All immortals are looking forward to the miracle of the infinite faction's participation in the selection of the giant fairy gate for the first time and get a chance to play against the giant fairy gate. However, no matter how bold the immortals are, they will not think that the ultimate goal of the infinite faction is not to enter the finals, but... Location!