Peerless Immortal

Chapter 415 Snowball

Fang Rui once again regained the feeling of killing everywhere in the divine continent.

In the face of this obviously evil creature, kill one and save an innocent spirit beast!

What's more, these creatures can continue to be reborn, mostly because of the black fog. Those black fog escape, and soon they will condense into new foreign beasts and rush over again, and each dead spirit beast will also become new foreign beasts and spells. At this time, it is naturally not the time for women's benevolence.

These strange beasts with real-life strength are strange and powerful, and they have great power between their hands and feet. However, under Fang Rui's higher suppression, their powers cannot be exerted.

Fang Rui did not talk nonsense with the other party. Every time he took action, the spear and sword contained infinite power of thunder and fire. At the same time, he was stimulated by the power of Zhenyang, like melting ice and melting snow, harvesting life extremely quickly.

And every time he kills a foreign beast, the dark fog will be sucked into the chaotic qi by him, and then resolve it and become his own mana.

This approach also seems to be very evil, but Fang Rui doesn't care.

I'm upright, what do I care about?

The spirit beasts present were stunned to see Fang Rui kill more than 100 foreign beasts with the strength of the Five Spirits during the tea time, all of which were a little dumbfounded.

These strange beasts can only scatter the five spirit saints among them with a mortal heart. However, every time, the five spirit saints in the spirit beasts will lose part of their strength. It only takes some time for the other party to reorganize their troops!

So the more the spirit beasts fight, the weaker they become, and the more powerful they are.

At the beginning of the war, the spirit beasts still had tens of thousands of spiritual saints and millions of five spiritual saints, and now, there are only 16 spiritual saints and more than 100,000 five spiritual saints left. Although their military resources have always been able to be supplemented, compared with the other party, that supplement can only be regarded as a drop in water.

Fang Rui almost easily killed this group of strange beasts that gave the spirit beasts a headache, and even the black fog could not escape!

After being quiet for a while, the spirit beasts cheered loudly.

The spirit beasts are simple. Just this time, Fang Rui quickly conquered all the spirit beasts present.

"Hao Ming, this is..."

As part of the resistance, the spirit beasts are already familiar with each other, especially inside the ministries, and almost everyone is familiar with them - after all, they are comrades-in-arms.

Hao Ming proudly straightened his chest: "This is a fairy in the fairyland!"

The shark spirit beasts were stunned, and then the leaders said eagerly, "What, does the fairyland already know our situation?"

"No, I came here because of a very accidental situation... The fairyland does not know the situation of the spiritual world."

The light in the shark leader's eyes dimmed again, but he quickly laughed: "I don't care, anyway, it's good if someone comes to help us."

"Are there any other regiments?" Fang Rui asked.

Although the power of the spiritual world has now seriously shrunk, at least it is such a big world. What can be seen now is that there are only a few five spirits, and the others are the existence of four spirits, three spirits, two spirits or even one spirit, which is obviously inconsistent with a rebel army branch.

"We were dispersed and distributed in this sea area... The leaders were besieged by the other side. We wanted to rescue, but there were more people on the other side, dividing us to attack."

The shark leader said sadly, but he could see that Fang Rui could at least compare with the existence of the Six Spirits. Such a master can join in. Even if it is not very helpful to the overall war situation, it can play a huge role in such a branch battlefield.

Fang Rui nodded, and then he flew into the air.

If you didn't fly before, you are worried that it will cause a siege of the local indigenous people. Now that you know the situation of the spiritual world, there is no difference whether you can fly or not.

Fang Rui's body gradually pulled up, and then after reaching a height, he looked down.

A huge battlefield appeared in front of him.

The sea area with a radius of millions of miles has become a huge battlefield.

In the most central sea, thousands of strange beasts and spells that release powerful power are besieging an island.

The island is huge, with tens of thousands of miles, but there are only 100 people on it, but the 100 spirit beasts also have a strong breath.

And outside this island, there are countless battle groups in the vast sea area of millions of miles.

The sound of killing is shocking.

The spirit beasts sacrificed their lives to attack the defense line of the alien beasts, but were surrounded by the alien beasts. They were not only on the sea, in the air and at the bottom of the sea, but also the armies of both sides fighting to the death.

The black fog is permeated, which is what happened after the alien beasts were killed by the spirit beasts.

Blood splashed everywhere, which happened after the spirit beasts were killed by foreign beasts.

The sea water is still blue, and no matter how much blood flows in, it will not change its color at all.

Fang Rui took a deep breath.

He has never seen such a fierce battlefield.

The previous battle of all worlds may be larger than this battlefield, but Fang Rui has not personally participated in it.

Now, he is personally involved in this battlefield.

"Your leader is fine for the time being. They are fighting against the attack of the other party, but I can't help them."

After landing, Fang Rui shook his head. The 100 leaders were all masters at the peak level of power, that is, the six spiritual saints called by the spirit beasts. Hundreds of strange beasts and spells besieged them, which were also at this level. Although Fang Rui was invincible at the peak of the power, he could not resist the gap in number.

"What should I do..."

The spirit beasts all showed a look of despair.

The key point of such a large battlefield is on the central battlefield. If the leaders can leave, this division can be preserved. If the leaders are killed, even if everyone else escapes, this division is basically destroyed!

Although the spirit beasts have been at a disadvantage, their branches have never been destroyed.

Although the alien beasts far surpass the spirit beast in strength, it is almost impossible to trap the leader of the dead spirit beast, because the alien beasts can't concentrate on mobilizing too many masters to act together, so they can only come one after another.

Hundreds of six spirits and great saints are the largest number to reach the battlefield at the same time.

And the branches of the spirit beasts are closely connected. When one is attacked, several nearby will come to rescue. The six spiritual saints of several branches are enough to eliminate hundreds of spells of the other party.

However, this time it is different. This branch was besieged, but other branches have not sent people to rescue. It seems that either they have been snipered by the other party or have something wrong with themselves.

Looking at the gloomy spirit beasts, Fang Rui laughed and said, "Let's clean up the other battlefields first. With my help, it will be very fast."

"What's the use of that? If the leaders are over, no matter how many people we have, we can't keep this branch. The shark leader shook his head.

"They can still support for a long time... As long as we can clean up all the peripheral enemies and concentrate all the forces of your branch, I will have a way to kill all those bastards!" Fang Rui said with a long smile.

The spirit beasts raised their heads at the same time!

"What you said is true!" The shark leader said eagerly.

"Yes, I don't have to lie to you, do I?" Fang Rui laughed.

The shark leader looked at Fang Rui in a staring way, and then stamped his feet: "Even if you lied to me, it's for our good... Brothers, let's go! Go to the next battlefield!"

The spirit beasts of the shark department and the lion department shouted loudly at the same time and rushed to the next battlefield!

When he was in the air, Fang Rui had already remembered all the regiments on the battlefield, killing them one by one. As long as he moved fast enough, he could accumulate great strength like a snowball!

And in the sea, the spirit beasts move very fast.

Although these land spirit beasts in the lion department are still a little insensitive, they move far faster than those foreign beasts.

These sea spirit beasts in the shark department will move faster in the sea - if it weren't for this advantage, the spirit beasts would have chosen to leave instead of fighting. I'm afraid that with the power of foreign beasts, they would have killed the spirit beasts long ago.

The alien beasts can't be mobilized uniformly, and their actions are relatively slow, which is the key to the spiritual beasts' support until now.

At present, the spirit beast of the shark department is in front, and the spirit beast of the lion department is behind, and soon approaches the next regiment!

This regiment is relatively small. The other side only has thousands of strange beasts, but the highest level of ancient immortals. Fang Rui just raised his hand slightly. Countless runes appeared in the air and set up a large array in an instant. Then the infinite power of fire gushed out and killed the thousands of curse spirits cleanly!

Taking a deep breath, Fang Rui did not feel any loss of fairy power - the black fog turned into by these foreign beasts quickly supplemented the fairy power he consumed after integrating into the chaotic atmosphere in the Qingxu Cave.

Although there is not enough supplement in such a place, killing the enemy is to supplement your own fairy power - there is nothing more pleasant than this.

The shark leader was about to greet the tuna leader when he heard Fang Rui say something lightly: "If you have something to say, we are in a hurry."

The shark leader choked and didn't dare to say anything more. He quickly ran over and said a few words to the other leader. There were hundreds more spiritual beasts behind Fang Rui.

Reaching the next battlefield, Fang Rui took action again, solved the opponent as quickly as possible, and saved thousands of spirit beasts. The shark leader went up and said a few words, and then followed Fang Rui with thousands more spirit beasts.

In this way, Fang Rui began to lead an increasingly large team and turned around the perimeter of the battlefield.

The outer beast has been exterminated, that is, the inner beast.

When tens of thousands of spirit beasts gathered behind Fang Rui, there were no need for Fang Rui to take action. The overwhelming attack of the spirit beasts twisted the other party into flying ashes!

The spirit beasts are getting happier and happier. Before, they were surrounded by foreign beasts. How long have they tasted the taste of beating others?

Now behind Fang Rui, the people and horses of the brigade were directly killed by Fang Rui. The sporadic people and horses can be cleaned up when they take action separately...

tens of thousands, which soon became 100,000.

Then it became hundreds of thousands.

On the battlefield of millions of miles, there are thousands of large and small groups. The spirit beasts have suffered heavy losses this time. In order to rescue the leader, they were forced to regret with the other party. If Fang Rui hadn't taken action, their losses would have been heavier.

Finally, Fang Rui brought all the spirit beasts of this division under his command except the leader.