Peerless Immortal

Chapter 424 Cruel Fight

But this time, it is very different from usual.

When the black fog came out, Fang Rui took a deep breath.

Then the dark fog swept over the sky, quickly flew by the spirit beasts, and rushed to Fang Rui behind them.

The clear spirit beasts in front of them cut out the second blow with expressionless faces.

Countless black fog rose again and was once again sucked into the clear virtual cave sky by Fang Rui.

Fang Rui felt that his strength was quickly replenished. After the black fog entered the clear cave, it soon turned into the most primitive chaotic atmosphere, providing enough power for Fang Rui!

One wave, another wave.

Although the situation on the battlefield is very different from usual, for the spell spirit, they do not notice any difference.

They are still constantly impacting, and then constantly dying under the weapons of the spirit beasts.

Rushing to the front, they are basically holy-level spells, and the holy-level spells will not appear until this batch of cannon fodder is almost hit.

With the strength of the spirit beasts to be several levels higher, it is very easy to kill.

In fact, if the black fog is not in the way, and the other party is really not afraid of death, the spirit beasts will basically not be damaged when they are hit by such an impact.

So Fang Rui did not take action. He had to wait until the master in the spell appeared before he took action to reduce the loss of the spirit beasts.

In the face of the surging spells, the spirit beasts are like 100 machines that harvest human lives, constantly harvesting the enemies in front of them.

They have almost no losses, because all the battles are elites. They just need to protect themselves without being distracted to protect other spirit beasts.

The first spells that jumped up are basically spells below the three spirits, but after a while, the existence of four spirits and five spirits began to gradually appear in the spell spirit, mixed with those low-level spells and began to cause some trouble for the spirit beasts.

At this time, Fang Rui began to take action.

Long-range attack, of course, is the most effective spells and runes.

The control of the subtleties of spells has always been what Fang Rui is good at, and after learning the rune, Fang Rui can better control the power and direction of spells.

A five-spirit saint had just chopped down an opponent, and a spell that also had the strength of the five spirits quietly emerged from behind his comrades-in-arms, but the five-spirit saint ignored it, but waved the weapon in his hand and cut at another opponent.

The claws of the spell spirit were about to hit the five spirit saint, a thunder and lightning, but at this time, it accurately hit the head of the spell spirit and turned the alien beast of the spell spirit and its ** into flying ashes!

This is just an example.

All the spirit beasts chose to believe in Fang Rui, and Fang Rui did not let them down.

The great saint-level spells and strange beasts that are close to the spirit beasts have been in no more or less in an instant, just enough to turn them into black fog spell bombardment, thunder and lightning, yang fire, and excellent evil-breaking ability. At this moment, in Fang Rui's hands, they jet out like machine gun bullets and fell to On the top of the heads of the spells!

The dark fog in the sky kept surging, and then it was constantly sucked into the clear virtual cave by Fang Rui, transformed into his own strength, and finally became a spell and poured on the top of the head of the spell spirit.

This is a massacre. The spirit beasts only need to keep waving their weapons to harvest those holy-level spells that are much weaker than their own strength, and hand them over to Fang Rui to deal with them.

But the fierce spells are still stammering their lives and death. They have a sufficient number, and there seems to be no end.

As time went by, the spirit beasts also began to feel tired.

The speed of their waving weapons is not as powerful as before. Although they have no burden on such killing, no matter how strong the spirit beast is, it is also weak.

After three days and nights of hard work, Fang Rui knew that these battles should be terminated.

He took a deep breath, and a huge charm appeared in the sky.

This is a nine-series charm that gathers the power of all the spirit beasts in the Qingxu Cave.

Millions of spells were extinguished under this blow.

The continuous army of spells was also cut off at this moment.

The spirit beasts accelerated the speed of attack, killed the spell in front of them in an instant, and then spit out a "back!" in Fang Rui's mouth. When they read the words, they began to retreat quickly regardless of other things.

Fang Rui continuously emptied the fairy power in his body, laid nine large spells in a row, and slaughtered the surging spells in front of him. When he saw that the spirit beasts had retreated clean, he chose to retreat.

This sea area with a radius of millions of miles is instantly occupied by endless spells.

The spells began to cheer loudly, and a large amount of black ** like sticky ink appeared on their bodies, making the original clear sea like black water.

Slowly, the sea began to disappear, and the land took shape little by little.

The spirit beasts will lose this sea forever, unless they can repel the spell and turn this land into a sea.

Fang Rui took a deep look at the endless army of spells and turned his head to leave.

Then he came to the sea occupied by the second division.

The spiritual beasts who entered the first division of Qingxu Cave Heaven have consumed all their spiritual power at this moment and can only reluctantly leave Qingxu Cave Heaven.

They and the 1100 great saints of the first division began to retreat and retreat to the base camp.

They need to recover their strength as soon as possible.

The sea area of the spiritual world is limited, and naturally it can't retreat so endlessly. Now there is still room to turn, so that the spirit beasts will give up that sea area neatly. However, next, even if more spirit beasts are sacrificed, they will retain the remaining sea area.

This is the root of spirit beasts.

The spirit beasts of the second division began to enter the Qingxu cave silently, and they wanted to contribute all their strength.

The great saints of the second division, like the robes of the first division, are silently ready for the next wave of shock.

This is the tactic set by Fang Rui.

With a hundred elites, they dragged down the magic army and put the weak spirit beasts into the clear virtual cave sky so that they would not be harmed, and use the elite part to kill the other party's power as much as possible to reduce their losses.

Use the loss of the sea in exchange for a large amount of loss of spells and reduce the war potential of spells.

The strategy decided by Fang Rui has been unanimously approved by the spirit beasts, and the remaining spirit beasts are all elites in hundreds of battles. Only then can Fang Rui command them so smoothly.

Let them fight, fight, let them retreat, never talk nonsense.

This is the hundreds of years of loss in the spiritual world that has accumulated such a group of strong warriors.

Fang Rui will never let the spirit beasts suffer huge losses until he has to, because this is the ultimate force supported by the spiritual world.

However, if the impact of the spells is really endless and it seems that they can't be killed, then they also have to sacrifice when they should be sacrificed.

Now is the time to exchange space for power. When the space is almost lost, you have to use force to exchange space.

In the distance, Fang Rui saw the process of turning that sea into land.

The black gas emerging from the spells penetrated into the sea, and then the originally rolling seawater began to gradually calm down, gradually became sticky, and slowly became a solid land.

Fang Rui's face is as heavy as water.

This situation reminds him of cancer cells raging in the body.

In this way, it expands little by little, devouring the originally healthy cells, and finally worsening the whole body.

If you have the ability, you should have removed the deteriorated site, but neither the spirit beast nor Fang Rui has such ability.

Fang Rui chose the method of drawing firewood from the bottom of the kettle.

If all those spells are destroyed... the spirit beasts can concentrate their efforts to turn these blackened ground into the originally healthy ground.

Temporary sacrifice is necessary. Only in this way can we kill each other little by little.

The second impact of the spells is ready to begin.

The spirit beasts clenched their weapons and prepared for the second battle.

The spirit beast of the third division has begun to be ready to take over the battlefield at any time to replace the comrades in front of them.

The first encounter is just an experiment to see how strong the overall strength of the other party is.

The spells came turbulently, and the spirit beasts greeted them.

The second battle begins.

The difference from the first battle is that after the spirit beasts consumed almost and caused a lot of damage to the other party, they began to prepare to retreat slowly.

The spiritual beast masters of the third division began to take action, replacing their comrades-in-arms in the second division and temporarily resisted the attack of the spell.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Rui retreated, and the other spirit beasts of the third division quickly entered the Qingxu Cave to replenish Fang Rui.

The second sea began to become a meat grinder, killing a lot of living forces on both sides.

Because Fang Rui broke the spell with great power, the spirit beasts began to inevitably appear damage when they exchanged positions.

When the spirit beast of the first division was withdrawn, 10100 people were not injured, while only more than 9,000 people were removed from the second division.

Then the third division, the fourth division...

The density of this war is much stronger than all previous wars combined!

The spirit beasts suffered heavy losses.

However, none of them had any complaints.

Because the casualties they caused are more than ten times more than their own losses!

What's more, they can constantly replace people, but Fang Rui has never rested.

This immortal has been supporting with infinite perseverance, creating threats with sophisticated spells and large-scale killing spells.

This is their hometown, but Fang Rui, a fairy, has paid more than them. What do they have to complain about?

They only knew that at this time, there was a fairy representing the fairyland and standing with them.

In this tragic battle, not only the spiritual world is paying, but also the fairyland is paying.

Fang Rui is already very tired.

Although he is a fairy at the peak of power, he is not so good that he can fight all the time.

However, when he saw that the spells began to gradually decline, he had infinite power.

And every time he kills a spell and enters the clear virtual cave, the black fog that can turn into chaotic gas will be one point more, which also gives him more motivation to support.

Fang Rui guessed correctly.

The spell is indeed not endless.

It used to look endless, because they can be constantly resurrected, and every time they kill a spirit beast, they can have more power.

Now, the black fog formed by the death of all the spells and spirit beasts has been absorbed by Fang Rui without leaving anything, and the spells have also begun to lose their greatest reliance.

Victory is in sight.