Peerless Immortal

Chapter 435 Thoughts of the Three Worlds

Fang Rui left the core position of the fairyland.

He began to set out.

Ten planets belonging to the infinite faction have now been fully integrated into his small world, making his small world stronger by one point.

When it comes to the supreme realm, the capacity of the supreme world is almost endless. However, if the qualifications are not enough, even if it integrates into more planets, it is impossible to become Tianzun.

So there are rules in the fairyland, and a large number of extra planets are protected. Unless they are the supreme ones that can be used, they can't be divided into planets.

The problem Fang Rui is facing now is that the transformed planets in the fairyland are not very useful to him at all.

Because that's a planet he can't use.

If those planets are transformed with their own strength, it will be too slow.

So he wants to go out and strengthen his strength.

At the same time, strive to get in touch with the three worlds, so that the top level of the three worlds can also join the battle.

He doesn't know whether the Buddha, the Holy Father and the Supreme God will believe his words, but he has to work hard.

The disciples of the Imless School practiced smoothly in Fang Rui's small world.

The strength of a large number of disciples has been improved in a short period of time, and Lin Hai and his group of elders, whose original strength was only fixed in the realm of ancient immortals and was no longer difficult to advance. They also broke through the upper limit of their potential and became a real person level.

The six elders broke through to the peak of the real person, and there is not much difference from becoming a power.

It's Ji Qingfeng, but he is constantly accumulating at the peak of his power, and there is still a long distance from the supreme.

Fang Rui began to fly towards the edge of the fairyland.

He was not in a hurry to leave the fairyland, but walked around the current defense line of the fairyland.

He saw a teenager holding a long sword and invincible.

He saw another teenager sitting outside the fairyland defense line, with infinite power pouring out of his body, destroying all the spells in front of him.

Fang Rui laughed slightly.

Chen Changsheng, Fang thought.

These two apprentices have now caught up with his level. Although they have not yet established a sect, they have also become a hero.

And it is said that there are many disciples of Jianzong and Taishangzong who want to devote themselves to their families because of the worship of Fangxiang and Chen Changsheng.

After this war, these two apprentices should be able to go further, right?

As a master, you can't relax here.

Shaking his head with a smile, Fang Rui turned into a breeze and flew to the original edge of the fairyland.

The spells did not find Fang Rui.

Because Fang Rui can easily hide his figure without using the art of concealment or spells at this moment.

Constantly moving from the future space is of course the fastest way, but Fang Rui does not want to do so.

He wants to carefully observe the way the spells attack to determine his judgment.

In the outer area of the original fairyland, he saw an endless army of spells.

As seen in the spiritual world, those spells have no consciousness, and probably just follow a simple instruction, constantly impacting the defense line of the fairy world.

They are dying.

Fang Rui quickly confirmed this.

Being completely eliminated seems to be their ultimate goal.

Then Fang Rui's guess is likely to be correct.

Only after they are completely eliminated will the spells become part of the power of the spell leader.

Fang Rui doesn't know why such a situation occurs. It can only be explained that there is something wrong with the skill of the spell leader.

This means must be used to concentrate these forces.

However, there are so many spells, and many of them are at the level of Tianzun. These forces are concentrated together... What needs to be spawned, at least they are also masters at the level of immortals.

The dosage changes to bring qualitative change. If there is such an idea, it must be a combination of genius and madman.

In this world, the highest power should be the level of Xianjun.

The four immortals have reached a limit, and it is almost impossible to strengthen them even a little.

However, it is also impossible for such a force to break through the world - even if it is forced to break through, it can only be destroyed with the world.

However, a fairy can't, what about more immortals?

For example, ten.

Nine is the extreme of the number.

At present, there are only nine immortal-level masters in all worlds.

The Four Immortals, the Nine Spirits, the Two Buddhas, the Holy Father and the Supreme God.

No more, no less, exactly nine.

Even if the omnipotent fairy did not fall at that time, there were nine, because when the omnipotent fairy was still there, there was only one Buddha in the Buddhist world.

It was not until the fall of the omnipotent immortal that there was an additional Buddha in the Buddha world, and the two Buddhas were side by side. One was the Mahayana Buddha and the other was the Hinayana Buddha.

It seems that there is a limit to the power of this world, that is, it is limited to only nine immortal-level masters.

However, if there are ten immortal-level masters, and these ten people are connected, or these ten people will only act according to one will, will they have a chance to break the world?

The power of Xianjun is extremely powerful, and it is extremely difficult to have another Xianjun.

However, if the forces of all worlds are gathered together to create another immortal king, it is theoretically possible.

"I can't kill more people." Fang Rui looked at the battlefield and thought silently in his heart.

If he has the ability now, he will find that high-level battlefield and decide everything as soon as possible.

But he doesn't have this ability now.

So he is going to improve his ability now.

Only when the ability is improved can you be qualified to compete for such a big scene.

He began to cross the infinite starry sky and travel to the original edge of the fairyland.

The spells are still rushing in the direction of the fairyland endlessly, and he still has time.

The edge of the fairyland was originally the place where the fairyland has experienced those immortals below the real level, especially the potential golden immortals, who will go to the place of origin of the edge.

Accumulate merit and experience.

Although the place of origin is occupied by chaotic beasts, the chaotic beasts have long reached an agreement with the powerful beings of the world. They keep the place with the strongest chaotic atmosphere in the place of origin as a forbidden area, and give up other places for the world to train young people.

Fang Rui has also exercised in the place of origin, and even received great help in the place of origin.

However, the earliest fairyland chaos originated in the place of origin.

Those powerful chaotic beasts rushed out of the restricted area and turned into spells, causing huge casualties to the unexpected immortals.

Those golden immortals, ancient immortals and real-life immortals were killed and injured in such an impact.

These dead immortals have also become the main components of the current spell.

Although chaotic beasts are strong, their number is relatively rare. In a small place of origin, the number of chaotic beasts is no more than thousands.

And in a small place of origin, how many fairy gates come to trial?

Generally, the disciples of four high-class immortals and hundreds of affiliated medium-level immortals are tested on it, that is, hundreds of millions of low-level immortals.

Those fairies suffered heavy losses in the first wave of attacks.

It was not until the fairyland reacted and built a new line of defense that this loss was stopped.

And now, all the places of origin have become the base camp of the spells.

Fang Rui stood in the void, hid his figure, and calmly looked at a place of origin.

Countless black fog floated from afar, and then quickly turned into a new spell in the place of origin. Then he didn't care about anything and continued to rush out and rushed out to the fairyland.

Their goal is still the fairyland, not anything else.

Or, they, and the consciousness that controls them, have not yet thought that they can actually impact the other three worlds.

So people in the three worlds are still very happy at this time.

The edge of the fairyland naturally borders the three worlds.

The fairyland is extremely vast and arrogant. In addition to giving up its back to the spiritual world, other places are facing the three worlds and unscrupulous.

Between the fairyland and the three worlds, only those places of origin are separated, and these places of origin are also places where the three worlds and fairyland are jointly tested.

It's just that the fairyland is to cultivate young disciples, while the three worlds are to find their useful objects.

When the chaotic beast turned into a spell and hurt people, it did not take action against the existence of the three worlds, but only the immortals who attacked the fairyland.

After the start of the start, the people of the three worlds watched the war in the fairyland with a very happy attitude - anyway, they were not friends with the fairyland.

However, just in case, the three worlds still build an extremely strong defense line in the face of this side of the fairy world.

After all, it is a headache for the fairy world. If they don't strengthen their defenses, they will be even more difficult to resist if they attack them at the beginning.

I have to say that the power of the three worlds is still very powerful, and they have also noticed that these spells will die and resurrect.

The object killed at the same time will also become a part of the spell.

Under such circumstances, those originally superior beings in the three worlds have to go out collectively to protect their territory.

The Buddha of the Buddhist world, the Holy Spirit of the holy world, and the god king of the divine world are very few, but they represent the strongest fighting power of the three worlds.

They laid a line of defense at the border.

will not participate in the war in the fairyland.

This is a natural reaction.

The fairyland is too strong. They don't believe that the fairyland will be destroyed by these inexplicable spells. However, as long as the fairyland loses great power, it will have great benefits for them.

Although these spells can be resurrected when they die, the worlds are not without a way to deal with them.

At least the three worlds have such power.

Although the holy light of the holy world, the Buddha light of the Buddhist world, and the magic of the divine world are different, they all have a common feature, that is, to break evil.

has an extremely excellent power to break evil.

If these damn spells dare to hit our defense line, we can completely purify them!

On the contrary, the powerful fairyland is a little worse than the three worlds in this respect. Since the spell only hits the fairyland, let the fairyland have more trouble.

People in the three worlds are so happy to think.

Even, if the spells complete the miracle and really destroy the whole fairyland, the three worlds will join hands to destroy the spells. At that time, the territory of the fairyland will belong to the three worlds.

In short, they won't suffer losses. In short, they are in a good mood.

Looking at the light shining on the boundary of the three worlds and the powerful power shown in those lights from afar, Fang Rui sighed.

"Little bastard, it seems that your clan... The consequences are not very good. Let's find them one by one first. It would be better if we could find your remaining clan."

Fang Rui passed a message to the little bastard, and the little bastard blinked his eyes and looked ignorant.