Peerless Immortal

Chapter 438 Time

Thor was strong, so he was the first to take action.

Lucifa was gloomy, so he took the opportunity to take action.

The Buddha was cautious, so he did not take action.

The reactions of these three opponents are all within Fang Rui's calculation.

At this time, all three opponents had a surprised look in their eyes.

They didn't expect that Fang Rui had surpassed them now!

What are they?

The three worlds have been suppressed by the fairyland for ten thousand years. In the final analysis, at the top level, they are not as dominant as the fairyland.

So the three worlds have been working hard and preparing for a long time.

If you want to change your disadvantages in this regard, you need to become stronger.

But the three worlds have a feature.

This feature is shared by them.

This feature is their powerful root and the biggest resistance to their progress at this moment.

That is, their power is actually born.

Buddhas in the Buddhist world enhance their strength by reincarnation. When they are born, they have the potential of the past and this life. As long as they are given time, they can reach the limit.

The power of the angels of the holy world comes from faith. Faith is fixed. Their faith determines how powerful they can have.

The power of the gods in the divine world is doomed at birth.

Such a situation allows them to always maintain a very powerful force, but such a force has a limit.

After reaching the limit, there is no inch.

This is absolute, absolutely inciless.

The fairyland is different.

When immortals were born, they were also very weak. They couldn't wait for their strength to come to their bodies little by little.

But they can practice.

From a fragile person to a being who can be proud of all sacred Buddhas.

This is the most advantageous place in the fairyland.

So the three worlds need to be changed.

Cine, Griffin and Maitreya are a direction for the change of the three worlds.

They were made sons of change.

And their characteristics can indeed change the way of life in the three worlds.

Now these three people are still silently hiding their bodies and want to gain their due status after being strong.

However, what no one knows is that the son of change also has a difference between light and darkness.

Cing is the son of apparent change.

The meaning of their existence is to find out how to change the three worlds, and then dedicate their lives to change the three worlds.

No one is willing to give their own lives, especially for these long-term existences.

So in order to restrain them, there are three dark-sided changing sons in the three worlds.

It is the Buddha, Lucifa and Thor.

They also have the characteristics of constantly being powerful, always suppressing the three sons of change. If there is any change, they will kill Cain.

However, their characteristics cannot be mass-produced, but the three of them have the ability to constantly strengthen themselves.

The Buddha is the present Buddha, and the current power of the Buddha world keeps pouring into the Buddha's body, making his power stronger and stronger.

Lucifa is a dark angel, and the power of the dark side of the holy world has been making him stronger.

Thor represents the thunderous power of the divine world.

The power of thunder is a very special force in the divine world. Zeus, the most powerful god king, represents the power of thunder and lightning, and the supreme god, the most powerful weapon, is also the power of thunder and lightning.

In the name of Thor, Thor can also continuously obtain the power given by the divine world, making him more and more powerful.

Such three existences are of course very remarkable.

They are the most elite of the three worlds, and may even become immortal-level masters.

Because of the change of the son of change, hope is too slim and uncontrollable.

So the existence of the three of them is also the hope that the three worlds should strengthen their top strength.

If nothing happens, the Buddha will become the current Buddha master. The current two Buddha masters will retreat behind the scenes, and the Buddha will become the leader of the Buddha world.

Lucifa will become the representative of the dark side of the holy world, living forever on the ground and dividing the holy world with the Holy Father.

Thor will become another supreme god in the divine world and lead the divine world together with the current supreme god.

They have a bright future, and their fighting power is amazing.

In the confrontation at the same level, almost only they can draw with each other.

However, Fang Rui showed the power to suppress them!

How is this possible!

Tathagata, Lucifa and Thor have a sense of absurdity at the same time.

The fairyland cannot exist at the same level and can defeat them.

Because they are just a person on the surface, but behind them are three worlds.

The thunder power of the divine world, the dark power of the holy world and the current power of the Buddhist world are entering their bodies all the time, so that they will always stay at the peak of the supreme realm.

Even if the fairyland is the same supreme, it will not have any advantage for them in this regard.

Maybe in addition to that person, the immortal named Zhang Bairen who once joined hands with them has such an ability.

However, who is Zhang Bairen? It is the same existence as them!

He may become the real ruler of the fairyland in the future, lead the fairy court, supreme, and become the emperor!

He was cultivated by the fairyland. As a pawn against the backhand of the three worlds, he naturally has such an ability. After 1,750 reincarnations, the fairyland can still use all the power of each life, only Zhang Bairen.

How can Fang Rui do this?

"Maybe you don't know me... but since I practiced, I have a nickname."

Fang Rui looked at the three people, waved his sleeves, and put a newly produced planet into his Qingyun. He smiled and said, "The person who likes to leap the level challenge the most."

He sighed: "This nickname is a little long and not very pleasant to hear, but it is indeed true."

"After arriving at the fairyland, I haven't been able to cross the level and challenge for a long time. After all, the power gap between each level of the fairyland is really too big, but I'm still sure to be invincible at the same level."

Speaking of this, the nine lights turned into one seal covered his body.

Fang Rui put on his own battle posture.

"If you want to fight, then come on... Anyway, I have occupied this place for ten years, and no matter who comes, can't stop me!"

Buddha raised his head and looked at Fang Rui.

Then his graceful face showed a very puzzled look.


Yes, why?

Although the entrance of the unknown starry sky is very important, and the new planet is the most important source of all worlds, it has only occupied for ten years.

In ten years, more than 200,000 new planets are said to be many, but compared with the accumulation of so many years in the world, it is indeed insignificant.

The three worlds will come to compete, not so much for these 200,000 planets, but for the sake of face.

Fang Rui looks like an extremely bachelor. Even if he dies, he will get more than 200,000 planets into his own hands.

This is a very unmarcated thing. Compared with a supreme, not to mention more than 200,000 planets, even if it is 2 million or 20 million, it doesn't seem to be anything.

Planes are produced every day, but the supreme can't be produced every few thousand years.


Fang Rui asked, and then said, "The fairyland is very dangerous now... The danger is not in the fairyland, but in a higher-level confrontation. If we lose at that level, the whole fairyland will be destroyed. I don't want the fairyland to be destroyed, so I have to elevate myself to the point where I can participate in that kind of confrontation, so these planets are urgently needed by me now.

"Whoever blocks me can't get along with me."

"Whoever can't get along with me, I will fight with anyone."

"After all, it's about everything I want to keep."

"If you still want to fight with me, come on. I don't mind taking everyone to die."

Fang Rui began to threaten the three people in front of him and began to threaten the three worlds.

Tathagata is silent.

Lucifa was silent.

Even the grumpy Thor began to be silent.

If the fairyland really wants to fight hard... then they can only choose to give in.

Although it is only Fang Rui who have to work hard, they can feel that this guy will do it if he speaks.

If he is in a hurry, he may risk destroying the three worlds.

Although they think that the fairyland is not so dangerous, Fang Rui is just alarmist.

But now Fang Rui does give them a sense of urgency.

"Then you have to remember that it's only ten years." Thor said in a low voice.

"Our lifeline will not be cut off by you all the time." Lucifa said with a gloomy face.

"I only need ten years, not more than a day, not less than a day."

Fang Rui returned to smiling, but at this moment his smile looks so hateful.

"But I still want to remind you in the end... If the spells can't defeat the fairyland and start to turn around to hit you, don't use your strength to completely destroy them... Just break them up. If you completely destroy them, destroy one, and the existence behind them will be powerful. One point. I don't know what their real intention is, but it is obvious that these self-conscious guys are asking for death by hitting the defense line of the fairyland like this every day!"

Lucifa, Thor and Buddha did not say much, but quickly turned around and retreated.

Fang Rui didn't know whether they could listen to their own words. After all, what he said was a little strange.

And the current situation of the three worlds has also been determined. They can't defend like the fairy world.

Even if you are a supreme master, the place you can defend is limited.

The fairyland has contracted its defense line, gave up half of the fairyland starry sky, and also has 3,000 supreme masters and 36,500 capable leaders, so that they can easily defend the fairyland.

And what about the three worlds? They don't have the ability to protect their territory, and they don't have so many supreme masters...

So if they really want to fight, they can only use the characteristics of their spells to completely eliminate spells and relieve their pressure.

If this is the case, the spells can gain enough power in the three worlds.

Fang Rui can see this, but he is a little powerless.

That's why he is so eager to improve his strength.

Only by raising your strength to a limit can you get more chances of winning in the next time!

"Unfortunately, the planet comes out too slowly, and I don't know how many planets I need to break through to the realm of Tianzun..."

After Lucifa and others disappeared, Fang Rui thought for a while and then smiled bitterly.

Although the speed of my cultivation is far faster than that of other immortals, it is still a little slower for the current situation.

I don't know how long the immortals can support, and I don't know how long it will take for the spells to attack the three worlds in turn.
