Peerless Immortal

Chapter 453 Human Hope

Fang Rui, dressed in coarse linen, walked into the wide and majestic Tianting Hall with his head held high.

The long passage and the dark lights on both sides make the heavenly court more majestic.

However, such majesty seems to have no influence on the other party.

He looked leisurely at both sides and said, "It's really a waste. There is no living person to come to see you after building such a magnificent hall. Is it interesting for you to sit here like this?"

"How can you know me with such a humble existence..."

Zhang Bairen's majestic voice came from a distance, but was waved by Fang Rui and interrupted like a fly.

"The meaning of living lies in life, sitting in the hall, seemingly with endless power, but boring and boring. You can say that you are waiting for the moment of detachment, but put detachment on others. Zhang Bairen, you, the so-called Jade Emperor, is just a puppet. Even if you can succeed, is that your success?

Zhang Bairen was silent.

Fang Rui smiled and continued to move forward.

No matter how magnificent the palace is, there are times when it comes to the end. However, after Fang Rui has walked a long way, he still sees only the extremely dark passage.

"You can never stand on the stage by playing this small means. No wonder you can only hide in the darkness and shrink. In this regard, even Thor and others are much more meaningful than your life."

Fang Rui sighed and then raised his hand.

Infinite fairy power gushed out from Fang Rui's fingers and laid a simple pattern in the air.

That's a "broken" word.

Take the word as a symbol to touch the world.

Fang Rui is impatient to play with Zhang Bairen. Everything Zhang Bairen has done so far seems to be to delay time. Of course, he will not let Zhang Bairen continue to delay.

Achieving his destination in the simplest and roughest way - this approach does not seem aesthetic, but Fang Rui has never been a particularly aesthetic person.


Fang Rui exhaled his voice.

The "broken" character in the air quickly expanded, and then burst the whole space in an instant!

A channel appeared in front of Fang Rui, and the power of breaking characters kept pouring out, making the channel bigger.

Fang Rui stepped in.

After he crossed, the power of the broken character disappeared, and the channel disappeared.

Fang Rui finally came to Zhang Bairen.

What appeared in front of Fang Rui was a huge throne.

The black throne shines with a dark light.

Black is still shining.

And Zhang Bairen, sitting on the throne of God, dressed in a dragon robe, was so elegant that he could not be forced to look at it.

Compason with Zhang Bairen, Fang Rui, who stands under the throne of God, looks so small.

"You broke the nine-curve maze of this seat so quickly, which is beyond my expectation..."

Zhang Bairen's words were only half of what he said, and was rudely interrupted by Fang Rui.

"Can you speak human language? I've heard a sentence before, which is very appropriate to describe you.

"What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't look like a prince in a dragon robe."

Fang Rui smiled and said, "Get a big room, get a big seat, and close the door to call yourself lonely. Is this the Emperor of Heaven? I still have a jade seal here. Is it that I also have the spirit of an emperor?

"I sit here and rule hundreds of millions of creatures in the world. Naturally, I am the Emperor of Heaven." Zhang Bairen was not angry and replied indifferently.

"Now the billions of creatures you rule are now in my world... In this way, I am more like the Emperor of Heaven."

Fang Rui laughed, and then Gui Yixi jumped out of his head, emitting a brilliant light.

Light and darkness began to collide at this moment.

"There is an order between heaven and earth."

Fang Rui said lightly.

When these eight words were said, the light on Fang Rui's body began to become stronger and stronger.

"All the world will return to nothingness, and darkness... is eternal."

Zhang Bairen opened his mouth indifferently, and a big black tripod appeared above Zhang Bairen's head, and the boundless darkness emerged and coincided with the light.

Darkness and lightness on the other hand.

While bursting, in order.

The whole hall is now half bright and half dark.

"I have the power of darkness. As long as I sit here, there will be infinite dark power. In the final analysis, the world is also dark. This is the power of the origin of this world."

Zhang Bairen put his hands on the armrest of the throne, looked down at Fang Rui below, and said lightly.

"Maybe the essence of any world is darkness, and any world will inevitably go to destruction, but human beings exist to find that glimmer of light in the dark."

Fang Rui answered indifferently.

At this moment, the two people's expressions are very similar, with indifferent expressions, but with fanaticism in their eyes.

Zhang Bairen's enthusiasm comes from the origin of this world.

Fang Rui's fanaticism comes from the human desire.

Finding light from the darkness is the ultimate goal that human beings are striving for.

Enjoying every day is light, and the pursuit of the limit of life is also light.

"You can't fight against the world! The power of the world is now concentrated on this throne, and you absolutely have no chance of winning!"

Zhang Bairen roared, and then he raised his hands.

The whole throne began to tremble.

The whole heavenly court began to tremble.

The whole starry sky began to tremble.

There is a thick black fog like ink on countless planets, scattered all over the world.

The next moment, the black fog flew quickly towards the location of the heavenly court as if it had received some guidance.

The dark fog in the sky returns to the heavenly court at this moment.

This is the darkest moment in the whole world.

There are no human smoke on countless planets.

Billions of creatures have entered Fang Rui's world and protected them at this moment.

When the world loses life, what will be left?

There will only be a dead silence.

It is this dead silence that brings extremely strong dark power. At this moment, this dark power is all used by Zhang Bairen.

"Hypocritical human beings! You put all the creatures in your own world, and you just want to use their power to fight against me! But you didn't expect that such a practice would make the darkness cover the world even more!"

Zhang Bairen laughed, and his handsome face was full of cruelty.

"Now, let you die with those guys... anyway, when the world is broken, all the creatures will not exist!"

The infinite power of darkness began to suppress the light.

The darkness and light that were originally separated from the middle have changed at this moment.

Darkness is under the pressure of one point, and the light is retreating by one point.

Darkness prevails.

Soon, in the hall, except for the small place where Fang Rui stood, it was all submerged by darkness.

Just like the world at this moment, there is deadness and nothingness everywhere, and there is no light brought by vigorous life.

"If you lose, you will lose even the last hope of the world."

Zhang Bairen looked at Fang Rui below coldly and made a judgment.

"Your power, the power of those creatures, will be transformed into the power of darkness at the moment of death."

"Such a dark force will help my teacher tear open the world and leave the world in an instant."

"The old world will be destroyed, and we will go to the new world."

Zhang Bairen's face showed an extremely cold look: "Master and I will become the only detached existence and find a new world in the new world."

"And you, this existence to defend the decay and the old world, will become nothing, and your efforts will become useless."

Fang Rui looked at him quietly and then smiled.

"It's a great way to destroy the old world."

He began to applaud, and the crisp applause resounded throughout the hall and the whole world.

"However, after destruction, it needs to be rebuilt, so that some losses in the process of destruction can be understood."

"But you will destroy this old world, but you will not build a new world, so I want to stop you."

"As I said before, the result is not important, but the means are important. Beyond the world and reaching a higher level is also what I hope to do.

"However, you have to deprive others of their freedom for your own freedom. What you do is evil."

"Others should have freedom of choice, but now, you have deprived this kind of freedom, evil means, and you will not get a better result."

Zhang Bai listened to him quietly, and then burst out laughing.

"Evil? Justice? Hahaha, I didn't expect you to have such a naive and childish idea now!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen sneered: "Only the ultimate winner can write justice."

"But you haven't won. At least, I'm still standing here. The billions of creatures in this world are still alive, and the world has not been destroyed."

"It's just a matter of time."

Is that right? Then why do you seem to have the absolute upper hand, but you can't invade the three feet in front of me? Fang Rui smiled.

Zhang Bairen's face darkened.

The endless black fog has indeed surrounded Fang Rui. On the contrary, at this time, there is no darkness within three feet of Fang Rui's side.

There is only endless light.

Incomparable pure light, light that can't even accommodate a trace of darkness.

Gui Yixi is still floating above Fang Rui's head, as warm as jade.

"You just said that jade is the most noble, so you call yourself the Jade Emperor... Unfortunately, a gentleman can be like jade. You are not a gentleman, so you, the Jade Emperor, just call yourself."

"I cultivate myself and become self-unified. I can't enter the wind and rain, and I can't bend my divine power, so I'm a gentleman."

"These are the qualities that human beings can have. Because of human beings, there will be such qualities, and the world... will be full of glory."

Fang Rui looked up with a great light in his eyes.

This is the light from billions of creatures.

Fang Rui's world is now the only hope for mankind. Now, these hopes are concentrated together to fight against the infinite darkness.