Peerless Immortal

Chapter 467 The Weak Old Guy

God Man Continent.

Under the dark sky, there is a cold wind blowing. Although many years ago, after the war related to the future fate of the divine continent, the monks in the divine continent began to understand the key to soaring, began to walk more scattered, kill fierce beasts, accumulate merits, and lay a good foundation for their own ascension. However, for the mainland of gods and people who are not too many, there are still many desolate places.

The abyss of death.

Although the land of God and man mainland has now been much peaceful, the death abyss is still a forbidden place on the God Man continent. Even the herdsmen will not easily come near the abyss of death. Especially now the monks are killing fierce beasts everywhere and using spells to restore the vitality of the earth. The herdsmen do not worry about no place to graze. Naturally, it will not come near the dangerous abyss of death.

Now, near the abyss of death, there are two dying guys looking at each other.

Fang Rui looked at the old Chen Changsheng in front of him and sighed.

"Don't blame me anymore. If you blame me again, I'll let the dog bite you."

turned into a dog's little bastard gnashing his teeth at Chen Changsheng, thinking that your bastard was actually rude to my master. If it hadn't been for the master't said anything, I would have to bite off a piece of your meat.

Chen Changsheng pounded the ground: "I don't understand what you want to do! Why stop me! I'm going to open that channel! At that time, we will all be able to reach a new level!"

"I said, I have a feeling that this violent means will only destroy us together, so I have to stop you... Besides, now that I have lost that opportunity anyway, is it's not good to listen to me?" Fang Rui explained peacefully.

Chen Changsheng rolled his eyes.

In that last hit, Chen Changsheng's power was released. Now he is an ordinary person, and Fang Rui is also like an ordinary person because of the strong power.

They look young, but in fact they are all one or two hundred years old. Although this age is nothing among immortals, they are about to die of old age for civilians.

It's just that for their existence, even if they temporarily lose strength, it is not very difficult to cultivate back, because they have the experience of cultivating to the peak.

What's more, unlike the previous reincarnation, they retain their experience and consciousness, and it won't take much more to practice.

"But we have come to such a damn place! There is no aura at all. Even if we want to practice, what should we use to practice?

Chen Changsheng waved his arm and kept shouting.

"Here...I happened to be here."

Fang Rui laughed and said, "Just in time, I know how to practice here."

"You didn't lie to me, did you?" Chen Changsheng asked doubtly.

"Is it good for me to lie to you?" Fang Rui stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks: "Let's go, let's talk as we go."

Chen Changsheng also stood up helplessly. As Fang Rui said, anyway, it is already like this now. If he doesn't believe in Fang Rui, who else can he trust?

Two hundred-year-olds walked slowly, and the little bastard followed with his tail, like a few inconspicuous black spots on the desolate land.

"Is fighting beasts the cultivation method here?"

Chen Changsheng asked Fang Rui.

Fang Rui nodded: "If you reach the innate realm, you have to fight the fierce beasts. Those things are awesome."

"Isn't the beast powerful?"

Chen Changsheng broke out, grabbed Fang Rui's clothes and shouted, "Two old guys who almost died, how can they kill the beast? Or do you think we can find someone to help?

The little bastard shouted next to him, rushed up and bit Chen Changsheng's trousers and pulled them aside.

"Sven, Sven... There will always be a way to fight the beast. Are you and my two immortals here? I'm afraid we can't think of a way?" Fang Rui broke Chen Changsheng's hand and said kindly.

"What can I do?"

Chen Changsheng let go hatefully: "Is it just this dog? Ouch!"

The little bastard did not show mercy and bit his calf directly in one bite.

"I told you to scold my little bastard."

Fang Rui gloated and picked up the little bastard who turned around and ran away after biting, and then said, "Have you ever been an ordinary person? You can even deal with the strange beasts on the edge. What are just a few beasts?

"At that time, I was young and powerful." Chen Changsheng stressed.

Fang Rui touched his one-foot-long beard and said deeply, "Now we have no strength, but we have wisdom. He said, we need to use our brains. Besides, if we kill a beast, we can have more merit. Next, it will be much easier."

Chen Changsheng depressedly followed Fang Rui to a mountain forest, and then watched Fang Rui dig two pits less than half a foot apart on the ground, and then pulled a pile of weeds and skillfully braided a few grass ropes...

"What are you doing?" Chen Changsheng asked curiously.

"Where's the condom?"

While working, Fang Rui replied, "We are just two old guys now, and we can't fight big beasts. Let's fight a few small beasts first... Newcomers have to practice step by step."

Chen Changsheng sighed, squatted down, and then braided the straw rope together.

Before practicing, Fang Rui stayed in Fangjia Village for a long time. There were many hunters in Fangjia Village, and Fang Rui was naturally familiar with such a business.

Soon, two straw ropes several feet long were braided. Fang Rui tried it and was still strong. Now he made a live buckle and buried the two straw ropes in two pits.

"Why two?" Chen Changsheng continued to ask questions.

"As long as wolves come to the distance between these two pits, no matter how they go, they will step on them. If there is only one pit, they may escape. Of course, two straw ropes are needed."

Fang Rui slapped his hands, looked at his work results with satisfaction, and then laughed.

Chen Changsheng is speechless.

Although he grew up from the edge of the sinister fairyland in this life, some of them were also fierce beasts close to the level of immortals. Ordinary beasts could stab him to death with a stick with his talent in swordsmanship at that time. How could he notice these details?

Thinking of this, Chen Changsheng obediently squatted down beside Fang Rui. Now he has no strength. It seems that he can only listen to Fang Rui's words so that he will not suffer losses.

Squatted in a bush with Fang Rui, and then the two old guys stared at the road...

"Are you sure there are wolves passing by?" Chen Changsheng couldn't help asking.

"Look at the footprints, the little bastard can also smell the smell. There must be a wolf passing by, and there is only one wolf. If we change a group of wolves, we will send it to people as food." Fang Rui didn't look back.

Chen Changsheng closed his mouth and held his breath, but he had already held a branch in his hand.

Fang Rui glanced at him and smiled secretly in his heart: "Do you still think you are the master of the sword sect?"

Hunting is a patient job, especially for two old men who have no strength...

It took Fang Rui and Chen Changsheng to notice the movement after waiting for more than an hour.

An antelope rushed in, and behind it, a gray-skinned wolf chased after it.

Chen Changsheng clenched the branch in his hand, and Fang Rui stared at the frequency of the wolf running to determine which trap it would step into.

Soon, the wolf's hind legs stepped into the trap in front of him.

Fang Rui pulled quickly, and the live buckle immediately turned into a dead buckle. He firmly tied the wolf's hind legs. The wolf, who was suddenly resisted in running at high speed, screamed and fell to the ground. Fang Rui quickly stood up and then grabbed the straw rope with both hands and pulled it...

In his imagination, this pull should be able to pull the wolf in the air, but at this moment, he has weakened to the limit, but he can't pull the wolf under the tree, but he can't pull it up.

At this time, Chen Changsheng had rushed out.

Although he was exhausted, his eyesight was still there, and the branch in his hand followed a straight line, accurately inserted into the wolf's eyes!

The branch broke from it.

The wolf's left eye was also blinded by sharp branches at the same time, and he screamed, burst out huge power, and began to fight for his life!

Fang Rui pulled the grass rope with his strength and shouted at Chen Changsheng, "This alone is not enough! Find a stick and hit it on the waist!"

Chen Changsheng threw down the broken branch in his hand and looked around - where is the wooden stick?

Fang Rui's forehead began to sweat - this is a big game - although he tied one of the wolf's hind legs, he didn't have the strength to hang it up and slowly concocted it, and he didn't have any weapons on hand...

The little bastard has rushed up, but was shaved by the crazy wolf and retreated awkwardly, with several more scars on his body.

Chen Changsheng finally found a stone, jumped on it, and hit the wolf's head, but this time, it only made the wolf more fierce!

Although Chen Changsheng's smash made the wolf a little dizzy, it did not make the wolf lose its combat effectiveness. With Chen Changsheng's current strength, even if he hits it a few times, he can't hurt the wolf.

The grass rope has begun to show traces of breaking. When the wolf breaks away from the bondage, Fang Rui and the others will be unlucky...

Fang Rui was struggling to pull the grass rope while smiling in his heart - I didn't expect that he and Chen Changsheng, two immortals, coupled with a chaotic beast, could not deal with an ordinary wild wolf...

Chen Changsheng smashed it a few times and saw no effect at all. He stamped his feet and ran to help Fang Rui pull the straw rope - if he could hang the wolf up, it would be much easier.

The two worked hard at the same time. The next moment, the straw rope finally couldn't stand such torture and broke from it!

The wild wolf who broke free from the bondage raised his head and howled, then turned his head to look at Fang Rui and Chen Changsheng. His eyes showed a light of hatred, opened his mouth and roared and rushed over!

Fang Rui and Chen Changsheng rolled aside at the same time and dodged.

The wolf on the ground was about to turn his head and pounce again. There was a bow in the distance, and an arrow shot in the right eye of the wolf and pierced his head. The wolf screamed and died.