Peerless Immortal

Chapter 480 Unrivaled Immortal

Even if the deduction can be repeated, it is almost impossible to perfectly simulate the process from the origin to the formation of the whole universe with the power of a person.

It contains extremely complicated calculations and extremely sophisticated controls - in the latter aspect, immortals can rely on their own powerful power to control, but the former is not something that any immortal can complete alone, even if it is as powerful as a fairy king.

It's just that at any time, it's always useful to work out.

Thousands of immortals with the highest level of heaven are constantly experimenting in various ways. None of them is stupid enough to cultivate to the realm of the upper three immortals. It is no exaggeration to say that all of them are intelligent people. Under the deduction of such a group of people day and night, the correct mode of the Big Bang of the whole universe is This was slowly groped out.

The three veteran Tianzun, Fu Tianzun, Wu Tianzun and Dan Tianzun, also quickly raised their strength to a powerful level. After the three of them also joined such research, the whole research speed of the fairyland increased a few points.

Summarizing the research results of so many immortals, coupled with some of Fang Rui's own thoughts, the most correct path began to gradually appear in front of everyone.

Qingyun above Fang Rui's head began to exude a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth.

The next moment, Fang Rui's own power began to forcibly squeeze these heaven and earth spirits and compress them infinitely towards a point.

This process will take a long time.

Other masters in the fairyland were extremely nervously beside Fang Rui, waiting for the results of his experiment.

Compression, compression, continuous compression.

Every minute of heaven and earth is compressed to the limit, but there is a continuous stream of heaven and earth pouring in and then being compressed again.

changes from gas to **, and then from ** to a grain of crystals. These crystals are tightly combined, withstand external forces, and are constantly compressing inward.

What will happen when the energy crystals that have been compressed to the limit are still being compressed?

When the power condenses to a limit, it is an explosion.

The explosion started from that point.

The point in the depths of Fang Ruiqing's cloud produced a violent explosion.

Fang Rui, whose face was as heavy as water, had shrank his mind into the sea of knowledge, but he was still shocked.

His perfectly exercised fairy body was also greatly shocked, and golden blood began to emerge from all positions of his body.

Ji Qingfeng burst into tears, but at this moment, she did not dare to make a sound or make any other actions, for fear of disturbing Fang Rui

Fang Rui is by no means uncomfortable at this moment.

The explosion in Qingyun did not sweep his whole Qingyun in an instant. However, the explosive power generated from that tiny imperceptible point was only the power of shock, which also made Fang Rui's Qingyun a little unbearable!

An extremely hot force began to emanate from the core, throwing out countless substances.

Those substances began to fly in all directions.

After flying a long distance, the momentum of some matter began to slow down, and some substances with particularly strong heat began to form stars.

The powerful gravity of the star attracted some matter that was not particularly hot, and began to spiral with it, drawing a beautiful arc.

Fang Rui opened his eyes.

Then he smiled and nodded to Ji Qingfeng.

There were warm cheers around.

Ji Qingfeng rushed up and asked nervously, "Did you succeed? Then aren't you going to fly up the next moment? Will you leave us here?"

Fang Rui nodded with a smile at the beginning, and then quickly came to his senses: "What? What two women?"

"I'm pregnant." Ji Qingfeng's generous way.

Fang Rui blinked his eyes, and then looked at Ji Qingfeng's stomach in surprise.

No wonder Ji Qingfeng's stomach is a little bulging - but the fairy is worthy of being a fairy. He has been away for nearly ten years, and Ji Qingfeng's stomach is only a little bigger. How long will it take to conceive?

According to the human calculation method, he is now wearing a very green hat.

"Hahahaha, it seems that I have to stay in the fairyland for more time." Fang Rui laughed.

"What's going on?"

Other gods and supremes ignored this and immediately asked Fang Rui.

"This program is absolutely effective... I have just simulated it perfectly, and I also felt the sense of rejection between heaven and earth, but I quickly took the initiative to destroy the changes in Qingyun." Fang Rui replied.

"Why did you do this?" Chen Changsheng frowned and asked.

"Because Qingyun is not strong enough and not big enough." Fang Rui sighed: "My Qingyun is already extremely huge among immortals, but it is still difficult to accommodate a complete universe, even if it is only a prototype... After the real-life stage, what we have to do will be completely different from before, because we have to constantly expand and strengthen our own Qingyun, so that It can withstand a brand-new universe - even simulated and miniature, otherwise, it can't make the world feel uncomfortable and squeeze us out.

"How much does that need to be reinforced?" Fu Tianzun asked.

"It's probably equivalent to the period from real person cultivation to the supreme in normal conditions... Without such a long period of practice, it is impossible to have a strong Qingyun. What we need to do is to expand the energy of the small world and the big world on expanding Qingyun, because Qingyun is one Only a space of nothing can accommodate a new universe.

Hearing Fang Rui's explanation, all the immortals present said "Oh" - what is this? Practice itself is a very long time. They are not afraid of a long time, but a long time of practice, which is useless...

"I think there will be an earth-shaking change in the way of cultivation in the fairyland next."

The immortal of the law smiled and said, "After the evolution of Qingyun, all immortals will no longer condense three corpses and then kill three corpses as before... In fact, many immortals are stuck in this level, and there are not ten of the real people who can break through to the realm of power."

The immortal of power also nodded: "Now such a change, after all the real people reach that level, all they have to do is to constantly expand their Qingyun and strengthen their Qingyun, although it may be slower than the previous practice. However, it will avoid those unnecessary joints... There will be more and more immortals who can leave the world.

"This change is all because of Fang Rui." Wu Tianzun looked at Fang Rui and said, "You are the key to this change in the fairyland."

"This process is taken out, but the joint efforts of the whole fairyland." Fang Rui shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"However, the earliest theory was put forward by you. Without such a theory, no matter how prosperous the fairyland is, there will be deep hidden dangers." Fangxiang said leisurely, "I was one of the hidden dangers of this in those years."

"Don't blame yourself." Fang Rui shook his head: "The desire to see more sky, new strange worlds, and more unknown experiences is our instinct and the biggest difference between human beings and other existences in all worlds. Without such a desire, we will not embark on the road of cultivation, nor will we raise our strength to the peak of the world in a short time. This is our instinct and what we have been pursuing.

However, without you, we may only think of violence. Although you have not stayed in the position of Xianjun for a long time, we admit that you are the greatest Xianjun.

Chen Changsheng said with a cold face, although he was praising people, he also looked like cursing.

Fang Rui laughed slightly.

He didn't feel that he had done anything. He just found a way to solve a contradiction that had always existed in the fairyland but had been covered up.

That is the contradiction between the immortals who are eager to leave the world and the immortals who want to maintain the integrity of the world.

In fact, this is not a contradiction. Both sides are justified. Leaving the known world and exploring the unknown world is the source of human action.

To maintain the world is to maintain the habitat of all living beings in this world, in order to maintain the soil for human development.

In the final analysis, the contradiction between the two sides comes from the invalence of finding a way to leave the world without destroying it.

Before, the fairyland was generally peaceful because even with the power of the fairy king, it could not destroy the world.

But after a long time, there will be trouble. The oppression of civilians by the scattered immortals stems from their idleness.

When the obsession spell is difficult, this contradiction begins to have the premise of a sharp outbreak.

That's the practice of obsession with the spell, which tells many people that the world can be broken in some way.

The sword stabbed by Chen Changsheng is just a concrete manifestation of this force.

Even if Chen Changsheng is defeated, there will always be immortals who are extremely eager for freedom to do such a thing again.

This is an unadjustable contradiction.

The theory proposed by Fang Rui and its feasibility have completely solved such contradictions.

There are not many immortals who have the desire to explore the future. Stay and continue to protect this fairyland and the civilians in the fairyland.

Immortals who want to leave this world take a long time to do this, and then leave, responsible for themselves.

Both parties take what they need.

This is a perfect result.

All the immortals present began to salute deeply.

"You are the greatest immortal king in the fairyland. The rise of the fairyland comes from your leadership, the fairyland embarks on a new road, and also comes from your instructions... Your story will last forever in the fairyland, because you have brought the possibility of infinite development of the fairyland."

The immortals began to sing this passage, and soon, this passage spread throughout the fairyland.

A peerless immortal king, whose name will be passed down forever in the fairyland.